Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 277 Chapter 274 Blowing up the balloon

"The parking time is five minutes. Passengers who do not get off at this stop, please do not leave the car..."

Zhuang Xuteng would not be commanded or influenced by the broadcast. He left the carriage in a swagger. When the conductor was not paying attention, he jumped over the carriage to the railway track, and then got under the car. He observed the surrounding environment as quickly as possible, found a relatively safe area based on his observation of the car structure at the training venue, hid in it, and moved to the connection between the cars.

The train started slowly and the noise began to increase. Zhuang Xuteng wanted to enjoy the feeling of traveling under the train.

At the same time, in the carriage, Nightingale slowly sat upright and stared at her sister. She pointed to her head and motioned for the two to communicate using radio waves.

"How much truth do you think he told?" Nightingale asked: "He can reduce the side effects of the Shadow Implant. Is this the secret of the Famine Stranger's martial arts?"

"Sister, I don't know, I can't see it. Finally my brain doesn't hurt at all. Can you let me enjoy it? If you use an implant again, it will accumulate pain."

"This little side effect won't hurt you." Nightingale glared at the rock bird and said, "Cheer up! Ever since the brain implant was installed, our lives have been completely controlled by Stair. Either he, Either I beg for mercy from the company, it doesn’t make any difference. Now with Nike, I see a way out.”

"What? You want him to be our therapist? Sister, don't be stupid. We are comfortable now, but without complete testing, we cannot be sure that the side effects of the implant have been eliminated by him. Now, all this may just be A kind of placebo, some kind of hallucination, like a dream. Dreams will wake up."

"If we go for testing and the side effects have indeed disappeared, what should we say?"

"Isn't this a dream come true?" Yanque snorted, shook his head and said, "Sister, Stair will try his best to stop us and won't let us go. You don't know his idea yet?" The two of us are trained as intelligence officers, lent to other intermediaries, and then let us steal the target's intelligence network from within, thus winning the intermediary war without a fight. In this case, let alone how to deal with Steyer , even if we can leave, who can pick us up? No middleman dares to ask us."

"Would you accept it if you stopped being a mercenary from now on?"

"My living habits are acceptable, but our wallets can't accept it. You can't just think about good things." Yanque shook his head again and said: "Nike is willing to help us this time. Do you think he likes us? He may think that we are The two are more beautiful, but there is absolutely no feeling between men and women. He is very careful to keep a distance, and everything he does is for this mission. Leaving this mission, leaving the beauty that can only be maintained in the past few years, Nai Why do you still want to help us?"

Nightingale thought for a while, sighed, and had to agree with her sister. "I'm afraid that if we leave Stair and Nike stops helping, we will be completely homeless. Without money, the accumulated side effects of these implants will definitely drive us two crazy."

"I'm worried about this too." Yanque put her feet on the bed, hugged her legs with her hands, and rested her head on her knees. "I hope this mission can get enough dividends to improve our financial situation. How much do we owe Steyer now?"

"The total principal and interest are 6.32 million euros."

"There's no chance, it's not over this time." Yanque tilted his head and looked at his sister and said, "Sister, we must have a good relationship with Naike this time, see what he likes, and give him some sweetness. Although we can’t count on him, we can’t be hopeless either, right?”

"That's what I mean." Nightingale frowned and said, "Naike has this ability. Brother Dao is his senior brother, so his ability must be stronger. We must keep an eye on this pair of partners. In addition to building a good relationship, we must also Let’s see if anyone else is approaching. Let’s divide the work, I’ll keep an eye on Naike, and you’ll keep an eye on Brother Dao.”

"Uh... Okay. My job is not as easy as yours. But we have to decide one thing first: Do we want to report to Steyr? He asked us to check everyone's abilities. You haven't forgotten this. Something?"

"Don't be stupid, this matter must not be reported! Let's just pretend that Naike has never treated us for old illnesses. Our attention to him is entirely because he is very charming."

"Very charming? Sister, are you serious? No one will believe this!"

"Steyr's character will believe it. Although he lets us go out to do those shabby jobs all day long, he is actually a very stingy guy. If you give him this reason, he won't think anymore."

