Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 281 Chapter 278 The action begins

"Nightingale, Rock Bird, do you know who the messenger is who is cooperating with the casino group?"

Zhuang Xuteng's question lingered around the conference table, and everyone's thoughts followed this question. What did Zhuang Xuteng want to do? Why did Henry do that? Was it appreciation? If it was appreciation, then what did Zhuang Xuteng say or think right?

Nightingale and Yanque looked at each other with a hint of doubt in their eyes. Just when they were about to speak, Zhuang Xuteng raised his palm to stop them.

"Don't refuse in a hurry, let me tell you what I think first." Zhuang Xuteng said: "The purpose of killing the informant is to prevent him from going to the casino group and reporting the detailed information of the training and operations - especially the true information. These As long as the information is analyzed carefully, the casino group is very likely to analyze that this is a cover operation. Since it is a cover, there will be real actions, which can be easily associated with us. "

"On the contrary, if we act immediately to eliminate the hidden danger of the messenger and then conduct a raid on the treasure train, the cover operation can play its intended role. Steyer does not have the ability to conduct two such large-scale operations at the same time. This impression will reduce our risk of being discovered." Zhuang Xuteng looked at Nightingale and Yanque, because the following words were addressed to them: "This is a very critical choice: either give up, or find the messenger and kill him .”

Henry closed his eyes and thought carefully in his heart, while Lucy also turned her mask to the two sisters Nightingale and Rockbird. They exhaled slowly, looked at each other and reached a consensus, and then Nightingale said: "Regardless of whether Stair will come back or not, the two of us want a proof and guarantee: the intelligence we produced is all for this mission. "

"There is no problem at all." Lucy glanced at Henry, who nodded, so she said: "Both of us will provide you with certificates and personal safety guarantees."

"There are two messengers, namely 'Blood Dagger' Cass and Doric Moore. We also have the hidden location information assigned to them by the cover operation. Their belts and soles also have tracking shadow chips. I can The frequency is given to you. I think you should know what they look like, right?"

"I know, the name and location information are enough." Lucy nodded solemnly, and then said to Henry: "I just sent someone out to perform a security mission, and I don't have as many mercenaries as you. You do this. How about being responsible?”

"No problem, I'll pay for the people, you'll pay for the expenses, the basic appearance fee - I don't charge a commission." Henry stretched out his hand, Lucy shook it, and he stood up and motioned for him to go outside the house to make a few calls.

"Sister, you go and report the frequency and location information to him. I'll talk to everyone here." Nightingale then said to Lucy: "Lucy, your reputation in the middleman industry has always been very good. If Sta Unfortunately for you, we two sisters need a reputable intermediary as our superior. Our implants require a lot of maintenance, and we can only survive if we keep working, so..."

"I can't promise you two to become my mercenaries, no matter whether Stair is lucky or unlucky. I can only say: If there is an opportunity to cooperate and a position like a field intelligence officer is needed, I will give priority to and choose you."

Nightingale thought for a moment and nodded: "That's all we can do at this stage."

"This is indeed the only way." Lucy looked at Zhuang Xuteng. After Nightingale and Rockbird handed over the messenger's information, their importance declined. In fact, they should be grateful to Zhuang Xuteng. If he hadn't reminded them, the two of them would have either made the wrong choice or missed the opportunity to fight for their rights. "Nike, if you don't care about Stair, what should we do about the treasure train mission?"

"Start tonight, and calm will be restored tomorrow morning - for us." Zhuang Xuteng said: "The risk of delaying for another week is too great, unless Stair can be found now to ensure that he does not fall into the hands of the enemy. "

"But now there is a possibility: he has been caught by the casino group and has already spoken out a plan of action."

"That will also be an action next week." Zhuang Xuteng said: "If we take the worst case scenario: the casino group attaches great importance to this matter and also sets bait on the treasure train, just like in a cover mission, then we will definitely meet It’s a huge risk. But that’s also the worst-case scenario, the same as any worst-case scenario. As things have developed now, it’s impossible to count on everything to be foolproof. Everyone can either take a gamble or pack up and go home. My suggestion is: execute the plan .”

"I personally agree." Lucy glanced at everyone and said, "But this matter needs everyone's consent before the plan can be changed."

For the sake of money, and the fact that everyone had prepared in advance, everyone agreed. After a while, Henry and the rock bird came in. No matter what they originally thought, the situation was decided.

