Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 496 Chapter 493 Clone

Zhuang Xuteng and Ge Gongdao fought together to their heart's content, using their super-computing martial arts skills to give full play to their minds and bodies, and then showing some beauty hidden in violence through the collision of weapons. In one moment, the two figures were dancing, with a level of coordination as if they had been working together for more than ten years; in the next moment, the two men had a fierce look on their faces, and they made insidious and fierce attacks on each other with a ferocious look, with a level of determination that could have annihilated the family. .

Ge Gongdao is indeed the best opponent Zhuang Xuteng has encountered recently. He combined super-calculated martial arts with his strong body and long arms, and then used the length and power of "Qingquan" to construct a "clear spring" with a radius of about two meters. Seven Flashes Realm”. He changed his super-calculated martial arts to pursue a close combat style, and creatively strengthened his aggressiveness. If Zhuang Xuteng hadn't tensed up his nerves early in the morning and put in all his strength, he might have been "hanged" by Ge Gongdao's martial arts from the very beginning.

"I still couldn't sneak attack you?" Ge Gongdao was obviously dissatisfied with this result. He immediately caught up with his attacks one after another, always suppressing Zhuang Xuteng about one and a half meters away from him. He could only be beaten and unable to fight back. state. However, Zhuang Xuteng was not carried away by the most powerful first wave of attacks. He had the opportunity to "find out" this set of martial arts skills, quickly regain his footing and start to counterattack.

Zhuang Xuteng's counterattack strategy is very simple: even if he has short arms and short weapons and cannot directly threaten the opponent for a while, he will not stop the offensive. He will hit whatever he can, even if he dismantles the opponent's weapons first. Super computing martial arts itself is a set of offensive techniques. It is proficient in dodging ghost energy bombs, which does not mean that its main function is defense. The best defense is to attack. The emphasis of super computing martial arts is to "seize opportunities and find loopholes." After you catch and find them, don't think about escaping, but get in and fight.

After a few rounds, Ge Gongdao was temporarily uninjured, but "Qingquan" had suffered several heavy blows. Since both people were using models, the material was very soft, so no breakage occurred. If placed in an actual battle, the Qingquan would either have cracks or be disconnected. There would never be a third possibility.

"Very good, now I understand Qingquan's problem a little bit! But I will not drop my weapons and let you win. Today I will be a swindler. I brought twenty knives!" Ge Gongdao understood that Zhuang Xuteng needed a fierce battle. To boost morale, not to seek fairness here. What the hell is fairness? Peicheng doesn't have that kind of thing.

"Don't say twenty, two hundred are useless!" Zhuang Xuteng responded with a smile. At this moment, he discovered that Ge Gongdao decided to "reckless" and started slashing and slashing with the model "Qingquan", using it as a stick in an attempt to take advantage of his strength. So, he immediately seized this opportunity and used the force of Ge Gong Dao to perform the floating technique. He made a spiral twist on the flat ground and slid into the inner circle of Ge Gong Dao, pulling half of the people in at once. distance.

This allowed Zhuang Xuteng to get rid of the situation where he could only defend without threats, and became both offensive and defensive. At this time, Ge Gongdao also turned into a clear spring with one hand, and the other hand was still a clear spring, creating a flanking attack for Zhuang Xuteng from far and near. This is a variation of the sword dance. Originally, a long sword and scabbard were used to form a flanking attack. However, Ge Gongdao has the advantage of long arms. He has figured out that in addition to left and right flanking attacks, he can also form front and rear flanking attacks, thus truly forming an "ambush from all sides" covering his opponent.

Since he has already formed a full field of vision through the Wraith Jelly, there is no difference for Zhuang Xuteng in all directions. Attacks from behind are not more insidious or difficult to defend than attacks from the front. On the contrary, because it is more difficult to create a front-to-back flanking attack and more attention is paid to technique, the attacks from behind are not as powerful as those from the front.

Ge Gongdao also quickly discovered this problem, so he simply concentrated on the strongest frontal attack and began to control the distance at the same time. His movement is not as flexible as Zhuang Xuteng's, and his movement rhythm is slightly slower. However, the maximum distance he can take a step is longer, and the attack surface formed by his body is larger with each attack, so the two can still maintain an even match.

Unfortunately, Zhuang Xuteng was not satisfied with the result. He said between offense and defense: "Brother Dao, is this it? If you can't come up with something new, you will lose soon."

Ge Gongdao did not answer, which made Zhuang Xuteng slightly disappointed. So he threw up the tentacles of the resentful spirits and ordered them to grab the surrounding things and throw them towards Ge Gong Road. At the same time, he also created shadows and used mask tactics.