"That's all we can do at the moment." Nightingale nodded and said, "Let's just say that Naike has good observation skills and a very flexible mind. He seems to have some ability to cast shadow spells, but we don't know what it is exactly. If Steyr expressed that he was still interested, so we gave in a little bit and said that Naike looked at us badly and we should reduce our contact with him. The more he said this, the more likely Steyr would send us to investigate."

"You really figured out Steyr."

The two sisters took a deep breath, ended the communication conversation at the same time, and then rubbed their temples like mirror images. Yanque sighed and said: "I didn't feel uncomfortable communicating during the communication before. How come it has become more obvious today?"

"Maybe it's because the brain rarely relaxes, and the symptoms of side effects become obvious even if they are mild. Take a rest and relax, and then wait for Naike to come back."

Zhuang Xuteng didn't feel comfortable under the car, mainly because the railway was in poor condition and bumpy from time to time. There are shock-absorbing springs under the cabin, but there are no such things under the car. The metal parts around him always wanted to hit him, and the turbulent airflow continued to cause him trouble.

Because this attempt is to allow the two sisters Nightingale and Rockbird to hide and move, all actions must be based on the level of the two of them. The super-calculated martial arts skills were definitely unusable, and the implants in the legs could not be used either. Zhuang Xuteng used a "relatively strong ordinary person" as a reference and moved carefully under the car.

Try to reduce the difficulty as much as possible, improve the stability as much as possible, and be more considerate of others. Zhuang Xuteng climbed from directly under the carriage to the connection point, turned around and climbed back again to verify various options for this route.

During the mission, there was a "treasure car" between the dining car and the sleeper car. The connection method was different from now and it had a larger space. The connecting part was now covered with hard canvas, completely above his head.

Zhuang Xuteng tried several times, shook his head and stepped back. "The environment is different. There is no need to climb up hard. It is enough to know that people can be hidden under the car in advance. Well... there is no need to ask the two of them to come down and try. There is no need to bother. They can do the adaptive training when they return - let They two should rest more."

The next stop was half an hour later, and Zhuang Xuteng stayed under the car for half an hour. When he returned, the nightingale had fallen asleep, and the rockbird showed great enthusiasm for going with him.

"Just rest, I've figured it out, there's no need to worry about it."

Yanque was very surprised. She thought that Naike would like to get under the car with her, and she could also take this opportunity to get close to Naike again. Zhuang Xuteng explained to her, saying that the best choice for the mission was for them to take a good rest and recover.

"I feel like you are more like the commander of the entrusted task." Yanque curled his lips and said something from his heart.

Then they rested in the carriage until the train arrived on time. Zhuang Xuteng wrote down the entry and exit times at each station. Even if there were many non-stop stops on the day when the carriage was added, these times would definitely be helpful to the task.

Overall, this bus is in good condition and more suitable for action. Zhuang Xuteng applied what he observed to the training venue to make the training more realistic. Then it was time to tackle the most critical part of the mission: takeoff.

The carriage load information obtained from the train system was the most important gain from this mission. Faced with this heavy number, both drivers scratched their heads. They discussed based on their own experience and believed that the lift of the balloon must be increased.

"It is absolutely impossible to just make up for the missing weight. The cargo below is too heavy, and it is not enough to just solve the problem of gravity. It must provide enough surplus power for the helicopter's maneuvering."

"How much do you need to add?" Steyr asked.

"It is best to provide sixty tons of lift. As long as it is slightly less than the weight of the carriage, it is better not to let it float upward." Grove touched his eyebrows and said: "We calculated the volume of the balloon based on this lift requirement and found that it can only Use hydrogen, and nothing else will work. Too large a volume will seriously interfere with flight. Hydrogen is more dangerous, but we can’t worry about that much.”

Muir brought the design drawing of the balloon and added: "The outer shell of the balloon should be made as thin as possible. It would be great if special fabric could be used. Hydrogen is too dangerous after all. I don't know if there is enough time..."

"Tell me what to use, and I'll figure it out." Steyr took the design, asked some questions about it, and then hurriedly left with Nightingale and Rock Bird.

They continue training. When separated, one group practiced roof movement and equipment assembly, and the other group practiced low-altitude flight landing, fast fixing of the helicopter and take-off with a load. Another group is Zhuang Xuteng and Ge Gongdao. They are responsible for the situation in the carriage and rely entirely on improvisation. There is nothing to practice at the moment, so they are in a "supervision" state.

