Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 435 Chapter 432 I want to check three things

When Lucy, the representative of Nike, came to attend the shareholder meeting of Moat Security Co., Ltd., Ge Gongdao warmly welcomed her with open arms. He did not arrange for a secretary or a manager below to receive Zhuang Xuteng, but directly went out in person and took him up and down the moat company, inside and out.

He did not take this opportunity to show off, but took this opportunity to explain to Zhuang Xuteng in detail the topics of the meeting, the power of the intermediaries represented by several shareholders, their positions and differences in interests. Although Zhuang Xuteng might be here for this one meeting, Ge Gongdao didn't want him to feel like it was just a formality, nor did he want him to suffer for several hours without understanding anything.

If it weren't for his introduction, Zhuang Xuteng would never have imagined that the middleman actually invested more than 60 million euros in the construction of the company, and the investment in smoothing the relationship was almost the same amount. Taking out so much money at once, in addition to sighing that the middlemen have so much spare money, they also have to face up to their determination. Moat Security Co., Ltd. is definitely not the kind of temporary outfit that just rushes over to step on the PCPD when they see it in trouble, and then pretends to be a coward and then runs away. Instead, it really wants to develop it and make it bigger and stronger into a business.

This is a good thing for middlemen and mercenaries. One more company will provide one more path. Just like the four top group companies, they have plans overtly and covertly, so they can be stable when encountering storms! For example, one of the topics discussed today is to establish blocking insurance, allowing each company to provide some gang information to form a collective deterrent to avoid the seriousness of the situation when conflicts with gangs occur - this is considered a secret matter. Another topic is to provide talents to the PCPD and select some people to become "private detectives within the establishment." The money can be earned by the moat company, and the reputation must be provided to the PCPD, so that the PCPD can raise its hand and reduce the cost of friction-this is Akari's layout.

But if this continues, it may not be a good thing for Zhuang Xuteng personally. It can be seen from Ge Gongdao's body language and mental state that he likes his current job very much and is very excited to work here. Will he ever become a mercenary brother again? Will it return to the current small team with three players missing and one missing?

It's hard to say, Zhuang Xuteng finds it hard to say. Ge Gongdao may not have thought about this problem, or may not have this awareness, but Zhuang Xuteng thought further. He thought about this problem carefully while Dao Ge was talking, and then came to a conclusion: If the Moat Security Company can make money and earn more than when he was a mercenary, then Ge Gongdao should stay in the company.

Even if he goes back, Brother Dao's identity is public, and with the moat company's troubles, his reputation will become even louder. This is very unsuitable for him to be a mercenary. What can he do when he returns to the team and continue to wait for support and rescue? Although support and rescue are important, they are also boring. Ge Gongdao's character is more inclined to rush to the front and fight and kill happily, rather than smoking in the car and waiting for the brother in front to get into trouble before he has a chance to act.

Going back to be a backup was a kind of torture for him.

Zhuang Xuteng figured it out. If Ge Gongdao didn't want to be a mercenary and chose to stay in Moat Company to continue working, then he would definitely agree. However, I can't say this in person now, because Brother Dao wants to save face. He values ​​feelings more than interests. It doesn't matter whether it's good for him personally. He will immediately put down all the work at hand and run to Zhuang Xuteng for the sake of his promise. It is certain.

That's what Brother Dao did when Zhuang Xuteng was attacked by Dingxin Mochuang's Kahuo.

All in all, you cannot rush this matter, you need to wait or find a suitable time. First go back and say hello to the Nightingale and Rockbird sisters, and get three of the four votes. Then ask Sister Lucy for advice and experience on how to deal with this kind of thing. Brother Dao is a special mercenary. After his fall, he used his real name to re-enter the world. He has become respected in the industry, and at the same time he has avenged his old revenge and can completely escape.

"Naike, are you distracted?" Ge Gongdao poked Zhuang Xuteng with his thick finger.

"Well, I'm not distracted, but my brain is not full." Zhuang Xuteng sighed and found an excuse and said: "You can't learn this kind of thing in an hour, right? I admit that my brain is very good. , but you can't fill it in like this... Originally, I wanted to go through the motions and take a rest. You forgot, just because I look good, doesn't mean I'm really good."

"Oh, by the way, I forgot about that! My fault." Ge Gongdao then remembered that Zhuang Xuteng had just fought with Kahuo, and both of them were beaten to the ground. "I'll take you to the conference room and ask Secretary Mi to find you some snacks. By the way, Secretary Mi may ogle you or even seduce you, but don't fall for it - he will laugh at you afterwards."

