Harry Potter: Hello the Dark Lord

Chapter 69: Mom is going to sacrifice Hogwarts! ? (below) Please order~~

"In March of the following year, that is, in the middle of March 1924, Diana intensified and even began to study the 'taboo'. According to Professor Dumbledore's guess, Diana should have mastered at least three 'taboo' magic at that time. , and that kind of 'forbidden' magic that could 'run out of control' and turn into a monster at any time."

"One day in mid-March, Professor Maurice Mitchell, the then dean of Ravenclaw, found Diana in the third floor of the dungeon. She killed nine Hogwarts ghosts and tried to use the Their astral energies do a wicked ritual magic, sacrificing the whole of Hogwarts."

WhatF! Qin Weijie looked at Raullus in shock, still thinking he was wrong, but looking at Raulus' firm eyes, Qin Weijie finally made sure that he heard correctly, and that Raulus was not wrong either. Ma did plan to sacrifice the whole of Hogwarts back then.

"A few of us were there at the time, and even in the preparatory activities, we helped Diana kill at least four ghosts. And when Professor Maurice Michel found out, Diana had successfully held Ritual magic."

Listening to Raullus' story, Qin Weijie took a deep breath and sacrificed the entire Hogwarts. This is really crazy.

"And then!? How did Hogwarts turn the corner?"

"Although the ceremony had already taken shape that day, Professor Michelle used an ancient space classical magic to teleport the entire ceremony site together with Diana, away from Hogwarts."

Qin Weijie said in agreement, "Forbidden forest clearing?"

"That's right! At that time, it wasn't an open space, but a dangerous place tomb of zombies, where Amon was transformed into a zombie." Raullus said: "We don't know what happened after that without personal experience. The specific situation, we only know, not long after Diana teleported away in Professor Michelle's bar, a huge explosion sounded."

"The shock wave of the explosion spread over a wide area at that time. All the leaves that had just sprouted in the entire Forbidden Forest were burned to ashes. Half of the Hogsmeade village was pushed down by the shock wave. Fortunately, there were no casualties in the village at that time. ."

"The broken bridge at Hogwarts was also broken. Half of the auditorium was suspended in the air. All the rocks under the auditorium collapsed, the kitchen was destroyed, and at least hundreds of house elves were injured."

"Then a barren open space appeared in the Forbidden Forest. It was two acres in size. It was the sunken space that I showed you before."

"And after that? What about my mother and Professor Michelle?" Qin Weijie asked.

Sims took over the conversation and started talking: "Professor Michelle was at the center of the explosion and died on the spot, leaving no corpse behind. However, the professor used magic to protect the eldest sister's head before she died. Let the eldest sister survive."

"Afterwards, the principal attached great importance to this matter, and contacted Marquis Welfare, hired ten of the most powerful sealers from all over the world, and joined almost all the teachers at Hogwarts, and finally put the 'spiritual magic' that 'out of control' on the eldest sister's head. Inheritance' suppressed and sealed."

"Afterwards, I heard Professor Dumbledore say that what shocked everyone at the time was that the eldest sister's magic power rank has surpassed the tenth rank, and even reached the fifteenth rank. That's why so many people were needed to suppress it. and seal."

Rank fifteen! ? According to the calculation of the magic power level of contemporary magic after the seventh rank, ordinary wizards are basically seventh rank, while the eighth rank great magician has twice the magic power of the seventh rank, and the tenth rank is three times more than the seventh rank. The fifteenth order should be about eight times the magic power of the seventh order.

If this magnitude is calculated according to Duka Stephen's classical magic power level, the tenth level of contemporary magic belongs to the eighth level of classical magic. The power should be infinitely close to the magic ninth order of classical magic.

Seventeen years old, the ninth rank of classical magic, this can no longer be considered a genius! ? Should this be called a monster? Or monsters? Or God! ?

"Can the human body really withstand such a powerful force? The flesh body as a container can't carry it at all!" Qin Weijie said unconsciously.

At this time, Raullus did not forget to remind Qin Weijie and taught him: "Because the human body can't bear too much magic power, it is easy to 'out of control' after the seventh order, because the excess magic power in the body causes The human soul has undergone a qualitative change and can communicate...let's call him 'upper', the soul has undergone a qualitative change, but the body can't bear it, which has caused the soul to break away from the confinement of the body and come into contact with the infection of the 'upper'."

"If you meet the spirit of 'God' in the 'upper layer', that's fine. If you encounter the spirit of 'taboo' in the 'upper layer', then the whole soul will be polluted by the 'taboo', which will affect people's character and soul."

"I must say that ~www.wuxiax.com~ These are not my research results, but Diana's conclusion after going through that incident. Because of this, 'Rose Moon' has a group rule 'No research is allowed' Taboo' and a principle 'Whoever gets out of control must help him get rid of it'."

Raullus's narration finally ended, and Sims also began to make a summary statement for today's story: "Shortly after, we graduated, and we did not see the eldest sister again for the next three years, until the eldest sister in 1926. Following Qin Chi, that is, your father eloped from England to Germany, I saw her again, and I also helped them book a ferry back to Huaxia, but I didn't expect that one time would be a goodbye."

"My father? What kind of person is he? How did he and my mother know each other? What happened between them?" Qin Weijie asked, after finally seeing his mother's old classmate today, Qin Weijie was inspired to learn more about the Everything about mother.

Sims smiled bitterly: "I really don't know this, you have to ask Lester and Raullus. The story of your father and your mother happened in England, and I didn't participate, Raullu. They were both in England at the time."

Qin Weijie looked at Raullus, who gave him a wry smile: "Don't look at me, I will never appear where Lester is, but he is committed to killing me. At that time, about your parents, you I can only find a chance to ask Lester..."

"Hehe, let's forget it... I still want to live a few more years. Professor Lester has a higher prejudice against me than Dashan..." Qin Weijie shrugged with a wry smile.

Gulas laughed out loud at this time: "Haha, of course he will have a prejudice against you..."

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