Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 290 Chapter 287 Not suitable for proceeding

Zhuang Xuteng put away his phone and raised his head to look at the camera. Although the camera is still moving slowly, it is clear to regular visitors and residents that it is only connected to power, not data.

The cameras at Blackstone's entrance are just decorations. Having cameras is a requirement for opening a market, and not having cameras is a requirement for a black market. Both can be satisfied at the same time. Zhuang Xuteng glanced around and couldn't find out how Boss Qian was observing him, just like he didn't know how the White Flag grocery store ran.

Following the prompts and ignoring the signs indicating that it was under maintenance and that no passage was allowed, Zhuang Xuteng sneaked into the fire escape. It's pitch dark here, and even the indicator light indicating the direction is not on. This is probably a problem that needs repair. Zhuang Xuteng used a lighter to illuminate himself and climbed up counting the steps.

The secret door on the wall was so weird that Zhuang Xuteng couldn't even see it when he was lying on the wall, but he could feel it out with his hands. He pushed inward hard, and a "channel" ten centimeters wide and two meters high appeared on the wall. Zhuang Xuteng believes that no human being can get into such a gap. The most they can do is insert their palms...

He put his palm in and passed through the gap. He had no idea how this happened or what the principle was. In just a blink of an eye - unable to even react to the super-calculated martial arts five-dance - he arrived at a small shop.

This is a wooden house. It has wooden pillars, beams, roof and wall panels, and exudes the smell of old wood. The shop looked like it was old. The table tops and stools were polished smooth. The scorch marks and stains caused by unknown years had penetrated into the wood texture and became integrated.

Judging by the arrangement of cupboards and shelves, it was a grocery store, but it was now empty. A few bouquets of unnamed dried flowers were placed in the cupboard, and next to them lay some kind of cosmetics in a pie-shaped metal box. There were two compasses and a monocular on the shelf, which had accumulated a thin layer of dust. They are a microcosm of the entire store, because there are gaps between the wooden boards that make up the walls. Hot wind and sand are slowly entering through the gaps, accumulating bit by bit, and eventually burying the place slowly.

Boss Qian had lost his previous charm. He was wearing tattered old linen clothes and sitting dejectedly behind the counter. Seeing Zhuang Xuteng come in, he waved to sit down, and then took out a porcelain bottle and two ceramic cups from under the counter. "Naike, come and have a drink with me, and then we'll say goodbye."

"What happened?" Zhuang Xuteng looked around suspiciously, especially behind him. He didn't find the way in, nor the door out. This is the strangest thing about the whole store: there are no doors or windows, and it is surrounded by wooden walls.

"The investment failed, and Baiqi Grocery had to withdraw from the world." Boss Qian said: "To put it simply, the Bentu Automobile Manufacturing Factory was robbed and robbed, and I was likely to be exposed, thus threatening the safety of the store. This triggered the security protection mechanism. , I will be forcibly taken away from this world, so this may be the last time we see each other."

Zhuang Xuteng took a deep breath, he already got the answer he wanted to know most. "Which company targeted my brother's car factory? Who killed him?"

"I'm being targeted by all companies. I don't know who did it or how. I'm just a shopkeeper. To put it bluntly, I'm a more senior clerk and I don't have the ability to solve crimes." Boss Qian said: " By the way, the me you see is not the real me, it is just a distant projection. My body has left, and I can only use this remote communication method to contact you."

"You ran away really fast. If you could have told me the danger in advance, I might have been able to save my brother's life."

"If I had warned in advance, I would have saved his life without you taking action." Boss Qian covered his forehead and said, "I know that compared with the loss of your loved one, the losses I suffered in this failure are nothing. What, but I’m a victim too, make no mistake.”

"You slipped away."

"I was forcibly evicted! Or do you want me to stay and die there? No, I won't die. I will be arrested and studied slowly. Death may be a luxury!" Boss Qian Smashing it hard on the counter, his hand penetrated the table like a phantom without causing any impact.

Zhuang Xuteng squinted his eyes and saw this scene, and said: "The thing in front of me is indeed a shadow... What did you want to say when you called me here? Do you want to get comfort from me?"

