Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 257 Chapter 254 Many Ideas

Since these implants could no longer produce mental side effects by releasing resentment, Zhuang Xuteng thought of those implants on the black market.

There are actually two types of implants on the black market. One is removed from the dying or recently deceased, and the other is removed from corpses in funeral parlors and crematoriums. There is a very obvious difference between the two. . Implants removed from moribund or "fresh" cadavers are functionally intact and can be immediately preserved to ensure that "viability" is not lost. The problem with these implants is mainly the side effects. As Dr. Jian Hei of the “Plastic Surgery Hospital” mentioned: Only donors who live happily and die peacefully can reduce the side effects of implants and bring them close to the level of brand-new implants.

As for the implants in the crematorium, they are neither supported by human bodies nor properly preserved, so their functional activity will definitely be damaged. An implant with a faulty function loses its meaning. Apart from deceiving people as a fake and shoddy product, it is only the last straw for the desperate. What Zhuang Xuteng was thinking of was definitely not this type of implant, but the dying people and death row prisoners in the hospital.

"For a suitable implant, immediately use necromancy on the recently deceased corpse... maybe we can get an implant that can be used safely." Zhuang Xuteng pondered for a while, then shook his head. "Why am I thinking about this? This matter is considered to be of low moral character on the black market. Why am I interested in this?"

He felt that he was in a bad state, so he went to the bathroom, splashed water on his face repeatedly, and used cold stimulation to wake him up. After thinking about it carefully, he realized that this matter was very unreliable. Removing implants is a very professional job. Zhuang Xuteng himself does not have the ability, so he must cooperate with doctors in this field. As long as there is cooperation, his necromancy skills can be easily exposed. Problems that can be solved with money should be solved with money. Trump's trump card and trade secrets cannot be easily exchanged for money.

"Disassembling corpse implants is not the right path, but researching how to reduce mental side effects is so right! Dormant martial arts transfer the physical burden. If I use necromancy to relieve the mental burden, then I can install it like the supermen in the company. More implants, and no need to rely on a nursing team. Hey... this is exciting!"

Zhuang Xuteng determined the direction and started working hard. He racked his brains to figure out how the implant's mental side effects and resentment were related. A simple and naive idea is to classify them as spiritual effects, and ghosts (ghosts) are spiritual energy states.

But why can the resentful spirit exist in the body and be controlled without making Zhuang Xuteng uncomfortable, but the implant is different? What's the key here? Is it a "peaceful death"?

Judging from current observations, refusing to close one's eyes to death will definitely cause the implant to enter a state with severe side effects, which is called a "contaminated state" in the industry. However, if one dies or accepts death calmly, the implant will not be contaminated. Zhuang Xuteng used necromancy to reanimate the corpses, and then gave them a "peaceful death", so that the side effects would dissipate, and its dissipation was carried out in the form of resentment.

Zhuang Xuteng scratched his head. He found that he seemed to have solved the logical problem, but he had not solved the operational problem at all. Why do different death states have different effects on the implant, and why do we need to inform the implant that "you died peacefully" to solve the side effects? The implant has no ears, eyes, brain, or consciousness. How does it know what has been done to it, and how does it understand the meaning of these practices?

The more I study and think about it, the more questions there are and the more challenges there are, but the more interesting it is. Zhuang Xuteng likes to ponder, especially after discovering that his mind has become brighter. He is very grateful to Master Lich for his gift, and of course he must put these brains to good use.

In two days, he had absorbed all his resentment and practiced necromancy. There was no need to toss more corpses. He pretended that he couldn't hold on anymore, went to the foreman with dark circles under his eyes after not sleeping well for two days, and asked for payment of wages.

He was ridiculed a lot - the ridicule was a way of irritating the generals, trying to make him angry and work for a few more days - which only meant that no one was taking his post now. Zhuang Xuteng was very determined to leave, and they couldn't force him to stay. So he deducted part of his wages because he failed to complete the scheduled three days of work, and then let him go.

As soon as he left the crematorium, Zhuang Xuteng found an armored vehicle in a nearby parking lot, filled his stomach with legion juice, and put the white mouse on his back. The dormant martial arts allowed him to recover quickly, while the white mouse slowly died. Zhuang Xuteng had a sudden idea and cast necromancy spells on the mice so that they could "die peacefully".

Well, the little guinea pig doesn't even know what he died of, so there is no peace of mind. Moreover, the mice are not equipped with implants. Even if there is this process, they will not feel resentful.

However, the practice of "let the corpse rest in peace" reminded Zhuang Xuteng of Morgana. In ancient times, the Church of Light also had rituals such as the Rest Mass. It was said that it could also appease the soul, giving them a better chance of ascending to the gods and finally enjoying eternal peace.

The Lich Master's spells are only useful in its world, and the things from the Church of least were useful in the past. Huh, these two brothers in trouble together are called "the current world is not easy to use". Of course there are useful spells, such as the shadow follower spell! Money department, technology department, etc., but they are all controlled by the company and Zhuang Xuteng has no access to them.

