Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 449 Chapter 446 The Leading Party

"Bomb? Do you think I will carry it with me?" Palovich shook his head and said: "We spent a lot of effort to build one, and we will definitely have to wait until the operation starts before giving it to you."

"Have you ever tested it?" Zhuang Xuteng asked, "Can you ensure that the one in your hand can explode?"

"Of course we built a small one first for experimentation, and the effect was very good and met expectations. As for the one you are about to use, it has gathered our best technical strength and is guaranteed to explode."

Zhuang Xuteng nodded and said: "The Gardener Organization's bomb level is indeed very famous. Palovich, I know that it is not good for me to continue to talk in circles with you, so why don't I take a step back. I don't want your money, as long as the Gardener Organization publicly announces its Responsible for Kaho's death, I will take this bomb and do this for you. And again, this is not for me, but for all the mercenaries."

"Deal." Palovich stretched out his right hand to shake Zhuang Xuteng's hand, and his left hand reached for the car door handle, as if to send him off.

Zhuang Xuteng stopped him quickly and said, "Wait! If I go on like this, how can I prepare in advance? How big is the bomb? How much does it weigh? How to use it? You don't give me any information, how can I prepare in advance? Palovich, you Do you want me to put a bomb in my body and launch a suicide attack on Taff? You are such a bastard!"

"So that's what you meant. I admit that I was negligent." Palovic smiled crookedly and said, "Okay, I'll have someone bring it to you..."

"Let me come here again, and let me advertise: The mercenary Naike has a good relationship with Palovich of the riot squad. Is the riot squad going to take action here? Then send someone to deliver the bomb. Or are you going to give me the dangerous bomb and the instruction manual at the same time, regardless of whether I accidentally activate the thing and blow myself into the sky? Brother, you don’t work like this!" Zhuang Xuteng took the opportunity to turn his face and said: " The fact that you can't produce information now proves that you either have no intention of convincing me, or you don't have enough organizational skills to support this action. No matter what the reason is, I won't do the work for you. You can find someone else. !”

Palovic stopped smiling. He knew he couldn't get away with it this time, so he snorted and said: "You have a quick mind and speak really fast! Did you give me time to speak? Did you give me time to explain? "

"Then I will give you a chance to fool me now." Zhuang Xuteng said.

Palovich rolled his eyes, leaned out, pulled up the passenger seat, took out a document bag from underneath and handed it to Zhuang Xuteng. "Here's what you want: a complete set of information. If you want to know what a bomb looks like and how to operate it, just look here."

"So thick?" Zhuang Xuteng took the document bag in his hand and pinched it. It felt like it was two to three hundred pages thick. He pulled out the documents inside and found that what he got was not a brief introduction to the bomb, but a very detailed engineering specification.

Palovic seemed to have thought of something. He raised his chin and said, "Nike, are your eyes implants?"

"No. Are you going to give me an implant? I was injured before and my vision in my right eye has declined a bit. Now I'm thinking about upgrading it...wait..." Zhuang Xuteng put on an expression of realization and said: "Oh, what do you think? If my eyes were implants, they might have the function of taking pictures and record all your precious drawings. I'm so stupid, you are really nothing!"

"Who are you scolding?"

"Are you a thing?" Zhuang Xuteng shook his head, flipping through the engineering drawings page by page, scanning them quickly with his eyes, and at the same time put on an expression of being wronged, and said: "Judging from the detailed things you gave me, you You are really not prepared for this action. You were very impulsive and used up favors last time, why haven't you learned your lesson yet?"

"If it's not something urgent, I won't hire mercenaries."

"You have worked as a middleman before, so you don't know how this business works." Zhuang Xuteng talked to Palovich while browsing the files and memorizing the contents. "Think more about how to win-win and get rid of the bad habit of cheating people. I am not opposed to establishing a good relationship with the riot squad. Your equipment is so good. If a few pieces are leaked, it will be enough to motivate people to work. Hey, I don't want it either. Euro, how about giving me a car like this? Change the appearance so it doesn’t look like it belongs to your riot squad, but the functions inside will be the same.”

"I'll think about it..." Seeing Zhuang Xuteng looking at those engineering documents half-heartedly, Palovich thought that no one in the world could take the opportunity to remember every detail in them, so he gave up his worries about technical leaks.

Indeed, Zhuang Xuteng has never shown his technical strength to the outside world. It is impossible for him to create such things as shadow guns, improved grenades, the Wraith Servant Array, and today's "Concentration Instant Melt Bomb". Yes, absolutely impossible...

