Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 406 Gaunt’s Old House

After listening to Harry tell the story of Dumbledore's verbal battle with the heroes in the Wizengamot Court, the entire kitchen was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

"It goes without saying that as long as Dumbledore stands up for you, they can't convict you, that much goes without saying," Ron said cheerfully, before he placed large chunks of mashed potatoes on everyone's plate.

"Yeah, he helped me settle the matter." Harry said happily, while taking a big spoonful of mashed potatoes.

After the Wizengamot Tribunal, Harry had understood that as long as Dumbledore was still there, no one, not the Ministry of Magic or Voldemort, could touch him.

——This made Harry feel a lot more at ease, getting rid of the state of panic he had been in since entering the summer vacation. Dumbledore's speech in the Wizengamot Trial Court today gave Harry a sense of confidence, even some kind of confidence. The illusion is that as long as Dumbledore is around, even Voldemort is nothing.

When he thought of this, the scar on Harry's forehead suddenly felt a sharp pain, and he quickly reached out to cover it.

"What's wrong?" Hermione asked calmly, "The scar hurts again, doesn't it?"

"Scar... um..." Harry responded vaguely, "But no, it doesn't matter? This happens often now..."

No one else noticed.

At this moment, they were all serving the food while rejoicing over Harry's lucky escape.

Fred, George and Ginny started singing their silly songs again.

Hermione looked a little worried, but before she could say anything else, Ron said happily, "I guess Dumbledore will definitely come tonight, you know, to celebrate with us."

"I think he might not be able to come, Ron." Mr. Weasley said, placing a large plate of roast chicken in front of Harry. "He is indeed very busy at the moment. He just handed Harry over to me at the Ministry of Magic." , and left in a hurry."

"He's okay, he's okay, he's okay!" Ginny, George, and Fred sang in unbearable tones.

"Shut up!" It wasn't until Mrs. Weasley yelled angrily that they happily stopped making noise.

"Come on, Harry, eat more." After yelling, Mrs. Weasley's tone suddenly became extraordinarily gentle. She looked at him with a smile, then cut off the two drumsticks from the roast chicken and put them on Harry's plate. .

"Well, thank you, Mrs. Weasley...this, this is too much..." Harry said hesitantly, trying to stop it.

"Not much, not much. Look at you, you must be too worried to eat these days." Mrs. Weasley said, "Eat more, eat more, kid."

Over the next few days, Harry couldn't help but notice that there was someone in Number Twelve Grimmauld Place who didn't seem entirely happy that he was returning to Hogwarts.

When he first heard the news, Sirius looked very happy, holding Harry's hand tightly, and his face was as happy as the others.

However, it didn't take long for him to become more dull and melancholy than before, and he spoke less and less. He didn't even have a few words to say to Harry. He spent more and more time shutting himself in his mother's room. Come more and more, just with Buckbeak for company.

"Don't feel guilty!" Hermione said firmly. A few days later, when the three of them were scrubbing a moldy cupboard on the fourth floor, Harry revealed his inner thoughts to her and Ron, "You belong at Hogwarts, Sirius knows it. I personally think he's very selfish."

"That's too harsh to say." Ron frowned as he said it, scraping off a piece of mold that was firmly stuck on his finger, "If it were you, you wouldn't want to be trapped in this house with no one to keep you company. "

"There will be someone to keep him company!" Hermione said, "This is the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix, isn't it? He just had hope in his heart that Harry might come and live with him."

"I don't think so," said Harry, wringing out the rag. "When I asked him if I could live here, he wouldn't give me a straight answer."

"He just didn't want his hopes to get any stronger." Hermione said insightfully. "He probably felt a little guilty himself, because I think he did secretly hope that you would be expelled. And then you two They are all deported people.”

"Stop talking nonsense!" Harry and Ron retorted in unison.

Hermione just shrugged her shoulders and said nonchalantly, "Whatever you think...but sometimes I think Ron's mother is right, Harry, Sirius really can't figure out whether you are you or your father. "

"So you think he's a little out of his mind?" Harry asked angrily.

"No, I just think he has been lonely for a long time." Hermione said simply and clearly, "I read some psychology in the non-wizard world during the summer vacation. To be precise, he is excessively sad and selfish. I feel responsible, so I indulge myself in the illusion of the past and can't extricate myself, so I subconsciously remove all the people or things related to my memory..."

At this point, Hermione suddenly froze, and Harry also froze, looking at Hermione——

"You...you...you are becoming more and more like Tiera..."

Harry said sadly.

At the same time, Tiera, Dumbledore and Slytherin were like a pair of grandparents going out for an outing, walking together on the field roads in the countryside around Little Hangleton County.

Gaunt's old house is not difficult to find. In addition to being registered with the Ministry of Magic, any one of Dumbledore, Slytherin or Tiera will be able to immediately notice that it comes from Little Hangleton County. Six miles away, strong traces of black magic emanated from Gunter's old house.

But it was not until yesterday that Tiera, Dumbledore and Slytherin set off leisurely, using Muggle transportation to Little Hangleton County.

Because until 8:30 last night, Voldemort lived in Tom Riddle's ancestral home, and it was not until 8:30 that he moved to Malfoy Manor.

So in order not to alert others, Tiera and the others decided to travel there.

"It should be right here." Dumbledore said, and the two old men and the young man stopped in front of a dilapidated old house.

The walls of the old house were covered with moss, and many of the tiles on the roof had fallen off, exposing the rafters here and there.

Nettles grew thickly around the house, reaching up to the windows, which were very small and covered with a thick layer of old grime. A dead snake was nailed to the door.

"My descendant... why did he crucify a snake at the door?" Salazar Slytherin asked in a hoarse voice.

"Thousands of years of incest marriages have damaged their brains." Tiera asked with a smile, "How about it? Seeing descendants like yourself."

Salazar Slytherin:…

Slytherin did not answer, but sighed helplessly and sadly, and then waved the wand in his hand——

After curing Slytherin, Tiera gave him a wand, which was made directly from the bones that grew from her own body and the magic tree materials she grabbed.

Slytherin waved his wand, and the door of Gunter's old house was broken open, revealing the even more dilapidated interior of the old house.

"Hehe..." Tiera smiled and took the lead into the old Gaunt house, which was full of dust and mud. Then she poked Dumbledore with her elbow, "Mr. Principal, don't touch me blindly for a moment." oh."

Dumbledore: ...

What bad idea is this little fox harboring?

I'm really sorry. The senior brothers and sisters who graduated today invited me to a thank you banquet. I went to the banquet, and after eating, I accompanied the senior brothers and sisters all over the campus to take graduation photos, so this chapter is a bit watery.

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