Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 460 Chapter 457 Threading the needle

While my sister was busy with her work, her brother kept asking her about the progress in her life, relationship, and career, which made her more and more annoyed. Finally, Zhuang Feifei gave an ultimatum: shut up or get out and stop causing trouble here.

Zhuang Xuteng chose to shut up. However, Zhuang Feifei had entered a state of boredom, so much so that she became annoyed when she saw him, and eventually kicked him out of the studio.

Alas, being disliked is a stage that every brother must go through. Besides, Zhuang Xuteng has himself to blame this time. Judging from the workload and difficulty of the work, that piece of clothing was indeed very difficult to deal with. In order to keep it confidential and not be able to rely on others, Zhuang Feifei shouldered all the workload herself. He was already busy and tired, but Zhuang Xuteng still wanted to chat with her. How could he not end up like this?

"Although you can go home and get the disk accessories, it is useless to press the disk until you understand the operating protocol. Consumables such as shock bombs and palm fire are enough for now, and there is no need to go to the black market to attract attention." Zhuang Xuteng After thinking about it, I didn't have anywhere to go, so I sat on the floor in the corner of the studio door. He sent Morgana a few text messages of greetings and care on his regular mobile phone, and then fell asleep leaning against the wall.

Since Zhuang Xuteng came in the afternoon, he could have a good sleep without being disturbed after the people in the studio left after get off work. He had been busy dealing with urgent matters and running errands, so he slept very deeply. It wasn't until around nine o'clock in the evening that Zhuang Feifei opened the door to the studio and woke him up.

Originally, Zhuang Feifei wanted to come out and ask a question: I have been busy changing your clothes, don't you know how to get me some food? But when she saw Zhuang Xuteng curled up in the corner sleeping, she began to feel distressed again. When the two of them had no money to live in Peicheng, the elder brother often went to bed when he got home and didn't even eat. Only later did she realize that she was less likely to be hungry when she was asleep.

"What time is it? Damn it!" Zhuang Xuteng glanced at the clock and immediately jumped up from the ground: "No wonder you are hungry... What is there to eat near you?"

"No restaurant or supermarket dares to open at this time." Zhuang Feifei sighed, pointed to the end of the corridor, and said: "In the pantry over there, there are ready-made foods in the refrigerator. You can eat them by heating them on the stove."

"Quick food is not healthy. It's only nine o'clock, will the restaurants and supermarkets outside be closed?"

Zhuang Feifei nodded and said: "The streets are quite chaotic. PCPD and the Cemetery Gang are prone to conflicts when they meet. A while ago, just three buildings away, the PCPD attacked with force and destroyed a brothel in the Cemetery Gang. At least a hundred people were rescued. The Cemetery Gang has promised to find the bastard who tipped off the PCPD, so the streets have not been peaceful these two days. Even if the PCPD strengthens patrols, the shops dare not open very late."

"Are you okay here?"

"It's okay. When I asked them to leave, I turned off all the lights, put down the protective rolling shutter door, and turned on the linked alarm system. There were gangsters who smashed the door to test, but the PCPD came quickly, and then the gang stopped coming to make trouble. I'm here to make clothes. There are no cash transactions at all, the production lines and warehouses are not here, and there is no money to grab.”

Zhuang Xuteng sighed and said: "Although the PCPD is not very good, it is still much better than the gangs. I hope they can restore order on the streets soon."

"I hope so too, otherwise I would have to keep paying them 'mobilization funds' in order for the PCPD to come quickly. Recently I was thinking whether I should save this money and hire security from the Moat Company. The cost is about the same. If you hire for a long time, you can get a discount.”

"I don't know the specific situation, so I won't give you any advice. But at least you don't have to worry today, because I'm here." Zhuang Xuteng smiled and said, "Don't work hungry, and don't chat hungry. I’ll get you something to eat, just close the door!”

"What's wrong with the door being open?"

"The light in the room shines from the door and is reflected on the glass of the corridor over there." Zhuang Xuteng waved his hand and motioned for his sister to close the door. "Keep working, I'll get you something to eat and see if it's safe for you."

In the eyes of an excellent infiltrator, Zhuang Feifei's studio has some loopholes that can be exploited, but judging from a low-value target, the current level of protection is sufficient. Safety is always linked to cost. Not only does it have obvious marginal effects, but it is never possible to be foolproof. Even if we could spend more money to make this place as solid as a bank vault, that would be more likely to attract people's imagination and attract saboteurs and infiltration experts.

