Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 455 Chapter 452 Chasing the List

Palovich also knew that he had shortcomings in his character. Especially after his operation in Peicheng failed, his problems of impatience and irritability became more and more serious. Since the "invasion" of Peicheng was disturbed by Naike's group, "To untie the bell, you must tie the bell." He then came up with the idea of ​​Naike joining the group to strengthen the gardener organization.

But how much money can the gardeners organization give? Zhuang Xuteng will not be fooled! Even if he put the copper smell aside for the time being, Zhuang Xuteng still had to consider the style of the gardener organization. He can even accept efforts that have no future, but he cannot accept that efforts that could produce positive results are all wasted.

To put it simply, it can be painful, tiring, and dangerous, but it cannot be mindless and stupid.

"Palovich, since you think that both the gardener organization and the mercenaries will be attacked by the company, then why should I jump from one fire pit to another?" Zhuang Xuteng said: "Mercenary, at worst I will quit. Now I earn The money is enough for me to eat and drink for the rest of my life. Your gardening organization is not attractive to me unless it has a good future."

Palovic shook his head with a smile and said, "You misunderstood. If you wait, it won't be whether you choose to join the Gardeners' Organization, but that you must join the Gardeners' Organization."

"You are so confident." Zhuang Xuteng shook his head. He felt that there was no point or benefit in continuing to talk on this topic, so he stopped entangled, and he did not believe Parowi's judgment that the mercenaries would be attacked by the company. The mercenaries have always been very loose, and there has never been any conflict with the company, and fighting against the mercenaries is neither labor-intensive nor profitable. If the company were to take action, it wouldn't choose mercenaries.

Moreover, most mercenaries and middlemen are not opposed to accepting the company's entrustment. There are only a very small number of middlemen like Lucy who avoid the company as much as possible, and she may even be the only one.

"Palovich, since the threat of Dingxin Magic is coming, shouldn't you consider preparing some countermeasures?" Zhuang Xuteng said: "There is no harm in hiding, really."

"Even if the company wants to attack the Gardeners organization, it doesn't mean that it will attack me. The truly prudent countermeasure should be to silence you as soon as possible so that you won't tell Colonel Taft."

"I won't tell the truth." Zhuang Xuteng rolled his eyes and said, "If I wasn't more than half sure of killing Colonel Taft, I wouldn't take the initiative to approach that guy. He punched me three times just as a test. If he got serious, maybe I I can’t stand even one punch.”

"More than half chance of killing him - do you think you can reach that level in your lifetime?"

Zhuang Xuteng replied categorically: "Yes, it must be possible!"

"I'm looking forward to that day, and I believe that if that day comes, you must be a member of the Gardeners organization." After saying this, Palovich reached out to open the car door and made an invitation gesture to Zhuang Xuteng. "Give me the bomb first, and then we'll leave."

The hot bomb was finally handed over. As for where it would work, Zhuang Xuteng was not interested at all. Palovic is finally gone and won't bother him again for a while, which is indeed cause for celebration. Zhuang Xuteng put on a relaxed smile and went to the casino bar to order a drink. He doesn't have any specific work to do next, so he'll just pass the time here.

Although they had just been harassed by the Blood Bat Gang, driven by the positive attitude of "I want to make money," Fengchi Casino had completely eliminated the traces of gang destruction in just a few hours. Money is spent gambling, dancing is happening, and the place of feasting and feasting seems to be unscathed.

Zhuang Xuteng has no interest in gambling, even if he can cheat with the Wraith Tentacle. In fact, casinos are very wary of mercenaries like Zhuang Xuteng who are equipped with combat implants. They are absolute experts in the field of discovering and punishing cheaters. Zhuang Xuteng is very cautious and will not fight in other people's fields unless necessary. Moreover, he used the keen sense of resentment jelly to discover that the casino itself was cheating, and the guests who came here would slowly spend their money at a comfortable and nostalgic speed.

"The Fengchi Arena can make a lot of money now, and my contribution is part of it!"

This is true. When the casino group failed to enter Peicheng, Zhuang Xuteng played a great role in it. It is precisely because the casino group did not enter that local companies like Fengchi Casino can live such a prosperous life.

He sat at the bar for a while, and then a beautiful salesman came up to chat with him, introduced Zhuang Xuteng to the casino's gadgets, and complimented him to let him try his luck. Zhuang Xuteng gave her a tip of ten euros and asked her to find someone else to expand her business, but she didn't expect that after one person left, another one would come. It seems that the casino is not a music restaurant and there is no quiet here. Zhuang Xuteng hurriedly paid the bill and left immediately.

