Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 592 Chapter 589 Code 76

"Error code 76, means..." Zhuang Xuteng turned back the "Universal Work Chair Type A Instructions" and found the corresponding page number: "The general work chair prohibits the installation of execution puppets to replace normal human workers. This problem will cause the system to An input/output error occurred in the network. Similar operations will be prohibited by the system. To troubleshoot, you only need to remove the execution puppet."

"I'm not an execution puppet!" Zhuang Xuteng pushed away his helmet and sat up from his work chair.

This is the third week since he completed the surgery and the last day of Dingxin Magic’s first free month. He had no new information about Palovich, nor did he try to find him. Instead, he came to a social and public work station in the embankment district. He left Black Mike upstairs while he used the equipment in the basement.

Reapplying for a social public work point will consume a lot of time, and buying a ready-made one will definitely be much faster. Zhuang Xuteng heard the news from Sister Lucy, so he went to his old acquaintance to ask for the boss. Boss Suo did take a break after his wonton stall was smashed, and he stayed at home and wrote some memoirs. Later, I felt that writing a book was not interesting, so I thought about opening a store. He and a few friends raised funds to open a public social work center. Zhuang Xuteng strongly invested in the business and stepped in as a partner.

There is no forced buying or selling here, it is purely normal business cooperation. Boss Suo and others applied for a shop with a capacity of 400 people. However, they did not have enough cash on hand, so they could only divide the project into two phases, opening for 150 people first, and then for 250 people. Zhuang Xuteng joined in with plenty of cash - just in time to avoid the trouble of money laundering - and the first phase of the project was fully opened. They agreed to redeem the share of these work chairs from Zhuang Xuteng within two years at 1.5 times the price, until the four shareholders, including Zhuang Xuteng, equally divided the rights and interests of 400 chairs. If it cannot be bought within two years, then Zhuang Xuteng will count as many shares as he has in his hand.

Zhuang Xuteng wanted to save himself the trouble of applying for certificates and daily management. The other bosses wanted to have more funds and get a strong person to take charge. They all hit it off and established this social and public work site. It is divided into three floors: upper, middle and lower. More than 100 work chairs are placed on each floor in separate areas. It is also equipped with air conditioning, fresh air and other equipment, making it a relatively comfortable working point. Since this building belonged to one of the partners, Zhuang Xuteng paid for him to install four work chairs in the basement and used it as a laboratory.

With this convenience, he was able to study how to combine the sensing tentacles with the work chair network, and he became one of the few people who went directly to the work chair without using the dream fog machine. Under normal conditions, Zhuang Xuteng can also wear a helmet to work, but the feeling makes him very uncomfortable. Without the hypnotic dream machine, he felt that his mind was constantly wandering, making it difficult to concentrate on any complex thinking, and his mental arithmetic ability was suppressed to the level of double-digit multiplication.

It's okay if he can't do multiplication. The problem is that he can't use spells. Whether it is a complex spell such as sensing tentacles or a simple attack spell such as bone spear, the mana collapses due to the inability to concentrate. The only "passive" skills he can use are dormant martial arts, super cache martial arts and other "passive" skills: the so-called passive ability is the magic circle that is running at all times. He does not need to intervene at all, but after focused intervention, he can be more sensitive and efficient.

Simply put, he felt uncomfortable wearing the helmet of his work chair and losing his ability to fight.

If you lie down normally, you won't be able to cast spells, so lie down with the spell. This test was also unsuccessful. The work chair reported an error, fault signal 76: it regarded Zhuang Xuteng as an execution puppet.

"How can I be an execution puppet?" Zhuang Xuteng scratched his head, puzzled: "Why am I regarded as an execution puppet after I use the sensory tentacles?"

In order to figure out what was going on, he began to observe the execution puppet who acted as a waiter in the store. After a thorough understanding - mainly market research - he learned that the execution puppet is now a series of products with four main configurations and a total of ten models on sale. The most common one is the service provider in the store that can be taken over remotely1 type. However, the most numerous ones are the Executor 1 types in factories and farms that do not have a takeover function.

Social public work points are mainly to provide brain support for the executive series.

If you order the executioner puppet in the store to lie down in the work chair and put on the helmet, you will get error code 76 faster. It can be seen from this that there is a certain degree of hesitation in the work chair as to whether Zhuang Xuteng using the sensory tentacles can be regarded as an execution puppet.

