This is a Quibbler.

Lu Ke smiled.

He didn't expect the Lovegood family's gratitude, and he had never seen the Quibbler, but he felt very happy to receive such a thank you gift.

But when he saw the words on the magazine packaging clearly, Lu Ke couldn't laugh anymore.

This magazine is from Hermione.

There was an article on it that Hermione thought was worth reading.

After Lu Ke opened it, he noticed the author of the article at first glance: Rita Skeeter.

And then there’s the title of the article: Why the Ministry of Magic denies Voldemort’s return.

Lu Ke smiled helplessly and left the magazine on the long table.

He knew Hermione must be in trouble now.

Lu Ke turned around and walked out of the hall.

He simply left the castle and walked out of the gate.

There, a person beyond Lu Ke's expectation was already waiting.


Malfoy looked nervous: "Voldemort is going to find Hermione!"

Lu Ke looked at Malfoy and sighed slowly: "Have you forgotten what I told you?"

Malfoy glanced at Lu Ke in surprise, and then roared: "You still care about this!"

"Hermione is in danger!"

Lu Ke sighed helplessly: "Johanna has always been by her side. Hermione can definitely hold on until we rush over, but you are different, Malfoy."

"As the son of a Death Eater, even if you are not prepared to be loyal to Voldemort, you should think about your parents."

Malfoy looked at Lu Ke and was silent for a moment, then shook his head: "I can't put Hermione in danger, absolutely not."

Lu Ke sighed: "Have you started learning Occlumency?"

Malfoy shook his head: "I haven't had time..."

Lu Ke sighed: "You haven't learned how to apparate, how did you get here?"

Malfoy seemed a little surprised at how quickly Lu Ke changed the subject. He was stunned for a moment before taking out a golden pendant.

That's a portkey.

Lu Ke nodded: "Where did you come from?"

Malfoy took out another pendant: "London..."

Then Lu Ke grabbed the pendant, and the world in front of them shook.

Malfoy stood in front of an alley exit and looked around: "How are you going to get to Granger's house?"

Lu Ke turned around and glanced at Malfoy, then reached out and stopped a taxi: "Actually, the real question is, where is Granger's house."

Lu Ke got into the taxi, and then glanced at Malfoy when he was wondering how to get in.

"Go back to the Malfoy house and ask your father if there is anything you can do to get you all out of danger."

Then Lu Ke closed the door, and the taxi rushed out impatiently.

Malfoy was left standing alone, and it took him a while to realize that he had been thrown here by Lu Ke.

At that moment, Malfoy completely understood for the first time that Lu Ke was no longer the Slytherin alien who was willing to meddle in other people's affairs.

Now Malfoy can only rely on himself no matter what he does.

He stood there pacing back and forth, and finally thought of a way as if he woke up.

Malfoy looked left and right, then took out his wand.

He stood there and closed his eyes nervously.

"Here comes the owl!"

Then miraculously, Malfoy's owl actually flew over.

Malfoy let out a long breath.

This was a spell he had occasionally heard people say about summoning owls, but Malfoy had never succeeded in casting a spell he had never practiced for the first time before.

Then Malfoy searched all over his body and finally found half a piece of paper, wrote a few words on it, and tied it to the owl's talon.

"Go find Harry Potter!"

Then the owl soared into the sky.

What follows is a suffocating wait.

I don’t know how long it took, but a thin-looking figure walked over from the street in the distance.

That's Harry Potter.

When the two stood together, both Harry and Malfoy were a little surprised that they had actually succeeded in finding this place.

"Why are you here?"

Harry looked at Malfoy in surprise: "And why do you say Hermione is in danger?"

Malfoy shook his head: "Voldemort was going to find him. I reminded Lu Ke, but Lu Ke was unwilling to take me with him."

Harry nodded: "Of course he won't take you with him..."

Malfoy shouted angrily, "I want to help! This is for Hermione!"

Harry nodded: "I know."

Then he glanced at Malfoy helplessly: "You asked me to follow the owl. You really didn't think about what if it's too far?"

Malfoy was stunned for a moment: "Then how did you get here?"

Harry sighed: "Someone help."

Malfoy looked around happily, and then suddenly saw an adult wizard who seemed to be distracted and walking slowly towards him.

Next to him was a witch who was younger than both of them. She seemed to be a Hogwarts student, and Malfoy had a vague impression of it.

That was none other than Mr. Lovegood and Luna.

The two of them seemed to be attracted by Muggle things, so they slowed down the anxious Harry.

“It’s enough with their help!”

Malfoy no longer cared whether the two wizards could help, he only needed a reason for Harry to act quickly: Malfoy himself did not know where Hermione lived.

Harry shook his head helplessly: "We haven't graduated from Hogwarts yet, so we can't cast spells. Have you forgotten?"

Malfoy shook his head angrily: "This is to save Hermione!"

"Are you going to watch Hermione get hurt in order to avoid being expelled?"

Harry shook his head: "If our action fails, Hermione will also be injured...even we may die."

Malfoy shuddered unconsciously.

No one had ever said that before.

He thought he knew the outcome of fighting Voldemort, but he didn't.

Harry shook his head, then turned to look at Luna walking over: "We'll take Muggle transportation there."

So Malfoy was surprised to find that among the several people, Harry seemed to be the most effective in speaking, followed by Luna, and finally Mr. Lovegood.

"Hermione told me the location of her home. It should be too late for us to get there now."

Then the four people set off in a taxi.

When Lu Ke came outside Granger's house, it was still peaceful.

This is a street on the edge of London. The place is very quiet and the surrounding environment is very good.

Lu Ke walked to the door and pressed the doorbell.

Then the door opened.

The person who opened the door was Johanna Ogulius.

She looked behind Lu Ke, then stepped aside to let Lu Ke enter the room.

"The Death Eaters haven't shown up yet."

Johanna Ogulius smiled helplessly.


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