It wasn't until Harry heard Ron laughing that he suddenly woke up.

Looking at Hermione who was blushing, Harry suddenly realized that he had just said something very remarkable.


Hermione looked almost like she was about to pass out.

Harry was stunned for a moment, then blushed too.


Hermione looked down at Harry.

Ron looked at the two people with a smile.

They sat at the long table for a long time before they finally regained their composure.

Ron smiled and looked at Harry: "So what happened? Good or bad?"

Harry shook his head.

Ron patted Harry on the shoulder: "Don't be like this, you may be the only wizard in the entire history of Hogwarts who proposed before graduating. Even for Gryffindor, you are a bit too brave. "

But Harry didn't feel so relaxed.

Sometimes he even had thoughts about whether he would become like his father, which would definitely be a disaster for Hermione.

After all, everyone knows that a son follows his father.


Harry shook his head, but ultimately said nothing.

Ron smiled helplessly, then shook his head: "There must be no one in the common room of the tower right now, unless you two are planning to whisper here."

Hermione blushed and stood up, then pulled Harry with her and they walked out of the hall together.

Harry felt that he should follow Hermione at this time, but he knew that if he was alone with Hermione, he would only make her sad.

They walked into the Gryffindor common room together. Because of Luke's efforts, Gryffindors were now in the hall, and Harry was the only one here.

Hermione left her schoolbag on the sofa, then turned to look at Harry: "Did you get into any trouble?"

Harry remained silent.

Hermione stood in front of him and looked at him: "Umbridge?"

Harry shook his head.

Hermione breathed a sigh of relief: "Who else could it be?"

Harry was silent for a moment: "My father..."

Hermione looked surprised: "What?"

Harry shook his head and finally told what he had seen.

He sat slumped on the sofa.

"You know what? My dad... gave Snape trouble only because of my mom."

"He was jealous of Snape's close relationship with my mother."

Hermione looked at Harry and shook her head: "I think your father should have corrected himself later. You don't have to be so unhappy because of him."

"He was the hero against Voldemort."

Harry shook his head: "But..."

"He did something wrong, and I hate him."

Hermione sat next to Harry and put her head on Harry's shoulder: "But I don't hate you."

"I know that even if the world is destroyed, you will not become like that."

Harry felt for a moment that all his problems were solved.

Then he suddenly remembered his spiritual connection with Voldemort.

The exam month is coming soon.

For fifth graders, they have one more thing to worry about.

"Career counseling?"

Harry has been looking absent-minded lately, and even though Ron and Hermione tried many ways, they still couldn't make him feel better.

"This is the required standard for staff required in various places..."

Owls throw these things everywhere. This is also tradition, but it has nothing to do with Harry and the three of them before. They have never paid attention to it.

"Gringotts...travels frequently and is well-paid, but requires excellent results in the numerology class..."

Ron picked up the flyer from the ground and threw it back after reading it: "You can go, Hermione, you are more than excellent."

Hermione shook her head: "I'm not interested in Gringotts."

Ron nodded, then picked up another one: "Handsome Adventure Press? Muggle family background is preferred..."

Ron shook his head and threw the flyer aside: "Although Lu Ke is a nice person, I still don't want to be his subordinate and call him general manager every day."

Hermione shook her head: "Is there a Ministry of Magic office? You can go to the office where Mr. Weasley works..."

Ron nodded: "I think I will come to you whenever I have a problem, Hermione. Then I will definitely become the best employee in the office..."

As he said that, he bent down and picked up another flyer: "But the danger is that Harry might kill me out of jealousy... uh..."

As he spoke, Ron made a beheading gesture: "Click!"

"Just like he did with that basilisk."

Hermione smiled and shook her head: "No, of course not Harry."

Harry shook his head distractedly: "Can we not worry about these things so early?"

Hermione shook her head: "But we have to make a choice now and choose courses according to our work needs. Professor McGonagall will give us career counseling soon!"

Ron smiled: "You said right away, a week later."

Hermione shook her head: "Don't you need to prepare for the ordinary wizard level exam?"

Ron's face fell: "Oh, yes."

Harry shook his head: "What job do you want to do?"

Ron nodded: "Do you know of any jobs that allow you to go to France?"

As he said that, he picked up the Gringotts flyer from the ground and said, "Spare me, I'm definitely not suitable for this kind of job."

But when Ron said this, he still stuffed the flyer into his pocket.

Hermione gave Ron a slightly worried look.

She and Harry both knew that Ron and Katharine's correspondence had never stopped.

"I might go to the Ministry of Magic. I want to find a job where I can really help house elves."

Ron smiled helplessly: "I haven't given up yet, but it's true that if you give up, you won't be Hermione."

Then he looked at Harry: "As for Harry..."

"I've never heard you talk about career planning?"

Harry shook his head: "I..."

"Wait until Voldemort's troubles are over."

Hermione and Ron fell silent together.

But Hermione finally spoke: "But Harry... you have to make a choice this semester."

Harry nodded helplessly: "Then... whatever."

Hermione and Ron were helplessly silent.

But the time for career counseling came quickly.

Before then, Harry had started studying hard, which was made easier with Hermione supervising him, and Harry thought it would distract him from the fact that Snape was no longer teaching him Occlumency.

But career counseling started anyway.

Harry followed his fifth-year classmates and sat alone in front of Professor McGonagall.

"What are your plans for your career after graduation, Harry?"

Professor McGonagall completely ignored Umbridge, who was sitting on the other side of the room.

Harry wanted to do this too, but he didn't succeed in the end.


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