Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 566 Chapter 563 No matter life or death

As soon as Zhuang Xuteng entered the stone pillar hall, he immediately rushed to the throne, raised his hand and fired a bone spear, and then the sharp gray "spear tip" stabbed the Lich Master directly.

The Lich Master did not respond, but the effects of the spells that protected him on a daily basis were still there. A transparent barrier blocks the bone spear technique, and this may be just the outermost one among several protective spells.

"You want to destroy the world! You bastard keeps lying to me!" Zhuang Xuteng rushed to the high platform in a few steps and punched it down. Just as the Wall of Sighs confused the two of them, the Lich Master's protective spells did not resist Zhuang Xuteng's physical attacks. The fist hit the skeleton's body, like hitting rock and metal. The Lich Master was only beaten up and down, but was actually unscathed. Zhuang Xuteng's fist was tattered and bleeding.

"MMD!" Zhuang Xuteng saw that flesh and blood could not harm the alloy skeleton, so he dug his fingers into the skull's eye sockets and slammed it towards the throne. One, two, three... Zhuang Xuteng used the Lich Master as a battering ram and smashed the throne to pieces, but the head was still unscathed.

"I don't believe I can't kill you!" He dragged the Lich Master off the high platform and knocked the head to the ground - the ground cracked, but the skull was fine. He hit his head against a pillar again. The pillar was damaged, but his head was still fine.

Zhuang Xuteng gasped and stared down at the seemingly indestructible lich body. Venting out his energy just now allowed him to think calmly, so he quickly figured out how to deal with this head.

"I can't let you destroy the world, so let's die together!"

After saying that, Zhuang Xuteng grabbed the lich's head and hit him on the head. This time, the Lich Master was no longer hard. He turned directly into a ghost and passed through Zhuang Xuteng's body, getting rid of his control and standing again two meters away.

"No more pretending?" Zhuang Xuteng turned around, looked at the Lich Master with cold eyes, and raised his hand to fire the bone spear technique. As expected, the protective spell blocked the bone spear technique, leaving the Lich Master unscathed. But the Lich Master's wound is within him, and it will never heal.

"I wanted to destroy your world, but failed." Master Lich said, "I can't do it again..."

"I don't believe you." Zhuang Xuteng chuckled, his expression as cold as an ice cave in winter. If the flame of anger makes people violent, then the cold spirit makes people think. He raised his hand and licked the blood on the back of his hand. Sure enough, it had no taste. So he swung it hard - and after this movement, his hands were healed and the blood disappeared.

"It's true that I can't kill you here, but I have a way to destroy you." Zhuang Xuteng said: "I can go to any steelmaking factory, jump into the high-temperature molten steel, and turn everything in my body to ashes, leaving nothing for you. Anything. If you want to stop me, I will use the disintegration effect to protect myself, and we will see who will run out of strength first."

"It will be you." Master Lich said: "Your mana is not enough to support the continuous disintegration effect until I find any shadow realm passage. In the shadow realm, my ability can be fully exerted, and I can seize any flaw and directly control it. you."

"That's right..." Zhuang Xuteng nodded, then suddenly stood still, and then disappeared from the Stone Pillar Hall with a whoosh. Master Lich was stunned for a moment, then shouted: "No!"

In the real world, Zhuang Xuteng opened his eyes and regained consciousness. At this time, he unlocked the super-computing martial arts and reduced his neural reaction speed to the level of ordinary people - in fact, it was still much faster than ordinary people. At the same time, he gathered his magic power to form a disintegration effect, which he used directly on himself.

The Lich Master, who had basically turned into salt powder, suddenly condensed into shape. As soon as he raised his hand, he hit Zhuang Xuteng with the surrounding objects. The physical substance consumed a large amount of the disintegration effect and rescued Zhuang Xuteng. But Zhuang Xuteng also thought of this possibility. As soon as he saw the Lich Master appearing, he immediately closed his eyes and concentrated on meditation. At the same time that he was struck by the disintegration effect, he returned to the Stone Pillar Hall.

After arriving here, he stared at the Lich Master with a smile on his lips. In the main hall, the bodies of both people are projections of consciousness. Although they are entities, they are not real bodies. Damage or damage will not affect the original body. Casting spells on Zhuang Xuteng here cannot control him, and the damage effect is also useless. All games can only be played in the real world.

