Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 417 The strange sorting ceremony

The Great Hall of Hogwarts was still the same as in previous years, filled with four long house tables, with a dark ceiling without stars, exactly like the sky outside they saw through the tall windows.

Candles floated above the dining table, illuminating the silver ghosts dotting the auditorium and the excited faces of the students. They were talking happily, exchanging news about the summer vacation, and loudly chatting with other colleges. The friends said hello and looked at each other's new hairstyles and clothes.

Harry noticed again that whenever he walked by, people were gathering together and whispering.

He gritted his teeth, tried his best to pretend that he didn't see it and didn't care, and walked over.

The process of the opening banquet was almost the same as in previous years, with the Sorting Ceremony first, and then it was time for Dumbledore to speak.

But what is surprising is that a tall man suddenly appeared among the freshmen in this year's branch——

Silver-white hair, tall figure, gorgeous dress that looks like a dark blue starry sky, and that extremely arrogant look——

"Hathaway?" Hermione said in surprise after seeing her, "Isn't that Hathaway Romanoff?"

"Huh?" Ron, who had been focusing on the delicious chicken drumsticks and steaks, suddenly raised his head, and then said with surprise and excitement, "It's her, it's really her!"

Ron, George, Fred, Seamus, Neville, almost all the boys in Gryffindor, and the other three houses, almost all the boys, like meerkats watching the wind on the African savannah, with their chests held high. , straightened his head, staring at Hathaway Romanoff who was at the end of the freshman team——

In the last semester, during the three-school friendship period, the Hogwarts boys, who were over-charged with hormones and had nowhere to vent, spontaneously organized a three-school beauty pageant in private.

Of course, the results were not made public or widely advertised. They were just the coquettish words of the boys when they were bored at night.

Of course, Hathaway Romanoff was chosen as the Durmstrang school belle by the boys at Hogwarts.

Therefore, at this moment, at the beginning of the new semester, how could everyone not be excited when they saw the Durmstrang school beauty appearing at Hogwarts again.

Of course, what excites them the most is——

"Put away your charm."

Just as Hathaway Romanoff was immersed in the infatuated gazes of the boys around her, enjoying this unique sense of attention, Tiera's cold voice suddenly appeared in her ears.

Hathaway was agitated and silently stopped using the charm.

That night, Tiera found the three Madame Rosiers who were trapped by her. After listening to Madam Rosier's story, and with Madam Rosier's repeated pleas, Tiera revealed her divine body——

That vast ocean-like chaos.

Mrs. Rosier had the blessing of 'time' from the great race of Yis. After going crazy, she sacrificed another finger and returned to reason.

Igor Karkaroff was extremely alert. Before Tiera revealed his divine form, he closed his eyes and rolled towards the weeds of the Forbidden Forest. He saw nothing, so he escaped.

Only Hathaway Romanoff was so stupid. Madam Rosier told her to close her eyes and not look, but she had to suddenly open her eyes at the moment Tiera transformed.

——It’s hard to persuade a damned person with good words.

Hathaway Romanoff is crazy.

Fortunately, Tiera is just a four-dimensional divine creature, and Hathaway Romanoff is just plain crazy.

Relying on her profound magical cultivation and understanding of the spiritual dimension, Tiera finally helped Hathaway Romanoff put the spiritual dimension back bit by bit.

And in the process of putting it back together, I added a little bit of my own control program——

This results in Hathaway Romanoff looking a bit neurotic, but completely under Tiera's control.

Since Tiera's current Tarot Society is basically an empty shell supported by him, Tiera also dealt cards to Hathaway Romanoff and Madam Rosier——

Because indeed, to a certain extent, Tiera's ultimate goal is to influence and assimilate the entire world.

Or in other words, making all the 'fixed numbers' of this world become his 'variables'. To do this cannot be done just by relying on magic——

It’s not like Tiera has never thought of simply using flesh and blood magic to assimilate everyone into herself——

But in this way, the transformation from 'fixed number' to 'variable' will not be completed, but it will make yourself trapped in the quagmire of 'fixed number'.

So Tiera guessed that this so-called influence may be a more obscure and illusory transmission——

For example, the spread of ideas and changes in systems.

Breaking their original 'determined' rules, the future.

It is not simply the use of violence, but violence as insurance and a final resort.

So after releasing Igor Karkaroff, Hathaway Romanoff and Lady Rosier, Tiera immediately suggested to Dumbledore that Hathaway Romanoff could transfer from Durmstrang. Hogwarts.

As a nail planted among the students by Tiera——

Tiera believes that Harry, Hermione, and Ron will definitely be able to unite Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw students as well as the original in the next fifth grade, but What about Slytherin——

Most Slytherins are definitely unable to accept the ideas promoted by Tiera, so they need to be controlled, or stabilized, first, and then worn away bit by bit in the wheel of history.

To put it bluntly, we need to unite and fight at the same time. We must first unify and build the ideological front, and then do other things little by little.

And to put it harshly, the fertility rate in the Wizarding World.

Every Slytherin wizard is a valuable human resource.

After Hathaway Romanoff stopped the charm spell, the boys who were fascinated by her finally looked away.

Although there are still many people looking at her, most of the boys——

Ron, for example, had already started eating chicken legs and steak.

"Quiet, everyone." Professor McGonagall took out a list of new students and said, then glanced at the noisy crowd with some displeasure.

As she coughed twice, the hall returned to its previous calm.

Everyone fell silent and looked at the group of freshmen who were about to undergo the sorting ceremony——

Mainly Hathaway Romanoff.

"I believe everyone knows Hathaway Romanoff. Miss Romanoff is an exchange student from the fifth grade!" Professor McGonagall explained, "He will conduct a sorting ceremony with the first-year freshmen."

Mag's words were like a depth bomb, causing the crowd that had finally become quiet to burst into loud voices again——

"Quiet! Quiet! Quiet!" Professor McGonagall had to shout again, "I know that Hogwarts has never exchanged the school's history with other students. The specific reason, Professor Dumbledore will explain after the sorting ceremony, Please be quiet, everyone!”

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