Harry put away his wand obediently.

Soon it was daybreak, and the morning light of the rising sun shone through the window onto the Gryffindor dormitory.

Other students in the dormitory were also woken up by their respective alarms, started to get dressed, and walked downstairs to prepare for breakfast in the auditorium.

Hermione and Harry had another small quarrel at breakfast time, and this quarrel even continued until they entered Hogsmeade——

This made the journey before they entered Hogsmeade less than pleasant.

In addition to the disagreement with Hermione, there was also the reason for the cold wind along the way——

Harry wrapped his scarf around the lower half of his face, the exposed area quickly becoming numb.

On the road to the village, students can be seen bending down to resist the biting cold wind.

Harry thought more than once that the time they spent in the warmth of the common room could not have been better.

When they finally arrived in Hogsmeade and saw Zonko's Joke Shop boarded up, Harry took the sight as proof that their trip was destined to be no fun from the start.

Ron pointed with his thickly gloved hand to the benevolently open Honeydukes, and together they entered the crowded store.

"Thanks Merlin!" Ron shivered, and soon they were surrounded by warm, toffee-phase air. "We'll just stay here all afternoon!"


Harry and Hermione nodded in agreement at the same time, while Tiera immediately took out her notes and pen as soon as she sat at the dining table, immersed in calculations.

Harry ordered a butterbeer for each of them, along with a few snacks that looked very appetizing.

After all the food was served, Harry, Ron and Hermione quickly took a sip to warm their bodies that were numbed by the cold wind.

Then, Harry saw Tiera writing notes, and he also took out the "Advanced Potions Tutorial" and read it——

This prompted a new round of complaints from Hermione.

There is nothing new in the content of the complaint. It is just that Hermione thinks that Harry should return the Half-Blood Prince's "Advanced Potions Tutorial" and focus on Tiera's math problems instead of holding an empty book. I know where to read books, learn blindly, read blindly and practice blindly.

"I don't understand Harry." Perhaps because Harry's performance in Potions and Dark Arts classes has surpassed hers recently, Hermione was a little irritable and impatient when facing Harry, "Obviously Tiera has already shown us the most reasonable and scientific way to learn magic, why do you still want to learn magic by yourself by reading such miscellaneous books?"

"But...but this book is really interesting!" Harry muttered dissatisfied, "And Tiera didn't refuse me to read it!"

"Tiera, why don't you talk about him!" Hermione pointed the finger at Tiera dissatisfied.

"Everyone is different." Tiera looked up from her notebook helplessly and said, "The magic model I provided using arithmetic models instead of spells is simpler and faster in many advanced magics. The learning method is like the magic that summoned a huge meteorite during the Triwizard Tournament in my fourth grade. It's called 'Starfall', and it's a magic recorded in Merlin's collection of books called 'The Great Truth'."

"This magic is not an attack magic to be precise. Its original purpose is indeed not for attack. Its developers originally used it to summon extraterrestrial meteorites to collect rare metals for alchemy experiments." Tiera explained, "For magic like this, the magic configuration from the very beginning is a completely mathematical magic configuration. To learn this kind of magic, it is obviously easier and more convenient to use mathematical configurations." Faster, including the refining of the magic stone, or in other words, the refining of the magic stone must rely on a lot of mathematical calculations, otherwise the materials we consume will be very huge."

"But in contrast, magic like making a blessing potion, or summoning elemental demons, which are inherited from very, very ancient times, is possible by using ancient runes, Gnostic ciphers, or Egyptian hieroglyphics. On the contrary, it will be relatively convenient." Tiera said, "Of course, the convenience I am talking about is only for those wizards with very powerful magical talents, such as Dumbledore, Voldemort, or the Half-Blood Prince. For wizards with relatively mediocre talents in black magic, of course mathematical models are better, because as long as you can calculate it, you can basically use those magics after a little practice, and you don’t need to do it once. Once again, adjust the tone and pace of your incantation, or the posture of waving your wand, etc., to pursue that ethereal 'flash of inspiration'."

"Are you saying that my magical talent is mediocre?" Hermione was a little nervous recently because of Harry's outstanding performance in class.

"I mean Harry is extremely talented in dark magic." Tiera said calmly.



Harry and Hermione were startled almost at the same time. Even Ron, who was slurping caramel pudding next to him, stopped and looked at Tiera in disbelief.

"How come I am so talented in black magic?" Harry retorted defiantly.

"It's not a secret anymore, so I'll make it clear." Tiera said, "Voldemort can be defeated, but the most important thing that makes it difficult to be killed is that he refined a kind of medicine called ' Horcruxes' dark magic items."

"Soul, Horcrux?" Hermione asked in surprise.

"The so-called Horcrux, also known as the anchor of black magic, refers to an object that hides part of a person's soul. The process of making a Horcrux is that you split your soul and hide part of it in an object outside the body. In this way , even if your body is attacked or destroyed, you will not die because there is still a part of the soul that is not damaged in the world. Moreover, to successfully make a Horcrux, you must murder other people as a prerequisite, so that the soul can be split and pretend to be Into a Horcrux." Tiera explained, "This means you cannot be killed."

"This is so evil!" Hermione condemned.


Oh, yeah, so evil, so evil.

"Yes." Tiera nodded slightly, "But on the night when Voldemort killed you. To be precise, Voldemort wanted to kill you with the Death Curse, but was blocked by your mother's love magic. And on the night of the rebound, Voldemort was extremely seriously injured. Although he did not kill you, who he wanted to kill, he did kill a life. This killing made the dying Voldemort no longer able to control the tendency of his soul to split. .His soul was split again and attached to the only living object in the entire room——"

"You, Harry," Tiera said, "a piece of Voldemort's soul lives in your body."

"No, no. This, this is impossible!"

"That's why you know Parseltongue, so you can communicate with Voldemort so easily." Tiera said.

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