There is a time flow difference between the real world and the temple, which will divide the consciousness of the Lich Master into two parts. When Zhuang Xuteng enters the hall, Master Lich's consciousness must be dominated by the environment of the hall, and the other body is basically in a stagnant state. Zhuang Xuteng is the leader in this process, and his entry and exit determines where Master Lich's consciousness is.

Every time you leave the hall, it must be initiated by Zhuang Xuteng, and he will take the initiative at this time. Due to his extremely fast nerve reaction speed, he can definitely move before the Lich Master. This lead is enough for him to cover himself with the disintegration effect and stop the super-computing martial arts.

"The experiment just now was successful." Zhuang Xuteng said: "When you got into my body, no matter whether it was a living shadow servant or a projectile of resentful spirits, the disintegration effect would destroy it anyway. In addition, remember next time Hurry, because I found that I have enough time to activate the high-speed high-burst implant. How fast can you accelerate, can..."

"That's enough!" Master Lich waved his hand, interrupting Zhuang Xuteng's words. "I can no longer destroy your world! Your self-destructive ridicule is too low..."

Before the Lich Master finished speaking, he saw Zhuang Xuteng disappearing from the main hall - he had to go out immediately. After a while, the two of them came back one after another. The Lich Master shook his fist and shouted: "Are you finished?"

Zhuang Xuteng ignored him, lowered his head and counted something with his fingers. After a while, he smiled and nodded, obviously having obtained the answer he wanted through calculation. When the smile disappeared, Zhuang Xuteng left the hall again, and Master Lich had to catch up again.

After repeating this six times, Master Lich finally came up with a solution. This time, he did not use violent methods to break the disintegration effect. Instead, he rushed forward as fast as possible and collided with Zhuang Xuteng's body with his own body despite the disintegration effect. This action caused part of his body to be completely destroyed, and his spirit and soul were shaken and suffered irreparable damage, but he finally imprisoned Zhuang Xuteng's body before Zhuang Xuteng returned to the hall through meditation.

The Lich Master's body in the hall faithfully reflects the damage to his soul: the gorgeous gems that originally covered his body have lost their luster, and the hard bones also have a lot of cracks, as if they will break at any time. His waist couldn't straighten, and even his legs were different lengths. When standing on the ground, he could only look at Zhuang Xuteng with his shoulders slanted and his head tilted.

"You will be paralyzed if you go back, unable to mobilize your magic power, and unable to activate the high-speed and high-burst implant - can you calm down for a while and listen to me?"

Zhuang Xuteng remained silent, thinking about how to make another move.

Master Lich also calmed himself down, and after a while he said: "You are such a stubborn and crazy guy... I can understand that you hate me, but I don't want you to be blind because of it. Zhuang Xuteng, you should know that even in When I tried to destroy the world, I was also protecting you and didn’t want you to die.”

Indeed, this is a fact; it is also a fact that the Lich Master wants to destroy the world. Zhuang Xuteng ignored him and continued to think about countermeasures.

"Don't kill yourself just to destroy me," the Lich Master said, "There's no need for that, it's such a shame."

Zhuang Xuteng finally glanced at Master Lich and said, "While you are alive, my world is at risk of being destroyed."

"That's your idea, not the actual situation. The actual situation is..."

"Don't be that way! I can only act according to my ideas. You have great magic power, extensive knowledge, and rich means. You can dress up the actual situation in any way you want!" Zhuang Xuteng snorted coldly and drew circles in front of him with his hands. Continuously mobilize mana. After a while, he summoned a void annihilation ball the size of a basketball.

The black ball rotates and floats in the middle of the hall. It is silent, dark and lightless, and it can swallow everything around it. The main hall sensed danger, and the gray smoke, which had always been very agile, took the time to escape, revealing a large area of ​​bare ground.

Zhuang Xuteng picked up a fragment of the throne and threw it towards the void annihilation ball. The fragments began to shatter as they approached the black ball, turning into particles finer than dust, sinking into the darkness along the spiral, and then completely disappeared. If in the real world, this is a small matter in the real world; in the world of consciousness projection, this is the disappearance of consciousness.

"If you don't want me to die, then just go and die. If you are gone, I don't have to ask for death." Zhuang Xuteng looked at Master Lich coldly and said something in a calm voice, as if it had nothing to do with life and death, it was just three meals. Something as daily as eating.

"The hall is yours. Learning the teleportation spell will save you the trouble of running errands. You can also find the world map by following the directory. I have marked all the shadow passages." After finishing speaking, the Lich Master flew straight towards the Void Annihilation Sphere.

