Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 102 Chapter 100 Head-ear coordination training

"Do you have any last wishes?" "What do you mean?" "As long as it is an operation, there is definitely a possibility of something unexpected happening, so it's better to ask first. Your will..." "I only had surgery on my arms and ears. It won't be fatal, right?" ?" "What if the drill penetrates the head?" "Then my will is: Please Brother Dao kill you." "I understand, I will tell him."

Zhuang Xuteng received an injection in his neck. He quickly lost all sense of touch and was pushed into the operating room. He stayed awake during the entire operation. For four hours, he watched Doctor Hei tinkering with him. The pain didn't hurt at all, but when he was cleaning his ears, he would often hear the loud sound of a bell without warning, which was very scary. He kept thinking about the horrific scene of the drill being drilled into his brain, and he didn't dare to delay the doctor's operation, so he endured it and didn't dare to speak out at all.

"It went more smoothly than expected. The installation has been completed. You will slowly regain control of your body within an hour. If you feel severe pain, ask the nurse to give you some painkillers." Dr. Hei wrote on a piece of paper. He read the precautions and showed them in front of Zhuang Xuteng. "If you feel it's too noisy, just pat your ears with both hands at the same time, three times in a row, and you can emergency turn off the shadow implant. Just do it gently, don't make the ears bleed. Okay, I can finally rest for a while. "

Ge Gongdao usually takes a nap for an hour and can be used as an alarm clock. Before he woke up, Zhuang Xuteng had regained the feeling in his arm. Doctor Hei was right, his arms hurt a little, but the pain was about the same as holding a Monkey Gang pistol, and it was completely tolerable.

The condition of his ears was a little strange. He kept hearing gurgling sounds, but he didn't know where they came from. So he asked Brother Dao to call Doctor Hei.

"That's your bowel sounds. Your ears are adjusting to your body and need to tune out the sounds you make yourself first. Didn't you hear the heartbeat during the surgery?"

"I heard the sound of the bell ringing. It was booming. I was afraid of disturbing you, so I didn't dare to tell you."

"You didn't ask. I thought you had studied it in advance. That was your heartbeat. It couldn't recognize it correctly at first, so it gave you a wrong signal. Oh, let's use the easy way. This is the use of ears. Read the instructions yourself, and call me if something not mentioned above occurs." Doctor Hei pointed at Zhuang Xuteng's arm and said, "This does not need an instruction manual, it will always run automatically. Eat more meat these two days and avoid spicy food. .If everything goes well, I can be discharged from the hospital tomorrow."

Zhuang Xuteng chuckled and said, "Your voice sounds near and far away, it's so interesting."

"Stop playing around and train hard. The shadow implant also needs training, so don't waste your investment." Doctor Hei's expression became serious. He then snapped his fingers and said, "Your ears should be able to tell the difference. The error in the direction and distance of the snapping sound is within two centimeters. It can do it, but that doesn’t mean you can do it. Do you understand?"

"The doctor is right." Ge Gongdao nodded solemnly and said, "I'm going to buy you the training equipment mentioned in the manual. You take the time to recover and exercise. Come, show me what I need... uh ...a tennis ball?"

"You can buy a few more." Doctor Hei said.

The purpose of implanting imaging devices in the ears is to enhance hearing, including strengthening discrimination capabilities, improving sensitivity, and obtaining rapid positioning capabilities. Under normal circumstances, a person can only locate the direction of a single sound by relying on his ears. Only by hearing continuously changing sounds or by moving his position and changing the posture of his ears can he roughly locate the spatial point of the sound source.

The Shadow Implant not only enhances hearing sensitivity and provides protection against sonic bursts, it also serves as an auxiliary radio. In other words, the two ears combined add a main receiving point and an auxiliary verification point, which can locate individual and short-lived sounds.

This is not something that the ears can do on their own, it also requires the cooperation of the brain, and the brain is a lazy guy. It will not take the initiative to work unless it is put under pressure to learn arduously until a new conditioned reflex is formed. The training method of "Dark Night Scout Type III" is very simple, which is to throw a tennis ball at the wall, listen carefully to the sound, and let the ears catch up with the information seen by the eyes as much as possible.

The standard for completing the first stage is to throw with your eyes closed, let the ball bounce on the wall and on the ground, and be able to reach out and catch it.

The second stage involves hearing the sound of a tennis ball hitting the ground thirty meters away in a complex environment and accurately determining the position.

In the third stage, you need to be able to identify the sound of tennis balls and catch the tennis balls hitting you...

The fourth stage, the fifth stage, the sixth stage...

The military's training method highlights simplicity, which, to put it bluntly, saves money. It is said that when the company provides corresponding training for the shadow implants for the exploration team, they use special machines in special venues and have a whole team to protect them. Zhuang Xuteng looked at the tennis ball in his hand and knew that he could not compete with the company's elites on spending, but he could compete with them on their "intent".

"Although it is just throwing tennis balls, we must improve our self-requirements and achieve a training effect that exceeds that of simply throwing tennis balls."

Zhuang Xuteng's plan is to train more on the skill of "throwing" to achieve proficiency. This idea is related to his previous encounters. Whether it is a shock grenade or a fragmentation grenade, the effect on the battlefield is often higher than that of ghost energy bombs.

