Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 449 The Room of Requirement

Time soon came to Wednesday, Dumbledore's first History of Magic lesson.

This Wednesday's History of Magic class will feature a History of Magic presentation by seventh-year Gryffindors and Slytherins.

What was unexpected but also expected was——

Both the Gryffindor and Slytherin seventh year groups were terrible at their presentation.

Or in Dumbledore's words -

"I'd rather watch white schoolchildren singing My Little Pony than watch you two idiots perform a History of Magic!"

Hermione didn't understand why Dumbledore was so angry, because in her opinion, the performance of the seventh-year group of Gryffindor and Slytherin, although not outstanding, was at least average.

This made Hermione feel a little panicked about the Gryffindor fifth-year group's upcoming speech next month. She even wanted to risk everything and start preparing for next month's History of Magic presentation now.

Fortunately, after dinner that day, Neville brought good news——

"I found it!" Neville Longbottom said excitedly, "I mean I think I may have found -"

"Shh!" Hermione seemed to have guessed what Neville wanted to say, and quickly stopped him, "Go to your dormitory."

With that said, Hermione took Neville and stepped onto the tower stairs leading to the boys' dormitory.

Harry and Ron followed.

"Don't talk about important things where there are paintings." Hermione said as she walked. "I suspect that's how we were exposed."

"What, what do you mean?" Neville asked in confusion.

"Do you remember Tiera's final prophecy?" Hermione asked, "Don't talk about secrets where there are paintings. The pink toad will send her kitten spies to monitor the entire castle."

"When Harry and I went to Umbridge's office for confinement, we saw a wall of kitten drawings hanging on the wall of Umbridge's office." Hermione said, "And "Hogwarts" ": A School History" clearly states that all murals within Hogwarts Castle are interconnected, so——"

"So the kitten in Umbridge's painting can appear in other oil paintings!" Neville Longbottom said excitedly.

"Yes." Hermione nodded and said, "It's safe here now. Tell me, what's the matter?"

"I found it! I found a place where we can train!" Neville said.

"Where?" Hermione asked excitedly.

"I, I can't... not sure..." Neville became hesitant again, "Let's go, I, I will take you there, on the eighth floor, where the troll beat Barnabas Opposite the tapestry…”

Harry, Ron, Hermione and Neville stood up again as soon as they sat down in the dormitory.

Harry picked up the invisibility cloak. Because the invisibility cloak was not big enough, Harry could only cover himself, Ron and Hermione, and then let Neville lead the way.

Neville pretended to be wandering around to avoid all the paintings, and then came to the eighth floor of Hogwarts Castle, in front of the tapestry where the troll beat Barnabas.

"This, here! This is it!" Neville said in a panic, "I can guarantee that just now, a door suddenly appeared here. When I opened the door and walked in, there was a huge..."

Neville was talking, in front of him, opposite the tapestry where the troll beat Barnabas -

On the opposite stone wall, a very smooth door appeared.

Ron, Harry, and Hermione lifted the invisibility cloak and stared warily at the door that suddenly appeared on the wall.

This is the end of the corridor on the eighth floor. There are no murals on the surrounding walls and no one will come, so Harry, Ron and Hermione can safely and boldly lift the invisibility cloak.

Harry grasped the brass handle, opened the door, and took the lead in walking in.

Behind the door is a spacious room with torches lit and two walls surrounded by old, somewhat dirty but still bright mirrors. This makes the whole room look quite spacious and bright, like an underground classroom.

There is a row of wooden bookshelves next to the wall. There are no chairs on the floor, but there are about thirty large satin cushions. About every four or five cushions surround a low wooden coffee table.

There are teapots, books, pens, papers, and envelopes on the wooden coffee table.

On the shelves at the other end of the room were various instruments such as looking glasses and sniffers, as well as a large, cracked telescope that Harry was sure was the one that hung in the fake Moody's office last year.

"These are useful when practicing stun spells." Ron said excitedly as he kicked the cushions with his feet.

"Look, look, look at these books!" Hermione excitedly stroked the spines of the rows of thick sheepskin-covered books, "Common Spells and Solutions, "Outsmarting the Dark Arts", and "A Collection of Self-Defense Spells" , wow! That’s great! That’s great, Harry!”

She looked back at Harry, her face lighting up. Harry saw that these hundreds of books finally convinced Hermione that their actions were right, "Harry, this is great, we have everything we want."

She immediately pulled out the two books "Fighting Fire with Fire" and "Outsmarting Dark Arts" from the bookshelf, and tucked them under her arm. It seemed that she was going to take them back to the dormitory to read.

"Well done, Neville, well done!" Hermione praised, "You must have found the Room of Requirement! I read about it in Hogwarts: A History."

"Wait, Hermione." Harry suddenly stopped Hermione, "Wait! Do you remember Trelawney's prophecy? It's the last sentence that you still can't understand -"

"Remember! You, you mean!" Hermione looked at Harry with the same excitement -

"If you ask, you will never know. As long as you know, everything will be answered." Hermione said excitedly, "By the way, everything will be answered! It must be here, the Room of Requirement!"

"That means the Resurrection Stone is here!" Harry said excitedly, "Hurry, Hermione, let's find it quickly!"

"But this house is too big!" Hermione said with some frustration, "And we don't know what the Resurrection Stone looks like. Alas, we may have to be here -"

"Come and look! It's right here!" Ron suddenly said at this time, pointing to the envelope placed on one of the low wooden coffee tables, "Look, this envelope says: 'To Harry'——"

After hearing Ron's words, Harry and Hermione were stunned at each other, and then hurried over at the same time.

Harry was a little faster than Hermione and picked up the envelope almost impatiently——

"It's Tiera!" Harry said with mixed feelings in his heart, "It's Tiera's handwriting..."

Then Harry pinched the envelope carefully, and there seemed to be a stone inside.

Harry opened the envelope and tipped it down gently——

A black, sharp-edged, crystal clear, gem-like stone rolled into Harry's palm.

"It's time to verify the function of the Resurrection Stone." Tiera, who was sitting in the principal's office at Hogwarts, smiled, and the whole protagonist became illusory and transparent——

Tiera gradually ascended to the divine dimension, leaving only a memory-like existence in her spiritual dimension.

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