Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3303 King Mesa’s Garden (12)

King George III had been a man of good and bad times, and she clearly remembered that it was not so long ago that the new writ of habeas corpus was issued.

But this time he seemed to be really sick. Cataracts and rheumatism originally made him uncomfortable. This time he always cried loudly for his sister, Princess Louise, Queen of Denmark, who died in childbirth.

The Held Peninsula, which Home Popham planned to seize with Russian troops, is located at the mouth of Amsterdam. From here to the coastline of Bremen, there are remnants of the ancient coastal belt.

It is hard to tell whether the British occupation of this position played a big role. It is another matter if Tsarist Russia occupied it.

Tsar Alexander did not mention whether to accept Malta, but he proposed the Treaty of Teschen signed after the War of Bavarian Succession in 1779. At that time, Russia and France participated in the signing as guarantors.

Regardless of the content of the treaty, Alexander declared himself the protector of the German Confederation.

Of course, it can also be understood that France and Russia are both protectors of Germany. But last year Alexander also issued an edict expelling all Turks from the Danubian principalities, whose official positions were held by Greeks and Romanians.

The other is the Kingdom of Georgia located in the Caucasus. It has been protected by Tsarist Russia since 1783, but East Georgia was annexed to Tsarist Russia in 1801.

Surrounded by these two areas is the ancient Anatolia area. Georgiana handed a famous book to Mr. Merry, which introduced the extradition of the Hittite Kingdom, and the area where the Hittites were located happened to be Anatolia. Tolia.

How could Georgiana care about what the Tsar thought?

She now only knows that the monastery at the foot of the mountain is different from the St. Bernard monastery in the middle of the mountain. Although no one is charging for the pass at the foot of the mountain, the one at the top of the mountain relies on voluntary donations, and saving people is free.

But not all people can be rescued. There is a small cemetery next to the monastery where some people who cannot be identified are buried.

Was it his sister that George III was crying about? Or are you crying about something else, such as the impact of not giving up on bombarding Copenhagen?

Whether Britain's "trade" in the Baltic could be organized or not, the waters were muddy.

Less than a year after the death of his first wife, the Danish king married the sister of the wife of Frederick the Great of Prussia. No one now mentions that the Armed Neutrality League was established after the signing of the Treaty of Basel.

Anyway, she could pretend not to hear anything before she walked out of the Alps. Maybe when she walked out of the mountains, she would be greeted by a completely different world.

Although I was tired from walking uphill, I still walked upwards. When going downhill, I could clearly feel that the carriage was a little out of control, even though the engineer had changed the mountain road into a z-shape in order to reduce the gradient.

They walked for a day before reaching St. Leonard, the place where the legendary underground lake was located, but she was in no mood to visit.

She originally thought that the mountains would be peaceful and peaceful, until she saw the castles standing in dangerous positions on the mountains. Delet directly called them "witch castles".

Most of them are dilapidated due to years of disrepair, looking gloomy and dilapidated, and incompatible with the beautiful surrounding scenery.

After another half day of walking at night, they arrived at Aosta, which represents the halfway point of the journey. There is an amphitheater used by the Romans.

Katherina was still listless. After all, the altitude of the lowlands was negative. The place where they bathed in the hot springs was 2,000 meters above sea level. However, they were picked up by a donkey cart and did not feel tired at all.

If the ambassador's wife and the salon hostess of the "Velvet Revolution" died here, it would be hard for Georgiana, a British citizen, to explain. She and Polina took another day's rest here on the pretext of sightseeing. This ancient Roman theater was well preserved and seemed to be able to continue to be used.

But how big is your lung capacity when you sing here?

From here on, there are ancient Roman trade routes, more and more people speak Italian, and the wooden rails no longer exist.

Among the books that Georgiana carried, there was one that introduced the ancient Roman provinces. Many of the ancient place names have disappeared. On the contrary, some place names in Asia still retain their names from the Biblical era.

She was reading while swaying, but her reading was not clear. At this moment, a sharp whistle sounded outside the carriage.

The sound was so harsh that even Katharina, who was lying on the sofa and was drowsy, got up.

Georgiana opened the curtains, and the Chasseurs had already taken off the guns from their backs.

Delete came running over on horseback, his expression serious.

"What happened?" asked Georgiana.

"We may have encountered robbers," Delete said.

"What does it mean to be possible?" Polina asked.

"We encountered robbers." Ariji ran over from the other direction.

"Who dares to rob us?" Polina said in disbelief.

Georgiana looked at her coldly.

So she said not to take so many luxurious things on the road.

"Denon said not to use force yet, but could you negotiate a price and let us go there," Arrighi said to Delet.

Delet left with the cavalry.

He came back about 15 minutes later, his expression still serious.

"Is it possible to negotiate?" Ariji asked.

"They knew who we were, and they only talked to 'Mrs. Sevres,'" Delet said.

"With me?" Georgiana asked.

Arigi turned the horse's head and left. After a while, Denon's carriage drove over.

"Come on up," Denon said in the car.

Georgiana opened the door and got out of the car, then opened the door herself and got into Denon's carriage.

They came to a small plain under the escort of the Chasseurs. There were only two people on the other side, who looked like two Bohemians.

One of them looked quite handsome, with a cynical smile, much like Rhett Butler.

"Where is Madame Sèvre?" asked Rhett Butler's companion.

"If you have any conditions, you can tell me." Denon said loudly.

"Are you deaf?" said my companion again.

"She's here." Rhett Butler said with a playful smile.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?" Georgiana asked.

"Katushi, rob." Rhett Butler said.

"I'm not a loan shark," Georgiana said.

"Do you need a reason to rob?"

"What's your toll?" Denon asked.

"Open the car door, I want to see her." Rhett Butler said.

Georgiana glanced at Denon, who opened the car door, letting in a sudden rush of cold air.

Rhett Butler, who was dressed in a bohemian dress, looked at her in surprise.

"Is this what you look like?" he said with a disappointed look on his face.

"What did you say?" Georgiana complained.

Rhett Butler said a few words to his companions, then he patted his horse and left.

She felt as if she had been humiliated.

"Two hundred thousand francs," the accomplice said on the horse.

"Why don't you go and rob... No, you were meant to rob." Georgiana said.

The other person shrugged.

"What if I don't give it?" Denon asked.

"Then we have no choice but to kidnap you and ask for ransom." said the accomplice.

"How about we go back? It's like we never came," Denon said.

This time even my companions left.

Georgiana looked at Denon.

He closed the car door silently.

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