After obtaining the consent of the last two people, Lucy said: "I will mobilize the intelligence officer to take over the part that Steele was supposed to be responsible for, and Henry will be responsible for the response. The two of us will work together to clean up the trail and avoid being traced. You think about the action steps. , Secrecy is what we need most."

"Establish a safe communication line first, because Brother Dao and I have to rush to the departure station of the train in advance, and Nightingale and Yanque will accompany us. If there is any update, don't forget to notify each other in time." Zhuang Xuteng said to Brother Dao: "Let's The two of us drove there separately, and I opened the way in front. There may be nomadic tribesmen robbing us on the road, so please pay attention to safety."

"Okay. When should we set off?"

"Final inspection, and then set off immediately. The earlier you get there, the less attention you will attract." Zhuang Xuteng said to Nightingale and Yanque: "You two, prepare yourself and gather here in twenty minutes. Bring the necessary equipment. Especially a tool to hide under a car.”

"Then let's start preparing." Kent stood up, extended his fist to Zhuang Xuteng, and said, "I wish you success."

"I wish everyone success." Zhuang Xuteng stood up and fist bumped with him, nodded to everyone, and then left the situation room with a confident smile.

It was finally time to start taking action. Zhuang Xuteng was excited and nervous at the same time, and his brain was running rapidly under the intertwining effects of excitement and nervousness. The overall plan of the mission flowed through the mind, and it was broken down into hundreds of smaller parts, each with a figure operating within it. Zhuang Xuteng stood quietly, going through the whole thing in his mind. When he opened his eyes again, his eyes were bright.

"Huh... let's start." Zhuang Xuteng took a deep breath, introduced the cool night air into his lungs, and then took action. He checked his gear, donned his tools, and refueled the white beast. Both he and Ge Gongdao used fuel vehicles. After driving there, they had to leave the vehicles there and go back to pick them up after the operation was completed. The journey back and forth is not close, so they must be fully prepared and bring plenty of fuel.

A quarter of an hour later, Nightingale and Rockbird arrived. They were wearing clothes similar to raincoats and each carried a small black suitcase in their hands. "We are ready," Yanque said with a smile, specifically reaching out to Zhuang Xuteng, "We are Nightingale and Yanque, please give us your advice."

"Haha, it's quite interesting." Zhuang Xuteng stretched out his hand, shook it solemnly, and said, "You guys will have a rest after getting in the car. When you get there, I will give you a massage to keep you in the best condition."

Yanque nodded, climbed in through the rear door, and sat down on the chair. Nightingale stopped by the car door, faced Zhuang Xuteng and said, "Thank you."

"You're welcome, that's what I should do - keep you in your best condition, and I'll have a better chance of making a little money."

"It's not about the massage, it's about the situation room just now - thank you." Nightingale smiled.

Zhuang Xuteng shrugged his shoulders, spread his hands, and said: "If I give you a little more time, you can also figure it out. I just reacted a little faster and got a head start. This is nothing to be grateful for. In fact, everyone in the venue was It means that everyone sees how you are doing with Steyer. They are all elites among the mercenaries, so they have this kind of observation ability."

"Oh, that's right..." Nightingale shook her head and said, "Actually, the mercenaries all know this. They just think that we are intelligence officers and have some special characteristics, so they won't mention it in front of us. We will be looked down upon. It’s normal to look down on someone.”

"No, at least I don't think so. The person I despise is Steyer. He uses the power of a middleman to take advantage of mercenaries. Whether he is a mercenary or a normal man, I despise this behavior. Okay, Don't think too much, as long as you are willing to change, change will definitely happen. Now focus more, get in the car, think about the task, eliminate distracting thoughts, and sleep well that way."

Nightingale nodded, grabbed the handrail next to the door frame and climbed into the car, then sat next to Yanque. The two of them checked each other's seat belts and strapped the small suitcases in place. At this time, Zhuang Xuteng had already got into the car, started the gasoline engine, and the car was ready to go immediately.

There is a white beast in the front and a reinforced station wagon in the back, which looks like a bodyguard and a VIP. Taking advantage of the acceleration advantage of the gasoline engine, the two vehicles quickly weaved through city traffic and sped along the wilderness highway at high speeds.

There is no moon tonight, and it will be the same tomorrow night; the clouds cover the stars, and it is pitch black after leaving the city. Zhuang Xuteng turned on the headlights and bright lights, illuminating the distance of 300 meters ahead. Although this would make him the brightest star on the dark road, they had to drive at high speeds, and road safety still came first.