You definitely need to practice marksmanship, and even more so with grenades, because grenades have so many functions! Besides, grenades can be thrown where there is no line of sight, you can hide behind a bunker and throw them, you can throw them before opening a path, or you can throw them after breaking off. Your hands will not hurt when you throw it, and even if you throw it for a day, there will be no sequelae. The only problem is that grenades cost money, and it hurts to spend money.

But this only problem is not without a solution. Zhuang Xuteng looked at the frag grenade engineering drawings that Morgana brought, which contained detailed manufacturing methods and even drew the rune array that controlled the shadow followers. Zhuang Xuteng recalled carefully and thought that there were some handwritten fragments next to the rune array. He probably taught Morgana how to modify the grenade so that it exploded according to his requirements.

The original engineering drawing plus modification comments can confirm each other, which opens up the possibility of modifying the grenade by yourself. Zhuang Xuteng continued to deepen his memory, combined with his technical experience in making pistols, hoping to find a way to make homemade grenades. The grenade does not require special steel. Iron, aluminum, and even stone can be used as raw materials. The rest is the shadow follower and some chemical additives.

"However, you can buy homemade Shadow Clan firearms on the black market, but you can't buy homemade grenades - is this a problem of channel control or the result of different production difficulties?" Zhuang Xuteng thought while throwing the ball, maybe the grenades were not manufactured correctly. He thought so simply.

Even if you can't make it yourself, you can still buy it. PCPD equipment has always been the main item on the black market, especially non-lethal weapons that are not coded and can be lost without anyone checking them without writing a report: shock bombs. Although it is far from the point where the quantity is large enough, as long as you are willing to pay, you can always buy one or two every time you go to the black market, and the price fluctuates between 1,000 and 1,800 euros.

Hmm... Thinking about it, I still think it's expensive. If you can make it on your own, it's better not to be controlled by others.

After a day of observation in the hospital, Zhuang Xuteng was ordered to be discharged after the wound healing speed and physical adaptability were better than expected. He moved back to his base of operations in the Warehouse District and threw tennis balls against the wall every day. There is an advantage to practicing here. There is almost no one in the entire warehouse area, the surrounding is very quiet, and the sound interference is very small, which can improve his practice efficiency. Compared with an apartment, a warehouse has a larger area of ​​a single room, and the richer the tennis balls are, the higher the practicality of practice.

It has to be said that the ear implant that Dr. Hei chose for him was in good condition and had minimal side effects. He felt no discomfort at all within a day or so after being discharged from the hospital. His hearing has been significantly enhanced, and he can distinguish more details and hear further, but he always feels that the surroundings are a bit noisy, and he will feel upset after a long time - this is a sign that the brain wants to reduce consumption and be lazy. .

In addition to fatigue, the monotonous and repetitive training is also constantly wearing down his patience. Especially when he failed to catch the bounced tennis ball with his eyes closed, he had to stand up and use crutches to pick up the ball. The tennis ball would roll around and run into tables, chairs or equipment. These trivial matters provided him with a lot of extra stress.

One time, Zhuang Xuteng got really annoyed. He closed his eyes and raised his hand to fire a bone spear at the rebounding tennis ball.

Pop! There's something wrong with the sound. It sounds like the bone spear didn't hit the wall, but shattered the tennis ball in the air? Zhuang Xuteng opened his eyes quickly and only had time to see the scattered fragments of tennis balls. Those short green fluffs were the last evidence of the existence of tennis balls.

Can't catch it with hands but can hit with bone spear technique? Zhuang Xuteng's first reaction was that the blind cat had encountered a dead mouse. So he took out another tennis ball - buy ten and get one big promotion - threw it out with his eyes closed, listened to the echo, and then used bone spear skills to track and fire.

There are some more short green fluff in the air and on the ground. After many tests, the result is still the same.

"I understand... I can't catch the tennis ball because of my clumsiness, not the fault of my hearing. I can already mark the target with my hearing and successfully trigger the tracking function of the bone spear technique. And..." Zhuang Xuteng touched his arm and nodded with satisfaction. : "It didn't hurt at all, and there was no numb feeling like inhaling the vapor. Eh? It's strange. Morgana also uses this implant. Why does she still use the vapor suppressor? In a life-and-death situation, she doesn't Is it possible that he deliberately suppressed his combat ability?"

Zhuang Xuteng thought about it and felt that there was a difference in the side effects of bone spear spells and firearms. If fired, the arms may not adapt to the implants as well. So he took out his bone spear pistol, used the old can shell he picked up as a target, and tried firing a few shots.

"It still hurts and numbs, but it's much better than when I didn't have the implants in both arms. It's almost reduced by one-third." Since the pain level of the shadow gun is cumulative, the pain reduction affects both the base value and the increase amount. . During continuous firing, a one-third weakening can almost double the total firing volume; if the firing frequency is reduced, coupled with the recovery effect brought by physical fitness, the amount of ammunition throughout the day can be about four times that of the previous one.

In this way, Morgana's performance can be explained. After putting down the low-power gun, Morgana used the gun she picked up from the enemy. That gun focused on small size and concealment, and did not reduce the power. The side effects would definitely be sacrificed. It's a pity that Morgana took that gun away as a souvenir. Otherwise, if she could have taken it and fired two shots, she would have gained more information. Zhuang Xuteng can only guess that the side effects of the semi-invisible gun are on a similar level to the guns of the Wild Monkey Gang.

But the problem is only half solved: Why doesn't it hurt at all if the bone spear technique is used directly without the help of firearms? Does this mean unlimited firepower?

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