Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 587 Chapter 584 Pirate Ship in the City

After waiting for several days, there was no new news from Dingxin Magic. No one knew whether the investigation team had left, and they did not dare to ask. Morgana comforted Zhuang Xuteng: If the investigation team does not leave, the operation will not be carried out, and there will be no need to calculate the hidden debts for a three-month cycle. But Zhuang Xuteng was very clear-headed: it was entirely up to the company to decide when the debt would be calculated. He could only treat it as if the calculation cycle had already begun.

Although Morgana has repeatedly stated that she will find channels to relieve Zhuang Xuteng of his tasks, she is also pessimistic about whether she can succeed. According to her, in recent decades, the influence of the "temple survivors" has continued to decline. Apart from asking the company and the constitutional government for more money based on inflation, it is basically unable to change any decisions of the company.

Finding Palovic and exchanging his life for his own safety still seems to be the best choice for him. Zhuang Xuteng told Morgana to relax. He would definitely find a way to find Palovic. The only thing he was worried about was that the company would not admit the account, or secretly kill Palovic without telling him, just trying to make money from it.

"It turns out that the temple survivors still have the power to supervise the company's operations, but then they gradually lost it." Morgana thought for a while and said: "It seems that this change happened after the second company war. I remember there were a few people at that time. A temple survivor was involved in a corporate war and suffered heavy casualties...could this be a conspiracy by the company?"

Conspiracy seems to be used to explain everything, but in fact it solves nothing. Zhuang Xuteng asked Morgana not to be affected by conspiracy theories and unable to think correctly, and also asked her not to be too nervous. He still has enough time to deal with the matter.

From the time when the Dingxin Demonic Creation Investigation Team left Peicheng, to when the news spread, to when it was verified by various people, and finally affected Palovic and made him decide to return to Peicheng, the measurement unit of this time period It's the month. Zhuang Xuteng must show enough patience and of course wisdom.

He deliberately connected the reason for his "semi-retirement" with Dingxin Magic, implying that this was a compromise and deal to stabilize the situation in Peicheng. Combined with the recent death of a large number of former gang members, this argument also has a certain degree of rationality. The person who asked Lucy to do the commission also discovered that Scarecrow Nike's team was gone, leaving only Nike whose appearance fee had doubled again. The minimum commission amount for him to carry out a mission is now five million euros, and he also has to exclusive access to additional loot. This price is really prohibitive.

Many people say that he plans to use high appearance fees to scare away clients, thereby achieving "commercial retirement."

Since this statement was a disguised circumstantial evidence of the statement of "compromising with the company" and was actually beneficial to himself, Zhuang Xuteng did not come forward to refute it. At the same time, he was relieved to find that the people in the audience just felt that his appearance fee was too expensive, and no one said it was "not worth it." It seems that everyone has acquiesced that he has the ability to earn this income, and the complaints are just out of envy, and maybe a little jealous...

Peicheng needs to gradually calm down, and companies such as Dingxin Magic are also secretly promoting this matter. They are not for Zhuang Xuteng, or for the Palovich/Gardener organization, but to promote the execution of puppet workers and social public work points. Although some people think that this combination of punches has caused some people to be replaced and have no choice but to choose downgraded jobs. But there are also some voices saying that these people are already prone to losing their jobs. Now they only need to go to public work stations, which is equivalent to a stable guarantee, which is an improvement.

But everyone has to admit that the social situation in Peicheng is much better than in the past. Gangs have been eradicated, and the disbanded gangsters cannot make a difference on their own. Most of the idlers have been absorbed into public work stations, and the stubborn problem of harassing citizens has finally been eliminated. At the same time, the overall number of vagrants and homeless people is much smaller than before because they have job pathways that do not limit their ability or past experience. According to observations, the homeless tents that used to be located along the Pei River are now much empty; beggars on the streets can only be seen occasionally.

If he didn't have to continue to struggle with Dingxin Magic, Zhuang Xuteng would like to comment that now is the best period in the past two years. While he was waiting for the news, Ge Gongdao called him and asked him to go out, saying that the matter he had been entrusted to him had come to light. Zhuang Xuteng immediately left a message to Morgana and then went out with all his equipment.

He went to the gate of Moat Company to pick up Ge Gongdao, and then the two of them headed south, straight to the hub area. After Brother Dao got in the car, he went to the back compartment to check himself with the signal scanner to make sure there was no positioning or eavesdropping transceiver device, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Eavesdropping devices have been found all the time lately, and it's almost giving me a psychological shadow."

