Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 240 Chapter 237 A very pleasant task

The elevator door opened, and the meat buns rushed out, ran to the water basin as fast as possible, lay down in it and started to drink. Behind it, Ge Gongdao cursed and walked to the bathroom.

"Your cat peed all over me!"

"Deserves it. Who told you to hold it to sleep?" Zhuang Xuteng put down the dumbbell, wiped his sweat with the hand towel hanging on his shoulder, and said: "Yesterday you hugged the meat bag tightly, and I couldn't pull it out. It needs to go to the toilet. , If you don’t let go, can you still let it suffocate to death?”

"That's not it...why don't you wake me up. Forget it, that's it..."

"Hurry up and take a shower. The dryer is next to the washing machine. I haven't used it yet. Just watch the operation." Zhuang Xuteng stood up and walked to the kitchen to prepare a simple breakfast. "Sister Lucy asked us to come over this afternoon. We have some work to do again."

"Huh? So fast? This is a good thing!"

"In addition, the people who went to deliver the goods for the two of us came back safely, but Lucy still feels uneasy and asked them to live alone outside to see if there is a follow-up."

Ge Gongdao poked his head out of the bathroom, frowned and said: "She may be so careful, there may be problems. Naike, I feel that our afternoon work may be related to this matter, maybe let us keep an eye on it." Hold them."

"It's really possible. If so, it would be great. At least we can express our feelings." Zhuang Xuteng heated the instant food in the oven, came to the bathroom door, and spoke to Ge Gongdao through the door: "Brother Dao, let me discuss something with you."

"Say it, listen! It's true, even taking a bath doesn't stop you..."

"I want to tell Morgana about the otter. It has something to do with the blue crystal, and she also knows the otter. The otter has already encountered misfortune, and I don't want Morgana to be unprepared."

"Okay, I agree, just pay attention to one thing: don't say that Lucy is also investigating this matter. Morgana is the PCPD, and she cannot be allowed to form the idea that she can take advantage of the middleman."


The two of them packed up and found Lucy early after noon. Ge Gongdao's prediction was right, Lucy assigned them the job of monitoring the double.

"They live in the Sequoia Sanitarium Hotel, located in Shangcheng District, close to Peihe River. The scenery there is beautiful, there are many green plants, and it is close to the Second Hospital." Lucy handed the photo of the two of them to Zhuang Xuteng and said, "This Second Hospital The hospital's implant program is going well, and many people who have implants choose to stay in more comfortable health resort hotels, so it seems more reasonable to place two people there."

Zhuang Xuteng nodded and said: "After getting the money, we are going to make implants to strengthen ourselves. It will indeed not arouse suspicion. Will the two of us move in too?"

"Don't do it at first. You two will go to the second hospital for hospitalization first. You can also take care of your whole body and get an implant. They will go to the hospital to see the implant. You will meet in the hospital and then watch your performance. "Lucy said: "Since the opponent may be a company this time, the acting must be complete. You must not act too familiar or too close, as long as you can create a reasonable atmosphere and a suitable reason for your appearance. ”

Gogongdao is concerned with the more practical part: "Prioritize protection or arrest?"

"Protect. If you have spare power, then arrest. We can't let people in the company think that every mercenary is easy to bully." Lucy then sighed and said, "I also want better results, but based on past experience , once the people in the company take action, they move very quickly, and there is basically no time to stop them. You must protect yourselves first, and never act recklessly. Only by protecting yourselves can we slowly settle accounts with them."

"They have their home court, and we have ours." Lucy finally urged: "Those two people are very aware of the risks they face, and they are mentally prepared. Now I am only worried about you. You must also be prepared to watch. They are mentally prepared for danger. Without this, I would rather not let you pass."

Zhuang Xuteng and Ge Gongdao looked at each other and nodded at the same time. They can completely understand what Lucy means. The mercenary business is not a house game, and the life of each participant may be in danger at all times. Many mercenaries can put their own lives and deaths at risk, but they cannot watch others sacrifice, especially for themselves. Ge Gongdao and Zhuang Xuteng are well-known in the industry, but they are still novices in this aspect. Lucy thought that they would have to experience something like this sooner or later, so they should get over it sooner and grow up sooner.

After leaving Lucy's office, the two briefly discussed the details of the mission and immediately rushed to the second hospital. They all had some money and it was not difficult to book an implant surgery. Considering that they still have tasks to do, the two of them would definitely not choose such a complicated surgery. A simple surgery with quick recovery and preferably still functional function is definitely the best choice.