Since you can't get the Shadow Follower spell, it's not a bad idea to settle for the next best thing and get the wisdom of your ancestors. Zhuang Xuteng called Morgana and asked her when she would get the books she promised. Morgana went back on her word and asked Zhuang Xuteng to have a meal with her first.

Okay, I have somewhere to spend my 100,000 euro pocket money. Zhuang Xuteng agreed to the matter, but said that there was no way to determine the time and place yet. "No, it's not that I'm doing a commission, but I can't do it for the time being, and I have to prepare for another thing. It's not a criminal operation! Where are you thinking! I have a master who is going to retire, and I have to make arrangements for him."

What Hungry Mooke does is an open retirement and a glorious retirement. Ge Gongdao and Zhuang Xuteng are his open and clear disciples and protectors, so that he can leave calmly, so this matter can be told to people outside the industry. . Morgana is the PCPD, the nominal protector of civilians. And the master was also a civilian in the future - in fact, he is still now - Morgana should also protect him.

"Sounds like an important thing, what would it be like?" Morgana became interested.

"I've never done it before, I don't know. It's probably just a bunch of people getting together to talk, brag, and have something to eat..." Zhuang Xuteng sighed and said, "The overall arrangements haven't been decided yet, let alone It’s all about the details. I must obey the command and do whatever the master asks me to do. The main thing is to let Brother Dao arrange it.”

"Can you call me? I want to see you - as long as it doesn't conflict with work hours."

"It shouldn't be a problem, as long as you don't act too close."

"What do you mean?" Morgana's tone turned cold.

"Don't get me wrong. Brother Dao and I will be Master's protectors in the future, which means potential risks. I know you are not afraid of risks, but there is no need to make trouble for yourself, right? You should eat and drink, as long as When visiting, don’t be the protagonist.”

"Oh, I understand. Okay, it's not a big problem!"

"Does this count as me inviting you to dinner?"

"It doesn't count! You have to treat me to another meal." Morgana paused and then changed her words: "If you find it troublesome, then this meal can be counted."

"Let's forget about that...I'm afraid that I still have a lot of things to do and can't be with you all the time, so I'll be a deadbeat. By the way, what brand is your motorcycle? Where should I go to repair it? I was doing a mission some time ago and it got damaged."

Zhuang Xuteng hung up the phone after asking about the situation in the repair shop. Although it was not perfect, he was generally satisfied. Morgana was even more satisfied. She discovered two facts: Zhuang Xuteng wanted to stay with her more; Zhuang Xuteng discovered the intimacy between them.

He found it, he found it, he found it... These four words echoed in Morgana's mind for a long time.

In fact, Zhuang Xuteng didn't think that much. When facing the enemy, he will use various strategies to trick the enemy in terms of language, actions and tactics, but he never does this to his friends. Therefore, he first spoke to Morgana easily and straightforwardly, then switched to "battle mode" and went to find Dr. Truth Booker.

After letting it dry for a while, Zhuang Xuteng estimated that the heat was almost done. Unlike the last time when he just bought some consolation gifts, Zhuang Xuteng went to a star hotel in the city to pack up some exquisite food, and brought two bottles of good wine—actually more expensive wine—before he came to the door.

Dr. Bukele was very moved. He squeezed his eyes hard with the back of his hand and finally got some water droplets out. Zhuang Xuteng knew that politeness was useless. Only by presenting actual things could the old guy submit.

"It seems that you are still safe at the moment, which is good news. As for the bad news, the main thing is that the files you took out are indeed just directories, which makes the people above a little dissatisfied. The original words given to me are: You can only prove that you have read the introduction and summary of these contents, but it does not mean that you know the details or understand the contents, which greatly reduces your value.”

Dr. Booker was about to explain, but Zhuang Xuteng interrupted him directly and said: "The decision on you has been made. That profile proves that you have some slight intelligence value, so I will arrange a plastic surgery for you. Then you will You can leave and go wherever you want.”

"I...I have no money, where can I go?"

"You have an account, and the money in the account has not been touched. If you dare to touch it, you have enough money to spend." Zhuang Xuteng said: "There is still time left in this hotel, and you can continue to stay here and put it in You can also spend the money at the front desk, but you can't take it away. You ask someone to do something, but the bargaining chip you bring out is either an account that may be under the company's surveillance, or a directory, so that's all you can get."

"No! No! That's not what I said. I said it was just a catalog. If you want to see the specific situation, just tell me." Dr. Bukele said quickly.

"I asked you to write something in the first place so that you know what to write. You wasted that opportunity. What you wrote was a catalog. This is what you expressed what you know." Zhuang Xuteng shook his head and sighed, Said: "You... alas..."

"Is there a second chance? I can still write!" Dr. Bukele opened the drawer, took out a stack of paper, and said: "Actually, I am already writing! This is the department structure function, research project and I'm already writing the specific content under the directory, including behavior patterns and some important repository locations. The first step is shadow follower spell training, which is enough to show my sincerity!"

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