"It's always harder to say goodbye than to meet." Boss Qian smiled bitterly and said, "The withdrawal of Baiqi Grocery Store does not mean that it will default on its debts. The relevant debts and equity must be converted and returned to you. The reason why I meet with you is to discuss the future. What way to proceed.”

"Can you revive my brother?"

"People cannot be resurrected after death, and at most they can only create one more person. If you know the principle, you will understand that you can only get one copy at most. And in this world, White Flag cannot create another person." Boss Qian said: " You once asked me to help you recreate a skeleton body, but that was a special situation and not a resurrection."

"If I can't be resurrected, then there's nothing I want in particular. Money? Equity? Magical weapons and equipment? I'm not interested right now."

"Well... I understand how you feel. It's really difficult for you to make demands now, so I have two suggestions." Boss Qian said: "One is a security guarantee to let the company get what they want, so that Zhuang Teng's relatives can be safe and will not be pursued any longer..."

"That's it." Zhuang Xuteng didn't want to hear the second option. "What I personally want most is revenge, but you can't protect yourself, and you certainly don't have the ability to take revenge. Besides that, I don't want to continue to lose my loved ones. This can be regarded as the best thing at the moment. As for what the company gets... who gets it? Whoever is in the best interests will be the one to do it, which saves the effort of investigation."

Boss Qian gave a wry smile and said: "Okay, then I will save the company some trouble, and then clear up some follow-up issues for you, so that this matter can come to an end here. But this is conditional: during this period Li, don’t continue the investigation, lest you re-open the traces I wiped out. According to the terminology of mercenaries, this is to avoid the limelight, do you understand? "

"how much time is required?"

"One to two years, depending on the situation. When the company feels that the matter has been resolved, they will take action." Boss Qian shook his head, he was almost lying on the table, and seemed to be even more uncomfortable than Zhuang Xuteng. "What a bullshit rule, do as the Romans do? Why can those guys do it, but I can't, so I can only be bullied by them? Naike, they told me to get out, and the solution I gave was to get out? I don't accept it! I I’m not convinced!”

Zhuang Xuteng snorted and said: "Not convinced can't solve the problem. The problem now is that we don't even know how they started. This shows that we have no ability to protect against the company's methods, let alone the ability to fight back. You said you want to protect In fact, you don’t know how to protect the safety of my family. You just compromise, sell out your interests, and ask the murderer to show your favor. If I had a better choice, I would not be like this. But the reality will not change with my thoughts, and the reality I just don’t have a better choice.”

"Not now, maybe there will be in the future. The reason for swallowing this breath is not to let it out as a fart, but to hold this breath in, sooner or later, I will knock them out, and then spit them out comfortably!"

Zhuang Xuteng looked at Boss Qian, nodded slowly, and said, "With your words, I won't blame you."

Boss Qian smiled wryly and waved his hand, pushing the clay wine glass in front of him forward, and then said: "Thank you for your understanding, but I am very experienced. You can't blame me for quitting halfway like me, with no beginning or end to my work. It's impossible. Originally, I was supposed to cooperate with you to let you two brothers live a rich life, and then I would also succeed in it. Now these three possibilities are gone, and this is what I owe you."

"You only owe me a third."

"Well... then consider it as I owe the fate of two people! Two gold coins of fate, what do you want?"

"The power of protection and revenge."

"This request is too general... Wait, I know what to give you. Naike, you asked me to provide you with services as compensation, worth two destiny gold coins."

"I ask for your services as compensation, worth two gold coins of fate."

"Very good!" Boss Qian raised the wine bottle and shook it. The liquid inside disappeared, but there was a clinking sound. He poured away the wine in Zhuang Xuteng's glass, and then poured out three capsules that looked like metal shells from the bottle.

Boss Qian quickly pushed the cup to Zhuang Xuteng and said: "Let the person you want to protect eat it. The capsule can save lives in emergencies until it exhausts its energy. Its protection is invisible, a bit like distorting reality, making people Look very lucky and avoid disaster. This is the power of protection."

Zhuang Xuteng immediately opened his pocket and poured the three capsules in - he knew exactly who they should be given to.