"I can monitor the surrounding communication signals. If there is a nomadic tribe like last time..."

Zhuang Xuteng glanced through the rearview mirror, and then said: "On your right, open the lid of the box. Below is the battlefield radio. Just use it to search for signals and then transmit it to my earphones. My earphones are channel seven, you can too Put on the headphones and put them in the small drawer of the seems like you know how to operate them, so I'm relieved."

There were murmurs playing on the radio, and the nomadic tribe might be sleeping, which allowed them to encounter no obstacles along the way. They drove from late night to early morning, and when the rising sun jumped from the horizon, they also entered the city where the train stopped.

They bought four tickets, Zhuang Xuteng had a ticket to sit in the front car, and the other three were in the back sleeper. They parked their car in a safe and paid parking lot next to the train station and paid for the week. Afterwards, they rested in the car and had a massage.

The train departs at 10:35 pm. They get up at eight o'clock to conduct final inspections of the equipment, then eat a full meal and do warm-up exercises. Lucy also received news that the informant who covered the operation was dead. They had been dragged into action by other mercenaries, searching everywhere for the missing Stair, and had no chance to report to the casino group. But there is still no news about Steyer, which is a hidden danger.

They say that when an arrow is on the string, it has to be fired. Now I can only punch it out with one punch, and I can't control that much. The four of them were divided into three parts. Zhuang Xuteng and Ge Gongdao were in the front and back respectively, covering the two sisters in the middle, and they were entangled in the flow of people entering the station.

Not many people got on the bus, and the ticket checkers were also lazy. Zhuang Xuteng opened his shadow eyes and observed secretly to see whose body's shadow energy reacted more strongly. This can basically be linked to combat effectiveness and danger.

He shook his head slowly, using this action to tell Brother Dao: There are no targets worthy of attention around. With the help of a fifty-euro banknote each, several people avoided random security checks and boarded the train smoothly. Oh, actually that’s not right. Nightingale and Yanque took advantage of the moment when Zhuang Xuteng and Ge Gongdao distracted the attention of the cabin crew and got into the bottom of the car. They did not "board" the train.

It is always easier to move when parking than when driving. The two people seized this short time and moved to the front and rear of the treasure house car. In order to avoid being discovered by inspection personnel or alerting the system's self-check function, the two people had to wait until the train left the station before trying to access the system.

Zhuang Xuteng also had to be patient, and his actions would not start until the car started. At this time, he had put on a fake identity mask and sat on a chair staring at the night sky outside the window. Here in the city, neon lights dye the sky in colorful colors. It is a cold, ethereal color that does not bring any warmth to the darkness. Zhuang Xuteng stared at the constantly changing images of whales, squids, butterflies, heads of city council candidates, artificial beauties, and erection pills, waiting for the shaking of the vehicle when it started.

The shaking came, and the train started moving like a dying man struggling to move forward. As the coal burns water, the water turns into steam, and the steam drives the bearings to rotate. The train gradually accelerates, grinding against the rails that have long exceeded their shelf life.

The flight attendant passed by and was stopped by Zhuang Xuteng, who asked about the dining car. Is there anything to eat at night, especially hot and sweet food? Zhuang Xuteng excused himself as having hypoglycemia, but he forgot to bring candy bars, and he didn’t know if there were substitutes in the dining car.

All of this was preparation for heading to the dining car, and he didn't know if he was being observed. Zhuang Xuteng activated the Eye of Shadow, but he only stared at the table. This can avoid alerting others, but anyone who observes him with a shadow slave will be discovered by the eyes of shadow.

Zhuang Xuteng frowned as a raindrop hit the car window, followed by more raindrops. This is often the case in cities. Rain comes suddenly and leaves suddenly. Under Zhuang Xuteng's gaze, the rainfall suddenly became heavier, as if the sky had turned on a faucet. As soon as the train left the station, it was already pouring rain outside, and even the light show over the city was blurred to the point where no patterns or colors could be seen.

Maybe it would be better to leave the urban area. Although it rains in Xianyuan, it rarely rains heavily. Zhuang Xuteng was just worried that the roof of the car would become slippery, which would affect the movement of the three Kents. But having said that, the three of them have experience climbing mountains in various harsh environments, so it should not be a problem.

Well, they have their issues to face and I have mine. Zhuang Xuteng pressed his right hand on his stomach, stood up, and walked towards the dining car.

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