In the train aisle, Ginny leaned against a wall and looked at Malfoy.

"You look more energetic than you did at home."

Malfoy was silent.

Ginny nodded: "Let us know if you need help. I think Slytherin is not the only one who wants to trouble you."

Malfoy shook his head: "No, I can handle it myself."

Ginny smiled: "You?"

Neville interrupted the conversation between the two of them a little embarrassedly: "Ginny..."

He thought Ginny's words were a bit too hurtful for Malfoy.

But Malfoy didn't care. He nodded to the two of them, then turned and returned to his compartment.

At this time, Pansy Parkinson had broken Goyle's petrification spell, and they did not leave. Seeing Malfoy return, Pansy Parkinson looked extremely complicated.

Malfoy looked at her and shook his head: "If you fight with me here, other prefects will rush in again."

Pansy Parkinson shook her head: "Draco...what the hell..."

Malfoy nodded: "I am a true pure blood, and you all think that the mysterious man is smart, powerful, and noble. In fact, he is a mongrel. Why should the pure blood bow to him?"

Pansy Parkinson gasped and took a step back unconsciously.

This was simply the most vicious and severe attack a wizard could make against Voldemort.

Voldemort has always claimed to be the savior of pure blood, and everything is done for the pride of pure blood, but if he is really not a pure blood, then this thing would be ridiculous.

It happened to be Draco Malfoy who said that.

He is a true pureblood.

Pansy Parkinson was trembling, and Goyle and Crabbe behind her were even more miserable. They were about to break out of the door and escape.

Malfoy looked at the three people in front of him and shook his head: "Think about it carefully. Since Voldemort appeared, has the life of pure blood changed for the better or for the worse?"

"He said that there are too many Muggles among wizards, which will pollute the world. But is the pure-blood family declining because of these? Or is that just a lie he made up for his own ambitions?"

Pansy Parkinson turned and walked out of the cubicle, leaving only one sentence: "You are crazy!"

Malfoy sat alone in the cubicle and glanced at the door casually.

After thinking and blaming himself throughout the summer, he finally understood what Lu Ke had told him.

Everything is just the human heart. When pure bloods are afraid, they will support Voldemort. When pure bloods are confident, they will betray Voldemort.

And the more rampant he is, the more he is frightened. The more powerful Voldemort is, the more frightened the purebloods are.

This is a vicious cycle with no solution, and Voldemort can almost rely on this to tie purebloods to his chariot.

But there is hope.

Fearful people long for hope, they just lack the right person to say it.

It just so happened that Malfoy was a good choice.

After that mistake, Malfoy was willing to do anything to make up for it, and what he was doing now wasn't even a risk, and he had almost no hesitation at all.

Pansy Parkinson is just the beginning. She is now the head of the Parkinson family, because her father, like Crabbe and Goyle's father, died at the hands of Lu Ke a long time ago. Now Pansy Parkinson is the head of the Parkinson family. Voldemort's fanaticism is the wealth of an entire pure-blood family supporting the Death Eaters.

Voldemort did not look at Pansy Parkinson differently because of this. It was not that he did not care about the wealth of pure blood, but he simply did not think that such a little girl could escape his control: Of course, Pansy Parkinson will become an adult this year. But in Voldemort's eyes there was no difference at all.

But Malfoy knew that a man on the verge of adulthood would do anything to prove himself.

That's dangerous power.

The train finally arrived, and Malfoy stepped off the train alone, but to his surprise, Hagrid, who was always there to welcome new students, was not there.

In their place were Death Eaters.

Of course Malfoy knew that person. The Carrow brothers and sisters were among the stupidest and most fanatical few among the Death Eaters.

Of course, what impressed Malfoy even more was their luck. Among the most determined Death Eaters, it was definitely a miracle that they could survive Lu Ke's cleaning speed.

But for Malfoy, this is not good news. The Carrow siblings are one of the Death Eaters who hate the Malfoy family the most. After the betrayal before the summer vacation, they have probably been looking for opportunities to teach Malfoy a lesson.

But now all this is just Malfoy's thoughts, he is more worried about his salute now.

And whether Professor McGonagall still has the power to take out Gryffindor's sword. If not, what Lu Ke wants Malfoy to do will not be completed.

Malfoy thought this, and quietly slipped into the crowd, squeezing next to Ginny and Neville.

"That's a Death Eater."

Ginny glanced at Malfoy in surprise, then nodded: "The Ministry of Magic has the power to directly appoint the headmaster of Hogwarts. There is nothing surprising."

Malfoy nodded and said nothing more.

It wasn't surprising that Ginny didn't fully grasp how dangerous their situation was.

The Weasley family has six brothers and only one sister. It seems that the parents are busy taking care of too many people, and there are often conflicts between the brothers, but Ginny is definitely the one who lacks the most love.

Her lack of vigilance is normal.

The crowd packed into Hogwarts together and made their way to the Great Hall.

The moment they saw Professor McGonagall still there, almost everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Not all of them knew the Carrow brothers and sisters, but at least everyone could see that Voldemort had already interfered with Hogwarts.

But as long as Professor McGonagall is still there, there is still hope.

But Malfoy didn't think so.

Professor McGonagall had a gloomy look on her face. The most important thing was that she was not standing in the position where the principal should be.

And Snape is back.

Soon others noticed this too, and an uneasy noise began to spread in the middle of the hall.

Amidst this unease, the sorting ceremony began.

But unlike usual, the Sorting Hat did not appear.

The Carlo brothers and sisters sorted all the first-year students, only three of them in total, into Slytherin, and then announced that the sorting ceremony was over.

Next, when everyone was looking forward to the banquet, the elder brother of the Carlo brothers walked to the place where Dumbledore usually stood.

"Long live Voldemort!"

He raised his arms and shouted, as if he would get support from someone.

An awkward silence enveloped the entire hall.


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