Harry Potter and the Attack of the Squibs

Chapter 94 Divine Weapons from Heaven

Lu Ke was now finally completely exposed to the endless curse.

It was like a gust of wind.

There are gaps in the rain, spaces between the raindrops, but not between the wind.

The curses fell on Lu Ke one after another.

Although he still kept running.

But those curses didn't stop Lu Ke.

His victory over Gryffindor wasn't just based on sheer strength and agility.

It's even more because Lu Ke has already thought of Ravenclaw's thousands of magic spells.

Since he knows most of the curses, he naturally knows how to deal with them.

Even among dark wizards, only a few know what the Ravenclaw Diadem can do.

And Lu Ke knew what spells the black wizard could cast.

He moved like lightning through the storm.

He often uses incredible postures to dodge, and often punches or kicks to smash the obstacles in front of him, but he doesn't stop for a moment.

Lu Ke has forgotten everything, only remembering that he must live.

He felt like he was back in time, when he was facing Gryffindor.

But Lu Ke finally reached the other side of the storm.

He is a storm now.

Like a strong wind, wherever Lu Ke went, wizards fell one after another like withered grass in the wind.

They are not dead, but they are safer than death. Lu Ke's shots are very precise. He can completely guarantee that it will take a long time for these wizards to wake up.

And the black flames ignited on their bodies could not touch Lu Ke.

But Lu Ke didn't care.

Grindelwald's remnants wanted to choose death themselves, and Lu Ke had no reason to refuse.

He passed by like the wind, with corpses lying on the pillow behind him.

Then Lu Ke noticed a wizard starting to escape from behind.

This is a very smart approach.

But it's actually a very stupid approach.

A very simple reason is that Lu Ke didn't actually know whose hands the magic stone was at the beginning.

The reason why he left the Chamber of Secrets after saving Harry was because he saw the Sorting Hat.

The Sorting Hat and the Philosopher's Stone were previously placed in a small room that only he and Dumbledore could enter.

Although it is unknown why Percy Weasley was able to enter that room, the room was no longer safe anyway.

In other words, the Philosopher's Stone has now been stolen.

That's why Lu Ke left the secret room in such a hurry and rushed to the main entrance of Hogwarts.

Turns out, his guess was right.

Grindelwald's remnants have indeed obtained the Philosopher's Stone.

But Lu Ke didn't know whose hands the magic stone was in.

His original plan was to completely eliminate all the wizards here.

But now it seems that it doesn’t have to be so troublesome.

There were actually not many wizards escaping. They were scattered in all directions, but Lu Ke could clearly see the backs of everyone.

Lu Ke rushed out.

Although the obstacles of the curse are extremely dense, they do not exceed the limit.

Now Lu Ke can come and go as he pleases.

He passed through the siege of wizards and followed a wizard who was about to leave.

Outside Hogwarts Castle is a wasteland. There is almost nothing in the autumn wasteland, and the wizards don't even have a place to hide.

Then they began to apparate.

Lu Ke jumped up.

His speed was incredibly fast, as if he was rushing into a torrent and jumped into the phantom afterimage caused by his transformation.

Then a wizard fell from the phantom together with Lu Ke.

However, Lu Ke was safe and sound. He had been pulled into a corpse by the terrifying power of disembodiment.

Lu Ke bent down to avoid the spell, picked up a few stones from the ground, and threw them at the other wizards who were disembodied.

At this time, he was already a step too late. The shadow of the wizard left the wasteland. Lu Ke could only pray that no one among them had a magic stone in his hand.

But his stone did not return in vain, several wizards fell in the phantom.

Lu Ke rushed out again.

He knew he couldn't stop it, so he could only try his best.

But at this time the wizards had completely given up.

They didn't care at all about defeating or solving Lu Ke, and everyone began to apparate.

Lu Ke stood there with a sneer.

This is a very smart approach, but it is definitely very expensive.

Lu Ke bent down to pick up rocks from the ground and kept throwing them at the phantom.

Every stone could drop a wizard to death.

Lu Ke didn't even have to use all his strength, just the power of apparation would tear the wizard into pieces.

Finally, Lu Ke stood among the wizards lying on the ground and sighed helplessly.

He was almost certain that he had failed.

The Philosopher's Stone is not here.

But Lu Ke still held a faint glimmer of hope in his heart. He rummaged through the wizard's pocket on the ground, but was disappointed again and again.

Just when Lu Ke was about to give up, Dumbledore came out and said, "Sorry, Lu Ke, I was just entangled in Harry's affairs."

Lu Ke stood up and glanced at Dumbledore, then shook his head helplessly, "Are you prepared for this matter?"

Dumbledore was silent for a moment.

Then he let out a long sigh.

"The person I absolutely don't want to face is Grindelwald..."

At this moment, Dumbledore was extremely old.

Lu Ke shook his head, "What do you mean..."

He instantly understood why Grindelwald's remnants came to snatch the Sorcerer's Stone.

"The elixir of life... doesn't it mean that Grindelwald has completely failed?"

Dumbledore nodded "Yes, he completely...failed. In my hands, but his subordinates may not think so."

Lu Ke sighed, "There is another Dark Lord among our opponents, and he is more dangerous and charming..."

Dumbledore shook his head, "Grindelwald is no match for us..."

"I'm sorry Lu Ke, this is an old thing. I originally didn't want to involve you..."

Lu Ke smiled and shook his head, "This is not your responsibility. I am the master of the Magic Stone. Of course I will run into these troubles."

"So, how are you going to help me now?"

Dumbledore let out a long sigh, "We are going to Nurmengard now."

Lu Ke was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "Can't you Apparate and leave the country?"

Dumbledore shook his head "I have...the portkey to get there."

Lu Ke walked to Dumbledore.

Then Dumbledore opened his right hand to him.

In his hand is a silver pendant.

Lu Ke put his hand on the pendant.

Then the whole world began to twist and spin.

Lu Ke stood in the endless chaotic void and waited patiently. Then the rotation began to slowly slow down, and Lu Ke found that he was falling rapidly.

Then he fell to the ground.

Beside Lu Ke, Dumbledore stumbled and almost fell. Lu Ke quickly reached out to support him.

"Are you okay?"


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