Only after Nightingale and Yanque came back could Zhuang Xuteng come into use: guiding the two people to move under the carriage. Zhuang Xuteng found that he was a little over-prepared. Both girls had arm implants installed, which allowed them to use the strength of their shoulders and fingers to move flexibly in narrow spaces. Their practice progress was much faster than expected, and they quickly became familiar with the movements, so Zhuang Xuteng was "unemployed" again.

Practice, practice, practice to minimize action time while increasing proficiency. The Kent trio were the busiest. They had to move above the carriages, carrying the equipment against the wind resistance, and had to jump over seven carriages in total. Currently it takes six round trips to transport the balloon, tubes and all connecting equipment, but their goal is to reduce that to four, which would save a lot of time.

Zhuang Xuteng and Ge Gongdao also participated, training with them and thinking about how to save movements. The largest number of items to be transported are balloons, the heaviest is the chain connecting the helicopter to the carriage, and the largest equipment is the valve branch pipe that inflates multiple balloons.

In addition to the quantity and weight of equipment, the way the train is traveling also affects the mission. Since some pipes need to be left on the roof, there must be room for the difference in inner and outer diameters when the train turns. At the same time, in order to prevent the pipes from rolling down the edge of the roof - the roof has a central vault with slopes on both sides - there cannot be too much margin. After they experimented many times, Wien suggested using some mountaineering equipment and making hooks on the top edge of the carriage to block the pipes that might slip.

"This increases the number of equipment. Do we need to make one more trip?" Ge Gongdao asked.

"You can slightly adjust the order of work." Prince explained to Gongdao patiently: "First transport the balloon equipment, two people stay to install it, and one person makes an extra trip to install these hooks. Wait for the balloon After the basic installation is completed, leave one person for final inspection, and let two people come back first. Two strong men are enough to carry the pipes and valves. Because of the hooks, the difficulty of carrying the pipes is reduced."

"It's worth a try." Kent agreed to modify the original plan, and the three of them started rehearsing again.

The helicopter team also encountered some problems, mainly needing better coordination when landing on the train. When landing, the helicopter needs lift force less than gravity. At this time, its flight attitude is very fragile, and the train will bump. The two drivers scanned the route carefully, looking for a route that was long enough, straight enough, and flat enough, but the best they could do was satisfy two of the three. If time factors and station crossing factors are also taken into account, the optimal solution is also the most difficult to solve: straightness is satisfied first, and the priority of length can only be backward.

"For the sake of height, it has no landing wheels and must land on its belly, which means it loses some cushioning. Short length only equals short time. Straight, that is, lateral and longitudinal displacement is actually more dangerous - for this helicopter without legs. "Muir always felt that Zhuang Xuteng was the team leader of the four of them when Lucy was not here, so he explained to Zhuang Xuteng specifically: "Grove must fly low, fly fast, and then land quickly. Since there are no wheels, there is no space under the fuselage. , so absolutely no one can stand."

The so-called standing people refer to the original plan for Kent, Wayne and Prince to wait for landing at the parking lot, one person with one wheel, and use their strength to fix the helicopter. Without wheels, the nose of the plane comes down directly, which is like swatting bugs with the soles of your shoes, so there must be no people underneath.

"I have to fly very accurately." Grove frowned and said, "Can't we really make light signals down there?"

"There can be no lights. The locomotive can only move forward in complete darkness." Muir said resolutely: "I have modified the locomotive to cover all the firelight that may be exposed by the steam engine, including the chimney. I have to control it in the dark. train."

"The train is on the rails, but I am in the sky. This is not the same thing." Grove curled his lips and said: "The low-light night vision device also has its limits. It is easy for us to get the train. The question is whether there will be other Obstacles. I have to go to the field and fly, otherwise I will feel uneasy."

"Then you go to a helicopter, don't use it for missions." Muir thought for a while and said: "We will use a sightseeing propeller plane during the day. Each of us will take one and stack it up. I will leave a flight path on it, and you can go We conduct low-altitude reconnaissance, and then we stack Arhats back so that air traffic control can only see one. One flight during the day, one flight at night, three times a week."

Zhuang Xuteng was shocked and asked, "Can you still do this?"

Grove smiled and said, "Of course. This time, I will try to fly with my eyes closed and feel like I am on a mission."

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