Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 467 Independence

Not long after Tiera said these words, she simply disappeared——

Tiera really disappeared. Tiera left only one sentence: "I have to be busy with other things recently." before drifting away. After that, for several weeks, Harry could no longer be contacted regardless of whether he used the Resurrection Stone or the Tarot Cards. To Tiera.

This situation made Harry a little irritated.

Almost the day after Tiera said goodbye to them, Harry finished the first Defense Against the Dark Arts class of the new semester, opened the door to the dormitory, and just took a step inside——

His head hurt as if it had been cut open.

He didn't know where he was, whether he was standing or lying down, or even his own name. The crazy laughter echoed in his ears. He had not been so happy for a long time, elated, ecstatic, and carried away, as if Something great and good happened -

"Harry? Harry!" Someone slapped him in the face, and a cry of pain was inserted into the crazy laughter. The joy faded, but the laughter continued.

He opened his eyes and found that the crazy laughter was coming from his own mouth.

As soon as he realized this, the laughter died away.

Harry lay panting on the ground, staring at the ceiling, the scar on his forehead throbbing horribly.

Ron leaned over him, looking worried.

"What happened to you?"

"I, I, I don't know!" Harry sat up, "He was very happy, very happy."

"Mystery man?"

"It's like something good happened." Harry murmured weakly. He was shaking and feeling very uncomfortable like he had dreamed of Mr. Weasley being bitten by a snake. "It's like what he has been looking forward to finally happened."

Harry's question was answered the next day. After Hermione's "Daily Prophet" arrived, she opened the newspaper and looked at the front page first, then suddenly screamed, and everyone around her looked at her.

"What's wrong?" Harry and Ron asked together.

She spread the newspaper on the table and pointed at the ten black and white photos that filled the front page, the faces of nine wizards and one witch. Some were laughing silently, while others were tapping the borders with their fingers arrogantly.

Each photo was labeled with a name and the crime for which he was imprisoned in Azkaban. :

Antonin Dolohov, a wizard whose pale, twisted long face sneered at Harry, brutally murdered Gideon and Fabian Prewett.

August Rookwood, a pockmarked man with slick hair, leaned against the frame with a bored expression on his face as he revealed Ministry of Magic secrets to the mysterious man.

But Harry's eyes were drawn to the witch.

Her face caught his eye when he first saw the newspaper. Her long black hair looked messy in the photo, but Harry had seen it look smooth and shiny.

Her thick-lidded eyes stared at him, and a haughty, contemptuous smile appeared on her thin lips. Like Sirius, she retained some traces of her beauty, but something -

Perhaps Azkaban had taken most of her beauty away.

Bellatrix Lestrange tortured Frank and Alice Longbottom, leaving them permanently disabled.

Hermione nudged Harry and pointed to the title above the photo:

"Azkaband Multiplayer Prison Break" Ministry of Magic Worries that Black is the Death Eater's "Calling Man"

"Black?" Harry shouted, "No -!"

"Shh!" Hermione said urgently, "Keep your voice down and look down!"

The Ministry of Magic announced last night that a large-scale prison break had occurred in Azkaban. Minister Cornelius Fudge confirmed in an interview in his office that ten felons escaped last night and that he had informed the Muggle Prime Minister of the dangers of the fugitives.

"It is very regrettable that we find ourselves in the same situation as when the murderer Sirius Black escaped two and a half years ago," Fudge said last night, "and we do not believe that the two escapes are not connected. A jailbreak of this magnitude raises the suspicion that there is an outsider. To respond, you must know that Black, as the first person to escape from Azkaban, is in the best position to help others escape. The fugitives also include Black's cousin Bellatrix. Lestrange. We think these fugitives may Black as a leader. But the Ministry is working tirelessly to track down the fugitives and asks the public to remain vigilant and not approach these key criminals."

"You see, Harry," said Ron fearfully, "that's why he was so happy last night."

"Beware of escaped Death Eaters!"

——This sentence seemed to echo in everyone’s ears.

Up until this point, all of Tiera's prophecies had come true one by one with eerie accuracy.

Fear and uneasiness gradually spread among the young wizards at Hogwarts following this report from the Daily Prophet.

"I can't believe it!" Harry growled. "Fudge actually blamed Sirius for the escape."

"What else could he do?" Hermione said sarcastically. "He could say, 'Sorry, Dumbledore reminded me that the warden of Azkaban defected to Voldemort.' Fudge spent more than six months telling everyone You and Dumbledore are liars, right?"

Hermione opened the newspaper and began to read the report inside carefully. She read it almost word for word. Harry wondered if she wanted to memorize the report.

"It would be nice if Tiera was here at this time." Harry said with a sense of loss and frustration.

"Yes, of course it would be better if Tiera was here. Tiera is indeed very powerful." Hermione finally read the entire report and raised her head from the paper that smelled of ink in the Daily Prophet.

"But we can't rely on him for everything." Hermione said firmly, "Tiera must have something important to do when she disappears. He has helped us enough. It's time for us to take on some things ourselves. .”

"Just right." Hermione said as she opened a package that had just been delivered by an owl. "The exercises I asked my parents to buy have arrived."

Hermione piled up exercises in the package that were as thick as at least two History of Magic books and neatly stacked them on the table.

"So many?" Ron yelled, "Do we have to finish all these thick exercises?"

"No." Hermione's answer made Ron feel slightly relieved, but then Hermione's answer made Ron despair -

"It's not us," Hermione said. "It's everyone who has to do so much."

"What?" Ron wailed desperately, "You mean each of us has to do so much?"

"Yeah." Hermione nodded and said, "My parents bought this from Chinatown. It was a bit expensive, so I asked them to just buy me one copy. Anyway, we can use magic to copy these exercises."

"But, but, but... but how come there are so many?" Ron asked, "Isn't this too much?"

"Not much." Hermione said, "I bought it exactly according to Tiera's suggestion, algebra, solid geometry, plane analytic geometry, and introduction to modeling."

"After we copy these, we can send them out." Hermione said, "Remember not to copy the answers to these questions too. We must be independent and cannot always rely on Tiera!"

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