At this point in the experiment, a preliminary conclusion can be drawn: Zhuang Xuteng currently cannot lie down with his sensing tentacles to connect to the work chair network, and a "fresh dead person" is necessary. Since insurance claims are involved, investigators from the insurance company will be attracted, and they may discover and ask why there are four devices in the basement, so Zhuang Xuteng will not create fresh deaths in his store. Fortunately, there is no shortage of such people in Peicheng. The long-term "popularity" of blue savages and the proliferation of safe blue have created many people who are in a critical state of death. They are still alive, barely alive.

Zhuang Xuteng asked Black Mike to drive him around the city in the name of inspecting other stores. In fact, he stretched out his sensory tentacles to search for serious addicts of Blue Savage in these stores. After succeeding twice in the industrial area and the city center, he could say with certainty that the combination of the sensory tentacles and the recently deceased person could indeed bypass the work chair's settings and allow him to enter its work network.

The company certainly could not have predicted in advance that there would be such things as sensory tentacles, let alone that someone could use this network to gather and transfer grievances and turn it into an attack weapon. But it’s not necessarily true: what if the company does have such technical preparations, and the entire work network is a potential murder weapon? The entire network does have this capability, which was achieved through a series of engineering designs. If it was a complete coincidence, Zhuang Xuteng was not sure.

"If it is not the company's weapon, then I have made money. I must not make it public at this time and must keep it secret; if it is indeed the company's weapon, then I must not make it public. I must defeat the company before it uses it. Down."

Since Zhuang Xuteng was still under the pressure of the mission of Dingxin Magic, he attached great importance to this "suspected weapon" and planned to use it as a talisman. Master Lich was obviously able to help him analyze and answer various problems discovered during the experiment. But Zhuang Xuteng is worried that the Lich Master knows that the network of work chairs is all over the world and can also transmit resentment to attack. It would be terrible if it is regarded as another super magic circle with the potential to destroy the world!

Even if the corporate world will be destroyed in the future, there is no need to rush to die now. Zhuang Xuteng thought about it, and with his knowledge of necromancy, he could already imagine how to use this magic circle: to gather resentment and continuously create ghosts; first order the ghosts to lurk, and wait until a sufficient number is accumulated, such as a hundred or so people. When you can separate one ghost, release them all. Zhuang Xuteng believed that those ghosts would kill everyone they met, leaving no one behind.

It can only be said that this is the idea of ​​Zhuang Xuteng and the beginners. The Lich Master will point out at least four fatal problems in this plan, thereby rejecting the feasibility of this spell. However, Zhuang Xuteng was not prepared to bring up this topic with the Lich Master. He would never know these four fatal issues.

After thinking for a long time, Zhuang Xuteng only asked the Lich Master the question of why he was recognized as an execution puppet, and hinted that he thought of this issue in order to better disguise his identity and sneak into disguise.

After hearing this question, Master Lich quickly found the blind spot that Zhuang Xuteng had not noticed: "You said that when you use the sensory tentacles, the torture instrument will think you are an execution puppet? Is it just you or others?"

"There is no other person in the world who can sense tentacles, and they are not considered instruments of torture." Zhuang Xuteng replied.

"You can't think complexly after sitting on it, and you have to use poison like safety blue to feel a little more comfortable. What is it if it's not a torture tool?" Master Lich sat in the throne, slowly shook his finger, and said: "Indeed, you are the only one. People can sense tentacles, but that thing has no actual form. If you use it to wrap other people, can the torture instrument still tell who casts the tentacles?"

“What difference does such a comparative test make?”

"Don't forget your zombie physique. That's why I chose you in the first place. You once said to me that executing a puppet is like a person with a zombie physique who is receiving instructions, and it will also remind you of yourself. Maybe not only It's a problem with the sensory tentacles, which may be affected by your special physique."

Zhuang Xuteng touched his chin and nodded. "It makes sense. If it is related to my physique, then this question can be split into two parts: the similarity of physique and the similarity of working mode. If I can find a way to interact with the sensing tentacles and the execution puppet, maybe I can mislead Execute the puppets’ perceptions and control their actions.”

"Humph, what a detour you have taken!" Master Lich said: "If the execution puppet is not alive, then it is dead. Can't you directly control the dead body? Even if it has some of this equipment installed on it Or that device, it still looks humanoid, at best it is a flesh and blood puppet. How to seize control of these soulless creations, the relevant spells are on the stone pillars, just look for it yourself."

