Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 153 Chapter 151 Holy Light Witch

Morgana took off her police uniform and put on daily clothes, and came to the base of operations on Gorgon Road as the Holy Light Witch.

The sound of the motorcycle came from far away, and the lights on the front of the car flickered twice in the eyes of Zhuang Xuteng and Otter. The roar of the steam engine was like laughter matching the naughty lights. The car was stable and steady in front of the two people. Morgana took off her helmet, and her attire made the two people at the door look straight at her.

Overall, she chose to wear all black. The straight black hair hangs down on the shoulders, and the bangs are flat and straight, as if they were cut with a level. The whole hairstyle is like a helmet, and it looks like a whole. Under the hair, there is a specially painted smoky makeup, with black as the base and a slight hint of shiny blue-purple. Combined with the bright eyes, it looks like the white moonlight penetrates the darkness and shines on the calm deep pool.

From eyebrows to eyelashes, from earrings to cheek shadow, Morgana chose dark shadows. The only bright color on her face was her lips, and there was no modification at all on that part. Just the original flesh color was bright enough. . From the head down, including the slender neck, everything was tightly covered, with not an inch of skin exposed.

Turtleneck sweaters, windproof thickened leather tops and leather skirts, black tight-fitting warm pantyhose and mid-calf suede leather boots can not only satisfy the desire to wear skirts in winter, but are also warm enough. All the clothes are uniformly black, except for the silver "X" holy emblem necklace on the neck commemorating the Church of the God of Light in the Old Days, and the brass buttons and belt buckles that are not black. The silvery white, orange yellow and black background colors form a sharp contrast and set off, easily outlining the neck line, chest line and waist line.

Compared with thick cotton clothes or fluffy down jackets, this kind of clothing is easier to show off your figure. Besides, a good figure cannot be concealed in the first place. Morgana's body curves are still online, with the implicit compactness of fitness and the hopefulness of youth.

Oh, that's not right. She graduated from a regular police academy. She should be about the same age as me. Even if she is a few years younger, it is still quite limited.

There should be no "hope of youth" anymore, right?

Zhuang Xuteng just thought about it in his heart. He couldn't say it out loud if he was beaten to death. He still had some emotional intelligence.

"Wow, this is the teammate you found? Oh my god, how could there be such a beautiful woman?" Otter opened his arms to express surprise, then clasped his hands together in a praying gesture, and said to Morgana: " Holy Light, please accept my prayers and confession! I am your loyal believer!"

Morgana narrowed her eyes, and a cold voice floated out, mixed with the cold wind and piercing the otter's ears: "Prayer and confession cannot be performed at the same time, and the gestures are also wrong, especially starting with the Holy Light. And are you loyal?”

"For you, I can be completely loyal or completely disloyal." The otter said with a wink.

"Get out." Morgana narrowed her eyes and glared at the otter, then turned to look at Zhuang Xuteng before slowly opening her eyes and returning to normal. "Don't you care about him?"

"This is Otter, and his professional skills are needed in this operation. Otter, this is the Holy Light Witch. Although there is the word "Holy Light", the focus is on the witch. Don't flatter us. We prioritize tasks and making money now. Keep it professional, okay?”

"Okay, okay, I already know the appropriateness." Otter smiled, stretched out his hand to Morgana, and said: "Mercenary Otter, I am ready to serve you at any time. This is not a polite word, but I am walking with the mercenaries. The chances of working with a partner are much higher than working alone, and since I am currently single, I am a bit more enthusiastic.”

Morgana looked at her hand and had no intention of shaking it. She just stretched out her hand and patted it as a greeting. Afterwards, she remained silent, her body following Zhuang Xuteng, and her eyes moving in the direction of his fingers during the introduction.

"...The girls' bedroom is over there, the Holy Light Witch's single room, which also has a separate bathroom. This is how the accommodation is allocated during the mission." Zhuang Xuteng introduced the situation here to the two people, and then said: "Is there anything else you need?"

"No, things are pretty good here." Morgana nodded slowly, took off her leather jacket and placed it on the back of the sofa. At this time, everyone's eyes were fixed on her because Morgana hid a knife between her leather jacket and sweater, on her left rib. There was a very rare X holy emblem on the end of the handle.

"Did you steal that from the museum or is it a replica?" Otter asked.

"Of course they are imitations. Things belonging to the church are important cultural relics and can only be placed in museums. Private possession is a crime. There is a manufacturer on my knife, and this X holy emblem..." Morgana pressed hard He pulled it out, causing the otter to blink. "It's just a toy decoration."

"According to the price of church cultural relics on the black market, if that is true, if you pull it out like this, you will lose at least two hundred thousand." Otter wiped his forehead and said: "It doesn't matter which style you like. If it has to be church style, it looks like It’s extremely valuable and frightening.”

"That's because you can't bear it." Morgana sat down on the sofa, stretched her legs together, rubbed her neck first, and then hung the X Holy Emblem removed from the handle on her necklace. She noticed that Zhuang Xuteng had been staring at her since the door. She felt a little proud in her heart, but she would never show it on her expression. She shouted to Ge Gongdao from a distance: "Brother Dao, should the commission start now or tomorrow morning?"

