Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 187 Chapter 185 Fire in the Palm

After taking a look at Morgana's grenade manufacturing and modification diagram, Zhuang Xuteng dared not forget it. He not only recalled it every day, but also copied the sample draft just in case. How to make and modify grenades, and how to combine them with his own martial arts and fighting methods, these questions have gone through his mind thousands of times. Now I finally have the chance to try it.

Zhuang Xuteng wrote a list of parts and ingredients and gave it to Boss Qian, asking him if he could get these things. Boss Qian looked at the paper, then at Zhuang Xuteng, and shook his head.

"I can get these things, but you better not make bombs."

"Why? Don't you make money?"

"Of course you can make money, but you can't lose your customers." Boss Qian said: "Looking at this material, you want to assemble grenades directly, right? This is a completely different technology from making guns. Have you ever handled explosives? ?How are your grades in Alchemy and Chemistry? Do you have enough protective facilities and equipment? Are you prepared to be bombed to death?"

Zhuang Xuteng frowned. She didn't like Boss Qian's current tone.

"If the Yingcong firearms fail to be manufactured, some raw materials will be wasted, and then you will have a headache for a few days. This is already the most serious accident. But the dangers of these explosives are not at the same level. You may be able to They are manufactured, but the risk is too high, and the key is that the gain outweighs the loss. If you have the necessary protection, even the smallest necessary protection, it will cost a lot of money, and you need to produce a lot of grenades to make money back."

Zhuang Xuteng's brows gradually relaxed, and he began to understand.

"Shadow guns can be produced from workshops, but explosives such as grenades are best produced from factories, because only safe and mass production can make this thing profitable. Even from the perspective of pursuing ultimate stealth, you buy the finished product from me It’s the same as buying raw materials – although they are quite expensive.”

"Because it is a special product that already exists in this world, so it will be relatively more expensive here?"

Boss Qian laughed twice and said: "You remember my words? Well, this is partly because the riot control team and the PCPD are very strict in checking explosives. It should be The impact of the TV station incident. In the past two days, they raided most of the construction sites in Peicheng that required blasting operations, thoroughly checked their inventory and use of explosives, and many people were arrested."

Zhuang Xuteng said: "I didn't know this news before. But I don't understand one thing: you suggested that I buy grenades directly because the price of explosive materials on the black market has increased, but the price of finished grenades has not been affected? Why is this?"

"Because many places have deficits, they are looking for ways to make up for it, so they come to scan the goods. If your order was more than ten days in the morning, the price would still be normal. Let alone high prices now, even if the price is sky-high, there may not be goods."

Since the reality is this, Zhuang Xuteng will not have to confront it. He asked about the price of police defensive grenades and got an answer that far exceeded his expectations. It's really too expensive. A defensive grenade with explosive effect is 22 times more expensive than a shock bomb. If you throw it away, wouldn't you be heartbroken?

Buy one and use it when you have to. You have to find other types of consumables for daily battles. Zhuang Xuteng thought of the small lock-breaking bomb they bought to open the safe, and asked about the price of this type of product. Unexpectedly, there was a surprise.

"This kind of sticky cauterizing ammunition has a simple structure and uncomplicated ingredients, so it is quite cheap. However, its damage radius is small and it can only be effective if it is pressed closely, so its use scenarios are limited. I personally recommend thermite-type lock-breaking explosives. It is one-third the size of a shock grenade, just like a small tea cup. The front side is slightly concave and has glue on the edge. Use this side to stick it to the keyhole, then pull off the pull ring on the back to activate it, and it will face the front Focus and emit high heat to boil the device. Since it is not a shadow slave, it is relatively cheap, four hundred euros each."

"Which one is better than my little thing with two thousand euros?"

"Your expensive one is better. It's gentler, won't damage the contents of the safe, and is more secretive. Thermite reaction will emit a lot of light, which is too conspicuous and not suitable for use at night, and it's better for door locks. , forget about the safe. If there are banknotes such as euros in it, if you use the thermite type, it is very likely that you will only get a pile of coke."

Zhuang Xuteng nodded, and then said: "What would happen if such a small bomb was attached to a person?"

"Flesh and bones can't stop this kind of thing, it must be burned through. But how do you stick it to a person? Even if you stick it, the glue on its surface is not strong and can be removed with a sweep of your hand, and its It takes ten seconds to activate, so it doesn't pose a threat."

"Not necessarily." Zhuang Xuteng smiled and ordered a whole box, 48 in total.

Boss Qian is right. Even if this thing sticks to someone's back, it can be swept off with a roll. It is useful against immobile dead objects, but Zhuang Xuteng will not use such a rigid method of warfare. In the state of super calculation and three flashes, he can activate the small bomb first, and then stick it on for ten seconds, or throw it into the opponent's pocket.

Since it can emit directional high heat, it is better than a grenade to avoid accidental damage. Zhuang Xuteng brought a box of small thermite bombs to the operations base to find Ge Gongdao and expressed his thoughts.