The Lich Master asked Zhuang Xuteng to learn on his own, which was exactly what he wanted. Old Bones will still think of destroying the world whenever he gets a chance, and Zhuang Xuteng doesn't dare to take it lightly. Fortunately, knowing that the two worlds are being replaced, and that the annihilation encountered in the magical world will definitely appear in the corporate world, Master Lich becomes much calmer. He sat motionless in the throne all day long, as if waiting for Zhuang Xuteng to die, take over his body, and then find a corner to hide until he saw the world destroyed with his own eyes.

Regarding this, Zhuang Xuteng commented: After I die, I can’t control the destruction of the world even if I want to...

Since the Lich Master doesn't act like a demon, Zhuang Xuteng will be relieved of a lot of psychological burden. He continued to advance his experiments and found that wrapping other people's sensory tentacles before entering the work chair would not trigger the No. 76 fault alarm. This also confirmed that his physique played an important role in the fault. So he looked for other people with zombie physiques through Sister Lucy - after the emergence of the execution puppet, the platform that used to connect people with zombie physiques stopped working - and invited people with this physique to use the work chair. At this time, he discovered that only those with zombie compatibility exceeding 75% were likely to trigger Alarm No. 76, and the lower the compatibility, the more it was necessary to increase the sensitivity of the sensing tentacles and the speed of nerve response, that is, to enter the eight-flash state.

The zombie physique, sensory tentacles and extremely high neural reaction speed jointly created the No. 76 fault alarm. This conclusion made Zhuang Xuteng more aware of some design ideas for the execution puppet. The work chair network designed by the company for execution of puppets has extremely high work efficiency. The speed of signal propagation in it is much greater than the neural transmission speed of normal people. This is very similar to Zhuang Xuteng's super-computing martial arts. Although the execution of the puppet will still be a bit clumsy and naive in actual work, never forget that the brain that provides it with solutions to problems may be thousands of miles away, or even not one but many brains working together. Effect.

Based on this, Zhuang Xuteng believes that the giant luminous ball in the center of the work chair network is the source of some secrets, which is the core of the entire puppet execution network. Zhuang Xuteng was curious, what would he see if he cast his consciousness there?

"I'm very curious, but I'd better bear with it! The core of the network must be the most intensively monitored place by the company. If they find an abnormality and block this road, it will obviously outweigh the gains and losses. First, understand the surrounding network. Wait until you are confident and your abilities have improved, then go to the core.”

"In addition, the speed of neural response seems to be very important in this network. Eight flashes can allow me to swim in the peripheral network. So, do I need nine flashes to get to the core?" The more Zhuang Xuteng thought about it, the more he felt that his idea was correct. "The speed of the entire network is not only reflected in the transmission speed of the signal, but more importantly, it is able to decompose the requirements transmitted by the execution puppet into tasks and publish them to so many independent individuals. The big light ball is obviously doing this. If my reaction If it’s not fast enough, will it be broken down as a work request after being connected? I’d be cautious, don’t rush in. It’s best to get information about this network from other channels.”

Zhuang Xuteng's thoughtful look was caught in the eyes of Black Mike who was driving in front. In the past few days, he drove around Peicheng with Scarecrow Naike and visited hundreds of social and public work sites. Some of them looked around, and some actually stopped and went in to take a closer look. At first, he thought that Scarecrow Naike just wanted to investigate the development of the entire industry in order to collect information for the next investment activity. Later, he discovered that things were not that simple: Nike never cared about how much money each store made. He was more concerned about what kind of people came to the company and the origins of those who looked more miserable and poor.

He thinks Scarecrow Nack cares about the poor at the bottom.

His idea is indeed correct. It cannot be said that Zhuang Xuteng has no concern for the poor at the bottom, but it is also right to say that he will not take the initiative to care. Zhuang Xuteng observed the lower-level workers for several days, which reminded Mike of some of the investigative activities he conducted during his time in the Gardeners organization.

‘That’s a matter for the Gardener Organization, can you tell Naike? ’ Mike hesitated. ‘Although he is a mercenary who can kill people for money, when money is not a concern, he is really a good person. Perhaps the right things done by the Gardeners should find a way to be handed over to the right people. Hmm... maybe I can give it a try. ’

"Naike, you haven't spoken for a long time, what are you thinking about?" Mike asked, tilting his head slightly.

"I'm thinking about these social and public work sites. You see how relaxed the PCPD is now, and there are much less violent incidents on the streets. Everyone says this is the credit of the social and public work sites. But I always feel that something is wrong. , just like a question I once thought about when I was young: If everyone joins a gang, will they not be bullied?"

"Gangs will fight each other."

"It is true that public workplaces do not fight each other, but everyone can make money, especially companies. This makes me feel unreal."

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