Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 612 On the verge of breaking out

"Severus Snape!" Sirius was the first to notice Snape's arrival. He stood up like a dog with its furry hair and stared at Snape fiercely.

"I should have talked to you alone, Potter." Snape saw Sirius looking at him with his usual sneer on his lips, "But Black -"

"I am his godfather." Sirius said in a loud voice, "And Dumbledore allowed me to stay in Hogwarts to visit Harry."

What Sirius was most afraid of now was that this annoying snot-nosed man would ruin the few moments he had with Harry.

"That's a coincidence, isn't it? I also came here on Dumbledore's order." Snape said coldly, his voice becoming more and more sinister, "But please stay, Mr. Black, I know you are very I like… well, how should I put it, a sense of participation.”

"What do you mean?" Sirius asked.

"Oh, I'm just saying, I think you must be quite - ah - quite upset and bored, right? Not being able to do anything useful for the Order of the Phoenix." Snape deliberately used the word "useful" Accent added.

It was Sirius' turn to blush now, and Snape turned to Harry with a triumphant smile on his lips.

"Originally, I didn't want to get involved in this matter at all. I don't want to make a fuss for a wizard like you who has no talent at all, but unfortunately, Professor Slughorn is very busy recently, and Dumbledore doesn't have much time, so this kind of The heavy burden has to fall on my shoulders." Snape said coldly, "After all, those who can do more work."

Snape also specifically emphasized that those who are capable work hard.

"What, what happened?" Harry suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

"The Headmaster asked me to inform you, Potter, that your Occlumency learning course will be taught by me." Snape said, "One-to-one lessons."

"What?" Harry asked blankly, "Study what?"

Snape's sneer became more obvious.

"Occlumency is a spell that prevents the mind from being invaded by external forces. It is a remote branch of witchcraft, but it is very practical."

Harry's heart beat violently.

He only felt that his internal organs were melting, being tutored by Snape alone——

This is the worst case scenario!

What had he done to deserve this punishment? He looked at Sirius helplessly.

"Why couldn't Dumbledore teach him himself?" Sirius asked aggressively, "Why would it be you?"

"I think it is precisely because Dumbledore is the headmaster that he has the right to delegate unpleasant tasks to focus on tasks that are more worthy of his attention, instead of wasting time here." Snape said tactfully and sarcastically. , "Of course, I can assure you that this is not what I came for."

"After all, this is not a pleasant job," said Snape. "To be more precise, it is a waste of my precious time and energy."

"Every Saturday night at six o'clock, I will wait for you in my office, Potter. If anyone asks, just say it is Defense Against the Dark Arts tuition. After all, you want to be an Auror and you did not choose my Defense Against the Dark Arts. After saying that, Snape turned and left, his black traveling cloak swirling in the wind, "Dumbledore doesn't want this matter to become known to everyone."

"Wait a minute." Sirius shouted, stopping Snape.

Snape stopped and turned to look at Sirius with a sneer.

"I'm very busy, Black...unlike you, I barely have any free time..." Snape said.

"Then I'll tell you the truth." Sirius took a few steps forward and stood in front of Snape. He was much taller than Snape. Sirius looked down at Snape.

At this time, Harry noticed that Snape's hand was clenched tightly in his cloak pocket. Harry guessed that Snape must have secretly held the handle of the wand.

"If I hear you taking advantage of teaching Harry Occlumency to punish him, I will definitely make you look good." Sirius threatened fiercely.

"Oh, my God, how touching." Snape sneered, "But you must have noticed that Potter looks a lot like his father, right? He's exactly like James Potter except for his eyes."

"Not bad." Sirius said proudly, holding his head high.

"Then you should also know that Harry is as proud and arrogant as his father, and any criticism will turn a deaf ear to him." Snape said in a funny tone.

Sirius turned aside and took out the wand he had been wearing on his waist.

At the same time, Snape quickly took a few steps back and showed his wand.

The two squared off, Sirius' face was ashen, Snape was calculating, his eyes flicking between Sirius' face and the tip of his staff.

"Sirius!" Harry shouted, but he didn't seem to hear him.

"I warned you, Snotlout." Sirius' face was less than a foot away from Snape's.

"Dumbledore may think you have reformed, but I don't think so -" Sirius said in a low voice.

"Oh, really? Then why didn't you tell him?" Snape whispered, "Are you worried that he wouldn't take the words of the person who has been hiding in his mother's house for several years seriously?"

Sirius' face was bruised and white, and he raised his wand.

"No!" Harry shouted, stood up from his seat, and hurriedly ran over, trying to stand between them, "Sirius, don't-"

"Do you call me a coward?" Sirius growled, trying to push Harry away, but Harry refused to move.

"Well, I guess so." Snape sneered, "After all, no one would stay at their mother's house for that long."

"Harry - get out of the way -!" Sirius yelled, pushing Harry aside with a palm.


Seeing that the duel between Sirius and Snape was about to break out, everyone except Harry, Ron and Hermione were holding their breath and preparing to watch the show.

A light cough suddenly appeared in this space.

Then two white bones as white as jade were placed on Sirius and Snape's wands respectively.

Next to Sirius and next to Snape, stood two Tieras.

Two Tieras, please don't hold Snape and Sirius' wands with your bone-white right hand.

Under Tiera's force, both Sirius and Snape lowered their wands.

"Professor Snape, arguing with students' parents is not the way we treat guests." Tiera said with a smile, standing next to Snape.

"Mr. Black, Principal Dumbledore allowed you to stay in Hogwarts for a short period of time to visit Harry, not just for you to attack our professor." Tiera, who was standing next to Sirius, also said with a smile. , "If you insist on attacking our professor, I'm afraid we will have to ask you to leave Hogwarts."

Harry looked around, both of them with extremely contemptuous and unconvinced expressions on their faces.

Snape put his wand in his pocket first and strode out of the auditorium, ignoring Tiera who suddenly appeared.

As he was about to reach the door, Snape suddenly turned around.

"Every Saturday night at six, Potter, don't forget."

Snape walked away, and Sirius glared at his back, his wand also hanging aside.

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