"The smell of gunpowder between Dumbledore and the Ministry of Magic is already very strong." At the end of the banquet, Hermione quietly turned to Harry and said.

Harry nodded.

There was a crash of tables, chairs and benches all around. It was obvious that Dumbledore had announced the disbandment of all teachers and students in the school, because everyone stood up and prepared to leave the auditorium.

Hermione jumped to her feet, looking alarmed.

"Ron, we should go give directions to the first years!" Hermione said.

"Oh, yes, I almost forgot!" Ron said. Apparently Ron didn't remember his responsibilities as a prefect at all. "Hey! Hey! Hey! All of you! Little ones!"

"Ron!" Hermione shouted dissatisfied.

"Ahem, what's the matter? It's just that, they are so young." Ron said.

"I know, but you can't call them little ones! First years!" Hermione shouted to the other side of the table majestically, "Please go this way!"

A group of new students walked shyly from the aisle between the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff tables, each one trying to stay as far back as possible, not daring to come forward.

They looked very small indeed, and Harry was certain that he had not looked so immature when he first came here. He looked at them with a grin.

A boy with blond hair named Euan Abercrombie next to him seemed stunned. He nudged Euan with his elbow and said something into his ear. Euan Abercrombie also He looked very scared, but he still comforted her with a few words of comfort.

The two young wizards seemed to have established a deep friendship before the sorting ceremony, just like he and Tiera did back then——

Just like him and Tiera...

Harry felt the smile on his face gradually lose its warmth.

"See you later." Harry said to Ron and Hermione a little tiredly, and then walked out of the auditorium alone, trying not to pay attention to people's stares, their whispers and pointings along the way.

He walked steadily through the crowd in the foyer, hurried up the marble staircase, took two hidden shortcuts, and soon left most of the crowd behind.

When Harry reached the end of the corridor leading to the Gryffindor common room and stopped in front of the Fat Lady's portrait, he remembered that he still didn't know what the new password was.

"Hmm..." He looked up at the Fat Lady with a frown. The Fat Lady smoothed the wrinkles on her pink satin dress and looked at him with a stern look.

"You can't pass without a password," she said arrogantly.

"Harry, I know!" someone behind him panted. Harry turned around and saw Neville slowly running towards him, "What do you think it is? I can actually remember this time -"

Neville waved the pot of stunted little cactus he had shown them on the train: "Meeboo!"

"That's right," said the Fat Lady, and her portrait suddenly opened toward them like a door, revealing a round hole in the wall, and Harry and Neville slipped through it.

The Gryffindor common room looked as pleasant as ever, a round room in the tower filled with worn, squishy armchairs and rickety old tables.

There was a fire crackling in the fireplace, and several people were discussing something there.

Harry quietly leaned over and listened -

"I think Dumbledore's report will be very interesting!" a girl said.

"Yeah, at least it won't be more boring than Professor Binns' History of Magic class." Another girl said. The expression on her face seemed to be looking forward to Dumbledore's new History of Magic class. "And I can't wait to see Fatty." Amy made a fool of herself! That idiot can't even speak smoothly, so let her act? Huh, the scene will be very interesting!"

Harry secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that the two girls were not talking about him.

Originally, he should have breathed a sigh of relief after the trial acquitted him and even the Daily Prophet stopped reporting on him. But recently, for some unknown reason, he always felt inexplicably irritated. No matter where he went, he seemed to feel someone. Just like talking about yourself behind your back, you always have the urge to find someone to scold or have a fight with.

Harry took a deep breath, calmed down his emotions, and prepared to return to his dormitory, with Neville following behind him.

As soon as he entered the dormitory, facing the dormitory door was the bed that belonged to Tiera.

The other four beds in the dormitory were piled with large and small luggage. Seamus, who returned to the dormitory early, had already packed his luggage and was carefully pasting a Kenmare Kestrel Quidditch ball on the wall. Neville, who was following Harry, also bypassed Harry, who was standing blankly at the door, and came to his bed. He opened the box and started to pack it up. Only Tiera's bed was empty, not even the bedding. None, a thin layer of dust had already accumulated on the bare bed board.

Harry walked to Tiera's bedside involuntarily, and then sat down gently——

Harry sat on Tiera's bed for a while, and when he was about to get up, Seamus Finnigan seemed to have finally put up his poster, ran to Harry, patted him hard on the shoulder, and said:

"Don't worry, Harry, we all believe in you!"

"Um...Thank you, thank you, Seamus..." Harry said at a loss, as if he had not expected the comfort from Seamus at all.

"Except for the Slytherins, I don't think there are many people who don't believe you." Seamus continued, "Even my mother said that the Daily Prophet was too outrageous."

"Thank you..." Harry said again, seeming to be in a better mood.

"My grandma also said it was all bullshit." Neville spoke sharply. He seemed to be in the process of changing his voice, so his voice sounded strange. "She said it was the Daily Prophet that went downhill. , not Dumbledore, she has stopped ordering this magazine, we believe you, Harry."

Neville said simply and clearly, "And my grandma also supports the education reform of Hogwarts very much. In her words, Hogwarts should have been reformed long ago."

"Thank you, Neville." Harry said sincerely.

This seemed to make Harry feel much better. He stood up from Tiera's bed and was about to start packing his things.

Three little wizards——

It wasn't until Ron came back that the atmosphere between the four little wizards seemed to have eased a lot, and they started chatting about what they had experienced during the summer vacation. Harry also felt less tired and told other people in the dormitory about his encounter with the photographer during the summer vacation. Soul monsters, Dumbledore's verbal battle with the Wizengamot, and evidence of Tiera's prophecy coming true.

Ron used his authority as a prefect to quietly bring a bottle of red wine from the basement kitchen and poured a few glasses for everyone——

"To Tiela!"

After three drinks, Seamus raised his glass with a red face and said, "He is a great prophet."

"To Tiela!"

Harry, Ron, and Neville also raised their glasses.

I'm really sorry that it's a little late.

I've been a little busy recently because I have to move to a dormitory. I may randomly choose a day before the 26th to stop updating, so stay tuned.

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