Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 481 Chapter 478 I don’t want to be so cruel

"Start X-ray."

As the shadow slave's energy consumption accelerated, the Eye of Kahuo showed Zhuang Xuteng the situation behind the wall. Gray, white and black shapes outline the sordid scene in the parlor where toasts are exchanged, fist fights are made and the hands of the waitress are touched. X-ray vision rapidly attenuated as it penetrated the wall, and could only provide Zhuang Xuteng with information within three meters behind the wall of the next door house. Comparatively speaking, Wraith Jelly has a stronger observation ability. As long as it is a small hole with a diameter of more than one centimeter, it can penetrate without any attenuation.

"The technology of Master and Master Lich is so advanced..." Zhuang Xuteng closed the window behind him, came to the door, gently pushed open a gap, and released the resentful spirit jelly. As the evening progresses, the building becomes more and more lively, and the rooms will not be vacant for long. Zhuang Xuteng must find the target as soon as possible and complete the mission as soon as possible.

Simple wraith jelly cannot penetrate walls and doors. The door to the room here will be automatically locked, or it can be opened directly from the inside, or a key is required to open it from the outside. Zhuang Xuteng didn't have the time to pry open the doors one by one. He directly released the shadows and let them get into the room. He opened the lock from the inside and gently pulled out a crack through which the resentful spirit jelly could pass.

The shadow is very thin in shadow mode. As long as the door is not airtight or watertight, it can find a gap and get through. The Wraith Jelly cannot shrink that small, so it needs shadows to clear its way. The two work together to make Zhuang Xuteng the most useful scout at hand.

In this way, a room can be viewed clearly in less than a minute. As long as the door lock can be turned, Zhuang Xuteng can release four small shadows at the same time, which makes it faster.

The door lock has different conditions. It may make a little sound when it is turned. This sound may be heard by people in the house. This is something that cannot be avoided. All Zhuang Xuteng could do was to speed up as much as possible, put the resentful spirit jelly in, touch it once, and come out immediately. Even if someone looks at the door, it is almost impossible to tell that the door has been opened a crack, so they can get past it. If you are really careful, there is another way.

Zhuang Xuteng jumped up and used the levitation technique to press his back to the ceiling. He lay completely flat and hung above the door that was about to open. People inside push the door and come out, look left and right, then left and right, and even come out and look left and right, but basically they don't look up. If he was unlucky and really looked up, Zhuang Xuteng would have no choice but to say sorry.

The hand knife was ready, and the armor-breaking hammer that was used to hit the skull was in the other hand. The people below were very lucky and did not raise their heads. Most people really don’t have this habit, especially looking directly above, so the directly above is considered an unstable blind spot. When the door closed, Zhuang Xuteng jumped down from the blind spot. Just as he was about to go to the fourth floor, he suddenly stopped, took out a cigar and lit it quickly. Then he leaned against the door, took off his mask and turban, lowered his head and started smoking. .

A rather burly man came up from the stairs carrying a plate, which was covered with a silver lid. It should be a meal ordered in a certain room. Judging from the man's attire and tattoos, he is a low-level member of the Canghuo Gang and is serving as a waiter here.

He completed the steps, entered the aisle, and immediately saw Zhuang Xuteng. First he was stunned for a moment, and then he was deceived by Zhuang Xuteng's relaxed posture. Qi Qi Zhuang Xuteng shook his head toward the depths of the corridor, as if urging him to send the things over quickly. The burly gang member was not sure whether he had seen Zhuang Xuteng before, and then he was deceived by the popular face and felt that he looked familiar. He believed that Zhuang Xuteng was not dangerous, relaxed his vigilance, passed him quickly, and was knocked unconscious by a blow of the knife.

The burly body fell straight down, Zhuang Xuteng hooked him with one leg and slowly leveled him. Zhuang Xuteng took the dinner plate that was originally being carried with both hands, and the contents inside barely even moved. He then dragged the strong man into the box he had just entered, put on his coat, then gagged his mouth and tied his hands and feet. When Zhuang Xuteng left the room, he forced a key into it and then deliberately broke it. No one could use the room for a while.

The clothes are a little big, but they can fit over the armored suit. To be honest, wearing it like this made Zhuang Xuteng feel like he was blowing up a balloon and his body developed in a rounded direction, but he was not going on a blind date. As long as this outfit can stun the people in the room for a second or two, it will be enough to seal his victory.

I took the plate with me and took a look inside. It turned out to be a jelly platter with safety blue added. Now is not the time to worry about the abuse of safety blue. The key is for Zhuang Xuteng to get to the fourth floor as quickly as possible and find the target quickly.

