Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 120 Chapter 118 Their War

"Come back soon, come back soon, why are you so slow...I'm so annoyed, so annoyed, so annoyed!"

Meteor looked at the broken battlefield radio station, and his irritability gradually increased. Especially when she recalled the "traveling" in the car along the way, her only warm, comfortable and safe home might have been occupied or even destroyed by the enemy, which made her feel even worse.

"It was obviously promised to be fifteen minutes, but this is... fourteen and a half minutes... hum, still slow, slow, slow!" Meteor clenched his fists hard and was thinking about Zhuang Xuteng in his mind, when he heard the car door being opened.

Zhuang Xuteng poked his head in, looked around, and said, "I thought I heard three people talking just now. Is it my imagination?"

"No!" Meteor smiled guiltily and quickly changed the subject: "How is the situation around you?"

"It's very desolate and uninhabited. It can be observed from all areas from the highway to here, so it's all good news." Zhuang Xuteng clearly felt Meteor's resentment, so he asked her to bring her head closer and put her left hand on it. "Oh, I don't have a fever, it's good. At all times, pay attention to your body and regulate your emotions. If you encounter difficulties, just get through them. Don't scare yourself into panic."

If he absorbs the resentment, Meteor will naturally feel much more comfortable, but he will mistakenly regard Zhuang Xuteng as his spiritual support.

"What's the progress of the battlefield radio? When will the intelligence be regained?"

"It's basically ready, just need to assemble it again." Meteor glanced at Zhuang Xuteng secretly, a blush suddenly appeared on his face, and said: "When I am using the radio later, please don't peek."

Zhuang Xuteng was stunned for a moment, then nodded and got directly into the car. "I won't peek, so as not to scare you. It's safe here for a short time, and there's no need to stand guard, so I won't go out. I'll just play with you right under your nose."

Meteor stretched out his hand and pushed Zhuang Xuteng on the shoulder and said, "You hate it! Don't you know that intelligence agents become ugly when they are working?"

"I don't know." Zhuang Xuteng shook his head and said, "I'm not afraid that you will become ugly, and I will never scream. I think it's better for me to be here, so that you can feel at ease, right?"

Staying here can absorb the resentment and put Meteor in a good condition - this is what Zhuang Xuteng thought. Meteor had other thoughts in her heart. She was a little shy and felt that Naike knew her emotional state clearly. This should be a private matter, right? Oops, letting a boy know that he relies on him is tantamount to saying...

Zhuang Xuteng snapped his fingers in front of Meteor's eyes and said, "Why are you in a daze? If that doesn't work, how about I sit outside the car door and promise not to look at you? It's just that I agreed in advance that I can only leave this far, and no further. "

"Then you sit in the front row and don't move or talk!" Meteor said quickly, as if he was afraid that Zhuang Xuteng would go outside the car. She felt guilty for a while, and quickly focused her attention on the battlefield radio, seizing the time to complete the final assembly.

With Nike watching from the side, Meteor's work efficiency was extremely high. It only took less than ten minutes to complete the finishing work, and he also checked it again. "I increased the transmission power, changed the frequency module, and removed all identifying information, so that even if I was discovered, the enemy would not recognize me."

"Well, I'm a layman in this area, so you can figure it out."

"Also, don't call me ugly." Meteor snorted slightly, rubbed his hands nervously, and then put his fingers on his forehead. The skin of her forehead slid open to both sides, and ten slender metal wires protruded from the bloody skull, swimming forward like a snake, continuously extending and drilling into the modified battlefield radio.

With bunches of electric sparks and blood flowing down Meteor's face, she connected her mind to the communication network. This is a special shadow slave implant, belonging to the "Cyber ​​Assassin" series. It starts at the bone level. Only a few people can adapt to it, and it is even more difficult to use it well.

The "Cyber ​​Assassin" series of movies all require skull replacement, which is a high-risk operation. Moreover, because it directly contacts the brain, although it facilitates the transmission of thought signals, it also amplifies side effects and brings various burdens to the user.

As a child, Meteor was never afraid of the open sky. It was the "Internet Assassin" shadow implant that made her suffer from claustrophobia. Every time the implant was opened and closed, a wound would be torn, which forced her to use skin-level hemostatic healing agents to replace the original skin. She was afraid of interacting with people, especially those who would say she was ugly or scary. This worry is of course groundless and is also a psychological side effect of shadow implantation.

Meteor looks scary like this, but it's much better than Lich Master's talking skull face! Zhuang Xuteng thought for a while, opened the co-pilot's glove box, found the hemostatic spray and cotton cloth from the first aid kit, and handed them to Meteor.

"No, I'll do it by myself in a moment." Meteor glanced sideways and smiled happily when he saw that Zhuang Xuteng was not afraid or dodgeful, but could still care about him so much. But if she smiled in her current state, she would actually look even more terrifying.

"You look so miserable like this." Zhuang Xuteng still stuffed the potion into Meteor's hand and asked caringly: "Does it hurt?"

"It hurts, but I'm used to it. Okay, don't talk. I have to concentrate, otherwise I will get lost in the ocean of online information."

