This sentence is the only purpose of Isabella Strange coming to St. Mungo's.

But it was too late to stop it. When Mr. Weasley heard these words, he knew that Isabella Strange had succeeded.

This is just the end of a long effort.

If there had never been Isabella Strange, then maybe the Ministry of Magic and most wizards still don't believe that Voldemort has returned, and they will definitely support Fudge, and will only regard Lu Ke as a rumor maker.

But Isabella Strange had fought Voldemort more than once, and the wizarding world had long been plunged into chaos.

And now, finally Isabella Strange said those words.

This is a signal to declare war.

Mr. Weasley couldn't care less about being angry about being targeted and worrying about Fudge's reaction. He knew that what he should really worry about was what other staff at the Ministry of Magic thought.

If it is true that no one in the entire Ministry of Magic supports Fudge, then Fudge will not be able to continue to be Minister of Magic no matter what.

But things happened so suddenly. If Fudge was finally succeeded by Isabella Strange, then the worst-case scenario that everyone had been trying to avoid would occur: Voldemort taking control of the Ministry of Magic.

This is simply chilling.

But Isabella Strange's show was done and there was no stopping it.

Isabella Strange glanced at Mr. Weasley, and then nodded: "I will solve all this as soon as possible, don't worry."

Then before Mr. Weasley could say anything, Isabella Strange turned and left.

Behind her, the massive followers also disappeared like an ebbing tide.

Only a few gloomy-looking people were left in the ward.

"That's too late……"

Mr. Weasley sighed helplessly: "I hope they won't think that I and that Strange are in the same group..."

Mrs. Weasley shook her head: "Don't worry about this kind of thing yet."

Everyone fell silent together.

Harry, Hermione and the Weasleys walked in silently.

Mrs. Weasley looked at their expressions and smiled and shook her head: "It's okay. Okay, we should go back."

Despite Mr. Weasley's insistence that he was completely cured, which he was, the therapists at St. Mungo's insisted on keeping him in the hospital.

Although they refused to admit it, Mr. Weasley insisted that they must have wanted to know how Mr. Weasley recovered.

But they certainly couldn't tell them that Lu Ke's blood was a Hufflepuff potion that could cure anything.

So unfortunately, Mr. Weasley will most likely spend Christmas in the hospital.

Although it was very regrettable, Mrs. Weasley didn't hold on too much. There was too much bad news, and this one was not missing at all. It was already rejoicing that Mr. Weasley was safe and sound.

Harry didn't care at all.

He was immersed in the shocking facts and could not extricate himself.

Just imagine that he became Voldemort's tool, which could cause trouble to anyone, and everyone here would no longer be safe.

However, at first, everyone was still immersed in the shock caused by Isabella Strange's performance and did not notice it for a while.

In Harry's eyes, this seemed to be a deliberate alienation out of fear, which made him feel even more depressed.

At the Black house, Harry stood alone in the corridor, looking at the portraits on the wall in a daze.

Then he glanced down at the suitcase beside him.

That's right, Harry was ready to leave here and find a place to be alone.

For the safety of others.

At this moment, Harry suddenly noticed that a person who was not there appeared in the portrait.

"Harry Potter, it's great that you're here."

That was Black's great-grandfather, whom Dumbledore called Phineas.

Harry shook his head: "Is something wrong?"

Phineas nodded: "But let's talk about you first. Where are you going?"

Harry shook his head: "This has nothing to do with you!"

Phineas smiled: "Well, yes, many minors feel that the adult world has nothing to do with them. They feel that they are ignored, and basically... this is all true."

Harry felt a little angry.

"You're talking nonsense!"

Phineas nodded, with an expression on his face that made Harry think he looked more like Snape than Sirius Black.

"You see, children always think that adults are talking nonsense, because they can never understand what is really important, just like you now, like Lu Ke, who was obviously created by a dark wizard using alchemy. Dummy, it's a pity that Dumbledore can't see through his true nature."

Harry turned to leave.

"You have nothing to do with you!"

Phineas said in a smooth tone: "Oh, of course, because Dumbledore asked me to deliver the letter."

Harry was stunned for a moment: "What did he say?"

Phineas smiled: "You must stay here."

Harry felt his blood boil and he couldn't think straight.

But it was Dumbledore's will.

It took him a long time to finally be able to think and act again, and by then Phineas in the portrait had left.

Harry simply didn't know how he came back.

During dinner, the other two Weasleys who could make it over also came over: Bill and Percy looked in a hurry and very tired, but they both had smiles on their faces. After all, the Weasleys Sir has recovered.

Still, Harry was distracted.

After dinner, he went into his room alone.

Then not long after, Hermione and Ron walked in.


Harry felt fear for a moment.

But she wasn't worried about herself, but she was worried that Hermione and Ron would get hurt.

even death.


Harry shook his head. He couldn't think of an excuse to ask Hermione and Ron to leave.

"You should..."

Hermione shook her head: "You can't turn into a viper."

Harry retorted dryly: "But Voldemort will control me, who knows what I will do..."

Ron smiled: "If you really want to do anything to Hermione, Johanna will definitely cut off your wand with her ruby ​​sword."

He couldn't help laughing as he said this.

Hermione glared at him fiercely: "Don't talk nonsense!"

Harry shook his head: "Are you sure?"

Hermione finally couldn't help but laugh: "Johanna has a way to protect me. Besides, it's impossible for you to do anything in Hogwarts."

Harry fell silent.

He was caught in a dilemma and could not convince himself.

At this moment, an unexpected person knocked on the door.


Percy nodded to the three men.


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