Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 475 Chapter 472 An opinion

Seeing that there was no words on the paper, Colonel Taft felt unhappy. He clenched the paper into a ball, threw it to the ground, then pushed the plate in front of him and said angrily: "Not satisfied? What's wrong with me? I'm not satisfied." Would you like to report the ins and outs of this matter to the superiors?”

"You reported it, but everyone knows that the truth of the matter may not be consistent with your report."

"Then is there anyone ready to investigate the truth?" Colonel Taft snorted, stared at Anzu and said, "Are you going to take over my job? Are you very interested in all this nonsense in Peicheng?"

"You are right about one thing: what happened in Peicheng is all rubbish. My boss and I understand your feeling that you don't want to get involved in rubbish. We also feel the same, but the crux of the problem is not here." Anzu put the last piece He put the cake into his mouth, raised his head, closed his eyes, chewed and tasted it carefully and swallowed it. Finally, he quickly licked his lips with his tongue, then opened his eyes and said, "This cake is very good, especially when it is eaten hot. "

"Don't play riddles with me here, just say what you have to say."

"You were delayed in Peicheng for too long, and the company is very dissatisfied with this. It's like a good hot cake. Not only did you let it cool down, you even let it go rotten. Phew, that How else can you eat it? The company's business in Peicheng is this cake, and you are the bad cook, or the waiter? Anyway, you delayed the diners from tasting this cake, so the higher ups asked me to warn you."

“What did the board say?”

"No, no, it's not the board of directors. The board of directors is not qualified to make such an important decision." Anzu spread his fingers, put his palms flat on the table, leaned back slightly, and said, "The decision will eventually be made. of."

"Don't fool me! The final meeting - the final meeting that is bigger than the shareholders' meeting? The four major companies held a special final meeting for my three months in Peicheng? When was the last meeting? Now, let me think about was fifteen years ago, right?"

"In your memory, it was indeed fifteen years ago. And you are right in your estimation. You are not qualified enough for the Terminal Meeting to open for you." Anzu said: "You must not forget the purpose of the Terminal Meeting, right? "

"Of course I remember: In order to welcome the eternal end... Anzu, do you believe that the so-called end will come? This kind of doomsday prophecy and doomsday belief has been falsified in the age of gods. You and I are both technological progress and development The beneficiaries won’t suddenly have a brain twitch and become a believer in magic, right?”

"Spells do exist, but spells are also part of technology. I have never been lost, and the future is impossible. I believe in technology, the management and power of the company, and precisely because of this, I firmly believe that the 'end' will come and is about to come. Coming." Anzu rubbed his hands and said: "Unfortunately, most people do not have this precious vision, and are using their ignorance and arrogance to unintentionally block the arrival of the great end."

"You're not going to say that person is me, are you?"

"I will say: That person is you." Anzu said: "During the three months you were in Peicheng, the company's original plans have slowed down or even stalled, and Peicheng is the final plan. In the beginning, you were the locomotive of everything that followed. As for you, you became a piece of rotten wood blocking the track. Three months of precious time were wasted by you."

"You're farting!" Colonel Taft waved his hand, then hammered the table hard. The table shattered in front of him, powder falling like ashes. "You said my investigation was delayed? Do you think there are better investigators? Come on, tell me their names, surprise me or amuse me! Tell me!"

"Don't be anxious. You misunderstood me. You wasted time, but eventually I and I will agree that you are not good enough, but bad enough. If someone with less investigative experience comes in, the Gardener Organization The report of the culprit will be on the board of directors' table within three days. The mobile strike team is for you to move here and attack, not to take them to prostitutes. And my granddaughter likes the Wilderness Girls very much, but you I actually chose them.”

"Correction, I didn't pick them, but they found me. What I want to find most is Bai Moji, but it's hard to do it alone. If there are two or three months, I will definitely be able to..."

"Two or three months more? Huh, Tafu, Tafu, you, the colonel, are too AWOL." Anzu said: "A month ago, the board of directors sent you a letter asking you to complete Peicheng immediately. work. Why didn’t you follow it?”

"I have my own work schedule. And at that time, I had already submitted the report of the gardeners organization, but the board of directors did not approve it, so I could only continue the investigation. What, you want to put the blame on me?"