Since super-computing martial arts must establish global perception after reaching the seventh dodge, Ge Gongdao will feel it as soon as the tentacles of the resentful spirit appear. He didn't know how these weird things came out. He just felt that they were around, front, back, left and right. Although they didn't show much strength, they occupied his perception. If Zhuang Xuteng still wants to use the war of attrition as before, then this thing will indeed drain his energy quickly.

As for the shadow blurring the eyes, it has little impact on Ge Gongdao. On the one hand, vision is not their only source of intelligence. Body touch, hearing, and "touch strength" in combat are enough for him to fight Zhuang Xuteng. On the other hand, the shadow is very fragile, and the power of Go Gongdao's wink is enough to tear it apart. Seeing this, Zhuang Xuteng stopped wasting the shadow.

The two were originally evenly matched, but after Zhuang Xuteng came up with something new, he quickly gained the upper hand. Taking advantage of the short-term advantage, Zhuang Xuteng immediately stepped up his attack, getting closer to Ge Gongdao and further expanding his advantage. Finally, before Ge Gongdao came up with a complete countermeasure, Zhuang Xuteng seized the flaw and knocked the "armor-breaking hammer" on Ge Gongdao's temple.

"Not bad." Ge Gongdao looked up at the armor-piercing hammer with squinting eyes, and then looked down at the clear spring in his hand. His knife took half a second to reach Zhuang Xuteng's ribs. This half second was enough for Zhuang Xuteng to reverse the force and use his armored jacket, so the knife was not fatal. "I was suppressed by you to the point where I could only use this kind of meaningless sword. I did lose. But I'm not satisfied. Let's do it again."

"Okay, then come again." Zhuang Xuteng retreated and came to a distance of about ten meters, taking a deep breath to adjust his condition. At this moment, Ge Gongdao threw away the model knife representing the scabbard in his left hand, changed into a sideways fighting posture with the knife forward with one hand and one hand hidden behind his back, and then nodded to Zhuang Xuteng.

"You are so cunning, Brother Dao... You hide your hand behind your back to activate the shock bomb. Is there anyone else like you?" Zhuang Xuteng knew that the thing had three to five seconds to activate, so he shook his head and took it off from his waist. For shock bombs, activate one and throw it out casually, activate the second one and throw it out casually, activate the third one and throw it out casually. Then, under Ge Gongdao's shocked eyes, he took off with all his strength, turned slightly in the air, directly broke through the skylight of the warehouse roof, and rushed outside.

In fact, this was still not a safe distance, but he ordered the ghost servants and shadows to manifest themselves and block the skylight. The Servant of the Wraith can reduce the shock of the sound, and can block the dazzling flash when the shadow is pure black. At this moment, Ge Gongdao also jumped out of another skylight, still holding his shock bomb in his hand, searching for Zhuang Xuteng in the air.

"I knew you would be like this!" Zhuang Xuteng's voice came from below. It turned out that after he jumped out of the warehouse, he used the floating technique to turn and move against the roof of the warehouse, almost falling to the ground. Ge Gongdao did not have the ability to change directions in the air, and he was too wide. His body was stuck in the skylight and he could not completely escape. So a shock bomb exploded in his hand - this one had almost no impact on him; then three shock bombs exploded in the warehouse, and his lower body was hit.

After waiting for three seconds for the echo of the shock bomb to disappear, Zhuang Xuteng walked into the warehouse through the main entrance. He saw Ge Gongdao hanging precariously from the ceiling, then falling. Judging from the stiffness of his legs, he was still in a state of shock. So Zhuang Xuteng stepped forward and gave him a hand, allowing him to land smoothly and lie on the ground safely.

Brother Dao's current expression is very interesting. The shock bomb made the right half of his face disobedient and kept making various grimaces, but the left half of his face was still normal. He tried to speak with half of his face, but it turned into a big tongue and a stutter. Zhuang Xuteng rubbed his face vigorously with both hands, finally restarting his facial nerves.

"We lost again." Ge Gongdao shook his head and said, "Let me rest for a while, and let's do it again!"

"You will still lose the next game." Zhuang Xuteng sat down next to Ge Gongdao, and asked the servant of the resentful spirit to bring him a cigar and a pipe. He packed the cigar and stuffed it into Brother Dao's mouth, and then he sucked on the empty titanium alloy pipe. .

Brother Dao slowly got rid of the effect of the shock bomb. He immediately took away the cigar with trembling hands, puffed on the smoke and said, "Asshole, this thing can't reach the lungs. My body is numb. Can I control it?"

"In order to stop your mouth, I don't want to hear your talk now." Zhuang Xuteng said: "After you went to the moat, your progress has slowed down. I will definitely beat you now. Don't believe it, when we were purely fighting martial arts, you were the first to win." Stop me, I can only wait until your energy drops before I have a chance to win. It's different now, you don't have enough pressure anymore."

"You have made faster progress than me..."