In the third room on the fourth floor, Zhuang Xuteng found his target. Luo Feide, nicknamed Left Hand Brother by the gang, has been in the Canghuo Gang for nearly twenty years. He is a man of both sides, capable but not ambitious, and loyal. Several gangsters at the same time as him have already stepped into high-level positions and taken charge of their own business, but he stated that he did not want to go out and work in separate areas. He just wanted to stay in the middle level willingly and do some practical things for all the "big brothers".

He is very good at getting things done and can balance the distribution of internal interests, so the Canghuo Gang will leave the job of contacting and assigning mercenaries to "Brother Left Hand". He and his men were communicating with the mercenaries one by one, using emotion, reason, and coercion to force them. There were seven other people in the room he was in, five of them with gang tattoos and two more likely mercenaries.

There are too many people, and it is impossible to kill everyone in the room in a few seconds anyway, without using explosives. But then I thought about it. Opposite this building, about twenty meters away, was a stronghold of the Canghuo Gang. On weekdays, there are always forty or fifty people inside. If they are swarmed, it will be difficult to escape. And gangs are like a hornet's nest, each one is poking into the nest. Zhuang Xuteng couldn't use explosives, a method that would instantly raise the level of alertness and hostility to the highest level, even if it seemed the simplest.

The old routine: holding a plate in one hand, holding a shock bomb in the other, and knocking on the door. In fact, the door has been opened by the shadow, and Zhuang Xuteng can push the door in at any time, so he directly activates the shock bomb. He counted down silently in his mind, then opened the door, put the plate in first, then bent down and stepped in, saying: "The order has been delivered."

"Who ordered it? Did anyone order it?"

The shock bomb exploded at this moment, and the flash and roar were locked in the room by Zhuang Xuteng. Although there was a mercenary who reacted quickly and immediately came up to snatch the thing in Zhuang Xuteng's hand, no matter how hard it was, he still had to grab Zhuang Xuteng's body to reduce the power of the shock bomb. But Zhuang Xuteng was quite flexible. With a clever dodge, he not only threw the dinner plate in the face of the quick-reacting mercenary, but also avoided physical contact with anyone in the room.

The shock bomb hit all of them hard. Those with stronger bodies and more implants could move slowly, while the left-hand brother was relatively thin. Even his screams were suppressed. The man's face turned red, and his whole body stiffened as he slid from the sofa to the floor.

Zhuang Xuteng also felt uncomfortable, but he was definitely much stronger than them. He raised his hand and fired the bone spear technique. One shot hit the left hand brother between the eyebrows, entering from the front and shooting out from the back. Then he held the armor-breaking hammer in his hand and looked around at everyone. If someone moves toward him, he will hit him with a hammer without mercy, and his super-calculated martial arts skills ensure that he always finds the most suitable attack angle.

The two mercenaries saw the left hand brother fall out of the corner of their eyes, and knew that today's incident had absolutely nothing to do with them. The two quickly retreated, rubbing their right hands on the waistband of their pants, and had already pulled the shadow from the gun ring.

Zhuang Xuteng sighed, rushed forward quickly, and swung the armor-piercing hammer. The two also wanted to use arm shields and fighting daggers to resist, but they were unable to perform well under the influence of shock bombs. Zhuang Xuteng continued to strike, his attack movements were completed in one go, and he still had some energy left to say: "If you don't move, I will let you go. It's a pity..."

In just a few seconds, Zhuang Xuteng was the only living person left in the room. He thought to himself that since the mercenaries were all dead, it was pointless to keep the gang members, and it would increase the possibility of exposure, so it was better to kill them all.

Then, Zhuang Xuteng shook his head to get rid of the last impact of the shock bomb, and then turned around and went out. Since the shock bomb only protects those in contact based on the principle of resonance, you must not open the Wraith Jelly when using it, otherwise you will eat a full one, and it may even help the enemy absorb the harm of the shock bomb. Therefore, Zhuang Xuteng opened the Wraith Jelly again when he went out. He immediately found that the door to the room at the end of the corridor was open, and a young man holding a spear was aiming at him.

It's the secret whistle hiding behind the curtain! Zhuang Xuteng tapped his front toes on the ground and retracted like a spring, and the secret whistler also fired. boom! Shotguns were flying in the corridor, and dust fell heavily near the door frame. Several small bullet holes told the distress and sorrow of missing Zhuang Xuteng.

Look for whomever you like, don't look for me!

The chemical explosion propels the single-headed firearm to fire continuously, and one person can cause a suppressive effect. The shotgun slugs cover an area. Even if you see the direction of the muzzle, you cannot predict the impact point. It is also difficult to avoid with super-calculated martial arts. There is definitely no problem with the body armor on the body, but what about the head and calves? There is no posture that can hide these two parts at the same time.