"Why?" Zhuang Xuteng turned around and asked Ge Gong. He can use his sensory tentacles to observe his surroundings without affecting driving safety.

"Moat's business is very good. We have negotiated several long-term security contracts a while ago. It is obvious that there will be a stable flow of funds. Moreover, Peicheng's security has improved a lot recently, business risks have decreased, and the company's assets have become very valuable." Attractive." Ge Gongdao twisted his huge body, got into the passenger seat, fastened his seat belt and said: "There are many people who came to negotiate the acquisition, and each party wants to steal some trade secrets so that they can be used as a reference for pricing."

"What about Dingxin Magic's acquisition?"

"I told them that I had no objection, and the next day I wrote a formal project report and submitted it to the shareholders' meeting for review. I felt that Dingxin Magic must have a way to know what was written in the report, so I just wrote it in it Good words." Ge Gongdao chuckled twice and said: "With the improvement of public security in Peicheng, the demand for security will decrease. It is a good thing to sell some shares now. Anyway, I am inside pushing for the sale."

"As long as you don't suffer a loss, that's fine." Zhuang Xuteng said.

"Don't suffer a loss? Now that the bidding situation has formed, I will make a lot of money! Don't worry, if you want to sell it, it will definitely be sold to Dingxin Mochuang. I will help you secretly. Selling favors will save you trouble, so you can make money For a long time." Ge Gongdao pointed to the front and said: "Turn right at the next intersection, and then turn towards the viaduct."

Previously, Zhuang Xuteng asked Ge Gongdao to find a way to identify and install implants. Today they came out for this matter. It had only been two weeks since the secret talk at the stern of the ship, and Zhuang Xuteng asked whether the channel was safe today.

"Safe. Let's put it this way, that guy got on the pirate ship." Ge Gongdao laughed twice and said: "Explain in one sentence: He picked one of the implants you gave him and installed it on himself. If something happens, he won’t be able to run away.”

"Have you shown him things? What's his origin?" Zhuang Xuteng asked.

"That man's name is Jiang Pazu. He was originally a surgeon at the PCPD No. 1 Hospital. He did some implant maintenance and health examinations for the PCPD and the riot squad. He has been working in the department for fifteen years. I have never been promoted, and I have always thought of changing jobs.”

Ge Gongdao adjusted his sitting position, faced Zhuang Xuteng, and continued: "He was injured in the bombing at the police academy ceremony. The entire skin on his back was blown off and the spinal nerves were damaged. Fortunately, he was not paralyzed. , but that experience had a huge impact on him. At that time, there was a wave of resignations. Many original police officers left, but some mercenaries joined the PCPD, do you remember?"

Zhuang Xuteng nodded: "Of course I remember. He also resigned at that time?"

"Yes. After the PCPD paid him the treatment fee, he left his job. At that time, Brewer Pace was attacked for the second time." Gogongdao sighed: "Some people will go to hospital even if they are disabled, and some will go to hospital if they are not disabled. He had to pretend to be disabled. It is difficult for a formally established implant doctor to leave his job, but he issued a certificate saying that the injuries to his back - especially the nerve damage - were serious, causing dizziness, headaches, memory loss and trembling fingers. He could no longer perform surgery and could only go home to recuperate. So he ostensibly ran an imaging rental store, but actually began to perform implant maintenance and installation operations."

Zhuang Xuteng frowned and asked, "No one checked him?"

"The PCPD colleagues are keeping him safe, who will investigate? The gangs have their own implant doctors and gun-making 'cooks', who can really control him? Besides, he also has access to the riot squad. , you also know that the Riot Control Strike Team is the handbag company organized by the Gardener. It has the strength and the courage to take action, and it will definitely not ignore problems in this implant channel. "

"That makes sense." Zhuang Xuteng nodded and said, "After leaving the PCPD and having the endorsement of the riot squad, I will be able to survive as long as I don't get too involved with the gangs. Brother Dao, what did he use? Implant?”

"The thing you got contains a set of neural enhancement accessories, which is...well, I can't describe it. It looks like a bloody red tree root. The injury to his nervous system is just a bit exaggerated, not a lie. That A neuro-augmentation attachment would solve his problem."

"I remember that thing was removed from the chest, not for the back."

