Harry Potter and the Attack of the Squibs

Chapter 93 Going home for dinner

"Strength comes with responsibility."

Voldemort looked at Dumbledore with enthusiasm.

Dumbledore lowered his wand silently.

Voldemort never responded to Dumbledore's actions and continued talking to himself.

"Are you using this reason to send students who have not yet graduated from Hogwarts to me, because you are afraid that they will become another me?"

Dumbledore was expressionless.

Voldemort nodded: "Considering that they are so similar to me, especially since their teacher is you, this is indeed very possible."

Dumbledore finally spoke: "Have you ever regretted it, Tom?"

Voldemort shook his head: "Why regret it?"

"I'm fine now, I couldn't be better."

"Those who have power should use this power to change the world. This is what I learned from you."

"You always put this idea into other people's heads unconsciously, don't you?"

Dumbledore raised his wand: "If I really did this to you, I'm sorry..."

Voldemort smiled: "Why are you saying sorry?"

"This is good, it couldn't be better."

"Look at Luke, he is doing well now, and so is Harry Potter."

"You have seen Lu Ke kill someone. Do you know what he was thinking when he killed someone?"

"You know that Harry Potter and I can connect our minds, but do you know what he is thinking deep down?"

Dumbledore was silent, but the curse never came out, as if he was hesitating.

"Lu Ke can kill people faster than me now, so it doesn't matter."

"Harry Potter...he's a lot like you, or me, when you were younger."

"It's just that his supporters are all over Hogwarts. He can't learn Occlumency. Dumbledore, if you have so many supporters, you can't learn Occlumency either."

Voldemort glanced at Dumbledore coldly, then shook his head: "Okay, you can take action before the idiot who disrupts the situation appears."

Dumbledore lowered his wand.

He looked at Voldemort as if thinking.

"Harry will never be like you."

Voldemort smiled: "Really? He has a good friend named Lu Ke."

"Have you ever killed anyone, Dumbledore?"

Dumbledore closed his eyes.

Voldemort raised his right hand: "Being able to truly decide a person's fate is an almost divine feeling. It will completely change a person from the inside out."

Dumbledore shook his head: "Go away, Tom. I know what you want to say, but you are destined to be disappointed."

"Whether it's Lu Ke or Harry, it's impossible for them to become like you."

Voldemort nodded: "I will wait patiently. Before the final result appears, I hope I will not see you again."

"You're so boring."

After saying that, Voldemort left.

Eventually, the chaos ended with the appearance of Dumbledore.

Everyone here is willing to listen to what he has to say.

At least for the time being.

"I just saw Voldemort in the hall outside. I think the Ministry of Magic should solve this problem first."

But Dumbledore was obviously not prepared to say more. After he finished speaking, he nodded to Professor McGonagall: "Students of Hogwarts, come back to school with me. The exam is coming soon. You shouldn't stay here."

After saying that, Dumbledore turned around and prepared to leave.

Everyone gave way to him.

But the Aurors still pointed their wands at Lu Ke.

Dumbledore followed Professor McGonagall to the door, then turned as if to make sure everyone was there.

"Lu Ke, don't stay there. You still have exams. Do you want to skip class?"

Lu Ke smiled helplessly.

He walked up to Dumbledore with everyone watching.

Dumbledore put his hand on Lu Ke's shoulder: "Don't think you can escape. If you fail the final exam, prepare to receive extracurricular tutoring during the summer vacation."

Then Dumbledore pushed Lu Ke out of the room.

For a moment, there was dead silence in the prophecy hall.

In the end, Moody stood up and said, "Okay, we're going home for dinner, please give in."

He walked out with the rest of the Order.

In the end, only the Aurors and Ministry of Magic staff were left here, facing each other in silence.

Dumbledore took out a piece of gravel outside the door, then raised his wand and cast a spell on it: "Mentos."

This turned the rubble into a portkey, which he then used to return to Hogwarts with Professor McGonagall and all the students.

They arrived directly in front of Hogwarts Castle, and then Professor McGonagall rushed everyone into the school hospital.

Although most were not injured at all.

The school hospital fell into chaos for a while.

Among all the people, Lu Ke was given special care. Although he had actually fully recovered, the frightened Professor McGonagall still asked Madam Pomfrey to conduct a comprehensive examination on him and never relax.

So Lu Ke was soon wrapped into rice dumplings and placed on the innermost hospital bed.

When Johanna came to see him, Lu Ke was one of the last people still in the hospital bed.

"You never told me that things would be so troublesome."

Johanna rarely showed an angry look towards Lu Ke: "And at that time you actually asked me to do nothing!"

Lu Ke shook his head helplessly: "The fire dragon's vitality is very tough..."

Johanna shook her head: "You survived, so you can say that, what if you didn't?"

Lu Ke was speechless.


Johanna was silent for a moment.

Finally, she shook her head: "I know there will be more and more such things in the future."

Lu Ke shook his head: "No, this kind of thing will never happen again."

Johanna glanced at him: "You rarely guess wrong, but I don't believe you in this matter."

Lu Ke could only remain silent.

The fact is that he really can't guarantee that he won't run into such trouble in the future.

Voldemort's cold-bloodedness exceeded Lu Ke's expectations. He never thought that Voldemort would actually watch Isabella Strange die, even though he could have intervened to stop it but did nothing.

Lu Ke can't guarantee that something like this won't happen in the future: if a person has no lower limit, he will become unpredictable and extremely dangerous.

Johanna glanced at Lu Ke: "Okay, let me tell you some good news. You should have completely deceived Voldemort."

Lu Ke nodded: "For Voldemort, who is extremely afraid of death, this should be enough."

Johanna nodded casually, and then put her hand on Lu Ke's hand.

"I'm a human being too."

Lu Ke fell into a long silence.

Then Madam Pomfrey walked in.

But she pretended not to see Johanna.


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