Although Moody may not be a good Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, he is indeed a person who knows the dark arts very well.

Moody used to be an Auror, and he was the one who had experienced the most battles and was the strongest among the Aurors.

Dumbledore did not find it strange that he could survive in the hands of Bellatrix Lestrange. If it was someone else, Dumbledore would suspect that Bellatrix Lestrange had impersonated him.

Luke and Moody left the headmaster's office together.

The wound on his right arm had not healed yet, and Luke also felt that he should follow Dumbledore's arrangement, take a good rest, and enjoy the wonderful competitions of the school year.


The first weekend of school went very smoothly.

Hagrid seemed to have really learned how to be a professor of Care of Magical Creatures. Although Luke would still stand far away when he was teaching, students could not help but forget that he was still here, because Luke had no chance to appear from beginning to end.

The Arithmetic Divination class almost easily won the favor of Hermione. As soon as the get out of class was over, she kept complaining to Harry about the pain she experienced in the Divination class last school year, which made Harry and the others extremely sympathetic and a little funny.

As they walked out of the castle together and walked on the summer grass, Malfoy followed Hermione. He also modified his elective courses through correspondence with Hermione, and now he and Harry were together in most classes.

Then they saw the new professor Moody.

The professor limped outside the castle, stopping in front of each entrance and looking around. No one knew what he was doing.

Harry looked at him curiously: "What is he doing?"

Malfoy said with fear: "Whatever it is, it is definitely not a good thing."

Ron shook his head: "Moody is an Auror. Did he catch your father?"

Malfoy blushed, then shook his head: "Moody has retired because he has gone crazy."

"To this day, he still thinks that there are Death Eaters everywhere. Anyone who approaches him may want to kill him. I don't understand why Dumbledore wants him to be a professor. The only way he teaches people is to throw that person in front of the Death Eaters and see if he can survive."

Hermione was stunned for a moment, then looked at Ron: "Is this true?"

Ron shook his head without hesitation: "It is true that many people in the Ministry of Magic hate Moody, but he is indeed the Auror that the Death Eaters fear the most. Besides, Dumbledore is willing to let him be a professor, and there must be a reason for Dumbledore."

Harry and Hermione were the same.

Malfoy smiled unhappily: "Have you forgotten the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor in the first three semesters?"

Hermione shook her head: "If you ask me, Professor Lupin alone made up for the first two."

Malfoy was stunned for a moment: "But he is a werewolf?"

Harry laughed: "He has never bitten anyone."

Malfoy was about to say something, and then they were surprised to see Moody wave his wand and lift up a statue.

He pointed his wand at the statue as if he saw something terrible, and a series of spells fell on the statue, some of which Hermione didn't even know what they were.

All the students who saw this scene were stunned.

Including Harry and the other four.

Then Moody slowly glanced at the statue, put away his wand, and turned away.

Only the statue fell back to its original place.

Malfoy finally couldn't help laughing: "It's not for nothing that he is called Mad-Eye, is it?"

Harry shook his head: "He is like this because Death Eaters like your father are still at large."

Malfoy was stunned for a moment.

Ron quickly said, "Draco, you know he is a retired Auror, professional habit." Malfoy glared at Harry fiercely, and then fell silent. Hermione shook her head, "I am more concerned about the spell he used just now. You know, any wizard who uses dark magic will become a dark wizard. I think several of the spells he used are dark magic." Harry was stunned for a moment: "You mean he is a dark wizard?" Hermione hesitated and fell silent. Ron shook his head: "No way? Dumbledore will really let a dark wizard enter Hogwarts and be our professor?" Harry smiled: "Then he is indeed very suitable to be the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, after all, he knows what we are going to deal with." Malfoy snorted coldly: "If he really throws dark magic in your face, you won't be able to laugh, Potter!" Harry glanced at Malfoy and said nothing more. ... Harry and the others soon saw what Moody's Defense Against the Dark Arts class would be like. Thursday afternoon is the first Defense Against the Dark Arts class for fourth-year Gryffindor, and almost everyone is looking forward to it. Although Mad-Eye Moody looked completely crazy, in the eyes of Gryffindor, this was all to fight against the Death Eaters, and his indifferent look was also very charming.

After Harry and the other two finished lunch, they walked towards the classroom excitedly without taking a break.

Malfoy was there too, but he still looked very unhappy with Harry, so Hermione and Ron could only follow him and Harry helplessly.

Then they walked into the classroom.

At that moment, Harry felt as if his whole body was immersed in water, and a strange feeling spread throughout his body.

Before he could figure out why this was happening, a loud shout came to Harry's ears.

"Avada Kadawa!"

Harry threw himself forward almost instinctively.

Beside him, Malfoy let out a scream.

"Don't come in!"

Harry roared and rushed to the desk on the side, but it was too late. Ron and Hermione walked into the classroom, and they were greeted by the flash of the curse.

White light flashed on Harry's glasses, and he hid behind the desk at the critical moment, but Malfoy, Ron, and Hermione were not so lucky.

Harry glanced up warily.

Then he was startled.

There were students hanging upside down from the ceiling of the classroom. They were all fourth-year Gryffindors and Slytherins. Hermione, Ron and Malfoy had just joined them.

There was dead silence in the classroom, and Harry was at a loss.

Then he heard the sound of wood hitting the floor.

It was like a thunder on the ground, and Harry took out his wand tremblingly.

"Yugadio Leviosa!"

Moody's voice was very deep, and then Harry saw the desk that was blocking him float up.

He raised his wand and pointed it at Moody: "Expelliarmus!"

Moody sneered and waved his wand.

A blue magical light appeared from the top of the wand in his hand.


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