Harry Potter and the Attack of the Squibs

Chapter 62 The Betrayer Malfoy

Lu Ke felt surprised for the first time, because for any wizard, such a spell was too powerful.

Voldemort's power is completely beyond common sense.

The little man in the bottle raised his arms, and the terrifying power exploded instantly, and invisible waves rushed in all directions in the void.

Only Lu Ke was unaware, and all other wizards were pushed back by the terrifying force.

The professors just took a step back, and the students behind them staggered around.

Voldemort snorted coldly and passed by Lu Ke as if turning into a shadow.

Lu Ke snorted and stretched out his hand as the shadow passed by.

But when his hand was about to touch the shadow, a poisonous snake rushed out of the shadow as if it was composed of the shadow itself.

The man in the bottle stretched out his hand, and at the same time Professor Flitwick waved his wand.

The poisonous snake disappeared into nothingness.

But Voldemort also rushed past Lu Ke and stood among the students and Death Eaters.

Professor Flitwick glanced at the little man in the bottle with shock on his face: "It...he really is..."

Lu Ke ignored Professor Flitwick's shock and turned to look at Voldemort.

At this time, Voldemort had smiled and waved his wand, making all the Death Eaters stand up.

"Allow me to introduce to you, Dumbledore's killer, the Dark Lord's most trusted Death Eater, Severus Snape..."

Voldemort opened his arms, as if he were performing, deliberately making an exaggerated expression.

"And, his favorite student, future Death Eater, Draco Malfoy, witness to Dumbledore's death."

Voldemort smiled and stretched out his hand sideways: "Come to me, Draco."

Draco Malfoy walked slowly behind Voldemort with fear and surprise on his face.

"Lu Ke, look, this is the pure blood you think can be saved. Can your theory explain why he raised his wand against Dumbledore?"

Lu Ke took a step forward with a gloomy look.

Voldemort raised his hand: "Don't be in a hurry to end the carnival, Lu Ke, you are too disappointing."

But Lu Ke didn't react at all. He rushed towards Voldemort like lightning.

At that moment, Voldemort sneered.

A flame suddenly rose.

It was an oily green flame that seemed to be fueled by the Death Eater lying on the ground in front of Voldemort, with a suffocating aura.

Lu Ke almost rushed out without thinking, but at that moment, Professor Flitwick shouted in horror: "No! Lu Ke!"

The little man in the bottle raised his right arm almost simultaneously, and Lu Ke was forced to stop in front of the flames by his power.

"That's a flame created by burning souls. It can directly ignite the soul, just like the death curse..."

A trace of anger flashed in Lu Ke's eyes.

Voldemort looked at Lu Ke through the flames, his face appearing and disappearing in the green flames: "Are you angry, Lu Ke?"

"This is actually not black magic, but a particularly righteous spell, because the flame can only be ignited with the soul of a dark wizard..."

"Look, the self-proclaimed righteous wizard has done many terrible things. Of course you are not afraid, Lu Ke."

Voldemort couldn't help laughing wildly as he said this: "I'm scared to death!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Lu Ke looked gloomy, but he could only stand behind the flames.

He understood that things were irreversible and Dumbledore's murderer was about to escape from him.

All professors realize this too.

"Don't be impulsive! Lu Ke!"

Professor McGonagall walked to Lu Ke and blocked him behind him.

At this moment, Voldemort let out a scream.

Lu Ke was extremely shocked to see Draco Malfoy, who was standing behind Voldemort, raised a gorgeous scimitar dagger and inserted it into Voldemort's back.

Voldemort seemed to have suffered unprecedented pain. He doubled over and screamed.

But Lu Ke saw his right hand raising the wand, aiming it at Draco Malfoy, who had no time to dodge.

At that moment, Lu Ke raised his right hand.

Time seems to stand still.

Many people did many things at the moment when this extremely surprising accident occurred.

Lucius Malfoy lunged at Draco Malfoy.

Professor McGonagall waved her wand at Draco Malfoy, hoping to use Transfiguration to save the student.

The other professors were trying their best to cast spells, but so were the Death Eaters in front of them.

More Death Eaters turned and prepared to leave. They had never seen Voldemort make such a sound. Maybe the Dark Lord had indeed been severely wounded.

But all of this eventually came to nothing.

The spell, or rather the wizard's power itself, was completely gone in an instant.

The spell in Voldemort's hand dissipated, and Lucius Malfoy and Draco Malfoy fell to the ground before him.

Professor McGonagall's transformation technique did not appear at all, and the magic spell in the air became invisible.

The Death Eaters who were about to apparate away fell from the sky.

Then Lu Ke rushed to Voldemort.

At that moment, Voldemort sneered and said: "Three..."


Lu Ke turned around and was surprised to find Draco Malfoy struggling painfully on the ground.

It only took Lu Ke a moment to understand that Draco Malfoy was suffocating and that he was about to die.


A moment is like an eternity.

Lu Ke had never experienced such a long moment.

But in the end, before Draco Malfoy died, Luke raised his right hand.

The wizard's powers are back.

Voldemort raised his wand like lightning: "Avada..."

But Lu Ke was faster than him.

He reached out and grabbed Voldemort's wand.

Voldemort smiled and let go: "I borrowed this from Lucius Malfoy."

He seemed to be completely no longer afraid, and walked to Draco Malfoy on his own.

"Draco...poor Draco, why did you betray me?"

Draco Malfoy was struggling to breathe on the ground. He had almost suffocated to death, and now he couldn't say a word at all.

Voldemort shook his head, then raised his head and looked at Lu Ke: "Look, I happen to know that you have a way to turn everyone in Hogwarts into Muggles."

"So I prepared an amulet in advance."

Voldemort smiled and looked behind Lu Ke.

The professors at Hogwarts looked at Voldemort and were preparing to cast the spell.

"Make them stop."

Voldemort spoke calmly to Lu Ke.

But he was very sure that Lu Ke would really do this.

And Lu Ke did so.


Lu Ke raised his right hand to the professors behind him.

Although reluctant, Professor McGonagall took the lead and lowered her wand.

"He has a student on his hands!"

The other professors also reluctantly lowered their wands.


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