Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 228 Chapter 226 Slanting Iron Fist

"Come up, you're behind." Zhuang Xuteng jumped on the motorcycle, inserted the key, and with just a twist and a kick, the gasoline engine started roaring - this kind of starting speed can never be matched by a steam engine motorcycle.

"Is this enough? It seems that it does use new technology." Morgana liked this motorcycle more and more, and her mind was full of thinking about its technical principles. Unknowingly, she followed Zhuang Xuteng's words and sat behind him. When she found that she had to stick to or hold Zhuang Xuteng, her first reaction was to be at a loss.

"Hold on! There is a belt on the middle seat between us, you can pull it." Zhuang Xuteng said: "This car accelerates very fast, you have to be mentally prepared. Also pay attention to the exhaust pipe, it will be very hot, don't get burned. .”

"Hurry up and chase, that car is almost gone!" Morgana patted Zhuang Xuteng on the shoulder, smiled slightly, and then grabbed the belt to fix herself.

The motorcycle roared several times and carried the two of them to catch up quickly. Morgana still underestimated the acceleration performance of the motorcycle. She first leaned back, then bounced back, climbing directly onto Zhuang Xuteng's back. When she straightened up again, Morgana laughed. Her laugh was not bright, but very clear. A series of "hahaha" passed into Zhuang Xuteng's ears, and he also smiled.

Zhuang Xuteng smiled, but could not completely immerse himself in joy. Zhuang Xuteng just accepted a commissioned task, and he must maintain his condition. Since the motorcycle under his crotch was very conspicuous, in order to avoid being discovered by the enemy, he did not dare to follow it too close, and basically kept the distance at least an intersection. There were a lot of vehicles on the road, and they were constantly blocking the line of sight. Fortunately, Zhuang Xuteng's strong observation skills were able to solve this problem.

His mind was quite clear, and he understood that he could treat the matter in front of him as a commissioned task, but it was not a commissioned task after all. During the driving pursuit, Zhuang Xuteng asked Morgana to call the police or directly contact PCPD colleagues. Two of them, one is a mercenary and the other is off duty, neither of them has the power to enforce the law. Moreover, they didn't know what was going on, who were in front of them, and what kind of threat they could pose.

The car in front made several small circles on the road and then stopped in front of a pawn shop. Together with the driver, a total of five people got out of the car. Each of them carried large and small bags and walked into the alley next to the pawn shop. Zhuang Xuteng parked his motorcycle at an intersection not far away and asked Morgana, "Is there any news from the PCPD?"

"I asked and it was the notary's office that happened. Someone was caught stealing, so it turned into robbery. The cause of the explosion was initially determined to be that the security guard tried to blow open the door lock while chasing the robbers, and accidentally operated it himself. It was not the robber. At present, I only know that some files have been lost, and I definitely can’t count them now.”

"Theft is not a robbery, but documents were taken away? No cash or other valuables?" Zhuang Xuteng asked.

"So far, no lost items other than documents have been found. Moreover, the notary office is not a bank and does not store many high-value items. Most of them are legal documents."

"These thieves are so strange...Wait a minute, Morgana, within three intersections of the notary office is the PCPD branch where you work. Is there any criminal evidence there?"

"The evidence is all in the evidence room of the branch and will not be sent to the notary office. If it is related to a crime, it may be some supporting documents needed by the court. Criminal matters will not go there, it is probably property related. Right?" Morgana thought for a while, then shook her head: "These are purely speculations on my part and cannot be used as a judgment tool. Naike, let's catch those people and take a look, won't we know?"

"No, let's wait for the PCPD to come." Zhuang Xuteng shook his head and said: "There are two of us, five of us are facing each other. Don't worry about whether we can win or not. Let's just say that the five of them run separately. How can the two of us catch up? You can't move at high speed. Implant?"

Morgana shook her head.

"The two of us are here to keep an eye on them, determine their location, and give directions to the PCPD who will come later. This is the best choice. At present, those guys are only stealing and robbing, and they are not directly threatening anyone's personal safety, so don't worry ,right?"

"That makes sense. Let me ask them where they are." Morgana was about to dial the number when she suddenly realized something and said to Zhuang Xuteng, "The PCPD will be here soon. Can you hide for a while?"

"Hide...oh, I understand." Zhuang Xuteng smiled and said, "I'll leave the motorcycle to you. I'll go investigate. Don't worry, I'll hide from those people and not let the PCPD find out. But just in case. I have been discovered, I am your informant, not a robber, you must save me."

"Don't worry, I have to treat you to dinner." Morgana pointed to the phone and said, "Mute, turn off the vibration, we can use this to contact you."