He was broken into particles, spun twice, and disappeared into absolute darkness.

The Void Annihilation Ball was still spinning quietly, as if to indicate that it was far from full. Zhuang Xuteng waved his hand and dismissed the spell. At this time, Banla's skull's head fell to the ground, making a metallic clang after colliding with the ground.

Zhuang Xuteng stepped forward, picked up the skull, and sighed: "Destroying yourself to persuade me not to die, even my biological parents may not be able to do this. Hey, master, you are not dead yet, can you hear me? I don’t hate you personally.”

The incomplete skull is only from the forehead to the nostrils. Only one of the two eye sockets is complete, and the other is missing a corner. Just after Zhuang Xuteng called, a faint, swaying red light spot appeared in the center of the complete eye socket, and it took a while to stabilize.

"Sure enough, he's not dead - I believe you can recover." Zhuang Xuteng placed the incomplete skull among the fragments of the throne. He took two steps back, and then he saw the mist in the hall gathering on the skull and forming a new body.

Only the part of the new Lich Master's skull is solid, and the rest of the body is a misty gray-black mist. He waved his hand, and the fragments on the ground reconstituted the throne.

The throne is still missing a corner, which is the part where Zhuang Xuteng threw the void annihilation ball. Master Lich saw the missing corner and touched it with his hand. Then he turned to Zhuang Xuteng and asked, "What's going on?"

"In order to fulfill the bet between the two of us, I used a trick on the void annihilation ball spell. Only part of the surface is a void annihilation ball, not all of it inside."

"Impossible. The core of the void annihilation ball must be a disintegration effect, so it should be uniform from the inside out."

"I discovered that it doesn't need to be solid." Zhuang Xuteng waved his hand and said, "You don't know the Void Annihilation Ball, I do. I have more say than you in this spell. But do you think we should talk about a spell now? ?”

Master Lich shook his head. This action caused a piece of his cheek to be missing, and he quickly used more gray-black mist to replace it. "I was ready to dissipate, but I didn't expect to survive. Zhuang Xuteng, don't you want to die?"

"I never said that." Zhuang Xuteng clasped his hands on his chest, narrowed his eyes, and blew out a contemptuous "hum" from his nostrils, and then said: "I will always be prepared to die with you, you are just fighting for yourself A chance to explain."

"All the knowledge about the World-Destroying Array is on the pillars. You can check it yourself. You don't need to learn it completely. You just need to see how many spell materials it requires." The Lich Master said: "The necrosis effect has already been Destroyed all the spell materials outside the Wall of Sighs. Within this wall, if you look for it, all the spell materials add up to less than one ten-thousandth of what you can cast again. In order to realize that magic circle, I used up all the spell materials, exhausted I tried all the workarounds. I only had one chance to cast the spell, and I failed."

"I will check." Zhuang Xuteng said, "Is there anything else you want to say?"

"No more." Master Lich said: "My current state is extremely unstable, and obviously there is no way to paralyze you under the disintegration effect. It's not that I don't have the will, but I simply can't do it. So, paralysis In the past, you will have complete control over your life when you leave here. Don't die, this is my last concern now."

"What about before?"

"Destroying the corporate world and completing revenge is considered ninety-nine cares, and keeping you alive is one." Master Lich said: "I thought about it carefully just now, and maybe the last concern is not correct. In addition to hoping that you I do have other hopes for living.”

"What is it?" Zhuang Xuteng frowned again and asked.

"Maybe you will want to destroy the world." Lich Master said: "You hate the rule of the company, and deep down you want to change the world. Maybe there will be a moment in the future when you want to completely eliminate everything that disgusts you, You will try to destroy the world. Well... maybe you can succeed."

"You really dare to think..." Zhuang Xuteng shook his head and said: "Master, I will not choose to destroy the world. I hate the company, but not the world; I have enmity with the company, but not with the world! I won't Use the world-destroying spell on your own world!"

"Before the necrosis swept the world, I never thought about using spells with world-destroying effects. I was just an undead who wanted to learn spells. Killing people and causing death had never been on my list of interests. But... in reality Go...I actually released a world-destroying spell on my world? Zhuang Xuteng, I never imagined that such a thing would happen, and you also couldn't imagine what would happen in the future."

"Yes, how did your spell change its target and finally hit the shadow world?"

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