Zhuang Xuteng quickly shut up and sat in the front row waiting, not even daring to move, just so as not to disturb Meteor. Half an hour later, Meteor slowly raised her head, and the wire snake retracted into her forehead. She used her hands to push the skin back into place.

He picked up the spray Zhuang Xuteng gave him to wash his face, and then wiped away the blood stains on his face with non-toxic cotton gauze. Meteor returned to his original appearance. "The situation is a bit complicated, but the two of us are very safe at the moment. Lucy can't be contacted and must have gone underground. Your partner, Brother Dao, also hid. The last place he appeared was in the Hedi District, a snack street. nearby."

It seems that Brother Dao is likely to go to Sos, the owner of the wonton stall.

"Sister Lucy doesn't know that I have rescued you, and Brother Dao doesn't know either..." Zhuang Xuteng frowned, feeling something was wrong, and said, "That's wrong. Why is Brother Dao hiding? Logically speaking, he You should be running around trying to support me."

Meteor blushed and said, "It's normal to hide when there is danger. Observe first..."

Zhuang Xuteng glared at him, his eyes full of ferocity. "Tell me! What information did you discover?"

"Ah, don't be angry, I said..." Meteor trembled and said quickly: "I don't think their target this time is me. The whole operation is a middleman war."

"What is a man-in-the-middle war? How did you see it? What evidence is there?" Zhuang Xuteng asked three questions in a row, while pointing his finger at the shooting star and threatening to take aim. Although he was wearing gloves, the bulge caused by the bone spear pistol was so obvious that the meteor was impossible to mistake.

"I said it all!" Meteor hurriedly made a guarantee and said: "The middleman war is an action by one middleman trying to annex another middleman. The evidence is that Lucy's residence was attacked. As for how I saw it... Well, I was I feel it from the news and communications, and I don’t know how to answer this question..."

Zhuang Xuteng continued to aim his pistol at her and asked, "Why didn't you say it at the beginning?"

"It's safe here, they can't find it. I just want to hide here with you, and I don't want to get involved in other things at all. Even if I change to a middleman, I can live well, and you are so capable, you won't be treated badly. Generally speaking, mercenaries always benefit as long as they survive, and only the middlemen who lose money lose."

Meteor sniffed, slowly lowered his head and said, "I don't know how to fight. I don't even dare to go out of the room. I can only calm down when I'm with you. I'm afraid of contacting Lucy. She asked you to fight. You will go into danger, and I won't be able to live as well as I am now. I'm a little selfish, I'm sorry... I don't want to lie to you at all."

Zhuang Xuteng continued to aim at Meteor with his finger, maintaining this posture silently, letting Meteor understand his seriousness. Seeing that she was getting more and more nervous, Zhuang Xuteng said solemnly and slowly: "You are an intelligence officer, not an action commander. Concealing information will kill people."

"I'm sorry." Meteor intertwined his fingers, put his hands together in front of his lips. She raised her eyes and looked at Zhuang Xuteng, and asked cautiously: "Can you forgive me?"

"Of course." Zhuang Xuteng removed his finger and asked, "Is there any way to know who launched the middleman war against Lucy?"

"Each intermediary has its own intelligence officer, and some have more than one. They will cover up their tracks, and it is very time-consuming to investigate. If you check them one by one, it will be impossible without a few months. At that time, the intermediary war will definitely start. It’s over.”

"If you only check one middleman, how long will it take you to get the results?"

"I'm not sure. It depends on how strong the other party's intelligence officers are and how many there are. Well... the equipment I have is not very good, and the methods I can use are limited, so it will be slower. The most ideal situation - It's impossible for them to be completely undefended, so I won't talk about it. If you are lucky, you may be able to find clues in half a day." Meteor is not afraid of being pointed at by a pistol. She is afraid of being looked down upon by Naike, so she is eager to make contributions. He hurriedly asked: "Who do you want to check?"

"Fat D." Zhuang Xuteng said, "That's Viper's middleman. Do you know him?"

"I know. Do you think he is the mastermind behind it?"

Zhuang Xuteng nodded and said: "I heard rumors before that Viper was going to do harm to me and Brother Dao. Lucy told me that if Viper did that, it would break some rules in the mercenary world, and she would avoid that situation Appeared. I guess that if Viper persuades his middlemen and turns this matter into a middleman war, then he can still achieve his goal without breaking the rules."

"'s indeed possible. I'll start checking now!"

"Wait a minute, don't worry." Zhuang Xuteng thought for a while and said, "We have the captured communicator in our hands. The intelligence officer on the opposite side knows that his mercenaries are finished and you may not be dead, so he will guard against us using the communicator. Use the information in it to trace it. I’m worried that there will be traps inside, so you must not use this method.”

Meteor was taken aback and asked, "Do you know about cyber assassins?"

Zhuang Xuteng shook his head: "I don't understand. I'm just analyzing it from a tactical perspective."

"You're so awesome. I've thought about this and won't be stupid and chase after you like a newcomer. Hum, I know those intelligence officers too well. They protect themselves very tightly and build high walls in the network. Little do they know. , high walls are beacons, and defensive eyes are as obvious as lighthouses.”

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