Lu Ke recalled it for a moment, then shook his head: "I didn't feel anything."

Johanna Ogulius smiled: "You are immune to the power of all charm spells, including the talent of the enchantress."

Lu Ke nodded.

As for why this is the case, Johanna Ogulius's ability can explain everything.

"What do you think you would do if you were You-Know-Who?"

Lu Ke raised his head and was silent for a moment: "The more people involved, the better. The most critical tool is the media."

Johanna Ogulius sighed silently: "This is why the mysterious man cares about the Quibbler and Rita Skeeter. In that case, your guess should be correct."

For a very simple reason, there cannot be such a coincidence in the world. Since Lu Ke's guess is consistent with all of Voldemort's previous actions, there is almost no second such possibility.

"The Daily Prophet is in our hands. If the mysterious man really wants to do this, we can counterattack."

Lu Ke nodded.

But he is not so confident in his heart. After all, fake news is part of press freedom. If you don't like it, don't play with it.

After lunch, everyone left together, but Johanna Ogulius would stay. She would stay here until she was sure that the staff of the Ministry of Magic had completed the decoration.

The others want to go back together. Luke first helps the Lovegoods and Harry return to Privet Drive, and then takes Malfoy to a location where the Portkey can be used.

Because Muggle transportation is required in the middle, Lu Ke will always follow.

They got into a taxi together and set off towards the distant Privet Drive.

Luna sat alone on the front passenger seat, and the other four people in the back were crowded together. Malfoy and Harry were squeezed in the middle. Mr. Lovegood looked at the left and right with curiosity: "Only Muggles like this Can it be made to move by a magic spell?”

Lu Ke couldn't help but smile: "Yes."

Although the taxi driver was a little curious, he said nothing and kept moving towards the distant destination.

Luna looked at the surrounding streets curiously from the front, Harry was absent-minded, and Malfoy was dumbfounded. They all had their own thoughts until they reached Privet Drive and got off the car.

Lu Ke first sent the Lovegoods home, and then sent Harry to the Dursleys' house. He also appeared in front of the Dursleys for the first time in a long time, which shocked Dudley.

Then Lu Ke left Privet Drive with Malfoy, who was always silent, and walked towards the place where his portkey could be used.

They got into another taxi and arrived at their destination not long after.

Standing on the Muggle side of the street, Malfoy still seemed distracted.


Lu Ke turned around and took a look.

Malfoy seemed to wake up from a dream: "What's wrong?"

Lu Ke shook his head: "You should learn to stay at home and don't do anything."

Malfoy let out a long sigh: "You're right... it's because of me that Hermione got into trouble."

Lu Ke smiled helplessly: "Voldemort will know the news he wants to know, Hermione is not good at keeping secrets."

Malfoy shook his head: "It's all my fault..."

Lu Ke glanced at the Muggles walking back and forth on the street: "No wizard who has not yet graduated has ever been able to fight against Voldemort..."

Lu Ke glanced at Malfoy mid-sentence, but he was still absent-minded.

"I once thought that a real Slytherin would stand up against Voldemort."

Malfoy glanced at Lu Ke: "That person is not me."

Lu Ke smiled: "That person is you, but the time to stand up is not now, but after graduation."

Malfoy was stunned for a moment: "But..."

Lu Ke shook his head helplessly: "When the summer vacation is over, you can go to Hermione at Hogwarts to apologize and ask her if there is anything she can do."

"She's the smartest witch in Gryffindor, isn't she?"

Malfoy's eyes flickered.

"Don't do anything, don't think about anything, just be patient until the summer vacation is over."

"Go back, no matter what Voldemort says, don't care."

Malfoy glanced at Lu Ke, and finally held the door key in his hand.

Then he disappeared on the spot.

When Lu Ke returned to Hogwarts, Phoenix Fox flew in front of him.

Lu Ke followed Fox into the principal's office.

"It's good that you're okay, Lu Ke."

Lu Ke smiled helplessly: "Voldemort can't do anything to me."

Dumbledore nodded: "I was a step slow. You should not have faced Tom alone."

Lu Ke just shook his head in silence.

Dumbledore sighed: "You know, Luke?"

"I once thought that I should die with Tom, and Harry would become the hero who defeated Voldemort, but he wouldn't have to fight like me, because there will never be a Dark Lord again..."

"He will become an Auror out of interest and fight those dark wizards who do evil, but he does not need to be like me."

Lu Ke nodded: "This is best."

Dumbledore shook his head: "You know I never wanted to become the wizard I am now, but unfortunately, whether it is Gellert or Tom, I made them become dark wizards."

Lu Ke shook his head helplessly: "I don't think any wizard in the world is powerful enough to create two Dark Lords."

Dumbledore tilted his head and looked at Lu Ke: "Then Lu Ke, you should also think about it. There is probably no wizard in the world who is so powerful that he should be responsible for all the people threatened by Voldemort."

Lu Ke was stunned for a moment.

Only now did he suddenly realize that Dumbledore was trying to persuade him not to pay too much attention.

Lu Ke could only smile helplessly: "Actually... I can't convince myself that this may be some kind of arrogance..."

He couldn't say that he knew there was a timeline where there was no Squib named Lu Ke, where Voldemort was a lunatic with negative intelligence. After Dumbledore committed suicide, the Harry trio defeated the Dark Lord with just a little effort and started a new era. era.

Now Lu Ke even sometimes wonders if this is an overly clear dream.

Dumbledore nodded: "I can probably understand you. You see, sometimes people won't be convinced by anyone except themselves."

"Would you be interested in inheriting something dangerous?"

Lu Ke glanced at Dumbledore curiously: "What is it."

Dumbledore raised the wand in his hand: "The Elder Wand..."

Lu Ke couldn't help laughing: "That's not an elder's wand."

Dumbledore was stunned for a moment, then laughed: "I forgot that you have your own source of ancient knowledge."

"Then what's its real name?"


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