"Ah... it's boring to say that." The smile on Anzu's face quickly faded and he said: "In the end, we will decide to recycle your implant and reset the position of colonel. Your efficiency value is too low. Below the tolerable limit.”

"So, you are here to recycle me? How? Remove my implant?" Colonel Taft narrowed his eyes. He knew that the people in the Development Department were difficult to deal with, but they were equally difficult to deal with. There was no way to say who could control who. "I have used these implants. Even if they can be removed, their efficiency will not reach one-third of what they are now. Why, is the company starting to be willing to lose money?"

"You are wrong. You forget that technology can advance. Even if you are killed and the implants are removed from the corpse, there is now a way to make them reusable."

"In other words, will you come and kill me in the end?"

"You are wrong again. The Endgame did not specifically ask me to kill you, nor even hinted at it, but you have also seen that I can do things without restrictions. Therefore, I am the one who wants to kill you now, because That’s the fastest and easiest.”

"I'm afraid you can't do this yet." Colonel Taft looked at his fist, clenched it and then separated it. "If you and I really get into a fight, I'm afraid this branch building will turn to the ground. Do you think that situation will be a good thing or a bad thing for the end you are obsessed with?"

"Destroying Dingxin Demonic Creation's branch in Peicheng will definitely greatly affect the arrival of the end, which is a bad thing. But a fight between you and me will never lead to such a result." Anzu shook his head and said: " You should know that I have been hospitalized for some time. Do you know why?"

"I heard that you were severely injured in the Shadow Realm, and your body was almost destroyed. It was difficult to save you."

"That's half right. It should be said that I suffered a fatal blow in the shadow world and lost my life, but I still found a way to come back alive." Anzu smiled and said: "I won't tease you anymore. Tell me: I was a blessing in disguise. I found the right path and am stronger than before. Taff, if I remember correctly, your implant ratio is 48%, right?"

"Almost. It has been improved by two points recently, almost half."

"Half, that's pretty good... The previous highest record was held by Tsuna Yoshira, reaching 91.5%. He was once the most powerful augmented person in the world, and also the most expensive augmented person to use. But now the new record is 117%, created by me, and I don’t think anyone can beat it anytime soon.”

"Nonsense! Even if all are replaced, it's still only 100%. How can it be exceeded?"

"On the basis of all replacements, there is an extra part." Anzu lowered his head slightly, exposing the top of his head. His hair fell away and his skull was opened. There was no brain inside, but an unknown substance with blue light. "117%, I no longer have the body to bear the side effects of Ying Cong, so it doesn't matter. I am Ying Cong, and Ying Cong is me. Tafu, you can't even imagine how advanced technology has become."

After seeing the situation inside Anzu's head, Colonel Taft finally began to become nervous. Of all the replaceable organs in the body, the brain is the most difficult to replace. It can also be said to be a 100% insurmountable barrier. Since ancient times, only partial implants can be inserted into the brain, or the skull can be replaced, like information spies. The brain is always subject to side effects and can never escape them.

An implant that can replace brain function has never been found, and technology that can transfer personality and memory has never been developed, so Colonel Taff is very curious about what those blue things in Anzu's head are. However, now is not the time for intellectual curiosity to explode, but for survival. If Anzu really had a transformation rate of 117%, even if he was bragging, it was actually only 85%, Tafu would have to face a life-and-death battle today.

"I am useful to the board of directors, shareholders' meeting and final meeting. I can completely correct my mistakes, concentrate on work, and create value. I can completely cut off the burden on my lower body (I can put it back on later anyway), and I hope that eventually I can Consider this as appropriate and give me a chance to make meritorious service."

"Impossible." Anzu shook his head and said: "Your people are outside and have been suppressed by my people. They are willing to sever ties with you and resolutely obey the decision of the board of directors. Taf, your title of colonel has been officially Cancellation, with all appointments and privileges withdrawn. Your best option is to commit suicide so that the death protection promised to your family and the company remains in effect.”

"Are you saying that if I don't commit suicide, the company will even be prepared to give up on the things it promised me?"

"Yes." Anzu nodded.