It’s true that he didn’t know how to create it, but he did remember it all. After nodding and bowing and sending the riot control team away, Zhuang Xuteng first spent a period of time deepening his image memory, and then dialed Lucy's phone and reported the incident to her through an encrypted channel. Since he was still in the Fengchi Arena, there was a risk of leaks, so he definitely couldn't go into details on the phone. Use a few code words to remind Lucy, and point out the two most critical points of "gardener organization" and "bomb-making expert". I believe Lucy can understand.

Lucy understood, and she told Zhuang Xuteng that she would explain to him immediately if there was any progress. For the time being, she didn't have a good way to deal with the fact that Palovic came to her door. Before Moat Corporation develops scale and power, mercenaries and middlemen will still be at a disadvantage whenever they face PCPD or riot squads. If you want to end the state of being suppressed by others, you have to take the only way to develop and strengthen yourself. This road has started, but it still takes time to accumulate steps.

At the moment, the only protection and help Moat can give Zhuang Xuteng is to transfer him from his post. Lucy believes that as long as Zhuang Xuteng leaves the Fengchi Arena, there will be no point in letting him install bombs. However, Zhuang Xuteng held an objection. He believed that transferring himself was not only an escape, but also had only disadvantages and no benefits.

After temporarily leaving the Fengchi Arena, Palovic won't look for him? It's definitely not that simple. That guy from the Gardener Organization gets anxious easily. When he gets anxious, he doesn't care about rules or rationality. He will definitely let Zhuang Xuteng return to the Fengchi Arena and force him to complete this order. In contrast, it is easier to stay inside the arena.

On the other hand, transferring Zhuang Xuteng immediately after the meeting just now is equivalent to explicitly declaring: "Palovic, I told your story, and now I'm quitting it!" Needless to say, this must be the case. It will intensify contradictions and create conflicts, which will cause endless troubles. The so-called situation is stronger than the person: from the moment Palovich blocked Zhuang Xuteng, the other party took advantage, and he would definitely suffer. This is a result, not a prediction.

It was necessary to agree, otherwise it would be difficult for Zhuang Xuteng to get out of the riot control unit's car. However, agreeing does not mean that he will definitely do it. This is not a commissioned task. The contract has not been signed and the deposit has not been paid. Zhuang Xuteng is not stubborn. It's best to get this matter out of the way. The key is what to do...

It would be great if there was some way to use the relationship between Colonel Taff and Mano Ban to solve these two people together...

About an hour later, Zhuang Xuteng came up with a plan, which could be said to be a combination of despicableness and cunning. He could use his wraith tentacles to change Secretary Yespi's schedule and tell her to call Mano Ban over. There is a high probability that something will happen after this woman meets her boss. If she can secretly film it and spread it, it will create momentum. Will Colonel Taft still be in the mood to watch the show and call Mano Ban for service after knowing this? Even speaking of it, is Mano Ban still capable of performing on stage while dealing with this turmoil?

He thought his idea was great and could solve two problems at the same time without killing anyone. However, he is well aware that he is a mercenary and has a high success rate in tactics, but designing a plan from scratch like a middleman is another matter. Out of caution, he used an encrypted line to tell Sister Lucy his idea - of course, he hid the part about getting rid of Mano Ban for Zhuang Feifei.

Upon hearing this, Lucy said that this plan was unreliable because Zhuang Xuteng overestimated the moral level of people like Mano Ban and underestimated the perverted tolerance of Colonel Taft's temperament.

When such pornographic photos are leaked out, they only see them as a way to add glory to their faces, and it is a good opportunity to hype up the topic. Mano Ben would say that he was forced to do so, and Yespi would say that he was just used to being romantic, but Mano Ben was too attracted to him, and he stepped into "the pit of tenderness that no man can resist." As for Colonel Taaffe, if anyone dares to interview him, he can also use the excuse of "soothing the wounded hearts of the weak".

As long as there is no morality, you will not be kidnapped. Zhuang Xuteng's plan is not impossible to realize, but it is too low and does not realize its value. On the other hand, Lucy didn't want Zhuang Xuteng to plant a bomb for Colonel Taft. She was thinking of ways to change Colonel Taft's schedule. She asked Zhuang Xuteng not to be impatient, let alone move, so as not to fall into Palovic's trap.