If the door is difficult to use, then use the window. Zhuang Xuteng opened the curtains and cursed. In front of him was a cement wall with no way out. From the outside of the building, the glass on this floor is single-transparent, so the cement wall located inside the glass window cannot be seen during the investigation. Obviously, Zuo Zuoge attaches great importance to security and privacy. The cement wall completely blocks eavesdropping and intrusion. It's a pity that he couldn't prevent Zhuang Xuteng from sneaking in through the main entrance, but he at least trapped Zhuang Xuteng here (temporarily).

"That's great. It looks like we have to face a shotgun." Zhuang Xuteng used two seconds to think quickly. Even if people started to gather outside today, he had to kill him. Well, we can't delay any longer. Now it's just one person with one gun guarding the corridor. After a while, it will become many people and many guns, shooting randomly into the house.

Dingxin Magic is behind the Canghuo Gang. Are they equipped with chemical bullets so quickly?

Carrying the shotgun with his body was something he would do only when he had no choice but to do so. Zhuang Xuteng had many clever ideas. He lifted the two corpses on the ground with both hands and released two shadows at the same time, letting the shadows hide in the shadows of the corpses. Then the first corpse is thrown out and takes a shot. The shadow takes the opportunity to move towards the gunman from the feet of the fallen corpse. Since this distance is within the range of the Wraith Jelly and the tentacles, Shadow can obtain corrective instructions at any time and make precise movements.

Although the lighting in the corridor is very dim, the fast-moving black shadow is bound to be spotted. It doesn't really matter if you find out. Shooting at the shadow is basically meaningless. It will cause some slight damage at most and will not affect the overall situation. However, Zhuang Xuteng wanted to pursue the best possible, and besides, he had plenty of corpses to use, so he carried the second corpse out and at the same time raised the corpse's arm with the wraith tentacles to make it look like he was shooting with a shadow gun.

The gunman fell for the trap and shot at the body. At this time, the shadows had already rushed over, crawling up his legs. One climbed up to his eyes, changing from a virtual body to a solid body, still in a pure black light-absorbing mode, which was equivalent to turning into an eye mask; the other one climbed up along his eyes. He climbed onto the gun with his arms, materialized, and then fumbled to close the safety.

"Ah! What is this?" The gunman was calm and realized that he could only lose sight and did not feel pain in his eyes. So he did not immediately raise his hand to touch his eyes, but fired blindly again in order to continue to suppress him. However, Zhuang Xuteng closed the safety on the shotgun, and he couldn't pull the trigger, so of course he couldn't fire it.

Anyone else might not have known there was a safety on this kind of gun, so Zhuang Xuteng took advantage of his experience in shooting shotguns. He changed one hand into two hands, held the body in front of him and rushed out. He was not sure whether the gunman could immediately realize the problem of the safety. If he had this awareness, the power of the shadow could not prevent him from opening the safety and firing, so it was better to keep a human shield.

The gunman heard the footsteps, realized something was wrong, and quickly pulled the trigger again. I still can't pinch it, even if my finger bones are broken, I can't pinch it. After all, such a thing as air-to-air security is too unbelievable, how can normal people imagine it? He tried three times, but the shotgun wouldn't stop him, so he dropped the gun, pulled out his fighting dagger, and touched his eye with his other hand.

The shadow was sticky, like glue. Its shape was destroyed when it was torn hard, and then it turned completely flat again and slipped from his fingers. It lost some quality, but the impact was not significant. After quickly reuniting, it turned into a pure black entity again, which was still able to cover his eyes.

During this period, for a moment, the gunman saw the "assassin" who was charging with the body. The distance between them was less than ten meters. When his eyes darkened again, he knew that he had no chance of victory, so he made a decisive decision and immediately knelt down, threw the dagger in his hand, then raised his hands above his head and shouted: "I surrender, don't kill me!"

Surrender without killing? He is not a constitutional army, and this is not the time to take prisoners. It was impossible for Zhuang Xuteng to leave hidden dangers behind his back, and the man in front of him was a backbone member of the gang judging from his tattoos. Why should he be left behind? Are you waiting for him to come to thank you?

"Okay, hold your head with both hands." Zhuang Xuteng numbed him with words, and then gave him a good pleasure.

At this time, footsteps came from the stairwell, and the people below caught up. Zhuang Xuteng immediately picked up the shotgun and fired downwards towards the stairwell. There was a bang and shrapnel flying, at least to scare the opponent. At the same time, he took out the shock bomb. After activating it, he ordered the shadow that blocked his eyes to wrap around it, turning it into pure black. Then he used the wraith tentacles to place it in the gap in the center of the corridor steps and let it fall freely.

The shock bomb moved downwards, and Zhuang Xuteng moved upwards, using his fastest speed. When the shock bomb exploded on the first floor, Zhuang Xuteng barely left the danger zone and rushed to the fifth floor. He was only one floor away from the rooftop, but there were six Canghuo Gang cadres and more than a dozen followers standing in front of him.

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