Harris Green was extremely surprised at the speed with which Lu Ke finished reading this big book. Although he had accepted Lu Ke's talent in alchemy and his diligence that exceeded almost everyone else, this was a collection of essays after all.

This means that in the field of alchemy of life, this book is everything that all humans, including wizards and Muggles, know.

But Lu Ke finished reading these things quickly.

Whether he fully understood it though was another matter.

"Do you have any ideas?"

Harris Green looked at Lu Ke, not knowing what he would say.

Lu Ke smiled: "I think the wizard is close to the truth about the little man in the bottle."

Harris Green felt that one of him and Lu Ke must have gone crazy: "What did you say?"

Lu Ke shook his head: "Wizards have already studied the sanctity of the soul clearly, but they have never understood the nature of magic, so they can't take the next step."

Harris Green looked at Lu Ke, and then was stunned for a moment: "I heard that Professor McGonagall knows the answer...will she tell you?"

Lu Ke smiled and nodded: "Professor McGonagall and I have a pretty good relationship."

Harris Green looked like he had gone crazy.

Telling students such taboo knowledge is too much, even if Professor McGonagall has the power to make her own decisions.

But Lu Ke in front of him is indeed qualified to know this.

Harris Green couldn't help but start to wonder if he was too far off.

For an alchemy professor to have such feelings for a student is a failure in itself.

"So are you ready to start the experiment?"

Lu Ke nodded without hesitation: "There is really nothing to learn in the alchemy of life now. Only experiments can get truly useful things."

Although Harris Green was surprised, he was already numb.

So Lu Ke's daily alchemy classes turned into various complex experiments.

And Harris Green watched the whole process and felt it was eye-opening.

Almost all of Lu Ke's experiments were based on Muggle chemical experiments, coupled with some biological and medical cultivation methods, and many enhancements and changes in alchemical methods. For an ignorant alchemist, it means learning without a teacher and finding a new way, which is already a master's achievement.

And Lu Ke is indeed looking forward to the little man in the bottle.

In fact, he never felt the need to create a man in a bottle from the beginning.

Things like creating artificial humans with so-called "pure souls" are inherently immoral. Lu Ke has never thought of doing such a thing.

Moreover, Lu Ke's purpose of learning alchemy has always been to fight against Voldemort.

So at the beginning, Lu Ke chose life alchemy, only a small part of it was out of interest and curiosity, and the remaining part was to deal with Voldemort.

That's right, against Voldemort.

Lu Ke wants to create a trap.

In fact, Lu Ke had doubts from the beginning when Harris Green appeared.

He had never known this alchemist before. Why did an alchemy professor suddenly come to his door when the situation was tense?

That was obviously not Snape's attention. Snape had always hoped that Lu Ke could spend more time in Potions class. Even Professor McGonagall's course selection suggestions made Snape ridicule for a long time.

Umbridge is a senior official in the Ministry of Magic. She manages many departments at the same time, including the department where Hryce Green works.

Therefore, it was sincere that Heris Green taught Lu Ke alchemy, but he also sincerely served as a spy for Umbridge.

Of course, Lu Ke's response to this must be to eat the sugar coating and throw the cannonball back.

Lu Ke therefore wanted to prepare a trap for Voldemort.

The little man in the bottle was one of the things Voldemort longed for most. Lu Ke knew this without even thinking about it.

The Philosopher's Stone is no longer desired by Voldemort because the Philosopher's Stone cannot provide direct power, but the villain in the bottle is different.

According to the alchemists' belief, the little man in the bottle knew all the magic spells that could exist in the world: name the effect of the spell, and the little man in the bottle could immediately invent it.

For Voldemort, this was an irresistible temptation.

However, this will be a long-term plan. Lu Ke is not sure how long it will take to get the results, but he doesn't mind taking a long shot and catching big fish.

Of course, this requires ingenious arrangements, after all, if it is not the real villain in the bottle, Voldemort will soon discover the problem.

But the rewards of a successful plan make the trap worth pursuing.

So Lu Ke chose the alchemy of life, and after studying it carefully, decided to forge a little man in a bottle.

Of course, Lu Ke was not just pretending and wasting time in this process. He really wanted to know how many things that alchemy could do that Muggles couldn't do.

So now Lu Ke is as busy as Voldemort hoped.

He was so busy that he didn't notice anything strange about Harry at all.

After Hagrid came back, he began to prepare with great interest for his first Care of Magical Creatures lesson this school year.

Harry and the others were originally worried that Umbridge's review would bring trouble to Hagrid: among all the professors at Hogwarts, Hagrid was the most unruly.

Even after Lu Ke helped Hagrid choose the teaching content for an entire school year, Hagrid still occasionally showed his true nature and wanted to show the students at Hogwarts those magical animals that were too dangerous.

So before going to class, Harry and the three of them whispered next to Hagrid: "You're not going to let us see anything dangerous again, are you?"

Hagrid shook his head confidently: "Of course not, but what you are going to see this time will definitely exceed your imagination!"

Hermione shook her head: "We are about to take the ordinary wizard level exam. Hagrid, you must not find a magical animal that is not required by the exam syllabus..."

Hagrid was stunned for a moment: "Really?"

He obviously never thought about this level.

Ron shook his head helplessly: "Forget it, as long as it's not dangerous, will Lu Ke come over and be an assistant coach?"

Hagrid shook his head: "He is busy with his own business every day, alchemy. The old alchemy professor said that Lu Ke is better than him."

Hagrid seemed to be a little proud. His friendship with Lu Ke was particularly different. After all, in the entire Hogwarts and even the entire wizarding world, there were probably only two people with that level of strange power like them.

This lesson started with the three Harrys on tenterhooks.

Hagrid opened his arms in front of the students: "Have you seen this magical creature?"


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