"This is just a reason, not a cause." Zhuang Xuteng said: "After being knocked down by Colonel Taft, I was very unwilling. At the same time, I was also afraid of meeting someone like him again next time. Brother Dao, I am very young now, and I already have Analogy to Master's reputation in his prime. There are two roads in front of me now..."

Zhuang Xuteng pointed out two fingers and said: "One way, I will stay like this, and then look for opportunities to wash my hands of others like the master. The other way, I am still young, and I will continue to make progress until I provoke the company and get beaten by them." Die. Not to mention that the latter is impossible to happen, even here in Lucy, she cannot avoid the influence of the company, and to be honest, in Peicheng, which task will ultimately have nothing to do with the company? "

Ge Gongdao nodded and agreed: "I dealt with outside clients in the moat, plus the establishment of a private detective company, and met with various forces and figures. By understanding their backgrounds and the interests behind them, I confirmed There is nothing wrong with what you said. Even if we just bully the gang, there is still a company behind the gang."

"I need to become stronger. I want to break through the barrier between the mercenaries and the company's fortified people! If I can't get through, I won't be reconciled and I won't feel at ease. I may not be able to live a normal life even after I wash my hands in the golden basin." Zhuang Xuteng said with a frown. : "Colonel Taft has already beaten us, and this time the mercenary list was leaked and we were singled out and not announced, which shows that the company is already thinking about us. If something happens to Peicheng in the future, whether it is us or not, We all have priority in being investigated. Brother Dao, you are a little better..."

Ge Gongdao nodded: "Indeed. I have now left the mercenary industry and become a businessman openly. Coupled with my family's background in the constitutional army, I am better than you."

"I want to become stronger, but I don't know how to do it. I have some weird little tricks, but they can only cause harassment. In fact, I can't withstand the attacks of people like Colonel Taft. Well, I'm thinking, if I now What will be the result against Cassandra? Brother Dao, you haven't forgotten who Cassandra is, right?"

"Remember, how could I forget? The muscular girl who punched King Kong to the ground in the Wild Monkey Gang." Brother Dao puffed out the smoke and said, "Yeah, now that we meet Cassandra, what will happen to the two of us? The result? Hiss, is Cassandra more powerful, or is the other card more powerful?"

Brother Dao was talking about Kaho, and the caution he had developed made him only say the beginning of the name, not the whole name.

"I don't know - not knowing is not what bothers me the most. Not knowing how to know is the real problem." Zhuang Xuteng said: "How should I train, how should I test my combat effectiveness, should I... sigh , Brother Dao, I now realize: I like being a mercenary for three reasons: first, you treat me well, second, this profession can make money, and third, you can improve yourself to meet challenges. Now you After changing careers, I am no longer short of money. In the end, I only have the third one left, and I don’t know what to do.”

" about I go back to being a mercenary?"

"No! You should be in the moat. Brother Dao, this is not your problem, but my own. Now I have made a name for myself at a young age. Lucy has given me treatment equivalent to that of a master. Logically speaking, I should I should be proud, I should be proud! But I feel like a deflated ball. Is this abnormal or mentally ill?"

"It means something like that. It's good that you can think of it yourself." Ge Gongdao smiled, slowly sat up, and said: "I think, if you didn't get beaten by Colonel Taft, or you didn't get beaten If you have amnesia and still remember how you were beaten, maybe you won’t feel this way now. I feel like you are just anxious and feel that you have to face a higher level challenge, but you have no idea what that level is like, so You're just as helpless as jumping off a cliff. I remember how I got beaten, so I don't worry. It's like I can see the flag upstairs and know it's hard to climb up, but at least I know where it is."

"Well, that's probably what I mean." Zhuang Xuteng patted Brother Dao on the shoulder and said, "You still understand me."

"I'll tell Morgana this later. You should talk to her. She knows a lot and may be able to help you find a breakthrough. As for me, my ability is limited and I only have two suggestions."

"Two is a lot! Say it quickly!" Zhuang Xuteng's eyes lit up, as if he had heard a good commission to deal with the gang.

"The first one is to aim at Cassandra. You always say that you have a good memory, so just think about it more, use her physical strength and my skills to create a clone of me, and then train based on that standard, even if There is a goal. Second, find those guys who dare to go against the company - not to ask you to join them, but to ask them what they think about defeating the company's enhanced people, collect their ideas, and do it better than you. Be anxious and strong.”

Zhuang Xuteng nodded, feeling that Brother Dao seemed very smart.

"Ah, I thought of another solution!" Is Brother Dao really smart? He raised his middle finger and said: "The other one is you stinky ass! Did you eliminate the gangs in Peicheng, or occupied the PCPD? You think you are awesome, but you are still lost here, you don't really believe in mercenaries Did you get their praise? Haha, you fool! Have you heard the idiom that a mediocre person troubles himself? You are actually a mediocre person, don’t add some burdens to yourself that only experts have, there is something wrong with you!"

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