Just after he took the capsule, Boss Qian's figure began to become blurry. Starting from the ends of his limbs, Boss Qian's body gradually collapsed into sand. It seemed that this was a sign that he was leaving the current world. "Time is running out, listen to me carefully. The power of revenge is in the pocket in front of my heart. I can't touch it, you take it yourself. It shouldn't exist in this world, but your situation is special and you have a place." Store it. Hurry! I'm almost out!"

Zhuang Xuteng didn't dare to waste time. He quickly fumbled in Boss Qian's pocket and took out a small red metal-encapsulated book. The notebook began to crumble as soon as it entered his hands, and soon turned into sand, being carried away by the wind blowing through the crack in the door. "What does this mean?" Zhuang Xuteng felt confused, but he did not wait for a reply. He only saw the smile that Boss Qian showed before disappearing.

"Why are you laughing? If you have anything to say, you can say it directly... How do I get out of here?" Zhuang Xuteng found that the entire grocery store hut had begun to turn into sand, and he couldn't help feeling a little panicked. But just after he blinked, he found that he was still standing in the corridor, holding a lighter for lighting.

"It's like a dream." Zhuang Xuteng was stunned for a moment, and the next second he immediately took out his pocket. Three metal-shelled capsules were inside, proving to him that what just happened was not a dream.

"Where did that notebook go?" He searched every pocket on his body and found nothing. He was puzzled, but he felt that Boss Qian was not lying to him "before he died". "Perhaps he wants to use this method to express that revenge is like passing quicksand, and it is impossible to succeed? Forget it, I am just thinking. Don't worry about anything else, just send the capsule back first."

After leaving the black market, Zhuang Xuteng immediately set off home. He thought carefully about his brother. After he got on the highway, he called Lucy and told her that she didn't need to continue searching, the answer would come out by itself.

Lucy was very surprised and asked him why he suddenly changed his attitude. Zhuang Xuteng smiled and said that he had already figured it out and there was no need to waste energy on something that already knew the outcome, let alone take meaningless risks. If it was not done by the company, because no one else had that kind of organization and ability to act, the car accident could only be an accident. If it was done by a company, things would be simple.

Revenge is a very personal matter. It has nothing to do with public order and morality, and it has nothing to do with whether others work hard to investigate. Zhuang Xuteng figured out a truth: no matter how much evidence Lucy presented or what conclusion she gave, he would only act according to his own heart. Just like his relationship with his brother, this is a private emotional issue and does not involve anything else at all - except strength.

Revenge requires strength, and the growth of strength takes time. For the enemy, it is best to deal with potential enemies that are immediately exposed. Only a completely unexposed opponent with increasing strength and a determined attitude of revenge will be a real threat.

The master once taught him: Even if you have mastered the Seven Flashes, don't go to the senior manager of the company's business development department to fight. Being defeated and forced to flee will not solve the problem at all and will expose your vulnerable back to the enemy, which is unwise. The correct approach is to continue to improve your martial arts skills, try to reach a level that even the master failed to break through, and at the same time, cleanly kill all enemies weaker than you along the way.

Zhuang Xuteng only understood the first half of the sentence in the past, but now he understands the second half. You must kill any enemy who sees you taking action, and do not expose yourself to the real enemy - the top company - as having a strength similar to that of a senior manager in the development department. The death of his brother taught Zhuang Xuteng a truth: the company will always eliminate potential threats. The way to survive is to have no threats, and the way to win is to remain latent. There is no room for compromise here. Even if Zhuang Teng adopts a completely open and cooperative attitude, the outcome will not change.

Because if the company wants to eliminate a person, it may not necessarily be driven by reason, but it may be an emotional issue.

"Sister Lucy, continuing to investigate will do no good at all. This is why it should be stopped. I am still too weak at this point. Only by letting it go and not getting entangled can I hope to truly achieve my goal." Zhuang Xuteng said. As he drove, he said, "I'll go home first, and then I'll ask Brother Dao to go look for you and see what implants there are to choose from."

Lucy thought for a while and replied: "Okay, I will stop the investigation, but the internal investigation will continue. If my mercenaries cheat, I still need to continue to deal with him; if they neglect their duties and do not fulfill their entrustments properly, , I also need to punish them. This is an internal matter within our industry, so don’t worry about causing external turmoil."

"Thank you, Sister Lucy."

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