Guard With a Knife

Eight hundred and forty-six: [Saving Rose’s career]

Daphne jerked.

The ups and downs of her fixed body made it difficult to believe that she was a patient who had just undergone leg surgery.

In fact, the shock on her face was more ferocious than the rippling in her chest.

She never dreamed that... she could actually hear the dialogue coming from Snoopy. This was all so unreal.

But Doug still looked at her affectionately, and his tone was calm: "The whole world knows that I am a playboy, I am a arsonist, and I have no right to love. But now, I can't hide my love." Emotions, I have to tell you what I think.”

"Did you hear that?"

Doug asked seriously.

Lin Weiwei's expression was completely out of control, tears flowed from her eyes, but there was a smile on her lips. Although he had heard it very clearly, his head kept shaking.

"Can you say that again?"

After a long time, Lin Weiwei said.


The puppy immediately returned to his nature as a straight man. He was not a dog licker. He said very coldly: "I'll just pretend that you heard me."

Daphne could no longer control her laughter. She fell into a frame where she was obviously in pain physically but extremely happy in her heart.

It turns out that this is how it feels to be loved by the one you love... Hehe.

The smile burst out uncontrollably from her lips and from the corners of her eyes.

Du's mother arrived in Los Angeles the next night. When she heard the news, she hurriedly took a plane over. She was even more anxious than Doug. After arriving, they were both tearful and distressed, which made Daphne's parents very embarrassed... They seemed like outsiders.

The news that the little Duke and his mother rushed to Los Angeles was quickly reported by the entertainment media.

Such high treatment made it impossible for the media to draw conclusions.

"So, the one who ended up winning the title of Duchess was his agent, Daphne?"

MTV's special reports are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

In this episode, MTV carefully analyzes the young Duke's wealthy family environment and traditional style. "...As one of the top ten super real estate developers in China's richest list, Dad Du obviously cannot accept a female star from Hollywood becoming a family member."

Shel Heidi, a famous American sexologist and emotion expert, said conclusively on the show: "As we all know, Snoopy is the sole heir to that huge business empire. Moreover, the American Internet companies he invested in are quickly surpassing him. The market value of his father's business empire. When Snoop is focusing on his acting career and basketball career, I think it is almost impossible for him to choose a beautiful Hollywood female star as his wife, and Miss Daphne happens to be extremely shrewd. As a professional manager, her personal wealth has also expanded rapidly in recent years.”

"...Interestingly, her grandfather, Professor Nelson, was once the young duke's teacher. They are very familiar with each other's families. This is the basis that supports my decision that they are about to announce their marriage!"

At a time when the media are predicting that Snoopy will announce his marriage to Daphne due to this car accident, and at the same time, it will also bring an end to the long and complicated scandal.

The princesses all fell silent one by one.

They behaved as if they were concubines in a wealthy mansion.

Hathaway, who was the only one in attendance at the festival to be caught asking about the incident, had a very official response: "Oh, that's too bad. If I weren't in Venice right now, I would fly back to Los Angeles right now. You know, Daphne is our Everyone's favorite friend, she is passionate, professional and exudes the charm of a good woman. I totally understand Snoopy's decision to give up the game and go to the hospital. They have a very close relationship...if you heard about them starting a business together. story."

This lengthy answer sounds informative, but actually seems to have no substance.

Did a nice Tai Chi.

For ten days, Snoopy stayed in Los Angeles. Although he couldn't be of much help.

Mother Du took over all the affairs. Although she was not good at housework as she was once a top diva in the entertainment industry, she still insisted on making soup for Daphne every day.

Snoopy spends more time communicating with Daphne's grandfather, Professor Nelson, and sometimes communicates with Daphne's parents.

Now, the outside media all think that the young Duke will not marry anyone other than Daphne. They were also a little embarrassed about this because no one talked about it from beginning to end.

However, consciously or unconsciously, they still regard Doug as one of their own.

For example, during the conversation, they will remind the puppy to pay attention to his words and deeds in the future and not give those actresses a chance to make excuses.


The beatings from the prospective father-in-law and mother-in-law were a bit overwhelming for the puppy. And for the time being, he doesn't know how to deal with this historical problem, so he can only cover it up with a haha.

In these ten days, the Bulls won five games in a row.

Led by Derrick Rose, Chicago successively won the Houston Rockets, Los Angeles Clippers, Milwaukee Bucks, New Orleans Hornets and Charlotte Bobcats.

Rose supported the Bulls system, and his talent that had been obscured by Snoopy's light finally blossomed. In the past, people only knew that he was strong, but they didn't know that he was so strong.

