Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 624 Hermione’s Changes

Hermione has also been busy calculating something recently, and coupled with the increasingly heavy schoolwork as Christmas approaches, Harry can almost only say a few words to Hermione at night——

Not to mention Tiera, who has been busier than Hermione from the beginning. These days, except for the professor Tiera who barely manages to maintain the most basic appearance, the other Tiera——

Even the student Tiera was missing.

If he hadn't learned from Hermione that there were forty or fifty Tieras doing various calculations and experiments in secret rooms with various conditions in the Room of Requirement, Harry would have thought that all Tieras were there. Abandoning Hogwarts and even abandoning the Ministry of Magic that he worked so hard to occupy.

Harry usually meets Hermione in the library, because Hermione needs the library to search for information, and uses Tiera's recently purchased mobile phones, which are placed in the dark magic classroom and the library to assist in complex calculations and magic. A three-dimensional alchemical machine.

Even when faced with the relaxing and hot atmosphere before Christmas, Hermione was unwilling to relax a little. She was unwilling to sit with a book and read by the fire in the Gryffindor common room like she had done at Christmas in previous years. Harry, Ron and Tiera chatted first, and did not want to sit in the auditorium hall. They were reading various books on magic knowledge as if they were competing with Tiera, while criticizing Harry and Ron's play. Wizard Solitaire, Hermione's unwillingness to relax meant that they had none of these, so Harry could only accommodate Hermione and meet in the library——

This meant that conversations between them could only be carried out in whispers.

Fortunately, Harry now has a book he likes to read. Harry sat next to Hermione, took out the Half-Blood Prince's "Advanced Potions Tutorial" and started reading. Then he paid attention to the end of Hermione's calculations and briefly raised his head to relax. The empty neck quickly talked to Hermione.

"Hermione." Harry said softly, "The Ministry of Magic is not very peaceful right now."

"Hmm," Hermione said perfunctorily, then she put one hand behind her neck and gave it a firm push. Then she frowned, as if she were a little old lady, and looked down at the calculation formula she had just calculated. With Cheng, her eyes looked as if she was trying to see a hole in the paper in front of her.

Seeing Hermione's expression, Harry sighed helplessly.

Harry guessed that Hermione wasn't listening at all. God knows how much he missed the old Hermione. Harry even thought that Hermione's high-handed, little-adult-like preaching tone before was much cuter than what she is now. .

This made Harry feel a little alienated and lonely.

It seems like something in life is changing quietly.

Seeing that Hermione seemed to be tilting her head up and closing her eyes to rest, Harry lowered his head helplessly and prepared to continue reading the Half-Blood Prince's "Advanced Potions Tutorial".

"You have to be careful." Just when Harry thought Hermione wouldn't answer him, Hermione suddenly said.

"I've said it so many times." Harry didn't know why a small unknown fire suddenly burst into his heart, and he said impatiently, "There is no way I can return this book. I learned more from this book than A lot more from Slughorn or Snape."

"I'm not talking about your so-called half-blood prince. Of course, this half-blood prince is the same thing. You should really be careful about this book." Hermione said, opening her eyes and taking an unpleasant glance at the book. As if he had been rude to her, "I mean every aspect."

"Like?" Harry asked.

"The first thing is to learn what's going on. I went into a girls' bathroom before I came here, and there were a dozen girls there, including Romilda, trying to decide how to give you the love potion. They all hoped they could make you Take them to Slughorn's party. They all seem to have bought Fred and George's love potion. I think that might be effective - "

"Then why didn't you confiscate them?" Harry asked. As a prefect, it seemed very unusual for Hermione not to use her enthusiasm for enforcing school rules in this matter.

"I think they didn't bring them with them in the bathroom." Hermione said contemptuously, "and they were just discussing strategies. Because I am very suspicious of the Half-Blood Prince."

After saying that, Hermione glanced at the book with disdain, "I can't teach you how to prepare the antidote to the love potion right away, so if it were me, I would ask someone else to go with you, which would kill all their lucky ideas. , even tomorrow night, they will definitely be desperate."

After saying that, Hermione suddenly burst out laughing. Harry felt as if he hadn't seen Hermione smile so happily for a long time. "The disappointed expressions on their faces must be wonderful, definitely better than me confiscating their love potion directly." Let them despair!”

Harry looked at Hermione strangely, as if for a moment Hermione didn't even recognize him.

"But I don't want to invite anyone!" Harry muttered unhappily, "If I hadn't accidentally agreed to Horace Slughorn's party before, I wouldn't even want to go to one of his parties."

"Well, if you don't want to go, that's totally fine. But be careful with your drinks. Romilda doesn't look like she's joking." Hermione said with a smile.

"Wait a minute," Harry said slowly, "I think Filch is strictly prohibited from bringing anything from Weasley's Magic Shop."

"Pfft - since when did anyone care about what Filch was forbidden to carry?" Hermione asked, focusing on her calculations again.

"But Filch" Harry wanted to retort, but suddenly Hermione stopped laughing and put on a serious face_

Harry heard it too, someone approaching them from the dark bookshelf behind them.

They waited. After a while, Mrs. Pince, who looked like a vulture, appeared at the corner. Her cheekbones were sunken, her skin was like parchment, and her long hooked nose was not flattered by the lamp she held in her hand. is highlighted.

"The library is closing. If you don't mind, put the things you borrowed back in their place - oh, my God! Merlin! What did you do to that book, you disgusting boy!?" Ping Mrs. Si suddenly screamed.

"That's not a library book, that's mine!" Harry said angrily. He grabbed his "Advanced Potions Tutorial" from the table because Mrs. Pince stretched out a claw towards it. hand.

"You troublemaker!" she hissed.

"It's just a book that's been written!" Harry said, tugging the book out of her hands.

She looked as if she was about to have a seizure. Hermione had quickly packed her things and grabbed Harry with her hands to force him to leave the library.

"She'll ban you from the library if you're not careful! Why do you have to bring that stupid book?" Hermione whispered after leaving the library far away.

"It's not my fault she's barking like a mad dog, Hermione." Harry complained dissatisfiedly. Suddenly Harry was stunned and turned to look at Hermione -

Hermione was stared at by Harry.

"Well Hermione, do you have a partner for Horace Slughorn's Yule Ball?" Harry asked suddenly.

"Ah? Oh, I, I promised someone else." Hermione said helplessly, then patted her smooth forehead vigorously, "Oh, that's right, Harry, why didn't you think of that!"

Then Hermione stared at Harry with burning eyes: "Yes, Harry, it turns out you are a boy too!"

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