"You are so shameless. You admit this kind of thing directly without any shame! You don't even do any superficial tricks!"

"There is really no need for that." Anzu said: "I want to kill you, and you have no choice but to die. Thank you for entertaining me, I can let you leave your last words - provided you choose to commit suicide."

"I don't want to die," Taff stood up, everything around him twisting with his power. "I won't die today either."

"Oh." Anzu has been pressing his hands on the table. He is still pressing it now, but a light blue light is emitting from the gap between his palms and the table.

The window of this restaurant private room was illuminated by a burst of blue light. This light only lasted for a moment, and then quickly disappeared, completely obscured by the neon lights and advertising spotlights in the wild. If anyone was observing at this time, they would see Anzu standing up and walking gracefully in front of Tafu. Taff stood stiff and motionless, still retaining the same thoughts and movements as when he breathed his last.

Anzu took out a band from his cuff, tied it to Taff's forehead, and circled it in a circle. After the straps are connected end to end, a row of small green lights will light up on the surface. The straps then tightened and thrust steel needles inward, penetrating Taff's brain and damaging his nervous system. With a "command" from his brain, Taff stopped all physical activities used to maintain life. His body went limp and Anzu placed him on a chair.

After completing the mission, the steel needle retracted and the belt was retracted by Anzu. Without a very detailed inspection, no trace of the steel needle can be found. But this is not important, because an autopsy is an internal matter within the company, and Anzu can definitely control it.

"Let the recycling team come over, everything is done here." Anzu raised his wrist and spoke to it: "Notify the local business staff that Tafu followed me back, and let them catch up with the progress as soon as possible and promote the Pioneer Project."

"Lord Anzu, how should we deal with the fact that Tafu sold the Peicheng mercenary list?"

"Sell it and give the money to the Peicheng branch to promote the Vanguard Project. Then throw out the list directly every few days. We don't need that kind of thing." Anzu thought for a while and said: "The mercenaries are one If there is chaos, everyone will need more execution puppets and life-saving weapons, which is good for the Vanguard Project."

Colonel Taft died quietly, and not many people even within Dingxin Demonic Creation knew about it. Even if I found out later, I still wouldn't know that he died on this day and in Peicheng. If the news of his death could spread earlier, Zhuang Xuteng might be able to kill two less people.

Sgozan and Taco fell in a pool of blood, with another person beside them. According to facial analysis, this person is also a mercenary, but he belongs to another middleman. Judging from the box of platinum coins he brought, he wanted to buy some information, or directly bribe these two people. Zhuang Xuteng didn't know whether Sigozan and Tako had agreed to the deal, or what they were planning to sell, but he believed that the deal had been terminated by him.

The actual battle was quite short because they allowed Zhuang Xuteng to get too close. Calculations are carried out mentally and unintentionally, and the evil tricks are carried out secretly. One person died in the bathroom without being able to finish urinating; the other died from strangulation with a wire rope around the neck, and a dagger in the spinal ganglion. The last one heard the phone ring, and as soon as he lowered his head or raised his head, his head was hit by an armor-piercing hammer.

Zhuang Xuteng doesn't like this action, but he will not be swayed by emotions and will not be absent from the professionalism he should have. The bodies of the two "own people" cannot be left here. Call Lucy to send on-site handlers to solve the problem. As for the third-party person they secretly met in the hotel room, just make it a scene of murder.

"Naike," Nightingale said in the encrypted channel: "No suspicious information comes in, no dangerous information goes out, everything is under control. You did a good job, all the surveillance did not see you. How did you do it? "

"A little secret." Zhuang Xuteng forced a smile and shook off the blood on the armor-piercing hammer. "How long will it take for the follow-up personnel to arrive?"

"In fifteen minutes, they will be around the corner." Nightingale thought for a while and asked, "What should I do with the things in the room?"

"That's our trophy." Zhuang Xuteng looked at the box of platinum coins and said, "The old rule is to prepare a container to isolate the shadow slave equipment and divide everything here. Work is still work, work is work, work is just Work."

"Is there something in your words?" Nightingale asked.

"It doesn't matter whether we have it or not, tomorrow will always come and we must welcome it."

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