Zhuang Xuteng nodded, made a silence gesture, and then walked towards the pawn shop. Morgana kept telling him to be careful behind him, and he gave a thumbs up to express his reassurance. After approaching the pawn shop, he used the Eye of Shadow to observe the surroundings. After confirming that there was no surveillance equipment, he walked lightly into the alley.

The alley is narrow and short, leading directly to the back door of the pawn shop. There are two trash cans with nothing in them at the door, and an old fire escape ladder goes up the wall and connects to the fire door on the sixth floor above. Zhuang Xuteng looked down at the back door, then checked the status of the stairs. He was sure that the five men did not enter the back door but climbed up on the ladder.

Zhuang Xuteng bent his fingers and flicked the rusty old ladder, and it started to tremble slightly. At this time, Zhuang Xuteng put his hand on the ladder, and through the supercomputer and four-flash enhanced skin touch, he could tell which part of the ladder was more shaky and which part was more stable. These old ladders, steps and the like are natural alarms. If you don’t detect them in advance, you may step on the wrong place and make a harsh and obvious sound such as creaking, which will alert everyone in the room. People call the police.

Avoid places where possible, or use the spirit servants to help. Zhuang Xuteng traced the traces of use left by those people on the ladder all the way to the fourth floor. There were no handprints or footprints on the ladder going up, and the safety door on the fourth floor was as clean as new, obviously it had just been touched.

They were here, so Zhuang Xuteng pricked up his ears to listen. Enhanced listening locates the sound source behind the third window. They just closed the curtains to isolate themselves from observing the outside world, but they couldn't shut down the sound.

"The new instructions are to destroy all the documents you get. Now I finally understand why there is a shredder in the cabinet. You go take it out and put it next to the power source. I will prepare the garbage bag and start working."

"Destroy them all? Aren't these documents valuable? I see that many of them contain information about real estate, securities, etc. Why don't we..."

"These are not holding certificates and cannot be traded or sold for money." The person before said: "The notary office is not a bank, so it cannot grab securities. Most of these things are related to some case, and the paper shredder is used Are you coming?"

Accompanied by the sound of a small wheel turning, the shredder was in place. After the power was turned on, it began to buzz, chewing up the paper inserted into it. Zhuang Xuteng notified Morgana via text message on the fire escape, and immediately received a reply that the PCPD was about to be in place, asking him to evacuate immediately.

Great, you can withdraw. Zhuang Xuteng didn't want to be surrounded by the PCPD, so he jumped down directly, and then used the super-computing martial arts four-dodge to adjust his posture to maximize the cushioning. But just as he landed, Zhuang Xuteng suddenly felt something bad. The Eye of Shadow reminded him that a high-speed moving shadow was rushing toward him from the energy and would soon impact his current position.

In the flash of lightning, Zhuang Xuteng worked hard to twist his body, change the direction of his roll, and integrate buffering and evading movements. At this time, he also captured an afterimage that looked like a fist.

The high-speed and high-explosive fist hit Zhuang Xuteng and knocked him away. Zhuang Xuteng hit the trash can first, then rolled back with the trash can, and was finally covered by the trash can. There was a commotion of table tennis at the back door of the pawn shop. The curtains on the fourth floor were suddenly opened, and a man looked down.

He didn't see Zhuang Xuteng, after all, Zhuang Xuteng was still under the trash can. There was a man in a brown jacket and brown turban standing in the alley downstairs. He raised his head, adjusted his sunglasses, and then made gestures with his hands.

"Someone is following, PCPD is coming soon?" The people upstairs understood the sign language and immediately became anxious. He glanced back at the packets of papers. The shredder was definitely not going to do its job. So he sent a code signal to the open and closed palms downstairs, and at the same time asked four people to take the documents to the bathroom and burn them in the bathtub.

"It will set the building on fire," someone advised.

"The PCPD is coming soon, let them put out the fire. Don't pour it all in, be careful not to burn it all. Do you want to light a fire on the roof? There is no wind today, I think this is feasible. Act now, we will have to evacuate within five minutes."

Because the window was open and he was in a hurry when speaking, he forgot to control the volume, so Zhuang Xuteng heard very clearly downstairs. Although she failed to avoid the punch, relying on the super calculation and four dodges, he deflected the sharpest frontal impact, and used the rotation of his body and rolling on the trash can to get rid of most of the damage. Although he looked embarrassed, Zhuang Xuteng was not injured, only a few bruises at most.

The person who punched Zhuang Xuteng away also gradually came back to his senses and felt that his touch just now was wrong. She looked around her surroundings. There was no blood on the floor, walls, or near the trash can. Normally, with one of her punches, an ordinary person's body would be broken, and even if they were of slightly better quality, they would still bleed out. Why this time...

"Come out!" she shouted towards the trash can: "You can't hide it!"

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