Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 206 Chapter 204 Garbage Truck Attacks

"Complete the commission strictly according to the instructions. If you say you want to steal a garbage truck, then steal it. You don't have to pay to rent it, and you don't go up and grab it directly." Zhuang Xuteng scratched his head and said, "Can you steal a car?"

"Do you think I look like I'm stealing a car?"

"It's not like that. But you look like you're going to be beaten, and you're not stealing a car."

"Stealing a car means that others don't know about it, right? If I beat up the driver and then take him with me, then other people won't know either. Isn't this stealing a car?"

Zhuang Xuteng slapped his forehead and said, "Kill all the guards, does that count as infiltrating?"

"Yeah." Ge Gongdao nodded solemnly, then spread his hands and asked, "Is it possible that you have a better way?"

"Let me try, there's still an hour left anyway."

There are many vehicles at the garbage loading station, and each vehicle is equipped with a driver and two porters. Vehicles are parked centrally in a parking lot, which is equipped with faucets for easy cleaning. After finishing their work, drivers and porters go to the duty room, where they change clothes and go home, leaving their car keys behind.

Zhuang Xuteng walked in openly and hid secretly, and soon figured out this pattern. It is true that he cannot pry into a car and steal it. Even if he can absorb the shadow energy, he will only damage the car instead of making it obedient. But he could try to steal the key and then use the key to drive, but the result would be the same.

Summon a ghost servant to slip in through the window in the form of a transparent silk tentacle, climb up the wall, and steal the key hanging there. At the same time, Zhuang Xuteng detached another group of vengeful servants. Based on the investigation results of the Shadow Eye, they found the surveillance facility, and then twisted its camera to cover the theft. In this way, Zhuang Xuteng got the key outside the house without anyone noticing.

In order to more accurately control the state of the vengeful spirit servants with silk tentacles, Zhuang Xuteng wanted to activate the Eye of Shadow. In the vision of the Shadow Eye, the Wraith Servant exudes a faint green shadow energy light, as if it is coated with fluorescent material. At the same time, the Wraith Servant also has the characteristic that its power and strength decrease the further away from the body. Therefore, the actions it makes, especially when taking the key off the shelf, will consume an extra part of mana.

The key was obtained and the action of stealing the key gave Zhuang Xuteng a lot of inspiration: Can the resentful spirit servant become his sensory organ to cooperate with the four flashes? The problem with the four-flash version of the Eye of Shadow is that it cannot detect non-shadow objects, but it can densely surround the body with wraith servants, and infer the movement and force changes of the object based on their dissipation and damage.

This is a kind of reverse thinking. There is no problem in theory, but in practice it consumes too much mental energy. Zhuang Xuteng's reaction speed was higher than that of ordinary people, but it was still not fast enough to carry out this kind of reverse thinking. Zhuang Xuteng tried it several times and made a judgment: This is not a method that four flashes can support. Only with a faster brain and a higher number of "flashes" can he hope to try it.

"It's another idea, but Brother Dao still can't practice, which is not good." Zhuang Xuteng was a little worried. The two of them worked together and it was best to make progress together. Moreover, there was a gap between the four-flash that he had modified and what his master had taught him, and he was worried that it would affect his subsequent five-flash and six-flash training.

"You still have to practice more with Brother Dao and master the four flashes taught by Master as soon as possible. The four flashes of the Eye of Shadow should be used as an auxiliary training method." Zhuang Xuteng pondered: When he and Brother Dao are equal in strength, use Shadow Eye Eye of Shadow increases the difficulty, improves Brother Dao, and then hone himself through Brother Dao's improvement. Yes, it is best to maintain the state that I am better than you, but still have shortcomings and need to continue to practice. Two people spiraling upward, which is the most suitable.

Returning to the commissioned task, Zhuang Xuteng got the key, took a chance, and drove the garbage truck out from the main entrance. His smile relaxed the guard's vigilance, and his passerby-like face made people turn around and forget about him. He picked up Brother Dao at the intersection, and the two of them went straight to the mission location.

"I'm lucky. They didn't even think that someone would come to steal the garbage truck." Zhuang Xuteng looked at the coal box and said, "It seems a bit insufficient. How about we add more?"

"Driving a garbage truck to add coal? I think it's a bit conspicuous. They all add coal and water in their own yards, and ordinary coal and water stations don't welcome them. I'd better buy some and let's add it ourselves." Brother Dao touched his chin. Said: "Nike, have you heard recently? There is a fool's company that wants to produce a car that uses oil as fuel."

"No, I haven't heard this news."

"It just uses oil instead of coal. There have been such gimmicks before, but the cars were not easy to use and always had various malfunctions. Later I found out that those cars were all scams and were used to make money. It’s probably the same this time – don’t be fooled.”

"If I had money, I would first consider buying an implant instead of investing in a car. Why do you suddenly say this?"