"Wait for me a moment!" After more than ten seconds, Ge Gongdao came to the living room carrying a large plate with eight meat pies, and asked Zhuang Xuteng to bring four sets of cutlery. At this time, he said: "We have to do it after we collect the money. The work starts with eating meat pies. Each person takes two, and I will assign tasks to you."

The task was taken over by Ge Gongdao and Zhuang Xuteng, so the core parts were borne by them. The overall commander of the entrusted task is Ge Gongdao, and the on-site commander is Zhuang Xuteng. In other words, if there is an emergency, even Brother Dao must listen to Naike's command.

Otter took a second look at Naike and wrote down the arrangement carefully.

"The information the client has given so far is limited. He only said that it is the territory of the gang, so he called Otter to find out this information. But we must also consider another possibility, that is the PCPD." Ge Gong said The words caught Morgana's attention. She remained calm on the surface, secretly pricking up her ears and observing with her peripheral vision.

"According to intelligence, the PCPD checked that warehouse not long ago and found nothing. It could be that the gang hid it well, or the PCPD turned a blind eye. So we need the Holy Light Witch, who can check the PCPD's warehouse. Regarding the situation on the side, it can be regarded as giving us some support."

Morgana nodded, she understood, it turned out that this was her division of labor in the mission. This arrangement is very good, reasonable and easy to play. Even if she accidentally reveals her PCPD habits, it can be interpreted as professional skills in order to better disguise and blend in. She thought to herself: Ge Gongdao is quite good at getting things done!

In fact, Zhuang Xuteng came up with this detailed arrangement, but it was Ge Gongdao who had higher authority who made the arrangements.

"I'm in charge of the gang, and the Holy Light Witch is in charge of the PCPD. That's good." Otter nodded and said, "Actually, the gangs are easy to deal with. They have nothing to do with our mercenaries. If there is no other way, we can choose to kill them all. This PCPD But it’s different. Even if it’s a moth inside, you have to consider the issue of face and don’t cause trouble for our fellow mercenaries, right?”

"Indeed, as long as the PCPD loses face, it will be difficult for us to carry out our work, so we must proceed with caution." Ge Gongdao nodded, looked at Morgana, and said, "Is there any problem with you there?"

"Leave it to me, no problem." Morgana raised the corners of her mouth and smiled slightly, with an expression like an evil witch. She said: "If this thing was done by the PCPD, I just have a plan to frame it. People will not blame our mercenaries, but only cause trouble for the gang."

"Ah? Is there such an operation?" Otter's eyes lit up and he said, "I think I can cooperate more with you in the future."

Morgana raised her hand without looking at him, and only said one word: "Yes."

When you open your mouth and say the word "ke", doesn't that mean "ha"? Zhuang Xuteng immediately realized that this was actually a refusal!

Otter and Brother Dao didn't seem to notice this detail, but Brother Dao continued to assign tasks. "The investigation is very important, but it cannot be continued indefinitely, and the client does not agree to it. It will take up to a week to figure out the joints inside, and then we will start taking action. The client has one thing that is very clear, that is, if there is a spiritual body inside Leaf extract, he wants one kilogram of it, and the rest must be destroyed.”

Otter frowned slightly and said, "Hey, is the client going to use that kilogram to frame the gang and let the gang eat the dog? It feels very similar!"

"I don't know. After all, it's the client's business. But if we do a good job and the client thinks that way, I will suggest him to find you first." Ge Gongdao can be said to have drawn a cake for the otter, which can make the client think like that. He just needs to work harder.

According to Ge Gongdao's arrangement, three people were responsible for three different directions during the investigation. Brother Dao was in the middle to provide support and ensure the safety of their retreat route. Formulate an action plan based on the investigation situation, and complete the commission beautifully.

Otter slapped his chest hard and said, "Brother Dao, don't worry, I have never stretched my crotch during the task of dealing with gangs!"

"I know, but the client gave me very little information this time. For the sake of life and money, we must all do a good job, and we must not be careless." Ge Gongdao looked at Morgana and said: "Over there at the PCPD Just hold on tight and don't let anything happen, and if you find anything wrong, just pull back, do you understand?"

"I know how to deal with PCPD, don't worry."

"Okay, that's all the arrangements for now. Come and eat. This meatloaf needs to be eaten while it's hot. It'll be a lot worse when it's cold."

Morgana looked at the cake in front of her and said, "I will be full after eating one. Brother Dao, can you help me with the other one?"

"Then I'm welcome, haha." Ge Gongdao put the three cakes on his plate, then picked up the knife and fork...

The otter looked sideways at him and said, "Brother Dao, you are so big, can you eat the cake in two bites?"

"Huh? Is there anything special about this?"

"I heard that there was a strong man who ate a cake while driving. He went in in two bites and didn't take more than four bites including chewing. I'm curious if you can do it."

Ge Gongdao was stunned for a moment, shook his head, and said: "Driving to eat pancakes and having sex with two mouths? Is there something wrong with him? I can only say: He is either stupid or a loser. I can't do such stupid things."

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