On the platform, Harry and the others were reluctant to leave for a long time, but they finally left with their families.

Next to Harry was Sirius Black. While he was still on the train, Luke asked Harry to notify him with an owl to wait here, even though Sirius Black came to take Harry to the Dursley's first.

Harry was a little reluctant, but not even Sirius Black dared to go against Dumbledore's arrangements.

Ron followed the Weasleys, Johanna followed the Hermiones, and Luna Lovegood stayed with Luke. Together they waited for the others in London.

But before others arrived, Lu Ke took Luna to a Muggle place.

Outside London's station was a bustling street that wizards were very familiar with, but when Lu Ke led Lu Ke into a side road and around an alley, they entered a realm that wizards knew nothing about.

Here, Lu Ke found a small hotel, rented a small room for Luna, and asked her to put the gifts in.

Although the hotel waiter had a strange expression on his face, Lu Ke did not follow him up. Luna also walked out after putting down her salute.

"I like Muggle things. That one is called...key card?"

Lu Ke nodded.

Luna smiled: "There is no magic spell in the world that can do that kind of thing."

Lu Ke nodded and turned around: "There are too many spells in the world that Muggles cannot do anyway."

Luna looked around curiously, but still followed Lu Ke's footsteps.

"I'm sorry to say this, but even after the matter is resolved, for your safety, you may not be able to stay at home."

Lu Ke took Luna back from the original route, and then stood at the door of the train station, watching the lively flow of people.

Luna always had a curious smile on her face.

"There are so many Muggles..."

Lu Ke just smiled helplessly.

Few wizards are interested in the unfamiliar Muggle world. When faced with the miracles that wizards cannot do, their most common reaction is disgust.

"Has anyone among Muggles ever seen a hook?"

Lu Ke shook his head: "You can read the Muggle encyclopedia. I think the hook is a magical animal that ordinary Muggles cannot see."

Luna nodded: "But they see everything outside the wizarding world deeper than wizards, just like people who have lost their eyesight have extra keen hearing."

Lu Ke turned around and glanced at Luna.

This sentence surprised him very much.

Luna smiled: "Johanna doesn't care about you talking to me."

Lu Ke smiled helplessly: "I am not as able to see other people's thoughts as clearly as you."

Luna shook her head and said nothing more.

Then Lu Ke turned around and walked towards the crowd on one side.

"Follow me."

Luna looked around blankly. Although she didn't know what happened, she still did what Lu Ke said.

Three strange-looking men in black robes were walking out of the station entrance. They walked through the crowd, charging wildly along the way. From time to time they would raise something in their hands and point it at others, with a threatening expression.

Lu Ke and Luna walked away from the crowd together, and then walked into an alley.

Luna stuck her head out and took a look: "Death Eaters?"

Lu Ke nodded: "They should have learned to block here at Hogwarts a long time ago, but if there is no way to distinguish someone among Muggles, then blocking is useless."

As he said that, he and Luna hid behind the corner.

A Death Eater walked over.

He seemed to have come here for the alley, because it was the only place nearby where he could hide.

Lu Ke stood motionless behind the wall, and then leaned out his upper body the moment the Death Eaters' footsteps reached the corner.

He slammed the Death Eater's head against the wall.

Although he may have been a powerful wizard, this one still knocked the Death Eater completely unconscious.

Lu Ke grabbed him and threw the fainted Death Eater directly into the alley.

Luna looked at Lu Ke curiously: "Is this how you defeated the entire Slytherin?"

Lu Ke smiled and nodded: "At that time, I was not very skilled in using this trick."

Then he and Luna shrank back together.

Not far away, another Death Eater walked over.

He seemed to know that his companion was here. Since he didn't come back for so long, he probably discovered something.

The Death Eater didn't think anything unexpected happened to his companions, because he knew that the target this time was not Harry Potter or Luke, but just an ordinary Hogwarts student, Luna Lovegood, and she also He should have left his companions long ago.

Just when the Death Eater walked to the corner with this thought, a pair of hands stretched out from behind the corner, causing his head to hit the wall hard.

Then Lu Ke followed suit and threw the unconscious Death Eater into a dark corner.

Luna watched Lu Ke accomplish this skillfully and freely with a fresh look on her face, and then she couldn't help but smile.

"Looks simple?"

Lu Ke smiled: "It's actually very simple."

As they said this, a third Death Eater walked over.

After his two companions suddenly disappeared, he would not continue to think that nothing happened here. Before he even entered the alley, he cast a spell.

It was a tricky curse that sprayed a burst of deadly poisonous smoke into the alley.

However, Lu Ke recognized the curse after seeing the unique black flash, so he stepped on the walls on both sides of the alley and jumped to a high place, then reached out and grabbed Luna's shoulders, pulling her to escape the poison. cigarette.

After a while, the smoke dissipated automatically.

The Death Eaters, who thought that the threat hidden in the alley had probably been dealt with, walked in.

Then he saw Luna hanging in mid-air for the first time.

Before the Death Eater could do anything, Luna raised her foot and kicked the Death Eater hard on the nose.

He growled angrily and raised his wand.

At that moment, a flash of magic lighted up.

Then Lu Ke jumped down.

He placed Luna gently on the ground, and then kicked the Death Eater to the ground.

The out-of-control spell created a small explosion that unfortunately blew the Death Eater's wand to smithereens.

At this time, the Death Eater had completely lost consciousness.

Lu Ke's kick just now seemed too hard.

Lu Ke nodded and threw the Death Eater next to his companion.

"Okay, there are probably no Death Eaters around now, and the others should be back soon."

Luna nodded: "Johanna is around."

Lu Ke looked at Luna blankly: "How do you know?"

Then Johanna's voice came from behind him.


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