"He?" There were no real-time subtitles in front of Zhuang Xuteng, so he couldn't see "him" or "her", but he could read Brother Dao's expression. Brother Dao's expression just now was twisted, deceitful, and ready for a good show, especially when he mentioned "TA".

"Well, Secretary Mi is a man - although you can't tell it from his appearance at all." Brother Dao smiled mysteriously and said, "Well, I shouldn't reveal his little hobbies. He just likes to joke, he doesn't What did I do to you? Come on, the conference room is over here."

Zhuang Xuteng followed Ge Gongdao into the conference room and was pinned down by him again. Soon the name tag on the table in front of him was changed from "Lucy" to "Lucy Plenipotentiary Representative Nike" - the one who came to change the brand was Secretary Mi. Zhuang Xuteng really couldn't tell that he was her with the naked eye. If he were on a mission, Zhuang Xuteng would definitely use the resentful spirit jelly to confirm it. But now... this person is Ge Gongdao's secretary, and he always has to save some face for Brother Dao. Besides, Prince didn't express his opinion. This was a man's matter, so there was no problem in 1989. Well, don't be too curious - Zhuang Xuteng warned himself - otherwise you will be suspicious for the rest of your life.

Then people came one after another, and Zhuang Xuteng didn't recognize them at all, so he could only say hello by relying on the name tags on the table. The meeting was held smoothly as planned. Everyone had reached consensus on many things and there were no differences in the general direction. There were still some details that needed to be brought up at the meeting. These things will not affect the decision, just treat it as the babble of an old man.

An hour into the meeting, a convoy of uninvited guests suddenly arrived at Moat Company. Two commercial vehicles and five armored vehicles were able to run rampant in Peicheng, and no middleman could receive a warning from their own intelligence officer. You can imagine who they were.

Three flashes of light erupted in the lobby on the first floor of the company, and the shaking sound spread to the conference room on the third floor, where it was heard by Zhuang Xuteng, Ge Gongdao and others. It was a shock bomb, but not the kind they used. It felt that the energy was more "dense" and the scope of action was more "focused". Zhuang Xuteng opened the Wraith Spirit Jelly and "saw" a group of people wearing company armed suits in a guard formation, escorting several guys in strange clothes and walking straight up. The leader was a guy who was two meters tall, broad-shouldered and round, wearing a green military trench coat, a big-brimmed hat, and a bone-white skull mask on his face.

Behind him, two guys were wearing chemical protective suits made of silver reflective aluminum foil. Their heads were soaked in a jar filled with yellow liquid. Their entire skulls opened upward, and dozens of antenna tentacles sprouted from their brains. They continuously release powerful shadow energy, spreading outward in waves.

The "fish tank head" suddenly widened his eyes, looked around vigilantly, and then violently shook his tentacles, violently releasing shadow energy. As if Zhuang Xuteng had been hit hard, his vision went dark, and the resentful spirit jelly was directly shattered. Fortunately, the resentful spirit jelly can be used as an extension of perception rather than a real sensory organ. Zhuang Xuteng just shook his head and took a breath, which dissipated the uncomfortable feeling.

The people from the company came - Zhuang Xuteng gave Ge Gongdao a hint. Brother Dao didn't have Wraith Jelly and didn't know the details, but he sensed something was wrong through his enhanced hearing and Naike's warning eyes. He immediately stood up and interrupted the meeting with a wave of his hand. He then plans to leave the termination meeting, allowing everyone to move freely and leave freely.

Zhuang Xuteng knew Ge Gongdao very well, predicted his plan, and thought his plan was quite inappropriate. If you adjourn the meeting suddenly, you will definitely be suspected by the company. It will not protect everyone, but will also bring disaster to Brother Dao himself. So before Brother Dao could speak, he stood up suddenly, slammed the table hard, and said first: "What do you want to say? When you become the director, don't you care about the rights of mercenaries? I don't think you can do this. mess……"

The following words were not made up at all. No matter how quick-witted Zhuang Xuteng was, his quick wit was limited. Fortunately, it was enough to compile this sentence here, and the people from the company slammed the door open and came in.

Outside the room, the people of Moat Company fell to the ground. They were in a state of shock, foaming at the mouth and twitching their limbs. The two-meter strong man in military uniform and trench coat who pushed open the door slammed his head against the door frame, creating a military hat-shaped gap in the top. He casually threw a bronze medal on his chest to the table. The bronze medal was inserted straight into the imitation wooden table without any rotation, standing upright, showing everyone the words on it: Dingxin Magic Group Corporation, Emergency Implementation Department.