Security protection must be closely integrated with needs and cost should be fully considered. This principle can not only be used for studio security, but also applies to Zhuang Xuteng's personal combat protection. The armored jacket ripped off from Kaho Wiggins has no need to say its protective capabilities. Apart from the thickened composite armor plate, it is basically the strongest. In terms of shape, after modification, its appearance is somewhere between casual and casual. Between a suit and a jacket, it can be worn daily, which is also an advantage; however, it is not light in weight, weighing a full 20 kilograms. After all, it is a full 16 kilograms heavier than the previous clothes, which is a huge improvement.

Either use a strong body to support it, or use an implant. Although the 20 kilograms of clothes are nothing to the driver's assistance suit implant, they are not as good as a cannonball that can be easily carried, but Zhuang Xuteng hopes to use his physical fitness to wear the clothes rather than Activate the implant throughout the day and endure the side effects of the implant.

After putting on his clothes, Zhuang Xuteng did a set of boxing in Zhuang Feifei's studio to feel the pressure it puts on his body. Currently, Zhuang Xuteng's flexibility is affected, and he must use more implants to offset his disadvantages during combat. In addition, Zhuang Xuteng must consider the issues of levitation and stealth, especially mid-air turning movements. The implant cannot help, and every kilogram of body weight will have a huge impact. Zhuang Xuteng tried it, but it caused actual obstacles whenever vertical movement was involved, including sneaking and climbing walls.

"This dress is very heavy. I can see that you are not used to it." Zhuang Feifei said while eating fast food: "Especially after shortening it, its center of gravity has been raised upwards. When you move your body sideways, you will feel that it is a little bit... Akira, this is slightly different from your usual body posture habits, you have to adjust at any time."

Zhuang Xuteng nodded, the clothes made him feel that way. "Is there any way to adjust it?"

"Add the weight down and bring it back - I don't recommend that. Hey, just try to adapt, not every model can adapt to every outfit. By the way, you only have a top and no pants? ?”

"His pants and shoes are only highly elastic and wear-resistant. They can withstand the effects of instantaneous high speeds and are not suitable for me. I still like a few more pockets to hold useful things." Zhuang Xuteng thought for a while and said, "For balance Weight-bearing, it seems I need to reduce the weight of the things I carry with me.”

"You make up your own mind. Take off your clothes first, I'll do the structural finishing, and then change the color and appearance for you." Zhuang Feifei rubbed the blood stains remaining on the fabric of her clothes and said, "Brother, mercenaries are so dangerous. Let’s stop doing it when we make enough money.”

"I haven't earned enough money yet, and nothing is not dangerous. Compared with before, when two or three gangsters could block me in the corridor and beat me up, I'm much safer now." Zhuang Xuteng touched his sister's head and said : "You know me, I won't do anything reckless."

Being reckless is a big taboo for mercenaries and middlemen. The usual consequence of being tough is having your scalp cut off - Lucy feels this way now. After she received the specific implementation steps of "Operation Pin Insertion", she was surprised at its complexity, fearful of the various preliminary preparations it required, and frustrated by the extremely high requirements it placed on the participants.

Based on the people she had brought over before and the current level of preparation, it would be considered a glorification, but the real situation was more like hitting one's head against a rock. Four groups, each group has to complete more than 70 action steps, and must also cooperate in time. It's more complicated than stealing a train from a helicopter, and there's no practice time.

"Meteor, I don't have any hope anymore. Take a look at this thing. I can't understand the technical part inside." Lucy transferred the action plan to Meteor and said: "The more than three hundred pages of technical documents are just for study. Information..."

Meteor downloaded the complete set of files through the Internet, and then asked: "What about the operation? Cancel it?"

"That's it for now, there's no need to say anything. If I say the task can't be completed now, Nike will definitely come to urge me again, which makes me annoyed." Lucy sighed and said: "The Intermediary Committee is still trying to negotiate with Taft The colonel reached an agreement and tried to spend as much money as possible to buy back the list. Colonel Taft never let go. He felt that this was not a matter of money, or even an issue of the death of an important person in the company. I need to find out what the problem is here. "

"You're almost confusing me... Do you want me to investigate Taft, or do you want me to study these technical materials?"