Afterwards, he wandered around the hotels, arenas and casinos, saw the gorgeous dancers running past, listened to the drunken gamblers talking about how to place bets tomorrow, and avoided the salesmen who tried to sell him safe blue injections. represent……

There is only one day left to complete this commission, and Zhuang Xuteng will also face the biggest test: seeing Colonel Taft again.

He thought about this for a long time and finally decided to take a safe approach. Zhuang Xuteng found Boss Yespi and spoke frankly to him: "Please move me to the outer area and don't let me meet Colonel Taft."

His reason is quite good: because he was punched into the hospital by Colonel Taft three times before, he became the first victim of the "Colonel" to establish his power. If he wandered into Colonel Taft's field of vision, he would probably be regarded as a A provocation.

"It's best for me to keep my tail between my legs now." Zhuang Xuteng sighed and said, "Boss, I'm afraid of Colonel Taft, so please be accommodating!"

Yespi nodded, sighed, and even wiped his tears. "I understand what you mean. There's no shame in being afraid of Colonel Taft. I'm afraid too! As soon as his team moved in, they took over the entire hotel's system. I'm pretty sure that all the account information I stored in the network was stolen by them. I’ve seen it all. I’m even more afraid. I’m afraid that if they leave, they will take away the small money I hid with them.”

"Huh? Then why don't you transfer the funds quickly?"

"I can no longer operate my account. What does this mean?" The boss waved his hand and said, "Forget it, I accept my fate. No matter how much money I pay, there will be no mercenaries to help me solve my current problem, right?"

Zhuang Xuteng shook his head and sighed.

"Okay, don't go see Colonel Taft. Or you can stay in the office building...forget it, what if we run into each other?" Yespi thought for a moment and decided to sell Naike a small favor for the future. To pave the way for possible cooperation. "You might as well have a day off today. Colonel Taft's team is here, and he is the only threat. No one else dares to make trouble. You had to finish today, so I will consider you to have finished your work. You can go wherever you want, How about I pay you the settlement as usual?"

"You're so polite, thank you very much." Zhuang Xuteng got off the slope and hurriedly shook hands with the boss to finalize the matter. "I promise I won't make a big fuss about it. My car is still here. I'll leave quietly first, lest other mercenaries find out about this and come to harass you."

"That's very thoughtful, let's do it like this!" Yespi waved his hand and told Zhuang Xuteng to leave quickly.

Zhuang Xuteng sneaked out of the hotel, but did not go far. Instead, he went to the building on the opposite side of the road to act as a scout. He really wants to avoid running into Colonel Taffe, but at the same time he will not give up on his mission, which he considers basic professionalism. From the high point of the building, he can help Boss Yespi see the entire site, and at least it can serve as an early warning.

In the afternoon, people from all walks of life began to gather in nightclubs and casinos. They were dressed in bright clothes and proudly holding their heads high, like male peacocks walking freely between heaven and earth. I don’t know how these guys were trained. They all seemed to be immune to the effects of the flash, and their false warm smiles were not affected at all for a moment. They left their own afterimages on the red carpet, and then went to watch the warm-up performance one after another, rubbing shoulders, gearing up, and intrigues.

A boxing championship is not just a fight. Before the boxing champion finally takes the stage, there will be some unimportant warm-up events, and these games are often more violent. There are only a few boxing champions, and everyone wants to be a boxing champion. Everyone must work hard for limited sponsorship funds. Good technique is one thing, but more importantly, it is for people to see and remember it. This requires them to be able to perform, and the games they play must not only be pleasing to the eye, but also bloody and exciting.

In such a game, someone will inevitably be injured, and inevitably someone will die, so an ambulance parked at the door is necessary. In addition to first aid after the incident, prevention before the incident and handling during the incident must also be done. This includes but is not limited to arranging soothing striptease performances between games, or asking some singers to sing soothing songs.

Mano Ban was admitted to the hospital by Zhuang Xuteng and is still unable to leave the hospital bed, so her part of the dance was given to others. Zhuang Feifei's clothes did not appear in the vulgar performance in the end. I believe that Zhuang Xuteng bought her enough time this time and she can definitely handle her own brand affairs. Thinking of this, Zhuang Xuteng called her, first to ask how she was doing, and also to ask her to spare some time so that he could ask her to change her clothes.

This suit is the armor suit taken from Kaho. It must be modified so that the original appearance cannot be seen, and the original defensive capabilities must be retained as much as possible. Zhuang Xuteng was ready to deal with Kaho's trophies as soon as Colonel Taft left. He has been thinking about a cloak that can make him completely invisible, but he hasn't had a chance to study it carefully yet.

