Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 548 Chapter 545 Gigantization Spell and Stealing the Sheep

Ten days of focus and hard work don’t always lead to success. Zhuang Xuteng was lucky enough to invent the sensing tentacles - although the Lich Master commented that the gains were not worth the losses, in the end he found another track and this invention can continue to move forward. The Lich Master did not have such good luck.

He used the magic circle to check himself and found the hidden danger of soul loss. It's not just a tiny bit missing, but eighty-seven percent.

It stands to reason that without so much, it would be impossible for him to still have self-awareness, let alone be able to accurately control spells and complete complex spell-casting techniques. After careful inspection, he found that the "missing" part of himself was still with Zhuang Xuteng. This "soul" that uses salt grains to build a body is actually an incarnation separated from Zhuang Xuteng. The reason why Master Lich couldn't feel anything strange was simple: Zhuang Xuteng was nearby.

The soul of the Lich Master is very powerful. He was resolute and strong-willed during his lifetime. When he transformed into a Lich, this soul was strengthened by necromantic magic, and the parts that could easily cause weakness were removed. Later, he lived as a lich for a long time and experienced the separation and reunification of life and death, various successes and setbacks, pleasure and pain, and his soul was constantly tempered. He had always believed that his soul had become as solid as a magic alloy and could not be separated. At most, it would break and fall off in the collision, and that was all.

He didn't expect that his involvement with Zhuang Xuteng would be so deep.

"I am anxious to ask you to come, not only to make you swear, but also because I have discovered a trouble that is difficult to solve." The Lich Master sat upright on the throne, leaned down and said to Zhuang Xuteng: "I will reveal it to you. Before that, you go and look at the pillars. Any one will do, as long as it’s not the one that belongs to you.”

"You're a salesman. You really have no new ideas." Zhuang Xuteng came to the pillar and looked up at the words on the surface. As he looked, the text changed, and spell techniques on how to increase the size of summoned creatures appeared in front of him. "I saw it, and I understand the text, but I can't understand what it says. It feels quite profound. Master Lich, what's next?"

"With your current level of magic, you should not be able to see any particularly specific content." Master Lich said: "Your main training direction is martial arts. The necromancy spells in the spell part are also combined with shadow followers and resentment. It is also different from the spells in Minecraft. Under normal circumstances, these pillars will think that your spell level is very low, almost non-existent, and will only show you the directory without including the specific content. Of course, there are exceptions: meditation, enhanced mana, etc. The basic content is always fully displayed.”

Zhuang Xuteng looked at several other pillars, and the content displayed on them was indeed more than just a catalog. You could see whatever you wanted. He recalled what happened when he flew into the Wall of Sighs half a month ago, and suddenly realized, "The pillar also thought I was you! This is the same as the Wall of Sighs! Master, what's going on?"

"It's not yet clear what force caused such an accident. Perhaps the change had already begun on the day we met; perhaps it was related to your stone pillar; perhaps there was something wrong with my spell. Of course there is another possibility, In the explosion, I died and became your living shadow."

Zhuang Xuteng shook his head and said: "The last possibility is impossible. When I use the Thousand Eyes Cloak, I can clearly know what level the shadow energy reaction emitted from me belongs to, and there is absolutely no active shadow. If you distinguish carefully, each piece of equipment is The shadow follower implant on my body and the shadow follower I carry have corresponding energy reactions, and they can all be matched, and that definitely does not include you. You are not a shadow follower implant or a shadow follower. I'm absolutely sure."

Master Lich stood up and said slowly: "I feel much more comfortable knowing this. Next is the key point I want to talk about: a transaction."

"What deal? What do you like?"

"Your body." The Lich Master said: "No need to suddenly glare, I will not snatch your body, at least until I figure out what is going on and I am 100% sure, I will not do that. Do."

Zhuang Xuteng frowned and said, "Before we talk about business, you have to convince me about not stealing your body."

"You are the original owner of your body. By practicing the Wraith Spirit Spell, you already know how to prevent other consciousnesses from disturbing your own emotions. After long-term training, you have fully mastered this ability. It is running all the time and does not require you to deliberately Intervention, this is the core reason why you can safely absorb the resentment around you."

Zhuang Xuteng nodded and asked Master Lich to continue.