"Ahem, there is no such implant on the market at all. How can he care so much? There is not much difference between the front and back. Anyway, it can help him bypass the damaged nerves." Ge Gongdao then said the most important thing. Information: "I couldn't perform back nerve surgery on myself, so his assistant performed the surgery. I asked the assistant and I learned that this thing cannot be removed after it is installed, unless the person dies."

"I understand. In this way, he really can't betray us to the company." Zhuang Xuteng still felt uneasy and asked, "Where is his assistant?"

"He has taken a fancy to an eyeball. It should have been installed two days ago - both people are on board, so it is safe. No, yesterday I got the exact news that the recovery from the surgery has been completed and we have started to return to work. I will take you with me today Go install the implants." Ge Gongdao said: "This time we will not install illegal things. They are all high-end goods that can be obtained from hospitals and the Constitutional Army. By the way, I still remember your list of implants. , see if there is anything else you want to install."

Every implant used within the company has a strong shadow reaction, and skills such as the Thousand Eyes Cloak must be used to cover it up. Since the company has conducted a full-body scan on Zhuang Xuteng, his implant parts must have been recorded, so new "violating" implants cannot be installed in parts that have already had a slave reaction. Otherwise, as soon as the Thousand Eyes Cloak covers it and people in the company compare it, they will immediately feel that something is wrong: Why did you remove the implant here?

If you install an implant, you can only choose a location where there was no implant before, and you cannot cover up the existing implant too much, which limits Zhuang Xuteng's range of choices. In addition, this time the implant could not provide the functions he particularly wanted or could not achieve in a flexible manner, so he did not choose it.

"If you don't choose, then I won't be polite." Ge Gongdao rubbed his hands and said, "I want to install a high-speed and high-explosion set."

"Then you have to be careful, don't let the company find out." Zhuang Xuteng quickly reminded him: "The doctor is hiding in the dark and can't see anyone from the company, but you are different. If someone from the company scans you, what will happen to you?" The energy response of the shadow of your legs is unusual, and you were exposed."

"Haha, don't worry, Jiang Pazu has already thought of a countermeasure: an exoskeleton. He installed it on the back, and I installed it on the waist and legs. The inner layer of the exoskeleton and the contact pads are made of lead sealing technology, which can reduce the impact energy response. .As long as you don’t put the detector directly on the skin, there is usually no problem.”

"Will it affect your super-computing martial arts?" Zhuang Xuteng asked.

"Become stronger first, and then improve your martial arts. With the high-speed and high-explosion implant, at least there is an extra layer of protection."

Brother Dao is right, but Zhuang Xuteng doubts the blocking effect of lead-coated exoskeletons unless seeing is believing. As long as he uses the Eye of Shadow to see the effect of the doctor's use of the exoskeleton, he can make a judgment. If it was easy to see through, he would definitely warn Gorgon.

Nearly an hour later, they came to the hospital in the hub area in a roundabout way. It is set up in a seventy-story apartment complex, crowded together with a hive of tens of thousands of residents. There are so many people here, the situation is complex, and it often becomes a society of its own. When there are gangs, the gangs are in charge; when there are no gangs, the landlord is in charge. When the four major gangs were destroyed, this place should have been plunged into chaos. Fortunately, there was a public work station and Mengwu absorbed the pressure of chaos. As a result, this place unexpectedly gained a long-lost peace.

In a place like this, no one knows who is behind the scenes, so they all take care of themselves and do not manage neighborly relations. To put it more bluntly, in the past, as long as you were slow to close the door for a few seconds, you might be burglarized. Who would dare to ask what your neighbor did. Because of this, Jiang Pazu used several names to rent or buy several sets of rooms adjacent to each other, punching through the thin parts, and built a secret clinic.

Zhuang Xuteng and Ge Gongdao put on their mosaic hats and took the special elevator to the 39th floor. After exiting the elevator and turning left, the first door was the "Super Hot Video Rental Store". After they entered, Ge Gongdao showed the reservation password, and the front desk clerk asked them to search slowly on the second shelf.

"It looks like there is an operation going on inside," Ge Gongdao pointed to the yellow sconce on the wall and said, "The red light is closed, the green light means you can go in directly, the yellow light means you are busy, and if the light is not on, you have to run away."

"It's a good idea." Zhuang Xuteng shrugged and began to browse the "hot" video tapes on the shelf while opening the Wraith Jelly to investigate the environment. He quickly found the secret door and secret passage, and his sensing tentacles immediately reached in. When he comes to any strange place, he has to figure out the way in and out in order to feel at ease.

At this time, the person who had completed the operation in the secret passage came out...

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