Brother Dao is indeed a veteran who has been working in the mercenary world for a long time. He immediately understood what Zhuang Xuteng meant: "In terms of quickly defeating the opponent, it is not as good as a knife to wipe the neck. But the knife is difficult to deal with those high-defense shadow followers. Implant. This little thing can even melt steel directly. It is indeed a very useful thing - it can also be used to open locks, which is even better."

"Brother Dao still understands me." Zhuang Xuteng said: "I heard that those guys with strong protection are very perverted. Ghost energy bullets can't knock them down, and stabbing and slashing are useless. I haven't seen a wound on him for a long time. Let's fight him for a long time. My martial arts skills can rely on dodge to hold back the enemy, but I lack a solution - this kind of palm fire can just solve the problem."

"Palm Fire? This is a good name, much better than its original letter and number code." Brother Dao smiled while stroking his hands and said: "In the battle when our master raided D Fat Base, he was entangled by two guys with high defense. , unable to break through. Fatty D took the opportunity to escape, and that's why you kid missed it."

"Eh? Master didn't tell me, how did you know?"

"You forgot, I was downstairs at the time. When the Famine Stranger came out, he was covered in blood. I thought he was injured so I went to ask, and he told me a few words. Do you know why I was caught by the PCPD? That was It was deliberately exposed in order to protect the master. I thought, it doesn't matter if I am caught, as long as the Famine Stranger can still move around outside, Lucy will have a better chance of winning."

"Isn't it true that you are so conspicuous and clumsy that you can't run away?"

Brother Dao snorted and did not answer. He asked about the price of the Palm Fire, and while complaining that Zhuang Xuteng had bought less, he shouted that he would teach him a lesson so that he could understand what it means to be a flexible and strong man.

The two people competed with each other, and they started to compete with each other on their neurological reactions and combat experience. Zhuang Xuteng's thinking speed is faster and he can come up with more countermeasures than Ge Gongdao in the same time. However, Ge Gongdao can choose the best plan immediately and does not need to think so much at all. To put it simply, Ge Gongdao's average ability is better, and Zhuang Xuteng's performance ceiling is higher.

Switching to the scene, it was Ge Gongdao who was suppressing Zhuang Xuteng but could not defeat his opponent. Zhuang Xuteng seemed to be struggling, but he was able to hold on in the end and consumed less physical energy. Even if he doesn't use other strange moves and only uses super calculation and three dodges, as long as the fighting time is long enough, he can bring down Ge Gongdao.

Only by persisting in the battle of three flashes for a long time can you find the feeling of four flashes. This feeling is a threshold. After crossing it, you can use the training methods taught by Master to consolidate. There is no direct way to learn Four Flashes, it can only be understood through accumulation of experience. Zhuang Xuteng and Ge Gongdao tried their best to feel the four flashes earlier and lay a solid foundation for winning the battle between senior brothers.

Seeing that Zhuang Xuteng's situation was stable again, Ge Gongdao knew what the final result would be. Since the two have trained like this too many times and both sides are familiar with each other, it is impossible for Ge Gongdao to change his fighting style quickly, so the "cost" of Zhuang Xuteng's dismantling moves is getting lower and lower. "Let's fight in another way. I'm going to get some disposable cups. Just treat it as a palm fire. Let's do it again!"

If you dig or flick the bottom of the cup with your thumb, the bomb will be activated. If the cup is on the person after ten seconds, the person is burned to death. Once the rules were changed, the scene was in chaos.

The battle will never be prolonged again. It can take as little as half a minute or as long as two minutes. The two people can always decide the winner. At first, Ge Gongdao won more, but then Zhuang Xuteng found some tricks and his winning rate increased rapidly. After sharing the tips, Ge Gongdao regained control of the situation until Zhuang Xuteng came up with another strange trick. After the two people fought a hundred times, their winning rates began to even out, and they killed each other more and more often.

"Hahaha, this is really fun." If he didn't pity the life of the white mouse, Ge Gongdao could continue to fight. "Naike, you are very powerful. You really don't follow the right path at all. You are all evil! Can you still be a serious person?"

"Who is a serious person to fight you across so many weight levels? I am the only one with a brain defect! You should reflect on yourself and see where you have eaten your food!"

"Hey! You're such a quick talker!" Ge Gongdao shook his head, knowing that he couldn't win a quarrel.

"Brother Dao, to be serious, there may be something wrong with our practice methods. The two of us are too familiar with each other, and we know in our hearts that there is no danger, and it will definitely become a trick. Without the palm fire rule, the two of us can fight for a long time, But how many life-and-death crises are there in this? I was still nervous when I was splitting moves at the beginning, but later I wasn’t even nervous anymore. We can’t continue like this. We just play lively and can’t really improve.”

"That's right. Once the rules were changed and the tacit understanding was broken, it immediately became intense. It shows that we were really messing around before." Brother Dao sighed and said: "It's inefficient for the two of us to fight, so we can only bring in outsiders to fight. But. Who are you looking for? Master?"

"He's still traveling!" Zhuang Xuteng thought for a moment, laughed, and said, "I thought of a good opponent."

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