It wasn't until the moon's trajectory tilted to the west, announcing the end of the night, that the group of strange creatures hiding in the sand dunes outside the camp gradually receded.

Just when the first ray of morning light from the horizon filtered through the gaps in the dunes, those strange eyes slowly closed and then disappeared into the darkness behind the dunes, as if they had never existed. As the body of night recedes, the desert reappears its tranquility and warmth during the day.

The scientific expedition team members gradually woke up under the morning light. They stretched and began to get busy, preparing for the first day of exploration activities.

However, they were completely unaware of the strange phenomena happening around them while they were sleeping.

After a quick breakfast, the team members divided into several groups and headed in the planned direction.

As one of the sponsors of this scientific expedition, Tiera did not need to participate in the scientific expedition, but——

"Professor Cardwell." While everyone was having breakfast, Tiera suddenly stopped Lennon Cardwell, a professor of ecology from the University of Sydney.

"Is it convenient for me and your team to enter the George Crater today?" Tiera asked.

"I am very interested in this unique ecosystem in the desert." Tiera continued.

"Ah, well... because the oasis is located in the center of the George Ring Mountains, and the canyon is too narrow for our off-road vehicle to drive in, so..." Lennon Caldwell looked at Tiera, After hesitating for a while, he said, "So it may take me a day to half a day just to travel. We may also stay at the oasis for about two days. It will take a total of four to five days to go back and forth."

"It doesn't matter, I can take care of myself." Tiera said calmly.

"I mean Mr. Lockhart." Lennon Caldwell said hesitantly, "I mean our entire process requires walking in and out, no matter who is in the team, in the wild. If they fall behind, we may only ask them to return the same way. We will not provide additional help to anyone in the team if they leave the scientific expedition team. "

"Mr. Lockhart, this is not just a matter of your personal safety," Lennon Caldwell continued to persuade. His expression looked a little serious and impatient. It was obvious that the ecology professor did not want to take him with him. Tiela is such a "sluggish person".

"It's about the safety and collaboration of the entire team. Every one of our actions and decisions must take into account the overall situation of the team. In the wild, especially in such remote and difficult terrain, everyone must be able to cope with confidence Anything that could happen, if someone can't keep up with the team or needs extra help, it could endanger the whole team," Lennon Caldwell said.

"Professor Caldwell, I completely understand your concerns and appreciate your concern for my safety. But I must say that I participated in this expedition not only out of personal interest, but also because of my love for the natural world. and thirst for knowledge." Tiera said with a chuckle, but she spoke in a fake vernacular, "I may not have as deep scientific experience as you or other team members, but I have physical fitness, survival skills, and a strong understanding of science. My ability to adapt to the natural environment gives me the confidence to keep up with the team, and I am willing to take all the risks associated with it.”

"That's it." Professor Caldwell looked at Tiera. He could really feel the sincerity and enthusiasm of this young sponsor.

After a period of silence, Professor Caldwell finally said: "Mr. Lockhart, I think I need to discuss this with the other members of our team."

"Please." Tiera stretched out her hand and made a gesture of invitation.

Professor Caldwell knew that time was running out, so he turned his head and whispered to his team members for a while.

"Mr. Lockhart." Professor Caldwell then said with some seriousness, "We agree that you will do scientific research with us, but I hope you will agree to two conditions."

"Please speak." Tiera responded with a smile.

"First of all, please obey my instructions. Wherever I say you can't go, you absolutely can't go. You can't touch anything I say you can't touch," Professor Caldwell said seriously.

"This is as it should be." Tiera agreed.

"Secondly, I hope you will never leave the sight of my student, Algens Matisse." Professor Cardwell pointed to a strong black man standing next to him who was nearly two meters tall. ——

Algenis Matisse is tall and strong, with muscles all over his body and clear lines. He just stands there like an iron tower.

Tiera had the impression that when they had a group meeting yesterday, Professor Caldwell took Algens Mattis and introduced him to him. He is a second-year graduate student at the University of Sydney. His father is black, but It was his Australian Aboriginal mother who raised him alone.

Current research focuses on the vulnerability and resilience of tropical ecosystems.

Algenis has in-depth research and practical field experience in this field, and is particularly good at analyzing and predicting the long-term impacts of environmental changes through comprehensive ecological data.

"Of course, no problem, Professor, I completely agree to these conditions. I feel very relieved to be accompanied by Mr. Matisse." Tiera agreed readily.

Professor Caldwell felt slightly reassured by Tiera's agreement. He then summoned all the scientific expedition team members, announced the specially formed partnership between Tiera and Matisse, and emphasized the importance of team cooperation.

"Our mission this time is very arduous. Not only do we have to face severe natural challenges, but we may also encounter unknown risks. Each of us must remain vigilant and work together to ensure the safety of the entire team." Professor Caldwell said solemnly said.

After receiving instructions from Professor Caldwell, the scientific expedition team began intense preparations for departure.

The first is equipment inspection. Each team member carefully checks their own equipment, including water bottles, tents, sleeping bags, GPS navigation equipment, communication equipment and personal first aid medicines. In addition, geological sampling tools, biological specimen collection boxes and protective equipment are specially prepared for the specific areas involved.

The team's material supplies are also very important. They brought plenty of food, such as compressed biscuits, high-energy bars, canned food and plenty of water, chosen to ensure everyone had enough energy for the long hikes and hard work.

The scientific expedition team's route was also planned in detail.

Professor Caldwell and the navigation experts of the scientific expedition team carefully studied the proven maps of George Crater and discussed the best entry and exit routes.

They identified several key sampling sites where they plan to conduct detailed ecological and climate observations.

In all these preparations, Algens Matisse and Tiera maintained close cooperation.

He is specifically responsible for making Tiera familiar with the basic skills of survival in the wild, such as how to use compasses and maps, how to find water sources in the wild, and how to ask for help and save oneself in emergencies——

After all, this is their big benefactor. If they want to continue to take advantage of them in the future, it is not difficult to bring them in. What is difficult is how to bring Tiera out completely.

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