"To seize your body, I have to squeeze out your consciousness, and the resentful spirit spells you practice will automatically deal with me. Although I am proficient in necromancy spells, I really don't have a good way to defend myself against this kind of defense." Master Lich Said: "Any spell that targets your wraith defense system will first destroy the path for other consciousnesses to enter your body. The more I clear the obstacles, the narrower my path forward. You can see this on the stone pillars, I’ll point it out to you.”

"The above is only if you are not aware of it. Once you are aware of it and focus on this incident, my position will be more dangerous. You have priority ownership of your own body, and you only need to mobilize the spirit spells To deal with me, I have to use my soul to consume your stored resentment. I am strong in mana and spells, and my soul is indeed hundreds of times stronger than ordinary people, but compared with the nearly endless resentment, consumption is still a dead end. One. You don’t even need to completely defeat me, as long as you erase 10% of my soul, it will be difficult for me to control the spell."

Master Lich said to Zhuang Xuteng: "As long as I am not crazy, I will not try to seize your body while you are alive."

Zhuang Xuteng thought for a while and decided that he had no other choice but to temporarily believe in the Lich Master. "Okay, I see what you mean. What's the deal you want to negotiate?"

"You have to work hard to strengthen your bones. After you die, your body will belong to me."

"You want my body?" Zhuang Xuteng thought for a while and said, "I can give it to you. After I die, if I am cremated, I probably won't be able to completely turn into ashes, so I'll give it to you. But I think it's normal It doesn’t take long to live, just like a normal human being. Becoming an undead and gaining eternal life is... not important to me."

"You are young now and have no feeling about death. The older you get, the more important the topic of death will be in your mind. However, there is no need to be afraid of death. It is just that life is too tiring and you need to rest." Lich The master said: "Before you reach your natural lifespan, I will work hard to keep you alive. Life, old age, illness and death are none of my business. You need to experience old age and illness yourself and leave death to me."

"Okay, it's a deal. I'll give you the body, and you let me live as long as possible." Zhuang Xuteng said, "Can we still handle the matter of finding bones for you?"

"I can continue to search, even if I have one more clone and one more choice. When you are alive, my clone cannot be too far away from you. After you die, the restraint disappears. I can either use your body or search with I can accept the return of my original body."

"No matter what, I can always give you a body, so that the guilt in my heart will be much less." Zhuang Xuteng rubbed his hands and said, "The deal has been negotiated, what should we do next?"

"The technique of Gigantic Spell to collect mana from the environment." Master Lich stood up, walked down the steps, and led the way in front of Zhuang Xuteng: "Come, this part of the knowledge is recorded on this pillar."

They started teaching in the Stone Pillar Hall, where time presented completely different characteristics from the outside world. Generally speaking, the last few hours in Shizhu Hall may last only a minute or two outside. Therefore, in terms of teaching, choosing Shizhu Hall as a classroom can save Zhuang Xuteng's life.

Learning spells is time-consuming and life-consuming, and Zhuang Xuteng has no hope of learning as much as possible. He just needs to solve the current problem and then practice it as proficiently as possible. In the Stone Pillar Hall, he imprinted the "Mana Replenishment Techniques of Gigantic Spell" in his mind by rote memorization. Next, he needed to change it from the "Mana" version to the "Grudge" version.

Only after learning this relevant knowledge could Zhuang Xuteng understand the meaning of Master Lich's original sigh. Compared with mana, it is too easy to absorb resentment from others. Mana is something that the caster has cultivated himself. Just like Zhuang Xuteng has priority over his own body, the caster has priority over his own mana. The technique of forcibly seizing other people's mana is extremely difficult to learn, and often the gain outweighs the loss. It only has miraculous effects in some special circumstances, and is not a universal ability at all.

But resentment... the resentment of the "corporate world" is related to shadow implants. These are all inserted into the human body the day after tomorrow, and they are not something people can grow by themselves. Therefore, shadow implants accumulate in the human body through side effects. Resentment does not have the property of "first possession" like mana.

The actual situation is better than not having "first right of possession": resentment has the characteristic of spreading outward. When it encounters a force that can lead to resentment, it will follow it without hesitation.