If the money is in place, the service will be in place. Under the recommendation of a dedicated salesperson, the two people chose the comprehensive neck injection package as implant modification.

This is a subcutaneous implant that is installed beneath the dermis. The neck is the key point of the human body. The circulatory system, respiratory system, and nervous system all pass through here, so it cannot be overprotected in any way. Most combatants would directly replace their armor skins, but Zhuang Xuteng and Ge Gongdao had to practice super-computing martial arts and their skins were very precious, so they had to choose a more expensive method.

The comprehensive neck injection package was mainly designed for soldiers on the battlefield, and was later applied to people who were at risk of acute illness and lacked the ability to take care of themselves. It is essentially an injection system with pre-embedded drugs. The drugs are placed in soybean-sized capsules, stuffed through the pipe under the neck, mixed with body fluids when needed, and injected directly into the blood system. After modern improvements, today's injection system can store up to eight different pharmaceuticals - there are more than 30 medical drugs on the market to choose from - and provides three working modes: emergency rapid injection, timed injection, and slow drip. A layer of built-in anti-stab and anti-cut buffer net can be installed to improve the protection ability of the neck.

“Originally, the protective part was only to protect the safety of the syringe, but now there are better materials, which of course can provide additional protection.” The promoter said: “The installation methods of puncture, cutting and buffering are different, and the results are also different. Pay attention to cushioning, the thicker it is, the greater the impact on the movement of the neck will inevitably be. My personal suggestion is: the possibility of a heavy blow to the neck is very small, and the head actually needs more protection. So you can maximize your focus on cutting and puncture. , which also has the least impact on the appearance.”

Since cut-resistant specialty materials fibers have a higher price, this is also the most expensive option.

Zhuang Xuteng's wallet can definitely bear more implant modifications, but they must consider the mission. The surgical success rate of the comprehensive neck injection package is very high and it is also very time-saving. In addition to wearing a collar around the neck for a week, they can complete the operation within one day and be discharged from the hospital the next day.

The neck brace is only to reduce the risk of skin incision infection and is not a necessity.

After choosing the content of the surgery, the two of them also need to confirm the implantation of drugs. Based on the company's experience as a military doctor during the war, they chose coagulation, stimulant, detoxification, oxygenation, analgesia, military rations, and antibiotics for eight types of implants. When the last medicine is empty, they can carry the pill box with them and push the pills in for additional injections on the spot according to the situation.

The hospital immediately began arranging surgical procedures for them. They must first conduct a physical examination, especially if there are no problems with coagulation, and the body's adaptability to the implant does not reach dangerous standards. Two hours later, they were assigned to the ward, and the preliminary examination results were good, and the operation was scheduled.

They "just happened" to hit the target that needed protection during their preliminary inspection - it seemed that everything went according to plan.

In order to distinguish the fake from the real, the two men also have their own mercenary codenames, namely Tom and Jerry. Among them, Tom is a tall man and is Ge Gongdao's "stand-in". Jerry has an ordinary figure and just disguises himself as Zhuang Xuteng. This arrangement was mainly based on the fact that the two had been seen by the homeless in the building during the mission, and had also appeared in the electrical repair shop and the battle between the Blood Bat Gang. A tall and strong person with an image of an ordinary person, at least this must be consistent.

Zhuang Xuteng has no characteristics and is easier to fool, but Ge Gongdao is more troublesome. Fortunately, Tom is very tall, even three centimeters taller than Gongdao. The only problem is that he is not strong enough. Alas, there was no better choice for a while, so Tom could only wear a muscle suit for acting to make him look strong (and hairy). Correspondingly, Ge Gongdao must hide all his wolf hairs during the mission, and not even one of them can be exposed. Zhuang Xuteng also had to draw a very obvious scar on his face, the kind that people would never forget once they saw it, to distinguish him from Tom Jerry.

They met at the physical exam, showing restrained surprise and politeness. Tom and Jerry mentioned where they lived, so Zhuang Xuteng and Ge Gongdao followed suit and planned to go next door to have a look. In this way, they are on the line.

Tom and Jerry prepare for armor skin grafting. Since the skin they remove will be collected by the hospital, used to treat burns, and a portion of the money will be returned to them, the total cost is not expensive. However, this operation involves only 60% of the body's skin, and recovery is very troublesome. Preparation before the operation also takes two weeks, which mainly involves recuperating the patient's body and taking some anti-rejection drugs. Therefore, Zhuang Xuteng and Ge Gongdao had already completed their work before they started the operation.

If someone had done something bad to Tom and Jerry, it would have been very recent, not that long.

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