"Colonel Taaffe - that's all you need to call me. I declare the first rule: no questions or words until I give my consent."

Colonel Taft took a step forward and came to the conference table. The person closest to him was already frightened. He stretched out his hand and pulled him away, leaving an empty chair. Sitting in the middle of the long side of the table, Tafu first looked at the name tag in front of him, snorted, and then threw it to the middleman who had just been robbed of his seat. He took his bronze medal, inserted it in front of him again, and looked at everyone with a smile.

Zhuang Xuteng kept stretching out his hand to signal Ge Gongdao not to speak.

If he hadn't stopped him, Brother Dao would have scolded him - this is not reckless, he has such a temperament and character that is willing to take the lead for everyone.

"I heard that the middleman business in Peicheng is very impressive. It seems true. At least there are no big fools." Colonel Taft grinned, and his two rows of neat teeth shone with white fluorescent light under the light. Not only are they neat and clean, but the energy reaction is coming out from the teeth... Armed to the teeth, it's really not a lie.

Colonel Taft continued: "Dingxin Magic Group sent a market inspector to the Peicheng branch, called Kaho Wiggins. He couldn't be found yesterday morning. Assuming that he is dead, I will check whether he is How did he die, where did he die, who did it, and why. For these four questions, I will ask your intermediary. You are having a meeting here today. What a coincidence, I will notify you directly. If you haven’t arrived yet You are responsible for notifying those at the scene, otherwise it will be considered your responsibility."

Is this a task assignment? Zhuang Xuteng frowned, glanced at Ge Gongdao, and found that Brother Dao was also frowning. The company moves so fast and unreasonably. They used force to intimidate people outside and let them get through, but when they got inside, they started giving orders. If this is the routine, then there is no need for negotiation skills, and there is no room for maneuver if you want to fool someone.

"You have three things to do: First thing, if anyone knows how to answer those four questions, come to me directly. You can also go to Dingxin Mochuang Peicheng branch, you know my name. I will reward Real answers, praise for clues and guesses that make sense, but if someone told a joke to play on me, I would kill him."

"The second thing is, find out what the mercenaries in the city were doing from yesterday morning to early this morning. Leave it to me. No need to hand it over in person. Use the information network to ask your intelligence officer to go to Dingxin Mo Chuangpei City to analyze Just report to the ministry’s information hub. I’ll give you three hours. If any intermediary fails to submit, I will kill him.”

"The third thing is, I have a list of mercenaries here. It lists S and A-level mercenaries. They will gather here within half a day. No amount of rubbish can hurt Kaho, so for B-level and below, I Not interested. Although there is no hope for S-class, the company's process is like this. If the mercenaries don't come by then, Dingxin Magic will come and kill them directly."

Colonel Taft glanced at everyone, focusing on Zhuang Xuteng and Ge Gongdao for a moment. His eyes carried the shadow energy detection function, and the extra moment he stayed was to measure the quality of the two people's implants. Then, he saw the name tags of the two people, said "Huh?", turned to the person behind him and asked: "Are the names Naike and Ge Gongdao included in the list?"

He immediately received a reply: "Yes, the two are tied, both are A-level. Among them, Ge Gongdao is A+, and Naike is A."

"Save your time." Colonel Taft looked at Zhuang Xuteng and asked, "What were you doing yesterday?"

"We are doing a mercenary mission. According to industry regulations, I can't say the specific content of the mission. If you really want to know, I can apply to the middleman. To be honest, we don't want to conflict with the company, delay the business and cause losses. Only fools That's why he did that. And one more thing, your table is not very accurate. I am better than Go Gongdao, I should be A+. I defeated him in the recent battle."

Tafu knocked on the table with his fist, laughed twice, and said: "Well, judging from Yingcong's energy reaction, you are indeed a little better than him."

Zhuang Xuteng nodded, with a smile on his face, appreciating Tafu's eyes.

At this time, a member of Taft's entourage came up and said: "Colonel, he is in good physical condition. He has only minor injuries and a little sub-health. There are no signs of recent serious injuries."

"Yes." Tafu nodded, and then said to everyone: "Kaho's strength is considered qualified. If you want to besiege him, you will need about seven of your strongest S-class characters, and more than half of them will die and the remaining half will be seriously injured. The cost, maybe. It's impossible not to get hurt, that's a criterion."

Zhuang Xuteng secretly breathed a sigh of relief, glad that his preparations were not in vain.

"But!" Colonel Taft changed the topic and said, "The mercenary environment in each city is different, and I don't know what the level of mercenaries here is. A or A+, well, it's just right."

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