"I bought one. To be precise, I ordered one." Ge Gongdao covered his face with his hands and said, "Don't laugh at me, I want to buy a car and saw their advertisement. What it said is very good, and There was also a very nice salesperson. I don’t know why I got so obsessed with it that I paid to order an off-road truck. I just found out that they had delayed delivery, and I think I was cheated.”

"Haha, that's what happened. I sympathize with you." Zhuang Xuteng asked quickly: "Which company is it?"

"Bentu Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd., remember this name, don't be fooled."

"Haha, remember." Zhuang Xuteng agreed, but he murmured in his heart: Isn't this the new company that my eldest brother invested in? They set up some handheld companies and holding agencies, making the entire equity control relationship so complicated that Zhuang Xuteng couldn't even remember the name of the target company.

If it is this company, I hope it is not a scam and I can get back the money I invested. If it wasn't this company, could someone be causing trouble and destroying the reputation of fuel vehicles in advance? Zhuang Xuteng couldn't figure it out and couldn't call to ask, so he could only hide the question in his heart.

Apart from this problem, the mission for the two of them went quite smoothly. They arrived at the predetermined place at the predetermined time. Zhuang Xuteng stood guard and Ge Gongdao drove. The two of them saw the route of the cash transport truck and attacked it from the side. The huge impact knocked the cash transport truck over, and it was pushed by a garbage truck for more than ten meters. It didn't stop until it hit a building.

Everyone inside was knocked dizzy. Ge Gongdao held the door while Zhuang Xuteng went to deal with the lock of the rear compartment. It was a shadow code lock. He could burn it with fire in his palm, or he could use the method of absorbing the energy of the shadow to render it ineffective. But his goal is not to open the lock, but to pretend that it cannot be opened.

"Brother, this thing doesn't work!" He yelled deliberately, looking angry. Just as Ge Gongdao was yelling and going to help, the escort took the opportunity to climb out of the cab.

The two men ran away in panic. Zhuang Xuteng fell down on purpose, lost his hat, and exposed the tattoo on the back of his neck when he touched the top of his head. After that, the two got into an alley, and the escort did not dare to leave the car and chase them. By the time PCPD received the alarm and arrived, the two of them had already disappeared without a trace.

The mission was completed in this way, except for stealing the car, there was not much difficulty. Lucy asked them to complete this task, not because the task itself was difficult, but because it was more difficult to restrain the desire to take advantage of the situation. She judged that Zhuang Xuteng and Ge Gongdao both valued the reputation of mercenaries and would prioritize completing tasks and making money for themselves second, so she gave them the task. The result also made her very satisfied. She didn't have to use the back-up tools to make up for the problem, which was a cost saving.

In the next few days, Lucy assigned four similar tasks to the two of them, and they all felt like frame-ups. Each mission only has a basic appearance fee, which is two thousand euros per day - Brother Dao only has one thousand and fifty euros, not because his reputation is not strong enough, but because his identity information is public, so it will be cheaper.

But this matter had no impact on the two of them. The two of them divided the three thousand and five thousand equally, and the matter was resolved perfectly. These trivial tasks do not cause them to be nervous - this does not mean that they are not dedicated enough, nor does it mean that their completion of the tasks is flawed - the two of them will still make adequate preparations, but most of them will not be used, so that People feel unchallenged. After completing the task, they will immediately go to training. One strives to learn the four-dodge as soon as possible, and the other strives to learn the real four-dodge as soon as possible. This is the only thing they really care about right now.

It was clear Lucy was planning something, and the two of them, along with a few other mercenaries, were pushing for that plan. The plan is to target those external mercenaries, but I don't know how to target them specifically. Lucy didn't say anything, and others were too wise not to ask. This kind of thing happened commonly throughout Peicheng.

The PCPD was overwhelmed, and the grassroots police officers were exhausted, working non-stop to deal with the troubles caused by the mercenaries. Not every mercenary knows as much as Zhuang Xuteng and Ge Gongdao. If they strike a little harder, or lack some caution and restraint, it's not like they can't kill people.

The endless troubles are actually a warning to the PCPD that if the middlemen and mercenaries are really offended, Peicheng will never be peaceful. It will be no good for anyone, especially the PCPD.

After working hard for more than a month, small jobs continued and big jobs disappeared. However, Zhuang Xuteng and Ge Gongdao made obvious progress. Under Zhuang Xuteng's continuous torture with the magic modification of the Four Flashes, Ge Gongdao finally "also" crossed the threshold of the Four Flashes. The reason for this determination, in addition to the fact that he can feel the continuous changes in power, is that he has been able to completely crush Zhuang Xuteng in the triple-dodge state. Even if Zhuang Xuteng is given many advantages, he can easily win.

This pressure fed back, forcing Zhuang Xuteng to improve, and he mastered the True Four Flashes at almost the same time. Facts have proved that the Eye of Shadow's magical four-dodge is indeed a very good auxiliary tool. It can generate combat effectiveness and allow the two of them to obtain challenging training. The combination of the true four-dodge and the magic-modified four-dodge produced a strange chemical reaction, allowing Zhuang Xuteng's actual combat ability to remain above Ge Gongdao.

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