Hermione looked at Percy with horror on her face.

His expression was not full of self-abasement like his tone, but contained deep pain and the relief of finally being released.

"He praised me for being smart and said I had the potential of Slytherin, but then I got scared. I originally thought that becoming a dark wizard would give me power, so it wouldn't matter, but in the end I found that I couldn't do it... "

Percy glanced at Hermione, "Can you imagine? By killing a person, you can create an evil object with its own thoughts like the notebook, and that Tom Riddle is planning to create more such things... "

Hermione shuddered.

That means that this Tom Riddle is actually the mysterious man himself, and he is ready to kill more people.

He is hopelessly evil.

"But why? He is a mysterious man, does he still need help from such a thing..."

Percy shook his head, "As long as such a thing still exists, the mysterious man is immortal. He can become a ghost, or even be too weak to cast any spells, but he will never die. This is why Tom Riddle continues, He wants to turn himself into a terrifying monster that is absolutely immortal."

Hermione let out a long sigh.

She now understood why Percy had been so worried.

This is indeed a very disturbing secret.

"Why didn't you tell Dumbledore?"

Percy shook his head with a pained look on his face "I'm scared... of everything..."

Hermione nodded.

He can understand.

Percy had so many reasons to be afraid.

He was afraid of You-Know-Who, afraid of Dumbledore, and even more afraid of his failure being known to others.

"Percy, you are a true Gryffindor. I don't think many people in this world have the courage to tell such a secret."

Percy looked at Hermione with a bitter look on his face and a pleading "Really?"

Hermione nodded firmly, "Really."

Harry and Ron both looked frightened when Hermione told them the secret that Percy had hidden.

"Should we tell this to Lu Ke?"

Harry thought for a moment and asked Hermione.

Hermione hesitated and nodded.

At first she thought it would be good to tell Johanna, but then she thought about it and realized that since Johanna was not here now, Lu Ke would also keep secrets, so it didn't matter.

Then they went to find Lu Ke.

Hearing what Harry said, Lu Ke showed an extremely surprised expression, "I never thought that Tom Riddle would really tell Percy these things... He seems to really have something that can make Voldemort look at him differently."

Hermione shook her head, "Do you think Tom Riddle was lying to him?"

Lu Ke was silent for a moment, "No."

Hermione looked surprised, "But does anyone among the Death Eaters know about this kind of thing? Otherwise, they are all monsters that cannot be killed. If you know the existence of Horcruxes, you will know how to kill the mysterious man. Tom Lee Would Del really tell anyone such an important secret?"

"Percy will only become a Death Eater at best. Is the mysterious man really that good to him?"

Lu Ke smiled and shook his head, "Don't worry about that. What Tom Riddle said is true. I'm sure of it."

Ron glanced at Luke "Because Tom Riddle is pretty sure he will kill Percy soon, right?"

Lu Ke was silent.

Hermione and Harry both looked horrified.

If Ron hadn't insisted and they had been a step slower, such a thing would have really happened.

Lu Ke shook his head, "Tom Riddle's threat has completely disappeared, and Percy Weasley is absolutely safe now."

Ron nodded "Fortunately..."

Lu Ke smiled and said, "That's all because of your efforts. You are indeed the pride of Gryffindor."

Harry all three laughed.

Lu Ke thought for a while, "Let's go find Dumbledore, he must know about this."

The three Harrys nodded, and then they went to the principal's office.

Dumbledore was in the headmaster's office, looking as usual.

"Is there anything important?"

Lu Ke nodded, and then told Dumbledore the secret that Percy knew.

Dumbledore looked obviously surprised.

"Tom... I had expected his evil, but it still surprised me... He exceeded my expectations in both knowledge and determination."

Then Dumbledore turned to the three Harrys and said, "Don't tell anyone about this...Percy is the victim, and I think he must hope that you can keep this secret."

Harry was three to one.

Dumbledore smiled and said, "Well, it's all over now, don't worry about it, go enjoy the Christmas holiday."

The three of them laughed and left.

But Lu Ke didn't.

"So, Ravenclaw's diadem is also a Horcrux?"

Dumbledore nodded, "Horcruxes...I know very little about such dark magic items...but now it seems that if we want to completely eliminate Tom's threat, this is the first problem that must be solved."

Lu Ke nodded, "It must be difficult to destroy a Horcrux. Why?"

Dumbledore sighed, "A person's life is an extremely heavy price. In black magic, such a price means powerful power."

"You did a good job this time, Lu Ke. I think this is a very important success."

Lu Ke shook his head, "The person who convinced Percy was Granger."

Dumbledore nodded, "You and Johanna have done a great job. Granger and Weasley have grown beyond my expectations. As the Headmaster of Hogwarts, I couldn't be happier."

Lu Ke sighed, "That was all Johanna's efforts, I didn't do anything."

Dumbledore smiled meaningfully, "You are also a Gryffindor, otherwise you would not pass his test."

Lu Ke smiled and nodded, "Maybe I'm just lucky."

Dumbledore nodded, "As for the Horcruxes... I will try to find a way to deal with dark magic. Do you have any ideas about alchemy?"

Lu Ke was silent for a moment.

He remembered the curse Gryffindor had left for him.

If a Horcrux is the fragment of Voldemort's soul, then there is definitely a spell that can completely destroy it, and that is Avada Kedavra.

Dumbledore couldn't use this spell because the price was to become a dark wizard, which no wizard would be allowed to do.

But the Gryffindor curse was different.

Lu Ke didn't know whether he should do this, but in his heart, he always felt that this curse was a dangerous trap.

And destroying Horcruxes doesn't necessarily rely on this.

"Where's the basilisk venom?"


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