This is a desperate chase. ,

Ron and Kathleen ran wildly among the dense crowd. They had no idea where they could go, but Ron was always able to escape the thief's spell at the last moment.

Of course, today's thieves can no longer be called thieves.

A wizard who slings spells in front of everyone is as crazy as a Death Eater.

Of course, this person is probably actually a Death Eater.

Ron escaped the curse time and time again and slowly calmed down.

He suddenly felt that he could do something.

Although now he can only escape, and Hogwarts students are absolutely not allowed to cast spells outside the school during the summer vacation.

"Kate, wand!"

Katherine laughed and took out her wand, throwing a spell at the thief behind her.

But she had no idea what spell to use. A flash of light fell on a wizard behind her, and then nothing happened.

Ron snatched the wand from Kathleen's hand and pointed it at the thief behind him.


The moment the curse was cast, Ron knew that his extraordinary performance must have hit the target.

He handed the wand back to Kathleen, then raised his hand and grabbed the thief's wand flying from the air.

At that moment, all the wizards around him exclaimed.

This kind of skill in casting spells is not something that a young wizard like Ron can possess. He is simply a genius.

Ron stopped with a smile, and then faced the thief who had no time to stop and rushed in front of the two of them.

"Sir, why did you attack both of us with the petrification spell?"

The thief laughed furiously.

"All petrified!"

Ron easily subdued the thief with the petrification spell, and then shouted to the crowd: "Who's going to call the Auror?"

The people around looked confused, and then Kathleen helped translate. ,

So many tourists rushed out.

At this time, the Weasley family, who had been blocked behind the crowd, saw Ron.

Mrs. Weasley rushed forward.


She hugged Ron tightly: "What are you doing? You actually rushed up to face a dark wizard when there are so many people?"

Ron nodded: "He wants to steal something in here."

Then Mrs. Weasley showed a furious expression: "Don't cause trouble! Even if he steals something, it has nothing to do with you!"

Then Mrs. Weasley paused in her thunderous fury because she saw lovely Katharine.

"Oh hello girl, who are you? I'm Ron's mom."

Kathleen smiled and nodded: "My name is Kathleen, you can call me Kate, Ron's mother."

Mrs. Weasley smiled fondly: "You are so cute, Kate!"

Ron sighed helplessly, almost suffocating.

Even though he cast a wonderful spell to catch the thief, the Weasley family still didn't want to admit that he was great.

Ron turned around helplessly: "Mom, the Aurors are here."

Then Mrs. Weasley raised her head: "Ah, yes, let's give this dark wizard to the Auror first."

With Catherine around, the Aurors from the French Ministry of Magic were very polite to the Weasleys. Although Ron still needed to be a witness, the Aurors allowed the Weasleys to accompany him.

When leaving, the Auror was surprised to find that there were so many people in the Weasley family.

The twins looked at the Auror's expression and laughed: "He finally understood that Ron is a big shot that cannot be messed with."

"Actually, even the Minister of Magic would not bring so many followers with him when he goes out."

"Sir Ron, is there anything you want?"

"Would you like us to help you chase away the people walking by?"

The twins each spoke and laughed.

Ron could really helplessly remain silent.

But Kathleen seemed to enjoy the twins' joke and kept laughing.

Ron sighed: "I hope we don't get into any trouble. They can't understand me at all."

Kathleen smiled and shook her head: "No, and after all, Ron, you caught a thief, and that was a dark wizard who could throw out magic spells casually. You are a hero, and so many people there have seen it! "

Ron lowered his head and sighed: "I'm not a hero."

Mrs. Weasley behind him nodded heavily: "Of course, Ron, I never taught you to be a hero, don't get yourself into trouble, and run away when you are in danger. Do you understand?"

Ron nodded: "I know, Mom."

This is not the hero treatment he wants.

When they arrived at the Auror's place, they went to an office together, where a wizard who looked like an official was already waiting.

As soon as he saw Katherine, he smiled: "Hello"

Kathleen nodded and stood behind Ron.

Ron sighed.

He has already seen that everything going so smoothly so far is all because Kathleen is on his side.

This hero is not a real hero at all.

As he expected, the official from the French Ministry of Magic just asked a few casual questions and let Ron go without any serious investigation.

Katherine followed suit and walked out.

As they left, they passed the room where the thief and the administrator were kept. They were all dejected and looked defeated.

Outside the door, Mrs. Weasley thanked Kathleen profusely. In her words, Ron was a reckless and ignorant boy, and his survival was all thanks to Kathleen.

But Kathleen just smiled, and Ron could tell that she didn't think so.

This filled Ron with strength.

So he was ready to do something more heroic.

But for the time being, Ron didn't know what to do.

Moreover, Mrs. Weasley decided that the family would never go to the Wild Stone Garden in the remaining time, and would just stay in Xiaolu's shop, waiting for the publisher to arrange the start of the trip away from here.

This of course made all five children very unhappy, especially Ron.

But Mrs. Weasley was determined.

"I won't give Ron any chance to sneak out and find trouble!"

This was the final verdict, so the Weasleys had no choice but to stay in their rooms, or sit on the first floor of the small hotel, watching the people coming and going outside the window, enjoying a good time in the Wild Stone Garden.

But Ron didn't care.

Because Kathleen is with him.

And Ron had noticed someone was staring at him.

This is what Ron wants most, proof of a hero.

Death Eaters never act alone, and if they are trying to steal the Philosopher's Stone, they will not give up no matter what trouble they encounter.

Ron sat with Kathleen, pretending not to know anything, but he already had a plan in mind.

No matter what, he will protect the Philosopher's Stone and take care of the bad guys. 11


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