"Go look at the technical information, and don't provoke Taaffe's gang. The investigation I'm talking about is to pay people inside Dingxin Magic to ask what Colonel Taaffe is planning to do. This kind of thing can only be done offline. You can’t leave traces on the Internet.”

"I understand, then I'm going to read the information." Meteor held a lollipop in his mouth, lying on the workstation and pulling the screen over. She didn't think the technical information from an operation ten years ago was very interesting. After all, ten years was enough time for two or three generations of technological progress.

At first, Meteor looked down upon the preparations made by those ten years ago, but she soon discovered the shining point: an attack strategy they called "Concussive Echo". The resident identity server established at that time had core databases in three cities, one primary and two backup. Then, six query database servers, three hub-level application servers and two in each major city were set up on the periphery. Portal application server. Coupled with the lightweight backup, patrol error correction, anti-intrusion barriers and other equipment in various places, it forms a large and solid whole. It created a data system with self-regeneration, restoration and active defense effects without using today's most advanced distributed information circulation technology, which was sufficiently advanced at the time.

If you want to break through such an advanced thing, the attacking weapons must be even more advanced. "Shock Echo" very cleverly jumps out of the simple three-layer structure of "data, application, and network", takes into account the energy system, emergency system, and people responsible for maintaining the system, and uses its own system and operating habits to attack itself, constantly Amplify the ripples and magnify small problems into serious problems, thereby masking the "magic trick" that is actually intended to be implemented. When the system completes recovery and self-test verification, it will regard the secretly inserted "master" as part of the system.

The specific implementation process required many technical steps, some of which were very instructive to Meteor, making her sigh: "It turns out it can still be played like this!"

It’s not that technology has not advanced, but that there are too few channels for communication and learning. Meteor works as an intelligence officer and always has to hide himself. He mainly works alone and cannot have ideological collisions. Now that I have cooperated with Yanque and Nightingale a few times, the three of them can discuss it a little and everyone can improve. Otherwise, Meteor will just wander in the circle he is used to from the time he enters the industry until he retires.

"This setup is so clever. It's not about chip design, but about people's hearts. No wonder the time of the first attack must be chosen that way..." Meteor can understand technology, so she can better understand the beauty of the entire plan. "Who designed this artistic offensive routine? What an idea."

Yes, just "have ideas", not "very powerful". The flash of wisdom shines in any era, but the technological gap still exists objectively. After fully understanding it, Meteor was able to come up with his own ideas, especially using today's advanced technology to provide assistance and solve technical problems that seemed quite cumbersome at the time.

Taking advantage of the excitement, she read it three times in a row, but she was still not satisfied. But at this time, she thought of a problem: Although "Operation Pin Insertion" fell short, it continued to the last few steps. "The failure of the plan was purely due to bad luck. When guessing people's response behaviors, the chance of winning was less than one percent. But the previous settings were probably not cleared."

Following this idea, Meteor connected to the resident identity authentication system and began to try to search for those needles inserted ten years ago. Some of these pins become system patches, some are just comment files that no one reads, and some become part of the system's operation. They are like cow-hair needles inserted into the body. They cannot be seen or felt, and they seem to have no effect. Only when the time and external conditions are mature, and the correct method is used to activate them, will they be able to show their power, form a shock echo, and create an opportunity to insert an external program interface.

Some needles are buried so deep that they cannot be retrieved from the outside. Meteor conducted a detailed technical analysis and found two easily accessible ox-hair needles located on the periphery of the entire system to verify his ideas. She was careful not to be discovered by the system, but also to avoid being accidentally hit by Colonel Taft's people. She finally got in and found the items left behind by Operation Needle ten years ago in the expected place.

The first difficulty in the needle insertion operation is to get these needles in. If the needles are still there, wouldn't this problem be solved directly? However, Meteor did not dare to be fully optimistic. In ten years, the system had not been significantly upgraded, but it had been maintained several times. No one knew whether a few of these needles had been accidentally pulled out.

"Only by starting the needle insertion operation again and truly entering the system can it be possible to search for all the needles and confirm their status." Meteor put forward his own suggestions to Lucy from a technical perspective and concluded: "There are 49 needles in total. If they are all present, it can save 30% to 40% of the total workload, so it is worth a try.”

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