Guard With a Knife

One hundred and forty-three: [I can't plug it in]

When Doug was invited to the concert, he also received a pink diary. 【】

Miley Cyrus's English writing ability is far inferior to that of Dug, a Chinese, and she often makes mistakes in grammar. According to the scoring standard for Chinese teachers to correct compositions, ten points must be deducted first from the paper: after all, no teacher likes to read In the text, the composition of pink peach hearts is painted every now and then.

Doug didn't like it either.

So, he came backstage the afternoon of the concert with a diary and told Miley Cyrus how to use the grammar of "past perfect" and "ongoing" correctly. And, he also emphasized: "Are you sure the person you drew is me? He looks more like Tom Cruise."

When Miley Cyrus saw Dug, she first smiled, and then couldn't hold back her emotions anymore, she hugged Dug.

This time, Doug didn't push her away.

After all... no one would have seen a young girl write a whole diary full of love for herself, and the thoughts and love remained indifferent.

"We're friends now."

Doug also reached out to pat her on the shoulder and told her, "You have to promise not to kiss me again without my permission."

"Okay." Miley Cyrus nodded vigorously.

This moved Lavigne, who was invited to the concert, so much that she even took out her new mobile phone to take this picture.

Avril Lavigne is now at the peak of her career, breaking multiple sales records with her hit single "Girlfriend" released last year, earning her multiple awards.

In fact, the "Shake-it-Off" created by the Little Duke for Taylor Swift this year is also considered to be similar to "Girlfriend", both choosing a more cheerful melody and the theme is also the same.

Tonight, Miley Cyrus invited Avril Lavigne, in fact, she also wanted to swear sovereignty to Taylor Swift.

However, with the arrival of Snoopy, this matter seems to have become superfluous.

"I didn't expect you to come, really." Miley Cyrus nearly cried.

Doug reached out and touched her cheek: "I'm just a little obsessive-compulsive. I can't stand people using wrong grammar to describe sentences about me."


The American Airlines Center arena was full of people. Miley Cyrus' concert tour was held here.

When Avril Lavigne sang the hit single "Girlfriend", the atmosphere of the entire arena was ignited to the highest point.

And then... the prelude to Miley Cyrus's most famous song, "Just-the-way-you-are" exclusively created for her by the Little Duke, sounded slowly.

At this time, a uniform shout resounded from the audience: DM! DM! DM!

The initials of Doug and Miley Sluss.

Obviously, Miley Cyrus fans are still very measured when forming CP, at least they didn't use Dug's English initials and M to piece together.

In the past few concert tours, whenever Miley Cyrus sang this song, there will be a uniform and loud voice below.

And Miley Sluth would always pass the microphone to the audience in the segment where he tasted Doug's singing, and let them speak for the little duke.

But, tonight.

While fans were getting ready, Miley Cyrus wasn't doing it.

The Duke's iconic metallic voice came from the sound system on the stage: when-I-see-you-face...

The entire American Airlines Center Arena exploded in decibels, and everyone was shocked by this huge surprise. Some excited fans even fainted when they saw Snoopy slowly coming to the stage in the elevator.

To be honest, Doug was also a little surprised.

You must know that three days ago, he was booed and cursed all over the arena in this arena, and some hot-tempered fans even yelled to tell him to go back to China.

But now, what he got was overwhelming screams.

When he walked to the center of the stage and held Miley Cyrus' right hand, the surging sound reached its peak.

A song is over.


Almost everyone is shouting this slogan with the loudest voice of their bodies to express their support for DM.

Crazier than running for president.

Doug couldn't help muttering.

At this time, Miley Cyrus suddenly raised her head, she stared at Snoopy very affectionately and seriously: "Can I kiss your lips?"


When the entertainment media is overwhelmingly reporting the news of 'Miley Cyrus wins big', 'DM is victory' and 'DM is king'.

Miami fans are going nuts: Is this the answer time has given us? Is it time for you to kiss Miley Cyrus?

Pat Riley stared at the TV with burning eyes, his mood at this time was inexplicably complicated.

The MTV entertainment channel on the TV is broadcasting a special report, and the protracted DM and DT dispute finally ushered in the climax last night. Miley Cyrus won the first game at the Heat's home court.

" last night's Miley Cyrus Miami tour, the little duke finally made his finale, and he sang the number one single with Miley Cyrus. Finally...he was at Miley Cyrus' request , bowed his head and kissed Miley's forehead. This is undoubtedly a great victory for the DM party. Although the DT party has always emphasized that kissing the forehead does not represent love, but... at least the little duke did not kiss Swift's forehead ah!"

MTV turned to the DM party overnight.

The DT Party, which had a high degree of support before, did not lose their morale. They kept emphasizing that the young duke had not made their final decision. If the little duke really fell in love with Miley Cyrus, why didn't he just kiss Cyrus on the lips?

This proves that all of this is the solitary carnival of the DM party, and people with real IQ will not believe such stupid things.

But... it's clear that the entertainment media is now calling the shots. Even if Miley Cyrus did not win the final victory, she also got a staged result.


When Duge woke up from the bed in the hotel drowsily, it was already the morning of the next day, and he found himself naked.

Then... a weak woman lay beside her.

"how so?"

Doug screamed loudly.

He only remembered that after the concert last night, he went to the celebration banquet. At the celebration banquet, he once insisted that he would not drink alcohol because there would be a game tomorrow.

However, in the end, Lavigne Avril could not be beaten, she was too elf and weird. She actually poured a glass of red wine into her mouth and told Snoopy, if you don't drink it, I'll feed it to you mouth to mouth.

Duge could only surrender to Avril Lavigne's forces. He didn't expect that there would still be such a bad persuading culture in the United States.

However, the strength of alcohol here in the United States is really strong. After just drinking a glass of red wine, I became groggy.


"Lavigne's drummer is a hard-core DM party. He hopes we can be together. He told me that Chinese men are the most conservative." Miley Cyrus said weakly.

Dug was crazy, he stared at Miley Cyrus: "You guys are rape, you know?"

"No, no." Cyrus quickly sat up and shook his hands: "I'm a little scared,'s too big to fit in."


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