In this case, I'm sorry, Miss Mano Ban, now you have to face the attack of "Scarecrow" Naike, please try your best to survive. From then on, Zhuang Xuteng no longer sat in the stairwell of the office building, but began to wander around the office building he was responsible for. Expand your area of ​​activity without leaving your scope of responsibilities. After two days of this, he proposed to Jolt that in order to prevent a certain person from being bribed and creating a security loophole, could he try a cross-check mechanism? Using the method of drawing lots, let the mercenaries temporarily switch their areas of responsibility, and everyone can help each other find problems.

This method just clicked in Jolt's heart. He originally wanted Naike to do more work without charging more and use his experience to check other areas of the venue. He was about to agree, but when he saw the cunning look flashing in Zhuang Xuteng's eyes, he suddenly woke up:

Damn it, Naike is testing me! Wanted to see if I was a true friend or just trying to use him.

"This is not good, it is against the rules. You can do whatever you want for the money you pay. If I take advantage of you today, I may suffer losses tomorrow or the day after tomorrow!" Jolt sighed and said, "But your method is indeed very good. I’m not willing to give up. How about this, I’ll go talk to the boss and see if I can ask the most experienced one of you to put in some effort and look at this place inside and out.”

"Thank you!" Zhuang Xuteng said to Ruote, pretending to be confident that he would be the best, "If you let me take charge of this matter, I will not only do a great job for you, but I will also not let you I'm at a loss. You are like my temporary middleman, finding commissioned work for me, which I will definitely thank you for."

Jolt understood, so he worked hard to get it, and he actually got another hundred thousand euros from the boss. Zhuang Xuteng and Ruoert secretly disagreed, and then the two of them used inspection as an excuse to wander around various areas of the hotel openly.

Putting 50,000 yuan into his pocket, Zhuang Xuteng will definitely make it worth it. As a mercenary who is good at both reconnaissance and stealth, ordinary places are full of loopholes in his eyes. Not only is he able to point out problems, but he is also able to provide solutions. Most problems can be solved by adjusting the layout of the monitoring heads and setting up traps. It doesn't cost a lot of money, but the results are obvious. For Jolt's sake, Zhuang Xuteng not only told what to do, but also part of "why to do it", which benefited the security captain a lot.

After all, there are specialties in the arts. Jolt, who was born in the army, is good at large-scale positional warfare. His anti-reconnaissance and anti-infiltration experience are also aimed at the military, not petty theft like mercenaries or gangs. Under Zhuang Xuteng's suggestion, thirty cameras were added to areas such as the Fengchi Arena and Casino, and almost the same number of old cameras were modified to increase concealment and select better viewing angles. We found seven easy-to-infiltrate paths and either blocked them, made them more difficult, or set up traps. Zhuang Xuteng believes that if the difficulty of all paths is increased, it will increase the intensity of confrontation in an all-round way, which is actually not good for Ruote.

"General thieves or saboteurs, seeing the hotel's situation, will probably come in from these places." Zhuang Xuteng drew a schematic diagram for Ruolte and said: "I can't control those who come in disguised from the front door. These traps are aimed at Their accomplices, or people acting alone. Catch a few of them, get the bonus, and don’t forget to treat me when you see them.”

Jolt was a little skeptical, but if it was just a treat, there was nothing to worry about. He asked Zhuang Xuteng: "These plans you have come up with can't protect yourself, can they?"

"It depends on what you want to do. If you ask me to come in and do some reconnaissance, I guarantee you won't be able to stop me in any way. If you want me to come in and remove five hundred kilograms of chips, to tell you the truth, I can't do it either. It’s a relative thing, cost-benefit, safety-risk. How can there be no guarantee of success, and no guarantee of success? Think about it, is this the truth? "

There is absolutely no problem with the truth, and Ruote is convinced. He felt that the 100,000 euros were well spent, especially if half of it went into his own pocket.

Zhuang Xuteng also felt it was worthwhile. He walked around the hotel inside and out to find out the local surveillance situation - he went into the surveillance room to read the observations of all the cameras - and memorized the daily duty schedule. This is quite conducive to his subsequent actions in the hotel. Not to mention Miss Mano Ban who lives in 1908, even if she kills the boss, it won't be that difficult.

"Naike, I've been busy just asking you to watch security these past two days. Are you interested in boxing?" Ruote suddenly thought of a way to repay Zhuang Xuteng and said, "You haven't gone to see the defending champion or challenge him. Or. You are a mercenary, so you can’t be uninterested in their implants, right?”

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