Harry Potter and the Attack of the Squibs

Chapter 85 Entering the Greenhouse

"I heard that you never drink, Lu Ke?"

Lu Ke nodded.

The centaur smiled and shook his head: "In this way, you actually became the centaur's friend. Maybe we all drank too much that day."

Lu Ke smiled.

"I have to go, I have to complete the test in a hurry."

The silver-maned centaur nodded: "Even the weakest foal can crush a poisonous snake. Lu Ke, you will definitely succeed."

Lu Ke nodded, then turned around and left with Hagrid and others.

After walking out of the centaur tribe, Harry spoke: "Why were you laughing just now?"

Lu Ke shook his head helplessly: "It's a joke about centaurs, but don't fall in love with drinking Harry, and Weasley, you both."

Hagrid nodded guiltily: "Yes, Lu Ke is right."

Hermione shook her head: "But you were deceived at the wine table, Hagrid. This is what I should say to you."

Hagrid smiled awkwardly.

"Until the centaurs send you definite news, you must not enter the Forbidden Forest unless you are accompanied by Hagrid. Do you understand?"

Lu Ke stared into Harry's eyes when he said this.

Harry nodded: "I understand."

Lu Ke breathed a sigh of relief: "Everything went well. In short, you only need to worry about the mysterious man now, not me."

Although the three Harrys had other ideas, they still went back to the common room obediently.

After all, Hagrid was following them, and they couldn't do it alone if they wanted to.

Lu Ke went to the kitchen with Luo Bao.

Lu Ke walked to the herb shelf and let out a long sigh: "So is there wine in the kitchen?"

Carrot nodded, and then took out a bottle of wine.

Lu Ke nodded. According to the horseman's description, there is no doubt that wine is the most suitable for this kind of herb.

He took a deep breath, and then carefully poured a little wine into the flowerpot.

At that moment, something magical happened.

The old and ugly looking vanilla began to grow and almost instantly became unrecognizable.

Along with a strong and strange aroma, the scars and stubby trunks left on the vanilla completely disappeared, leaving only a much grown, slender and graceful looking vanilla in the flowerpot.

Lu Ke sighed longly: "So Hufflepuff deliberately didn't tell you that you should do this?"

Carrot was silent for a moment: "I don't know."

Lu Ke smiled helplessly.

When the fragrance floated in front of him just now, Lu Ke was sure that he had passed this test.

The test of magical plants is still very simple.

But thinking about this painful process carefully, Lu Ke sighed unconsciously.

It's obvious that no Hufflepuff test is ever easy.

It was already dark, Lu Ke returned to the ward and fell asleep soon.

Very early the next morning, Lu Ke went to find the ghost with the help of Carrot.

The first thing he looked for was Slytherin's ghost Barrow.

Summer vacation is coming soon, and Barrow is also enjoying a leisurely life. Although he always prefers to sit alone with a gloomy face, he is not unhappy about Lu Ke's visit.

"Lu Ke? You look bad."

Lu Ke nodded, he had heard this sentence many times in the past two days: "So I want to pass the Hufflepuff test quickly. Does anyone among the ghosts know the herbs that Hufflepuff once left? "

Barrow was stunned for a moment: "Herb?"

Lu Ke nodded: "The last test is to become a friend of medicinal herbs."

Barrow fell silent.

Lu Ke looked at him a little doubtfully.

Finally, Barrow said with a confused look on his face: "There are no herbs left by Hufflepuff here in Ghost, but there are many in Hogwarts, and that is in the greenhouse."

"Why don't you go to the greenhouse to find it?"

Lu Ke smiled and nodded: "There are the most people in the greenhouse, so I stayed at the back. But if there are no ghosts here, it's good news..."

Barrow nodded: "Without a test, you are in a very bad state now."

Lu Ke nodded: "So this is good news. How are the ghosts doing recently?"

Barrow was silent for a moment: "Ghosts will always exist. We almost never change. What you did last time was entertainment that can last a hundred years."

Lu Ke nodded: "Maybe... I will find a successor before I die and make you happy for another hundred years."

Barrow shook his head: "It's hard to change a ghost. Let's talk about those things later."

Lu Ke sighed: "Goodbye then, I'm going to the greenhouse."

Barrow nodded: "Good luck to you, Slytherin."

Lu Ke smiled.

Then he went to the greenhouse with Carrot.

As soon as I walked into the greenhouse, I saw Professor Sputraw who was busy.

"Lu Ke? You look..."

As soon as he saw Lu Ke, Professor Sputraw looked surprised and worried.

Lu Ke smiled helplessly: "I can still persist, and now I have finally reached the last step. I am going to solve this black magic."

Professor Sputraw looked at him with worry and sighed: "Maybe you should go back to the campus hospital and take a good rest..."

Lu Ke smiled and shook his head: "Now is the last step, I have no problem."

In the end Professor Sputraw gave up.

"So you really completed the preparation for the last step you mentioned?"

Lu Ke nodded: "I found three herbs that Hufflepuff left in Hogwarts. They all have special parts. Now I am ready. No matter what Hufflepuff left in the greenhouse, It will listen to me."

Professor Sputraw sighed: "I tell every student that herbs listen to you, but that's just a metaphor."

Lu Ke smiled: "This is also a metaphor. Herbs will only communicate with wizards in their own way. With the three previous experiences, I think I can handle it."

Professor Sputraw nodded: "Don't take it too seriously. I'm here. It doesn't matter if you fail. We can solve this matter slowly together."

Then she sighed: "So I didn't come to you because I was worried about your health, but you didn't come to me when you were busy with medicinal herbs?"

Lu Ke smiled helplessly: "I think you must be busy with the greenhouse."

Professor Sputraw nodded: "I'm probably ready. The previous greenhouse was really too crowded. The more I sort out these herbs, the more I think so."

Lu Ke nodded: "And many things left by Hufflepuff have been changed."

Professor Sputraw shook his head: "I'm afraid we can't be sure about this, Lu Ke."

Lu Ke smiled: "You can try it first. I need to find out what Hufflepuff left behind. I think it will be useful."

He said and looked around, seeing green everywhere.


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