Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 443 Hermione’s Conspiracy

"That disgusting old witch! Disgusting toad! Stinky watch!" Hermione kept cursing viciously on the way back to the Gryffindor common room from the library, "That stinking fat pig, Magic!" The department’s stinky lackey, damn fat woman, stinky toad!”

After learning that all the books about Hogwarts in the library had been borrowed by Umbridge, Hermione did not give up, but took Harry and Ron around the library again.

After shopping around, Hermione discovered——

Umbridge was so clean that not a single book about Hogwarts was left in the library.

Even back in the Gryffindor common room, Hermione kept pacing back and forth, still looking angry.

Harry was in the same mood, but Harry mostly sat in front of the fireplace, looking at the burning flames indifferently.

"We must take action." After wandering around the common room for a while, Hermione said decisively, "We must take the initiative and seize the initiative. We can no longer be passive defensive."

Harry also nodded silently.

"I suggest poisoning," Ron said nonsensically.

"No, no, no... I mean... I mean not to this extent yet." Hermione said, "I mean, we should arm ourselves..."

"Tiera once told me that power comes from the wand shaft." Hermione paused and said, "We can't learn anything from her Defense Against the Dark Arts class. This is also true of Umbridge and magic. What the ministry wants, and what they are doing now is weakening us."

"Now that we have Dumbledore on top of our heads, the Ministry of Magic doesn't dare to act too recklessly." Hermione began to pace anxiously back and forth again. "If anything happens to Dumbledore, Lucius Malar will The Ministry of Magic, which is completely controlled by Death Eaters like Foo, will definitely take action against us, and when the time comes... then we will have no power to fight back."

"Um...so...that's it, so I think so..." Hermione glanced at Harry a little nervously, and then said hesitantly, "I'm thinking...maybe we should just...simply do it ourselves. ”

"What are you doing here?" Harry asked doubtfully.

"Well - let's learn Defense Against the Dark Arts ourselves," Hermione said.

"Stop talking nonsense!" Ron complained, "You want to increase our burden? Don't you know that Harry and I have fallen behind on another pile of homework, and it's only the second week?"

"But this is much more important than homework!" said Hermione.

Harry and Ron looked at Hermione with wide eyes, as if they had discovered a new world.

"Didn't you say before that there is nothing more important in the world than homework?" Ron said.

"Analyze specific problems in detail." Hermione said, "In this case, we must clearly distinguish what are the main contradictions and secondary contradictions. In this case, our main contradiction is our own lack of magic and Homework or even grades don’t matter that much compared to the conflict between dangerous external circumstances now.”

"Oh..." Harry and Ron nodded in understanding.

"Just like Harry said in Umbridge's first lesson -" Hermione's face suddenly glowed, and a kind of fanatical passion burst out from her body, which made Harry feel an ominous feeling. , "Like Harry said, we have to be prepared to deal with whatever is waiting for us out there. I mean, we have to make sure we can really protect ourselves, if we learn nothing for a whole year - "

"There's not much we can do ourselves," Ron said in a frustrated tone. "I mean, yes, we can go to the library and find some jinxes from books and practice them ourselves. I think-"

"No, I think we're past the stage of only learning things from books." Hermione said, "We need a teacher, a suitable teacher, who can teach us how to use spells. If we don't do it right, You can also correct us.”

"If you're talking about Lupin?" Harry asked, "Or Sirius?"

"No, no, I'm not talking about them." Hermione stared at Harry and said, "They are busy with the Order of the Phoenix all day long, and the most we can see is when we go to Hogsmeade for the weekend. For him, that number of times is far from enough."

"Then who is it?" Harry frowned at her, the ominous premonition in his heart getting stronger.

Hermione took a deep breath and said:

"You, Harry."

There was a moment of silence. The night breeze rattled the windows behind Ron, and the fire in the stove had gone out.

"What's wrong with me?" said Harry.

"I'm asking you to teach us Defense Against the Dark Arts," Hermione said.

Harry stared at her blankly, then turned to Ron, wanting to exchange an annoyed look with Ron—

To Harry's surprise, however, Ron didn't look angry.

He frowned slightly, obviously thinking. Then he said, "That's a good idea."

"What do you mean it's an idea?" Harry asked.

"You," said Ron, "you come and teach us all how to defend against the dark arts."

"But -" Harry had a smile on his face, these two people must be joking with him. "But I'm not a teacher, I can't-"

"Harry, be confident, you can definitely do it!" Hermione said. "In the first grade, you faced Professor Quirrell alone who was possessed by Voldemort. In the third grade, you fought off hundreds of dementors alone. In the fourth grade, you also From Voldemort's hand—"

"No! I didn't!" Harry shouted almost angrily. Then Harry seemed to realize his gaffe and lowered his voice slightly, "I'm sorry...I'm a little excited..."

"I know what's going on, right? Every time I'm able to escape death, it's not because I'm so good at Defense Against the Dark Arts. I'm able to escape because, because... because I can always I got help in time, or because I was lucky enough." Harry said a little lonely, "I did not escape from Voldemort, I have never escaped from Voldemort... It was Tiera... it was Tiera who sacrificed It was myself who allowed me to escape..."

"If Tiera...if Tiera is still there..." Harry said in frustration, "I should be able to let Tiera teach...he is much better than me..."

Hermione and Ron looked at each other, Hermione sat over, patted Harry's shoulder gently, and whispered comforting:

"We all miss him..."

"So we should continue his last wish..." Hermione said, "I believe he must also want you to teach everyone Defense Against the Dark Arts, because only in this way can we fight against Voldemort... Only in this way can we avenge him... "

"Think about it, okay? Harry," Hermione said, "Not only for us, but also for Tiera..."

Harry didn't know what to say, so he nodded silently.

"Oops..." Tiera, who was sitting in the principal's office, played with the gem-like Resurrection Stone in her hand, "I also hope Tiera will teach..."

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