Before the call with my sister was completed, a "didi beep beep" signal sound came from the receiver, indicating that someone else was calling. Zhuang Xuteng took a look and found that it was Lucy. He hurriedly hung up after calling his sister, and immediately connected Lucy.

"Urgent action, get in the car, briefing encrypted channel 3, get on Highway 6!" Lucy said: "Others are also taking action."

Lucy's voice sounded quite anxious. She was not talking about it, but giving orders directly. Zhuang Xuteng just frowned, said "Okay", jumped off the roof, and used levitation to glide to the parking lot on the other side of the road.

Except for one or two security personnel, everyone's eyes were focused on the red carpet, celebrities, and gang members who might appear from the street corner at any time, and they did not notice Zhuang Xuteng falling from the sky. He was already familiar with the security personnel here, and no one stopped him, so Zhuang Xuteng entered the white beast quite quickly and activated it.

In this cold as ice cellar weather, the performance of the battery is very poor, and the advantage of the gasoline engine's quick start is reflected. Although the initial power was insufficient and the car's acceleration and high-speed capabilities were poor, once it was put on the road and then pressurized and heated, after the steam power slowly caught up, the car was able to pick up speed. Zhuang Xuteng drove away under the surprised gaze of the security personnel, and happened to pass by Colonel Taft's motorcade. The cars of both parties are equipped with single-transparent glass, so that each other cannot see what is going on inside the other's car, thus avoiding making the situation more complicated.

The road surface is quite slippery due to melting snow, and the white beast will also slip. Zhuang Xuteng operated the steering wheel with both hands to control the vehicle, used the tentacles of the Wraith to adjust the car radio, switched to the encrypted channel 3, and established a point-to-point connection with the embedded antenna on his forehead. "Hello? This is Nike, who is on the channel?"

"The rock bird is here." The crisp sound vibrated the eardrums, and the embedded antenna received and transmitted the sound through bone vibrations. There was a difference in timbre from listening directly with the eardrums. Zhuang Xuteng was stunned for a moment before he reacted. It’s been a while since we’ve done any tasks together, and it’s been a while since we’ve seen each other. For a long time, I had to either lie down in the hospital or act on my own. Suddenly I heard my companion's voice coming from the communicator, and I was a little moved.

"Long time no see, Naike, I'll make a long story short." Yanque cleared his throat and said: "The identity information of the mercenaries was obtained by the Canghuo Gang. They tried to decrypt the information online, but were discovered by the intelligence network and implemented a remote Attack. Now several people from the Canghuo Gang are transferring memories containing identity information. Your mission is to find, intercept, and destroy it!"

Even though he knew that Yanque could only hear but not see him, Zhuang Xuteng still nodded and said: "I need the other party's real-time location and direction of action, and there is another question: Am I the only one to act?"

"First arrive at the entrance of Highway 6. Don't leave the city. Choose the outer ring road to the west and enter the reverse lane. Your task is to intercept them. You may see them face to face. The Canghuo Gang's people are moving on the outer ring road and are constantly approaching Highway 6. Entrance and exit. Naike, your current location and distance is..."

"I just left the Fengchi Arena. I can reach the highway entrance in ten... no, eight minutes." Zhuang Xuteng continued to adjust the power composition, constantly adding steam engines to do work, and increasing the speed of the car as much as possible. "Iwajak, should I act alone?"

"No. There are currently six teams dispatched, and the number is still increasing. The action team closer than you has two teams with a total of seven people, and there are a total of five teams involved in destroying the storage. The teams further behind will It is arranged to intercept possible gang support. In addition, there is a team in the air that has just joined, and the helicopter should pass in front of you immediately."

Zhuang Xuteng squinted his eyes to observe the sky, and soon saw a small white helicopter passing between the buildings and disappearing out of sight in a swish. "I saw the helicopter," Zhuang Xuteng said to Yanque: "Now describe to me the target I'm looking for!"

Yanque immediately provided the model, appearance and license plate of the Canghuo Gang's vehicle, and told Zhuang Xuteng that there were at least four people in the car, probably all elders, and asked him to be careful.

How could the mercenary's identity information be obtained by the Canghuo Gang? Why did it have to be declassified? How could the Canghuo Gang be allowed to take it into the car and flee in Peicheng? Zhuang Xuteng really wanted to know the answers, but these questions could be asked later. Yanque told Zhuang Xuteng: For this matter, the middleman has made arrangements for a full-scale war with the Canghuo Gang, and identity information must be preserved at all costs.

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