In practice, Zhuang Xuteng used his vengeful tentacles to absorb resentment from the dead, transfer it to the living target, and create shadow side effects to overwhelm the opponent - all he felt when absorbing resentment was silky smoothness. In the same way, the shadow energy comes from the shadow device, shadow battery, and shadow implant, and they are not grown by the user himself. Therefore, except for the shadow follower mage, it doesn't take much effort to take away other people's shadow follower energy.

The first ability that Master Lich provided to Zhuang Xuteng was to absorb shadow energy with his palms.

Absorbing resentment and shadow energy from others is just an expanded use of the giant energy-absorbing technique, and it only has miraculous effects on the "corporate world". The primary use of this energy-absorbing technique is never focused on the caster, but rather on the free energy present in the surrounding environment. These energies include several elemental energies, residual energy of spells that have not been dissipated, spillover energy from large magic circles and large buildings, and biological energy with magical abilities but no independent intelligence—summons are among them.

In the Lich Master's elemental classification, lightning is one of the basic elements. Inspired by this, Zhuang Xuteng thought about the electric wires everywhere in the city. Can the energy flowing in them be used?

"There are not only electric currents, but also shadow energy flows that provide control effects. I use the Eyes of Shadow to observe the walls, and I can faintly see the wires and network cables buried in them. Since they can radiate shadow energy outwards, it is analogous to radiation. As for the residual spells of elemental energy, they should be sucked in together."

Zhuang Xuteng's whimsical ideas made Master Lich feel happy: This apprentice did not teach in vain! Master Lich also followed this idea and thought about whether Zhuang Xuteng's idea could be realized. The corporate world uses a large number of shadow servants, but the total amount and proportion are definitely not as good as those in the magical world. Almost all buildings are constructed of mana bricks, which alone is better than the corporate world that relies on reinforced concrete.

However, the corporate world also has its own peculiarities. The network formed by wires and shadows from data lines is full of vitality flowing at all times, which is easier to absorb than the mana solidified in objects. The Lich Master nodded and said: "Your idea is good, and it is indeed possible to realize it. But the premise of everything is that you can change the technique and make it match your sensing tentacles. In addition, you have to let it learn to absorb the shadow energy and Shadow Cong Side Effects.”

Just thinking and talking will definitely not work, it must be combined with practice. Shadow training can only be done in the corporate world, so at Zhuang Xuteng's suggestion, they decided to go back and have a look.

As a philistine who has mercenary style imprinted in his bones, Zhuang Xuteng is of course still thinking about the rice cereal spoon. He put on a smile, used a sincere tone to ask for help, and persuaded the Lich Master with kind words. The latter thought for a while, considering that everything here would be wiped out after the world was destroyed, so he gave it to him.

"How do you take him out?"

"What do you think about stealing a protective suit?"

Master Lich was stunned and suddenly felt that it made sense. The company's protective clothing can prevent the members of the pioneer team from being eroded by shadows. Its isolation ability is completely sufficient. In theory, it can indeed meet Zhuang Xuteng's requirements. Although after delivering the spoon, you have to make an extra trip to steal the protective suit, which is indeed a bit pricey, but the Lich Master also has his own considerations.

If the protective suit works, can he use this method to bring some of the spellcasting materials, equipment, and tools used in the world-destroying magic circle to the company world? If it can be brought over, the power of the magic circle will be greatly improved, the effect will be better, and part of the problem of lack of materials can also be solved. At the same time, he also hopes to bring this last town to the corporate world and preserve it with a new protective circle. The wall of sighs will eventually be squashed, and the corporate world has no threat of that.

If he could, even if he was gone, there would still be some debris left in his world.

"I'll come as soon as I go." Master Lich rubbed his fingers and teleported away. About five minutes later, he suddenly returned, holding a yellow protective suit for miners in his hand. To be honest, the spell Zhuang Xuteng wanted to learn the most was this teleportation. Biu ran away and Biu came. How cool!

Unfortunately, space magic is extremely difficult. The Lich Master said that he should not even think about it until he is 80 years old. Zhuang Xuteng rubbed his nose to restrain his desire, and then he noticed that the yellow protective suit shook.

Wait, there's someone else in the hazmat suit? Did Master Lich bring someone in?

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