His averages of 28.5 points and 8.2 assists per game led many media to label him the 'league's number one combo guard', and he won this week's Eastern Conference Player of the Week. The ranking in the regular season MVP rankings also jumped directly from ninth to fourth, second only to Kevin Durant, LeBron James and Snoop Dou.

All of which goes to show that there is more than one sun in Chicago.

Many teams began to envy Chicago in real name, and Bulls fans were so proud that they couldn't restrain themselves. Only the media has been making trouble, saying that two ball-handling players cannot coexist, and that Snoopy's existence suppresses Derrick Rose's performance. Derrick Rose has a higher ceiling. The Bulls shouldn't always expect to create a new Jordan-Pippen combination. Rose and the Pervert are both Jordans and the like...

These public opinions are overwhelming in the basketball media.

However, none of it affected Snoopy.

He is not surprised at all that Rose led the team to five consecutive victories. Derrick Rose does have this ability. He is the top eight superstar in the league. What is so surprising about him doing this?

As for the media saying they are incompatible, it is just another boring rumor.

On the eleventh day after arriving in Los Angeles, the little Duke finally headed to Chicago at Daphne's urging. Now that Daphne's injury has stabilized, it's time to do what a professional player should do.

Snoop went straight to the United Center in the afternoon when he arrived in Chicago, and he applied to play in the evening game against the Denver Nuggets.

Although the coaching team agreed to this request, they decided to let him rest on the bench first and slowly come up as a substitute to find his condition. After all, after returning from a long vacation, as usual, it is impossible to immediately engage in high-intensity confrontation.

Although the young Duke believes that his body is completely different, he still respects the arrangements of the coaching team. After all, the Nuggets are not a difficult opponent.

Derrick Rose is as ferocious as ever.

He came on the scene and completed a thunderous dunk.

His explosive style of play has attracted countless attention and fans during this period, and he can be seen in the top five shots almost every night.

TNT commentator Kenny Smith even joked: "Derek's style of play even bends steel!"

Sponsors are extremely satisfied with this. They have announced that they will give Rose a brand new contract, and claim that this contract will become the largest contract in NBA history.

Such business news has a great impact on LeBron James and Kevin Durant. They have made new demands to Nike.

However, someone like Snoopy, who has become his own boss, doesn't care. Therefore, he just reminded him again and again on the phone: "You have to be more restrained. You are not a robot. Don't always change direction at high speed, dunk on the lever, and land without buffering. This style of play will only increase the damage to your knees." ”

Although Rose knows that Snoopy is treating him well, his playing style has been fixed and it is difficult for him to change this habit.

Frankly, this worries Snoopy.

Especially at this stage when he is not here, even though the team has been on a winning streak. But Coach Thibodeau's "harsh manipulation of the main players" has reared its ugly head again, making the starting players very tired.

So, that led to Derrick Rose’s injury five minutes into the first quarter.

In a quick defensive counterattack, he directly erased Gallinari's defense with a gorgeous change of direction, entered the paint area and sent the basketball into the basket with a sharp pull-up layup.

Then, when he landed, his left foot was a little unstable and his ankle instantly twisted.

At that time, he didn't feel anything strange and even endured the pain and ran back to the half-court defense.

But Snoopy on the sidelines immediately urged Thibodeau to request a timeout after the Nuggets completed the goal. When Rose came off the court, Snoop asked the team doctor to cut off his shoe. Then, a swollen ankle appeared before his eyes.

Snoopy did not harm Rose at all. He knew that Rose wanted to show his spirit of staying in the line of fire even if he was slightly injured. But he firmly asked the team doctor to take him for treatment and send him to the hospital immediately if it was serious.

"I don't want you to become a glass man."

The young duke told Ross seriously: "You have to have a great and healthy career, not a career full of regrets, do you understand?"

Ross said nothing.

Half an hour later, news came back from the hospital that Rose had suffered a "minor sprain" and had torn his ligament. If he continued to play at that time, the more serious consequence would be a ligament rupture, which would cause immeasurable damage to his career.

For a speedy defender like Rose, ankles and knees are the two most precious parts.

But now, thank God, it has not resulted in bitter consequences.

Rose's agent subsequently sent a text message of thanks to Snoop. He thanked Snoop for saving Rose's career. Although before that, he always thought Snoopy was a selfish devil, blocking Rose from shining.

Doug was very calm about this. He just hoped that this lesson would make Ross learn to be less pushy and grit his teeth. The best result is: change your style of play from now on, and moderate your violent style a little bit.

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